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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006341Compliance Test Tool (CTT) Unified Architecture1 - Script Issuepublic2021-03-26 14:18
ReporterEmil Söder Assigned ToSebastian Allmendinger  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
OS-OS Version- 
Product Version1.04.09.396 
Fixed in Version1.03.341.398 
Summary0006341: Attribute Write Values TC 03&05: error when DUT not support Null ByteString.

Attribute Services --> Attribute Write Values:
Test case 03 Write to a single node multiple times in the same call
Test case 05 Write the minimum value for each supported Data Types.

DUT setup values:
ByteString max value: 0xff
ByteString min value: 0x00
ByteString default value: 0x97

Note: Null ByteString is not supported by the DUT.

When running TC 03 the CTT tests to write Null ByteString 5 times and the DUT answer with BadWriteNotSupported (0x80730000). Then the test is trying to verify the previously written value but since the DUT not accepted the value, there is a missmatch and the CTT raises an error with the following text: "Expected a value that was previously written. According to the specification a write should return after the write operation has been completed otherwise the server needs to return a Good_CompletesAsynchronously.". Should not the test take into account that there may not be support for null bytestring in the same way it is handled in test case 06* (question mark symbol and the text "Server indicate a lack of support for the requested write operation..." )?

When running TC 05 the CTT tests to write a Null ByteString and the DUT answer with BadWriteNotSupported (0x80730000). The CTT raises an error because it expected Good (0x00000000) or BadOutOfRange (0x803c0000). Should not the test take into account that there may not be support for null bytestring in the same way it is handled in test case 06* (question mark symbol and the text "Server indicate a lack of support for the requested write operation..." ) and a check against BadWriteNotSupported (0x80730000) instead of BadOutOfRange (0x803c0000)?

*Test case 06 - Write max value of each supported data type.

Steps To Reproduce

Run the following testcases on a DUT that does not support null ByteString:

Attribute Services --> Attribute Write Values:
Test case 03 Write to a single node multiple times in the same call.
Test case 05 Write the minimum value for each supported Data Types.

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Files Affected


has duplicate 0004376 closedSebastian Allmendinger Attribute Write Values/003.js - DataType ByteString script tries to write NULL 


Alexander Allmendinger

2021-01-13 18:56

developer   ~0013518

A server supporting ByteStrings is required to support NULL values for it. This is important because in OPC UA a NULL ByteString is often used to reset elements. Therefore the server needs to be updated to support this.

Anyway, the script also need to be enhanced to handle this case and print an appropriate error text instead of ignoring the Bad_WriteNotSupported.

Sebastian Allmendinger

2021-01-18 09:09

developer   ~0013533

Several issues have been identified.
1) The library function ByteString.Increment has been enhanced to not return NULL-ByteStrings, if the first Byte of the original ByteString is in range of 0x00-0x0e.
2) In the mentioned test script Attribute Write Values 003
a) a check has been deleted, so that all DataTypes are now incremented instead of writing the same value 5 times.
b) an additional error handling has been added. The validation of the written values now will be skipped if writting fails due to any bad status code.
Test script Attribute Write Values 005 has not been updated, because BadOutOfRange is the expected StatusCode if the server does not support null values for a DataVariable of the DataType ByteString. The test script already takes this into account.

Paul Hunkar

2021-03-26 14:18

administrator   ~0014081

Reviewed in CMP call - Agreed to changes and closed

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-01-11 16:05 Emil Söder New Issue
2021-01-13 18:50 Alexander Allmendinger Assigned To => Alexander Allmendinger
2021-01-13 18:50 Alexander Allmendinger Status new => assigned
2021-01-13 18:56 Alexander Allmendinger Note Added: 0013518
2021-01-15 10:47 Sebastian Allmendinger Assigned To Alexander Allmendinger => Sebastian Allmendinger
2021-01-18 07:03 Sebastian Allmendinger Relationship added duplicate of 0004376
2021-01-18 09:09 Sebastian Allmendinger Status assigned => resolved
2021-01-18 09:09 Sebastian Allmendinger Resolution open => fixed
2021-01-18 09:09 Sebastian Allmendinger Fixed in Version => 1.03.341.398
2021-01-18 09:09 Sebastian Allmendinger Note Added: 0013533
2021-02-24 19:13 Alexander Allmendinger Relationship replaced has duplicate 0004376
2021-03-26 14:18 Paul Hunkar Status resolved => closed
2021-03-26 14:18 Paul Hunkar Note Added: 0014081