Certification - Change Log
Not Yet Released
- 0006671: [Feature Request] Resend data Method (Alexander Allmendinger)
1 issue View Issues
Compliance Test Tool (CTT) Unified Architecture - Change Log
Released 2024-09-19
- 0009355: [2 - CTT Binary] UaCtt-V1.04.11-01.00.506 is not able to be executed in a docker container (ulimit number of files unsupported value) (Yannik Klaass)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2021-12-14
- 0009237: [3 - Feature Request] Initial implementation of new UAFX CUs (Yannik Klaass)
- 0008706: [1 - Script Issue] 1.04.11-01.00.500: Opc.Ua.NodeSet2.Part9.js script doesn't match with Specification (Archie Miller)
- 0008692: [1 - Script Issue] 1.04.11-01.00.500: Opc.Ua.NodeSet2.Part9.js script doesn't match with Specification (Archie Miller)
- 0007515: [1 - Script Issue] SystemOffNormalAlarmType and AudibleVariableType are not following latest Errata (Archie Miller)
- 0007587: [4 - Test Case Definition] Push Model for Global Certificate and TrustList Management needs test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007569: [4 - Test Case Definition] Base Info Currency needs test cases (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007564: [4 - Test Case Definition] AliasNames Base needs test cases (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007565: [4 - Test Case Definition] AliasNames Category Tags needs test cases (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007566: [4 - Test Case Definition] AliasNames Category Topics needs test cases (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007567: [4 - Test Case Definition] AliasNames Hierarchy needs test cases (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007560: [4 - Test Case Definition] Address Space Atomicity needs test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007561: [4 - Test Case Definition] Full Array Only needs test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007563: [4 - Test Case Definition] Address Space Method Meta Data needs test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007568: [4 - Test Case Definition] Base Info EstimatedReturnTime needs test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007572: [4 - Test Case Definition] Data Access AnalogUnitRangeType needs test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007574: [4 - Test Case Definition] Data Access AxisInformationType needs test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007575: [4 - Test Case Definition] Data Access CubeItemType needs test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007576: [4 - Test Case Definition] Data Access DiscreteItemType needs test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007577: [4 - Test Case Definition] Data Access ImageItemType needs test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007578: [4 - Test Case Definition] Data Access MultiStateDictionaryEntryDBT needs test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007579: [4 - Test Case Definition] Method Call Complex needs test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007584: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Complex Value needs test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007573: [4 - Test Case Definition] Data Access AnalogUnitType needs test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
23 issues View Issues
Released 2021-12-14
- 0008315: [1 - Script Issue] CTT tool makes a distinction between 'null' and 'empty' OPC UA Variants (Archie Miller)
- 0007509: [5 - General Problem] CTT creates Root CA certs with serialnumber 0, not accepted by Windows as valid Root CA (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007614: [1 - Script Issue] Ce test case do not what it says it does (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007562: [4 - Test Case Definition] User Access Base needs test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007571: [4 - Test Case Definition] Base Info Device Failure needs test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007580: [4 - Test Case Definition] Best Practice - Timeouts needs test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007581: [4 - Test Case Definition] Best Practice - Administrative Access needs test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007583: [4 - Test Case Definition] Best Practice - Alarm Handling needs test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007582: [4 - Test Case Definition] Best Practice - Strict Message Handling needs test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007588: [4 - Test Case Definition] Security Administration XML Schema needs test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007590: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription PublishRequest Queue Overflow needs test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007586: [4 - Test Case Definition] Security Encryption Required needs test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007585: [4 - Test Case Definition] Protocol Configuration needs test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007490: [1 - Script Issue] Base Info Core Structure 001.js attempts to check diagnostics Nodes when diagnostics is disabled (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007501: [4 - Test Case Definition] Data Access AnalogItemType / 023 Writing NaN Values and expect a DataChangeNotification (also 022) (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007507: [1 - Script Issue] Attribute Read / 036: Wrong calculation of ByteString length and IndexRange (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007516: [1 - Script Issue] Base Info Core Structure / 001: Exception occurs when diagnostic nodes disappear (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007518: [1 - Script Issue] Subscription Publish Min 02 / 005 + Subscription Publish Min 05 / 006: Cleanup issue (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007477: [1 - Script Issue] Subscription Minimum 1/001.js script fails randomly (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0007508: [1 - Script Issue] Subscription Basic / Err-031 and Err-032: In some cases servers return unexpected RequestHandle (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007494: [1 - Script Issue] Subscription Publish Min 05 003.js calculate how long to wait instead of fixed value (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007493: [1 - Script Issue] Subscription Publish Min 05 003.js has misleading description (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007466: [1 - Script Issue] Base Info Core Structure / 001: CTT runs in StackOverflow (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007312: [1 - Script Issue] Attribute Services / Attribute Alternate Encoding: Scripts do expect to see bad StatusCodes when the MonitoredItems are created (Alexander Allmendinger)
24 issues View Issues
- 0002889: [3 - Feature Request] Client certification must check if clients handle namespace index changes (Alexander Allmendinger)
1 issue View Issues
- 0006589: [1 - Script Issue] Base Information / Base Info Diagnostics / initialize.js (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0007104: [1 - Script Issue] Attribute Read 032 tries to access a not existing variable in message output (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0007387: [3 - Feature Request] Update OpenSSL Version (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005534: [1 - Script Issue] Data Access / Data Access AnalogItemType / 023: CTT expects DataChange Notification for different NaN Values (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005642: [1 - Script Issue] Monitored Item Services/Monitor MinQueueSize_02/009 (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0007353: [4 - Test Case Definition] BaseInfo ServerCapabilities MaxNodesPerXXX tests are executed when value is set to 0 (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006880: [2 - CTT Binary] Invalid setting: Variable with DataType Time (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006983: [3 - Feature Request] Introduce ServiceFault recognition (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007352: [3 - Feature Request] Adding ResendData CU test scripts (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007219: [1 - Script Issue] In some test scripts DeleteSubscription is used instead of DeleteSubscriptions (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0007337: [4 - Test Case Definition] Base Info ResendData Method / Err-002: Wrong expectation for the result (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007339: [5 - General Problem] Historical Access Read Raw / 002: wrong expectations of the Test Case in Step 6 and 7 (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0007316: [1 - Script Issue] Data Access / Data Access Semantic Changes: Missing check for properties (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007321: [1 - Script Issue] Base Informaiton / Base Info Server Capabilities / 008: Is being skipped when no nodes are configured (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007317: [1 - Script Issue] Scripts should skip themselves when no scalar nodes are configured but needed (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007318: [1 - Script Issue] Monitored Item Services / Monitor Events / Err-001: Prints unneccesary error (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007213: [3 - Feature Request] Script import wizard misses options to import library scripts and settings (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007106: [4 - Test Case Definition] Historical Access Read Raw / 002: wrong expectations of the Test Case in Step 6 and 7 (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006201: [1 - Script Issue] Subscription Services / Subscription Durable tests will fail even durable subscriptions are not implemented (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007108: [1 - Script Issue] Historical Access Read Raw / 006: TC and TS differs in Steps 3 + 4 (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007323: [1 - Script Issue] Monitored Item Services / Monitor MinQueueSize_05 / initialize: If no items are configured, the CU should be skipped (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005703: [4 - Test Case Definition] the expected result is missing (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005835: [1 - Script Issue] CTT client subscription basic ERR-19 doesn't work (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0007311: [1 - Script Issue] Data Access / Data Access Analog / 010: Does expect to always receive all DataChangeNotification in one PublishResponse (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007313: [1 - Script Issue] Data Access / Data Access PercentDeadBand / 018: Missing return statement (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007315: [1 - Script Issue] Scripts are not handling the case of no configured items correctly, because it is only checking for isDefined and not the length (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007325: [1 - Script Issue] Typos in script cause false negatives (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007326: [1 - Script Issue] Several scripts are trying to delete an empty list of Subscriptions (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007327: [1 - Script Issue] Monitored Item Services / Monitor Value Change / 043: Tries to calculate IndexRanges of to short arrays (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007314: [1 - Script Issue] Wrong usage of stopCurrentUnit() (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007330: [1 - Script Issue] NodeSet File for UA 1.03 in the CTT need to be updated to latest version (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007044: [2 - CTT Binary] runOrderModified Flag is never reset (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007209: [5 - General Problem] The tool seems to not encrypt when the OPCUA server certificate is build with a key lenght equals to 4096 is used (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006821: [1 - Script Issue] Base Info Core Structure / InfoFactory: Inconstancy on usage of the BrowseRequest parameter (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005772: [1 - Script Issue] OperationResults check is missing (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0007039: [1 - Script Issue] Script: Monitored Item Services->Monitor Triggering->Err-011.js: items cloned wrong: Test fails (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005669: [2 - CTT Binary] Multi dimension array related! (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0007092: [1 - Script Issue] Library function "Assert.StatusCodeIsOneOf" may return a wrong error message (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005424: [1 - Script Issue] “timestamp” is "0" (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0004212: [3 - Feature Request] TransferSubscription.js library script in CTT client testing not correct and not functional (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005708: [1 - Script Issue] DetachHandlers doesn't have clear function for closeSession. (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005704: [4 - Test Case Definition] Duplicate? (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005853: [1 - Script Issue] Monitored Item Services / Monitor MinQueueSize_02 / 009.js error message incorrect (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005821: [1 - Script Issue] Monitor Basic: Several test scripts exit without deleting the created MonitoredItems (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0004977: [3 - Feature Request] Session Base err-007 needs to be run against secure endpoint (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005728: [Api Change] Error code to return unclear if SecurityPolicy is not supported (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005713: [1 - Script Issue] Scripts 014.js, 015.js, 016.js and 017.js of Data Access Semantic Changes test wrong Nodes (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0006825: [1 - Script Issue] Base Info Core Structure / InfoFactory: Script tries to call an not existing function when validating HasProperty references of (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0006715: [1 - Script Issue] Take into account maxNotificationPerPublish (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0006942: [1 - Script Issue] Missing test for IndexRanges being out of upper bound (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006943: [1 - Script Issue] UaBrowseDescription.New(): Spelling mistakes for ReferenceTypeId and IncludeSubtypes (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006945: [1 - Script Issue] Assert.Equal does not work with UA Variants but only with JavaScript array (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006946: [1 - Script Issue] Read.js throws only errors if more than 1 error occured (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006823: [1 - Script Issue] Base Info Core Structure / InfoFactory: Script expects the wrong NodeClass for targets of (Always-)GeneratesEvent references (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0006845: [1 - Script Issue] Script: View Services / View Minimum Continuation Point 01 / 012.js shows "Warning" (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0006882: [4 - Test Case Definition] subscriptionDurable008 : (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006712: [1 - Script Issue] subscriptionDurable008 : (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0006848: [1 - Script Issue] Duplicated message output in function Assert.StringNotNullOrEmpty (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005587: [Api Change] TypeError Msg when call OpenSecureChannelService (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0006938: [1 - Script Issue] EUInformantion variant type is Structure, NodesetUtility should convert datatype accordingly (Archie Miller)
- 0006925: [4 - Test Case Definition] Missing test for IndexRanges being out of upper bound (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005856: [4 - Test Case Definition] LocaleIdArray Error - because the OPC UA Server do NOT support any locale though the LocaleId-Array is empty (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006822: [1 - Script Issue] Base Info Core Structure / InfoFactory: Script expects a target of the NodeClass VariableType for a HasProperty reference (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0006827: [1 - Script Issue] ConformanceUnit Session Change User: Test scripts create sessions that are not closed afterwards. (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0006826: [1 - Script Issue] Base Info Core Structure / InfoFactory: Script tries to call a not existing function when validating Organizes references of Vi (Sebastian Allmendinger)
65 issues View Issues
Released 2021-01-13
- 0007570: [4 - Test Case Definition] Base Info ResendData Method needs test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007331: [1 - Script Issue] NodeSet File for UA 1.04 in the CTT need to be updated to latest version (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005899: [1 - Script Issue] PubSubConnectionType.PublisherId datatype is not specified (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005542: [1 - Script Issue] Testing value in type tree and reporting error if NULL (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0006113: [1 - Script Issue] DataSetReaderType.PublisherId datatype is not specified (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0006338: [5 - General Problem] Transport Category Facets are wrong named (Sebastian Allmendinger)
6 issues View Issues
Released 2021-01-13
- 0006476: [3 - Feature Request] Support for binary files in readFile() script function (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007324: [1 - Script Issue] Several scripts are using the GetAllNotifications flag without setting the subscription (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007320: [1 - Script Issue] Session Services / Session Cancel / 003: Wrong check for unconfigured node (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007306: [2 - CTT Binary] getArraySize does not work for arrays of Bytes (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005784: [1 - Script Issue] Use of a non-existent variable, wrong reference (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006145: [Api Change] OPCUA CTT Setup dialog box : wrong message (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006305: [4 - Test Case Definition] MaxArrayLength, MaxStringLength and MaxByteStringLength are not limited to Variables (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006773: [1 - Script Issue] Refresh2 Test_003 Does not match Requirements (Archie Miller)
- 0006772: [Api Change] Move the IndexRange requirement for Reads into a separate CU (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006593: [1 - Script Issue] Security Basic 256Sha256/005, Security Aes128_Sha256_RsaOaep/005, and Security Aes256_Sha256_RsaPss/005 (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0006270: [5 - General Problem] Link in the offline documentation does not work on Linux (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006114: [1 - Script Issue] Activating a session with different user credentials in subscription Durable - Test cases 004, 008 (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005773: [1 - Script Issue] Subscription Durable / 008: Spelling mistake in script (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0006340: [1 - Script Issue] cleanup.js of Monitor_QueueSize_1 does not restore the PreTestFunctions (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005990: [1 - Script Issue] Testcase: BeforeTest: A Warning is displayed (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0006307: [1 - Script Issue] Base Information/Base Info Diagnostics/023 (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005711: [1 - Script Issue] Is it bug of UACTT? (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006467: [3 - Feature Request] Enhanced error processing based on currently running script (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006084: [1 - Script Issue] Failing View Services tests when run along with Subscription Services on a read only server (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006163: [1 - Script Issue] Missing revisedSamplingInterval check in subscriptionDurable/005 (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006402: [1 - Script Issue] Time tolerance warnings (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006487: [1 - Script Issue] Base Info Server Capabilities / 001.ja wrong comparison of MinSupportedSampleRate with RevisedSamplingInterval (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0006326: [1 - Script Issue] MonitoredItem.setValue(BuiltInType.Byte, isArray=true): creates a scalar of type ByteString and not an array of typ Byte (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0006341: [1 - Script Issue] Attribute Write Values TC 03&05: error when DUT not support Null ByteString. (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0006523: [4 - Test Case Definition] Test case needed for verifying the Timestamp when only writing a partial array (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006401: [5 - General Problem] Remove warnings for optional elements (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0006485: [1 - Script Issue] Wrong security check in beforeTest.js, HA Profile/AccessRights has nodes with write only access. (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0006254: [1 - Script Issue] Monitored Item Services/Monitor QueueSize_1/005 (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0006256: [1 - Script Issue] View Services/View Basic/005 (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0006344: [1 - Script Issue] Not yet valid certificates: The start date is not in the future since 2021 (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006491: [1 - Script Issue] Base Information/Base Info Server Capabilities/000 ModellingRules (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006312: [Api Change] Clarify expected behavior when ModifySubscription is called on a durable subscription (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006286: [4 - Test Case Definition] SubscriptionDurable - test 012 (Alexander Allmendinger)
33 issues View Issues
Released 2020-04-08
- 0005563: [1 - Script Issue] Address Space Base / 002: Script does complain about required UaNodes (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005710: [4 - Test Case Definition] Test cases are not defined correctly (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005661: [1 - Script Issue] Function buildAnonymousIdentityToken builds UserIdentityToken incorrectly (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005672: [4 - Test Case Definition] Test case: Security->Security User X509-> 016.js, 017.js and 018.js (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005646: [1 - Script Issue] Data Access / Data Access PercentDeadBand / 016.js and 017.js rounding errors when EURange is short (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005752: [2 - CTT Binary] CTT Crashes during browse, when having uninitialized Matrix values in the server (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005547: [Api Change] CreateSession - test not valid (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005751: [1 - Script Issue] Attribute Write Index -> 007 + 008: BadWriteNotSupported case is not handled correctly (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005618: [1 - Script Issue] Address Space Model - Address Space Events - initialize (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005676: [4 - Test Case Definition] Improve test case definition - Monitored Client By Index Service - Err-002 (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005635: [4 - Test Case Definition] Improve test case description - Session Service - Err-027 (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005637: [1 - Script Issue] Improve test case description in CTT - View Service - Err-004 (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005668: [2 - CTT Binary] Multi dimension array related! (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005553: [4 - Test Case Definition] Activate and deactivate sessions repetitively to monitor resource usage and stability (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005552: [1 - Script Issue] MonitoredItem.setValue(SBytes array) fails with TypeError (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005494: [1 - Script Issue] Data Access / Data Access AnalogItemType / 023.js skipped (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005493: [1 - Script Issue] Data Access / Data Access AnalogItemType / 004.js encounted an unexpected error (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005495: [1 - Script Issue] Address Space Model / Address Space WriteMask / 004.js passes wrong data type (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005496: [1 - Script Issue] Address Space Model / Address Space UserWriteAccess / Err-004.js should allow BadUserAccessDenied (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005576: [1 - Script Issue] Exception in many initialize.js if a server returns multiple endpoints with security policy none. (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005546: [5 - General Problem] Monitored Item Services/Monitor Item 100/Err-001.js Zeile 57 (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005625: [1 - Script Issue] Security - Security User X509 - 016-js (also 017 and 018) (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005632: [1 - Script Issue] Security User X509 017.js: Status code Bad_UserSignatureInvalid not accepted (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005671: [2 - CTT Binary] Test case: Security->Security User Name->002.js (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005662: [1 - Script Issue] Test Session Services -> Session Base -> Err-001.js does nothing if current session is secured (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005648: [5 - General Problem] Monitor MinQueueSize_02 / 009.js and Subscription Basic / 040.js incompatibility with Enumeration DataType (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005663: [1 - Script Issue] Test Data Access -> Data Access AnalogItemType-> 010.js fails with some AnalogItems defined in settings (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005603: [1 - Script Issue] MaxStringLength test problem (Base Info Server Capabilities/006.js) (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005645: [1 - Script Issue] Data Access / Data Access DataItems / 009.js and 012.js look for ValuePrecision Property in DataItems with wrong DataTypes (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005631: [4 - Test Case Definition] Security User X509 007.js: Status code Bad_CertificateUseNotAllowed not accepted (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005647: [1 - Script Issue] Data Access / Data Access Semantic Changes / 016.js and 017.js attempt to call CreateMonitoredItems with an empty array (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005588: [1 - Script Issue] CTT not correctly checking for GoodCompletesAsynchronously status (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005507: [1 - Script Issue] Data Access DataItems/Test Cases/008.js throws exception (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005389: [1 - Script Issue] Base Information/Base Info Core Structure/001.js complains about missing ServerDiagnostics Nodes (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005541: [1 - Script Issue] Writing index range of variant array fails (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005649: [1 - Script Issue] Monitor Client Value Change Err-003-01: Injection of BadMonitoredItemIdInvalid instead of BadMonitoringModeInvalid (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005630: [1 - Script Issue] Security User Name Password 005.js: incorrect parameters for ActivateSessionHelper.Execute (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005535: [1 - Script Issue] Localized Texts are not handled as specified (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005644: [1 - Script Issue] Attribute Services / Attribute Write Values / 003.js only tests one of the configured Nodes (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005656: [1 - Script Issue] Test fails if optional feature "Write with IndexRange" is not supported (Sebastian Allmendinger)
40 issues View Issues
Released 2020-02-26
- 0004736: [1 - Script Issue] ProgramDiagnostics has been changed to ProgramDiagnostic (Alexander Allmendinger)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2020-01-29
- 0005115: [4 - Test Case Definition] Base Info Diagnostics / 020, 021 and 022 should be moved (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005374: [2 - CTT Binary] ByteString.isEmpty() function does not return true when the ByteString is empty (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004034: [1 - Script Issue] View Services / View Basic / 006 + 009 + View Minimum Continuation Point 01 / 014: Returned References of Browse and BrowseNext (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005420: [1 - Script Issue] If a client set -1 at a value, the UACTT make an incorrect behavior. (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005421: [1 - Script Issue] The test case have a miss calculate (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005423: [1 - Script Issue] The UACTT doesn't have “DetachHandlers” for "setPublishingMode". (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005425: [1 - Script Issue] If a client set -1 at a value, the UACTT make an incorrect behavior. (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005432: [1 - Script Issue] View Basic / 006: Test case throws an error even if the servers behavior is correct (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005336: [1 - Script Issue] values are not increased (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005433: [1 - Script Issue] Test scripts exit with an unexpected error. (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0004115: [1 - Script Issue] Base Info Server Capabilities 014.js (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005438: [3 - Feature Request] CTT is not honoring the OperationLimit MaxNodesPerMethodCall (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005436: [1 - Script Issue] "Bad" error message may occur in case a Variant is incremented (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005437: [3 - Feature Request] Increment of DateTime values should be handled correct if the initial value was encoded as 0 or MaxInt64 (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0004829: [3 - Feature Request] RegisterNodes 014.js/015.js: test skipped due to insufficient number of nodes (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0004766: [3 - Feature Request] Multiple scripts use Numeric type only, but could work with any datatype (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0004732: [1 - Script Issue] Security User Name Password/initialize.sh fails (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0005381: [1 - Script Issue] Pb with Err-001.js of Address Space WriteMask CU (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0004359: [1 - Script Issue] View Basic 019.js - undefined NodeIdSettings.References (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005467: [1 - Script Issue] Attribute Client Read Base / 026 rename to Err-028 (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005375: [3 - Feature Request] Create a new set of certificates (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004248: [3 - Feature Request] No release for this version on Linux (Alexander Allmendinger)
22 issues View Issues
Released 2019-07-16
- 0004116: [1 - Script Issue] View TranslateBrowsePath Err-024.js improper warning about timestamp check (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004143: [1 - Script Issue] Result of expression 'items[i]' [null] is not an object in Attribute Write Values Err-008.js (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004780: [1 - Script Issue] It needs to enable both username/password and anonymous together to pass the test (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004777: [1 - Script Issue] CTT uses wrong ServerCertificate (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004786: [1 - Script Issue] Base Information/Base Info Type System/DataTypesValidation.js (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0004601: [Api Change] InstrumentRange requires additional clarification (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004783: [1 - Script Issue] Base Information/Base Info Diagnostics/initialize.js (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004790: [1 - Script Issue] Test.Execute() unexpected error OR no Scalar found in Attribute Write / Subscription / Monitored Item tests (initialize, etc) (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004868: [4 - Test Case Definition] Discordance between test case description in script and Results (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004633: [1 - Script Issue] Monitored Item Services/Monitor Items 100/Err-001.js fails (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004987: [1 - Script Issue] Monitor Basic / 012: Script doesn't exit when the CreateMonitoredItems fails (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004986: [1 - Script Issue] ModifyMonitoredItems call might lead to a crash of the CTT (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004979: [1 - Script Issue] NodeId of DataTypes Byte and SByte are swapped in library function (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004166: [1 - Script Issue] Subscription Services/Subscription Minimum 02/007.js modifies String variable values (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004985: [1 - Script Issue] Spelling mistake of the EventQueueOverflowEventType in the maintree\Base Information\Base Info Diagnostics\Test Cases\initialize (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004026: [1 - Script Issue] Session Services - Session Base - Err-007 - Expects an Anonymous UserIdentityToken (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004102: [1 - Script Issue] View Services/View RegisterNodes/Err-004.js exceedes encoding limiits (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004884: [1 - Script Issue] Trace output uses undefined variables (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004885: [1 - Script Issue] Attribute Write Values/Err-009 reprints the same error as in the ReadHelper (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004887: [1 - Script Issue] Monitor Basic / Err-023: Spelling mistake in GetRequiredNodes arguments (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004888: [1 - Script Issue] Monitor Basic / Err-023: Missing check whether items2 is defined or not (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004889: [1 - Script Issue] Monitor Items 2 / 001: Missing check if items are defined (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004891: [1 - Script Issue] Monitor MinQueueSize_05 / initialize: Illegal return statement (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004890: [1 - Script Issue] Monitor Items Deadband Filter / 006 + Err-001: Missing check if items are defined (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004801: [1 - Script Issue] Error in triggering 020.js (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004417: [Api Change] CTT does not implement all defined DataTypes (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004750: [2 - CTT Binary] CTT crashes when making use of the FindObjectsOfTypeService (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004774: [1 - Script Issue] Session Services / Session Base / Test case 012 aborts because of test case 005 (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004697: [1 - Script Issue] Embedded Server Profile only requires 2 sessions but CTT creates more (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004879: [1 - Script Issue] Missing trace output if OperationLimits can be exceeded or not (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004878: [1 - Script Issue] Adding clarification in the error message when after a successful write call the read indicates a different value (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004877: [1 - Script Issue] DetectUAServices does skip certain OPC UA Services even though supported (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004755: [5 - General Problem] Testcase Address Space Base / 002 not defined (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004635: [1 - Script Issue] Address Space Model/Address Space Base/001.js fails (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0003967: [1 - Script Issue] Subscription Services\Subscription Publish Min 02\Test Cases\003.js (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004824: [1 - Script Issue] Some generated User Token - X509 Certificates are missing the subject alternative name (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004826: [1 - Script Issue] Spelling mistake in User Token certificate ctt_usrTSincorrect (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004822: [3 - Feature Request] Change the name of the revocation lists (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004809: [5 - General Problem] Installation issue (Alexander Allmendinger)
39 issues View Issues
Released 2019-04-13
- 0004613: [1 - Script Issue] Monitored Item Services/Monitor Items 500/Err-001.js (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004614: [1 - Script Issue] Missing setting for Security/Security Certificate Validation/029.js (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004615: [4 - Test Case Definition] Security/Security Certificate Validation/029.js (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004645: [1 - Script Issue] Monitored Item Services/Monitor Triggering/025.js fails (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004431: [1 - Script Issue] Monitor Basic / 018: Is failing if server sends the DataChagneNotifications in multiple Responses (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004378: [1 - Script Issue] CTT requires more than 5 notifications per publish response in several tests (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004672: [1 - Script Issue] Security Certificate Validation 002: requires wrong code. (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004673: [5 - General Problem] Security Certificate Validation 011: It makes no sense to check the host name of the Client Certificate. (Paul Hunkar)
8 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0007351: [3 - Feature Request] Implement Alarms and Condition Conformance Units, LImits and Discretes (Archie Miller)
- 0006007: [3 - Feature Request] CTT needs mechanism to define conformance unit running order (Archie Miller)
- 0004092: [4 - Test Case Definition] OPC UA Client / Security Certificate Administration / 002 (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005194: [4 - Test Case Definition] A&C Refresh / 000 -> Test Case Description needs to be updated (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005200: [4 - Test Case Definition] View Minimum Continuation Point 01 / 014 needs to be reworded (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004079: [5 - General Problem] Address Space Dialog cannot connect using Basic256Sha256 (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004084: [1 - Script Issue] Attribute Services/Attribute Read/Test Cases/Err-008.js exceeds MaxNodesPerRead (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004083: [1 - Script Issue] OperationLimits.MaxNodesPerRead not working (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004113: [1 - Script Issue] View Minimum Continuation Point 01 015.js (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004112: [1 - Script Issue] View Minimum Continuation Point 01 012.js (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004076: [1 - Script Issue] Security/Security Basic 256Sha256/002.js accidentally skipped (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004150: [1 - Script Issue] maintree\Protocol and Encoding\Protocol TCP Binary UA Security\Test Cases\initialize.js (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004077: [1 - Script Issue] Security Basic 256Sha256 claims to use Aes128 which is wrong (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004071: [1 - Script Issue] Base Information/Base Info Diagnostics/013.js does not restore values (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004078: [1 - Script Issue] Security/Security None/006.js ReferenceError: Can't find variable: ExpectedErrors (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004086: [1 - Script Issue] Attribute Services/Attribute Write Values/012.js writes larger array than expected (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004414: [Api Change] CTT does not implement all defined Operation and Service Results (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0003846: [1 - Script Issue] RSA_Public_Verify BadSignatureInvalid Error on Security Profile Basic256Sha256 (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004123: [1 - Script Issue] Script error in Monitored Item Services/Monitor Basic/Err-040.js (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0003621: [Implementation Bug] Security/Security User Name Password /002.js
20 issues View Issues
CTT UA Binary - Change Log
Not Yet Released
- 0010048: [2 - CTT Binary] CttSessionClass::browseAddressSpace() does not refresh references of existing Nodes in the ModelMap (Yannik Klaass)
- 0010075: [2 - CTT Binary] Error loading certificates from file if path contains non-ASCII characters (Yannik Klaass)
- 0010079: [2 - CTT Binary] Memory leak in findEntries() method leads to crash of CTT (Yannik Klaass)
- 0009785: [2 - CTT Binary] Update types, statuscodes and identifiers to 1.05.03 specification (Yannik Klaass)
- 0009503: [3 - Feature Request] Add aditional Buttons to the CTT DialogHelper (Yannik Klaass)
- 0009837: [3 - Feature Request] Setting to enable/disable embedded server trace (Yannik Klaass)
- 0009821: [2 - CTT Binary] Function to export library folders for CS-Import files (Yannik Klaass)
- 0009783: [2 - CTT Binary] CTT crashes when initializing a NodeId with NamespaceIndex > 255 (Yannik Klaass)
- 0009641: [2 - CTT Binary] Script engine does not load/save UTF-8 characters (Yannik Klaass)
- 0009642: [2 - CTT Binary] Make function to clear DialogBoxes available in scripts (Yannik Klaass)
- 0009644: [3 - Feature Request] CttGuidClass needs random createGuid() method (Yannik Klaass)
11 issues View Issues
Released 2024-03-27
- 0009201: [1 - Script Issue] TimeoutHint should be configurable for Async-Publish (Archie Miller)
- 0009174: [2 - CTT Binary] CTT sends ReadRequests for i=0 (Archie Miller)
- 0009626: [3 - Feature Request] Improvements for launch aml test parameters - Binary (Archie Miller)
- 0009387: [3 - Feature Request] CTT needs functionalities to modify the AddressSpace of the embedded CTT server (Yannik Klaass)
- 0009511: [3 - Feature Request] ReadFile and WriteFile need file flags (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007997: [3 - Feature Request] Calling IsSubTypeOfTypeHelper.Execute() with unknown NodeIds leads to Ctt_Bad (Yannik Klaass)
- 0009448: [2 - CTT Binary] CttGenericStructureValue setField() not handling variants containing an ExtensionObject array correctly (Yannik Klaass)
- 0009464: [2 - CTT Binary] Constructor of embedded CTT server changes behavior of UaChannel.connect() (Yannik Klaass)
8 issues View Issues
Released 2023-10-13
- 0009228: [2 - CTT Binary] Linux build issues (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008955: [3 - Feature Request] Improve Client Trace NodeId Filtering for Read/Write etc (Archie Miller)
- 0009227: [3 - Feature Request] Rename test runs (Alexander Allmendinger)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2023-10-12
- 0009124: [5 - General Problem] Clicking with mouse stops working properly in Results view (Archie Miller)
- 0009123: [8 - Package] Potential errors in userTokenSignatures (Yannik Klaass)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2023-07-21
- 0009067: [3 - Feature Request] Update utilized stack/SDK to current version to include PubSub and UAFX (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0009049: [2 - CTT Binary] Version information needs to be present in all project files (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0009024: [7- Help] file "/help/CTTVERSION.csv" mentioned in "readme.txt" does not exist. (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006219: [5 - General Problem] Outdated/misleading CTTUA settings names are used like e.g. at Server Test/NodeIds/Static/DA Profile (Yannik Klaass)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2023-05-12
- 0007496: [2 - CTT Binary] Implement a Script dialog box that can be called from test scripts (Archie Miller)
- 0001009: [2 - CTT Binary] Settings Dialog: "Server URL" to have a UA Server Browser dialog (Archie Miller)
- 0008436: [2 - CTT Binary] Object model Cache Node Id attribute retrieval (Archie Miller)
- 0007861: [3 - Feature Request] Test scripts must have access to PublishRespones when using the async Publish mechanism (Archie Miller)
- 0008730: [2 - CTT Binary] Test log report of UACTT v1.04.11-1.04.502 contains invalid testresult value (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008734: [5 - General Problem] result.xml needs to indicate binary version (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008725: [3 - Feature Request] Client Testing should allow for a test run (Archie Miller)
- 0004663: [2 - CTT Binary] Ability to filter client trace based on NodeIds (Archie Miller)
- 0003503: [2 - CTT Binary] Client Trace widget log length is not customizable (Archie Miller)
- 0008671: [3 - Feature Request] Client Message Filtering for Application URI (Archie Miller)
- 0001787: [1 - Script Issue] Re-run failed tests (Archie Miller)
- 0003032: [1 - Script Issue] Ability to delete a test run (Archie Miller)
12 issues View Issues
Released 2023-02-18
- 0007996: [3 - Feature Request] CTT aborts creation of object model map without notice on exceeding MaxNodesInAddressSpaceCache (Archie Miller)
- 0008691: [2 - CTT Binary] Async Publish mechanism acknowledges every received SequenceNumber (Archie Miller)
- 0005025: [2 - CTT Binary] Client Trace time column issue (Archie Miller)
- 0006719: [2 - CTT Binary] add "recommendation" status for 1.05 or next step change (Archie Miller)
- 0005572: [2 - CTT Binary] Script Editor: "};" + return key freezes CTT programm (UI) (Archie Miller)
5 issues View Issues
Released 2022-08-02
- 0007775: [2 - CTT Binary] Parameter for create_ctt_pki.bat don't work as expected (Alexander Allmendinger)
1 issue View Issues
CTT UA Help - Change Log
Released 2023-10-12
- 0009151: [7- Help] Acknowledgements: List of volunteers should be reviewed and updated (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0009150: [7- Help] Contact us: Invalid link to mantis (Alexander Allmendinger)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2023-08-04
- 0009129: [7- Help] Link: "../Compliance%20Test%20Tool/help/help/testcases/testcaseversion.xml" broken (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0009128: [7- Help] ../help/index.htm#t=project_name.results.xml.htm wrong "testresult" in excerpt. (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0009081: [3 - Feature Request] Add PubSub test scripts for periodic fixed (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0009080: [3 - Feature Request] Include UAFX Test Scripts (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0009026: [7- Help] file /help/index.htm#t=project_name.results.xml.htm does not reflect the incompatible extension in "testresult" (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007786: [7- Help] Link to Mantis Issues is broken and Tooltip is missleading (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005340: [7- Help] Script Debugger needs to save Breakpoints across multiple Runs (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008553: [1 - Script Issue] A&C scripts get confused, when a test case is currently executed while the simulation triggers the next step (Archie Miller)
8 issues View Issues
CTT UA Package - Change Log
Not Yet Released
- 0006337: [3 - Feature Request] Provision of XSD shema file (Alexander Allmendinger)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2024-01-25
- 0009296: [8 - Package] Update server scripts to version 506 (Alexander Allmendinger)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2023-02-21
- 0008541: [8 - Package] Certificate Generation in Linux doesn't work in all cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008362: [5 - General Problem] Self signed CTT certificates do not meet specified requirements (Alexander Allmendinger)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2022-08-02
- 0008099: [8 - Package] UACTT installs Classic Client and Server test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
1 issue View Issues
CTT UA Scripts - Change Log
Not Yet Released
- 0009647: [3 - Feature Request] Implement settings to use preconfigured PubSubConfigurations (Yannik Klaass)
- 0009648: [3 - Feature Request] Use PubSub Add and Remove methods if PubSubConfiguration object is not exposed/available (Yannik Klaass)
- 0009649: [3 - Feature Request] Implementing Periodic Fixed TC 015+018 (Yannik Klaass)
- 0009650: [1 - Script Issue] Skip chunk CU if chunk flag is not set (Yannik Klaass)
- 0009845: [3 - Feature Request] Add PubSub JSON encoding and MQTT support (Yannik Klaass)
- 0010032: [1 - Script Issue] Wrong expected Nonce Length in PubSub Publisher UADP Periodic Fixed Settings - TC 004 - Step 5 (Yannik Klaass)
6 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0009646: [3 - Feature Request] PubSub updates needed to utilize new UADP message send/receieve mechanism (Yannik Klaass)
- 0009838: [3 - Feature Request] Setting to enable/disable embedded server trace (Yannik Klaass)
- 0009570: [1 - Script Issue] MaxSecureChannels should not be reached with empty channels (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0009589: [1 - Script Issue] In BaseInfoTypeSystem, test 'ReferenceTypesValidation.js' fails with error "IsSubTypeOfType failed (0xb0000000)" (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0009541: [1 - Script Issue] Subscription Publish Min 02 / 004: Increment fail if previous test scripts are not executed (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0009530: [4 - Test Case Definition] Historical Access Read Raw / Err-025.js: Fehler bei korrektem Verhalten (HistoryRead bei Non-History Variablen erwartet) (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0009531: [4 - Test Case Definition] Historical Access Read Raw / Err-014.js: Fehler bei korrekter Ausführung (ContinuationPoint for Browse) (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0009571: [5 - General Problem] Missing History Facets (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0009822: [1 - Script Issue] PublishService.CurrentlyContainsData() function sometimes used incorrectly (Yannik Klaass)
- 0009572: [1 - Script Issue] Monitor Value Change Test Cases 024.js + 026.js + 028.js does not respect CTT configured max string length (Michael Fehler)
- 0004703: [1 - Script Issue] inconsistency Security Certificate Validation/002.js vs. 042.js/043.js (Sebastian Allmendinger)
11 issues View Issues
Released 2024-03-27
- 0007770: [1 - Script Issue] Aggregates - Non-deterministic behavior for Aggregate tests (Archie Miller)
- 0007772: [1 - Script Issue] Aggregates - Average tests for Boolean data types try to execute and fail (Archie Miller)
- 0008340: [1 - Script Issue] Clarification on InputNode requirement in AlarmConditionType (Archie Miller)
- 0009498: [3 - Feature Request] Initial implementation of 4 new UAFX Conformance Units (Yannik Klaass)
- 0009447: [3 - Feature Request] Initial implementation of new UAFX CUs (Yannik Klaass)
- 0009438: [1 - Script Issue] PubSub Testscripts for test cases that are not reviewed yet should be deleted/hidden (Sebastian Allmendinger)
6 issues View Issues
Released 2024-03-27
- 0007370: [1 - Script Issue] Implement Alarms and Conditions Conformance Units - Instance, Branch (Archie Miller)
- 0007974: [1 - Script Issue] Aggregates - Extrapolation configuration setting is not taken into account by the GetDefaultConfiguration method (Archie Miller)
- 0009313: [1 - Script Issue] Security User Anonymous TC1 and TC2 using wrong PolicyId (Michael Fehler)
- 0008131: [3 - Feature Request] Clarification needed for UserTokenPolicy -> policyId (Michael Fehler)
- 0009278: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription_Minimum_10_004 (Server Test) (Michael Fehler)
- 0007526: [1 - Script Issue] Discovery Get Endpoints Err-001 (Michael Fehler)
- 0009315: [1 - Script Issue] Sessions Minimum 10 Parallel creates only 9 concurrent sessions instead of 10. (Michael Fehler)
- 0006844: [3 - Feature Request] Script: View Services / View Basic / 018.js shows "Warning" (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0009516: [3 - Feature Request] CTT needs functionalities to modify the AddressSpace of the embedded CTT server (Yannik Klaass)
- 0006524: [1 - Script Issue] Test case needed for verifying the Timestamp when only writing a partial array (Michael Fehler)
- 0003982: [1 - Script Issue] Attribute Alternate Encoding/001 & 002 (Michael Fehler)
- 0009338: [1 - Script Issue] TC2 of CU Session Minimum 2 Parallel does not create a new channel for the second session. (Michael Fehler)
- 0009435: [1 - Script Issue] Monitored Item Deadband Filter/006.js uses optional attribute for test (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0009277: [1 - Script Issue] Monitor_Basic_026 needs a cleared PublishHelper before execution (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0009413: [1 - Script Issue] Script: Monitored Item Services / Monitor Events / 001.js (Sebastian Allmendinger)
15 issues View Issues
Released 2023-11-28
- 0009283: [1 - Script Issue] Session Base Err-019: Misleading error output (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0009293: [1 - Script Issue] Subscription Err-032: Missing parameter when closing SecureChannel and Session (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0009287: [1 - Script Issue] CTT may use wrong PolicyId if multiple SecureChannels are opened (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0009286: [1 - Script Issue] library CreateSession: Different use of ClientNonce parameter in secure and insecure connections (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0009285: [1 - Script Issue] Subscription Transfer initialize: Test.Connect() use wrong parameter (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0009284: [1 - Script Issue] Subscription Durable Err-006: Wrong parameter passed to ActivateSessionHelper (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0009282: [1 - Script Issue] Session Base 012: Wrong usage of parameters to specify a certificate in CreateSession (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0009280: [1 - Script Issue] Monitor Value Change 014 throws error if MaxSupportedMonitoredItems = 0 (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0009279: [1 - Script Issue] Historical Read Raw / cleanup: Unexpected error if CU is skipped (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0009281: [1 - Script Issue] UaStructureDefinition.FromTypeNodeId() giving unexpected error if reading a DataTypeDefinition fails, while AllowSubTypes is set (Yannik Klaass)
10 issues View Issues
Released 2023-11-28
- 0009288: [1 - Script Issue] UAFX scripts using deleted nodes that remain in the ModelMap (Yannik Klaass)
- 0009291: [1 - Script Issue] UAFX scripts not including subtypes (Yannik Klaass)
- 0009292: [1 - Script Issue] UAFX Base.js function createConnectionEndpointConfiguration() returning unexpected errors (Yannik Klaass)
- 0009271: [1 - Script Issue] PubSub General: NetworkInterface used for receiving is set to "" (Yannik Klaass)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2023-10-12
- 0009141: [1 - Script Issue] UAFX Updates (Alexander Allmendinger)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2022-12-02
- 0008467: [1 - Script Issue] Base Info Server Capabilities 005.js might lead to send too large WriteRequet message (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008486: [1 - Script Issue] CU Monitor Client Value Change, Test Case Err-001 (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008439: [1 - Script Issue] Base Info Core Structure / 001: Script throw error for not existing instances (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0008433: [1 - Script Issue] Method Call / 016: Test script expects returned Handles in ascending order (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0008565: [1 - Script Issue] A&C scripts printing misleading skip messages or marking tests as passed which are not run (Archie Miller)
- 0008566: [1 - Script Issue] A and C Comment not using provided events for conditions (Archie Miller)
- 0008549: [1 - Script Issue] A&C Acknowledge: Sometimes tests are skipped for types where alarms are frequently triggered (Archie Miller)
- 0008559: [1 - Script Issue] A and C Refresh stops when time shift between CTT and SUT is bigger 0ms (Archie Miller)
- 0008558: [1 - Script Issue] A and C Refresh stops without running all test scripts and indication of it (Archie Miller)
- 0008551: [1 - Script Issue] A and C Enable / 002 shows success for a server which doesn't have instances of the conditions (Archie Miller)
- 0008563: [1 - Script Issue] A and C Comment / 003: Spelling mistake in variable (Archie Miller)
- 0008557: [1 - Script Issue] A and C Alarm / 003: Requires 5 parallel conditions but can run with 2 (Archie Miller)
- 0008641: [1 - Script Issue] A&C Basic / Test_005 does not allow LastSeverity=1000 (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0008427: [1 - Script Issue] Session Services / Session Minimum 50 Parallel / 001.js + 002.js fail with Standard 2017 UA Server profile (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0008547: [1 - Script Issue] gServerCapabilities.DefaultLocaleId is undefined if server has no DefaultLocaleId (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0007899: [1 - Script Issue] Method Call / Err-001 + Err-002: Test scripts were swapped (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0007523: [1 - Script Issue] CTT-Allows Bad_IdentityTokenRejected errors returned by the server in Session Services / Session Base / Err-009.js (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0008358: [1 - Script Issue] Session Services / Session Base / 012.js gets very slow when run a second time (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0008440: [1 - Script Issue] Error message in Base Info TypeSystem CU should contain information about the tested node (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0008434: [1 - Script Issue] Session Minimum 10 Parallel: Difference between test case database and CTT (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0008418: [1 - Script Issue] Session Minimum 10 Parallel TC 3 doesn't close sessions after unexpected error when supported sessions < 10. (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0003993: [1 - Script Issue] Security User Anonymous/003 (Yannik Klaass)
22 issues View Issues
Released 2022-08-25
- 0007992: [1 - Script Issue] Increment issue for a big Double type value (Yannik Klaass)
- 0007898: [1 - Script Issue] Method Call / Err-001: Test script accepts wrong OperationResults (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0007798: [1 - Script Issue] Address Space Model / Address Space Atomicity / 001.js (Sebastian Allmendinger)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2022-08-25
- 0007553: [1 - Script Issue] Security User Name Password: CTT requires insecure channel to execute the majority of tests. (Yannik Klaass)
- 0007726: [1 - Script Issue] A and C Basic: Test - 003 (Archie Miller)
- 0007856: [1 - Script Issue] Sessions not getting closed in Address Space Atomicity and Attribute Write StatusCode & Timestamp (Yannik Klaass)
- 0008000: [1 - Script Issue] A&C / A&C Acknowledge / Err_008.js expectation comment is incorrect (Archie Miller)
- 0007963: [1 - Script Issue] A&C / A&C Alarm / Test_002.js fails sproadically (Archie Miller)
- 0007730: [1 - Script Issue] A and C Comment / Err_002 fails (Archie Miller)
- 0008383: [1 - Script Issue] Base Information > Base Info Core Structure > 001.js uses old version of the NodeSet file (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007609: [1 - Script Issue] Warning on value outside EURange - not backed by specification (Yannik Klaass)
- 0008312: [4 - Test Case Definition] Check numbering of Attribute Write Values TC17 - TC22 in the CTT (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0008397: [1 - Script Issue] Base Info ValueAsText / 001: Test script expects a Subtype of Enumeration in HasTypeDefinition reference (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0008396: [1 - Script Issue] UaN, UaNodeId.Validate() tries to access not existing length property (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0008395: [1 - Script Issue] Base Info ResendData Method / 007: Test script expects an array (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0006824: [1 - Script Issue] Base Info Core Structure / InfoFactory: Script expects the attribute InverseName to be present if Symmetric is true (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0007105: [1 - Script Issue] Base Info Type System CU scripts does not validate all types (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0007953: [1 - Script Issue] BaseInformation / Base Core Info Structure / 001.js (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0006004: [1 - Script Issue] Testcase: Base Information/Base Info Core Structure/ (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0008283: [1 - Script Issue] Base Info Core Structure / 001: potential wrong usage/implementation of checkObject() (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0007805: [1 - Script Issue] Aggregates - initialize.js script expects HasComponent instead of Organizes reference type (Archie Miller)
- 0005626: [1 - Script Issue] Session / Session Change User / 001.js (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0007559: [1 - Script Issue] IncrementUaVariantArray exception if value < -incValue (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007382: [1 - Script Issue] CTT crash on test Subscription Services / Subscription Publish Min 02 / 003.js (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006273: [1 - Script Issue] Subscription CUs are currently skipped if no writable nodes are configured. (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008313: [1 - Script Issue] Remove Lint Warnings (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007491: [1 - Script Issue] Data Access DataItems, 014.js too long WriteRequest (Yannik Klaass)
- 0005766: [1 - Script Issue] Subscription Services / Subscription Basic / Err-029.js fails randomly (Yannik Klaass)
- 0005920: [1 - Script Issue] Subscription Transfer - Test 015 (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007524: [1 - Script Issue] Several tests in View Services - View RegisterNodes fails when only MaxNodesPerRegisterNodes is 1 (Yannik Klaass)
- 0006716: [1 - Script Issue] createMonitoredItems5000 may send more monitored item in a single CreateMonitoredItemCall than allowed (Yannik Klaass)
- 0008284: [1 - Script Issue] Monitor Item 2 / Err-001: Script sends empty Delete Monotired items request (Yannik Klaass)
- 0004057: [1 - Script Issue] Server limitations specified in Server_ServerCapabilites_OperationLimits are not used in CTT tests (Yannik Klaass)
- 0005558: [1 - Script Issue] Assert.True() or Assert.False() without a 'message' parameter will not fail a test (Yannik Klaass)
- 0008027: [1 - Script Issue] Scripts in 'Base Info Diagnostics' returning BadNothingToDo (Yannik Klaass)
- 0003992: [1 - Script Issue] Security None/006 (Yannik Klaass)
- 0004963: [1 - Script Issue] Increase max channel limit (Yannik Klaass)
- 0007679: [1 - Script Issue] Data Access, Data Access DataItems, 004.js, problems with DateTime (Yannik Klaass)
- 0004753: [1 - Script Issue] Monitor Value Change Test case 022 aborts because of test case 020 (Yannik Klaass)
- 0007547: [1 - Script Issue] Do not think that Subscription Services --> Subscription Basic --> Err-023 work as intended. (Yannik Klaass)
- 0007929: [1 - Script Issue] CTT issue - attribute write index 006.js reports Write.Response[1].StatusCode = BadTypeMismatch (Yannik Klaass)
- 0007765: [1 - Script Issue] SessionBase/Err-003 - DiagnosticInfo issue (Yannik Klaass)
- 0007933: [1 - Script Issue] Error on execute Testscript 004 for Method Call (Yannik Klaass)
- 0007986: [3 - Feature Request] Add parameter to request ServiceDiagnostics for all services (Yannik Klaass)
- 0007800: [1 - Script Issue] Address Space Model / Address Space Atomicity / 002.js and 003.js (Yannik Klaass)
- 0008026: [1 - Script Issue] Attribute Write Values: Some scripts skip incorrectly (Yannik Klaass)
- 0008028: [1 - Script Issue] Unexpected error in Base Info GetMonitoredItems Method -> 003 (Yannik Klaass)
- 0008029: [1 - Script Issue] Monitor Value Change -> 043 fails if no array nodes are defined (Yannik Klaass)
- 0007951: [1 - Script Issue] Security None CreateSession ActivateSession test scripts require AnonymousIdentityToken (Yannik Klaass)
- 0007602: [1 - Script Issue] GetReferenceTypeSubtypes incorrectly protects against stack overflow - preventing test case from running (Yannik Klaass)
- 0007637: [1 - Script Issue] Monitor Value Change 041.js fails with 2D float arrays (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007548: [1 - Script Issue] Test Base Information/Base Info Diagnostrics/018-1.js always fails when run through Embedded 2017 UA Sercer Facet (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007725: [1 - Script Issue] Security/Security User Name Password/Test Cases/001.js fails (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007723: [1 - Script Issue] Srcipt failure (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007680: [Api Change] Subscription Basic 023.js "ModifySubscription: Default parameter values." seems wrong (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007771: [Api Change] Aggregates - afterTest.js yields an error because the DetectUAServices.js file does not accept the StatusCode.BadHistoryOperatio (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007797: [1 - Script Issue] Subscription Services / Subscription Minimum 02 / 020.js (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007107: [1 - Script Issue] HistoryRead.js sends request with invalid SessionId (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0007897: [1 - Script Issue] Method Call / 016: Invalid code in case of a Good OperationResult (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0007896: [1 - Script Issue] Method Call / 016: Bad_MethodInvalid is an OperationResult (Sebastian Allmendinger)
57 issues View Issues
Released 2022-08-02
- 0007826: [1 - Script Issue] 0005213: AlarmConditionType Property AudibleSound (of AudioVariableType), that contains Properties, not allowed still reproduced (Archie Miller)
- 0007476: [1 - Script Issue] A&C compliance test: alarms are not discovered leads to many tests skipped (Archie Miller)
- 0007879: [1 - Script Issue] Unexpected error exception in AlarmTester.js (Archie Miller)
- 0007878: [1 - Script Issue] A&C Settings need further explanation (Archie Miller)
- 0007825: [1 - Script Issue] Text spelling issue on Opc.Ua.NodeSet2.Part9.js (Archie Miller)
- 0007731: [1 - Script Issue] A and C Enable/Test_003 script issue (Archie Miller)
- 0007727: [1 - Script Issue] A and C Alarms and A and C Shelve - multiple script issues (Archie Miller)
7 issues View Issues
CTT UA Test Case - Change Log
Not Yet Released
- 0010008: [4 - Test Case Definition] Wrong expected Nonce Length in PubSub Publisher UADP Periodic Fixed Settings - TC 004 - Step 5 (Michael Fehler)
1 issue View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0009744: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Minimum 05/ 007: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009743: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Minimum 05/ 006: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009742: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Minimum 05/ 005: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009730: [4 - Test Case Definition] Base Info Type System RMRC-005: remove 'RMRC' from the Test Case name (Michael Fehler)
- 0009731: [4 - Test Case Definition] Base Info Type System/ 009: Test Case is Obsolete (Michael Fehler)
- 0009733: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Complex Event Filter/ 002: remove unnecessary example from Summary (Michael Fehler)
- 0009734: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Items 10/ 004: remove unnecessary line from Test Case Summary/ changes for readability (Michael Fehler)
- 0009735: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Items 10/ 003: change amount of MonitoredItems in Summary to Max or less (Michael Fehler)
- 0009745: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Transfer/ 001: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009746: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Transfer/ 002: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009747: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Publish Discard Policy/ 002 & 003: Test Cases are Obsolete (Michael Fehler)
- 0009748: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Publish Min 02/ 003: Test Case is Obsolete (Michael Fehler)
- 0009749: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Publish Min 05 - 006: Test Case is Obsolete (Michael Fehler)
- 0009750: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Transfer/ 011: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009751: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Transfer/ Err-003: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009752: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Durable/ 007: Test Case is Obsolete (Michael Fehler)
- 0009753: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Durable/ 005: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009754: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Durable/ 011: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009755: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Durable/ 012: Add Expected Results to some Steps (Michael Fehler)
- 0009906: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Publish Min 05/ 002: Test Case description/action needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009907: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Publish Min 05/ 003: Test Case description/action needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009883: [4 - Test Case Definition] Base Info RequestServerStateChange Method/ 001: Test Case needs to be updated/renamed (Michael Fehler)
- 0009884: [4 - Test Case Definition] Base Info RequestServerStateChange Method/ 002: Test Case needs to be split into individual Test Cases (Michael Fehler)
- 0009885: [4 - Test Case Definition] Base Info RequestServerStateChange Method/ 003: Test Case needs to be split into multiple steps (Michael Fehler)
- 0009886: [4 - Test Case Definition] Base Info RequestServerStateChange Method/ 004: Test Case needs to be split into multiple steps (Michael Fehler)
- 0009888: [4 - Test Case Definition] Base Info Device Failure/ 001, 002: Test Cases need to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009889: [4 - Test Case Definition] Base Info Device Failure/ 003: Test Cases need to be updated/renamed (Michael Fehler)
- 0009902: [4 - Test Case Definition] Base Information/ Base Info System Status Underlying System/ 001: Update Test Case Description (Michael Fehler)
- 0009736: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Items 10/ 005 - 007: Introduce requirement & remove number of monitored items (Michael Fehler)
- 0009034: [1 - Script Issue] Monitored ItemServices Tests do not honor operation limits (Michael Fehler)
- 0009893: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Publish Discard Policy/ 001: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009890: [4 - Test Case Definition] Base Info Estimated Return Time/ 002: Test Cases need to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009891: [4 - Test Case Definition] Base Info Estimated Return Time/ 001: Test Cases need to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009892: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitored Item Services/ Monitor Basic/ 001: Test Case needs to be updated. (Michael Fehler)
- 0009896: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Transfer/ 007: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009894: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Transfer/ 003: Test Case needs to be updated/renamed (Michael Fehler)
- 0009895: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Transfer/ 004 - 006: Test Cases need to be moved (Michael Fehler)
- 0009897: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Transfer/ 016: Test Case needs to be removed (Michael Fehler)
- 0009898: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Transfer/ Err-006: Test Case needs to be removed (Michael Fehler)
- 0009899: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Durable/ 002: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009900: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Durable/ 006: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009901: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Durable/ 003: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009418: [4 - Test Case Definition] Base Info SemanticChange test cases need to be updated (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0009741: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Minimum 05/ 004: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009740: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Minimum 05/ 002: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009739: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Minimum 05/ 001: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009738: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Minimum 02/ Err-002: change Summary and add 2 additional Steps (Michael Fehler)
- 0009956: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Modify/ 001: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009982: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Modify/ 003 & 004: Test Cases need to be updated/merged (Michael Fehler)
- 0009959: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Modify/ 006: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009961: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Modify/ 007: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009963: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Modify/ 010: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009964: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Modify/ 011: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009965: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Modify/ 012: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009967: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Modify/ 014: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009968: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Modify/ 015: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009970: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Modify/ 018: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009971: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Modify/ 019: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009973: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Modify/ Err-001: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009975: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Modify/ Err-006: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009977: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Modify/ Err-008: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009978: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Modify/ Err-009: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009979: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Modify/ Err-010 - Err-015: Test Cases need to be removed (Michael Fehler)
- 0009976: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Modify/ Err-007: Test Case needs to be removed (Michael Fehler)
- 0009974: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Modify/ Err-002 - Err-005: Test Cases need to be removed (Michael Fehler)
- 0009972: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Modify/ 020 - 032: Test Cases need to be removed (Michael Fehler)
- 0009969: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Modify/ 016, 017: Test Cases need to be removed (Michael Fehler)
- 0009966: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Modify/ 013: Test Cases need to be removed (Michael Fehler)
- 0009962: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Modify/ 008, 009: Test Cases need to be removed (Michael Fehler)
- 0009981: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Modify/ 005: Test Case needs to be removed (Michael Fehler)
- 0009957: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Modify/ 002: Test Case needs to be removed (Michael Fehler)
- 0009980: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Multiple/ 002: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009999: [4 - Test Case Definition] Remove test requirement from Subscription Client Publish Multiple / 001 (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0009955: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Republish/ Err-004: Test Case needs to be removed (Michael Fehler)
- 0009953: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Republish/ Err-002: Test Case needs to be removed (Michael Fehler)
- 0009952: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Republish/ Err-001: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009951: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Republish/ 003: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009950: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Republish/ 002: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009949: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Republish/ 001: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009948: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Basic/ Err-018: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009947: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Basic/ Err-017: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009945: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Basic/ Err-016: Test Case needs to be removed (Michael Fehler)
- 0009944: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Basic/ Err-011: Test Case needs to be removed (Michael Fehler)
- 0009943: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Basic/ Err-009: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009942: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Basic/ Err-008c: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009941: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Basic/ Err-008b: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009940: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Basic/ Err-008a: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009939: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Basic/ Err-001: Test Case Description needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009938: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Basic/ 043: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009935: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Basic/ 029, 041: Test Cases need to be removed (Michael Fehler)
- 0009929: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Basic/ 024: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009928: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Basic/ 009: Test Case Description needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009927: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Basic: add Test Case 004e (Michael Fehler)
- 0009926: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Basic/ 004d: Test Case needs to be updated/moved (Michael Fehler)
- 0009925: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Basic/ 004c: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009924: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Basic/ 004b: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009923: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Basic/ 004a: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009922: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Basic/ 003c: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009921: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Basic/ 003b: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009920: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Basic/ 003a: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009918: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Basic/ 002c: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009917: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Basic/ 002b: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009916: [4 - Test Case Definition] Subscription Services/ Subscription Client Basic/ 002a: Test Case needs to be updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009909: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitored Item Services/ Monitor Client Value Change/ 042: Merge 043 & 044 into 042 as steps (Michael Fehler)
- 0009769: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Client by Index/ Err-002: Test Case needs to be Updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009911: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitored Item Services/ Monitor Client Modify/ Err-001 - Err-011: Test Cases need to be updated/split (Michael Fehler)
- 0009995: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Client Modify / 001 needs to be obsoleted (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0009768: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Client Modify/ Err-012: Test Case is Obsolete (Michael Fehler)
- 0009756: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Client Modify/ 048 - 057: Test Cases are Obsolete (Michael Fehler)
- 0009757: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Client Modify/ 033, 042: Test Cases are Obsolete (Michael Fehler)
- 0009759: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Client Modify/ 043: Test Case needs to be Updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009760: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Client Modify/ 044 - 047: Test Cases need to be Updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009761: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Client Modify/ 034 - 037: Test Cases need to be Updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009764: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Client Modify/ 032: Test Case needs to be Updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009765: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Client Modify/ 038 & 039: Test Cases need to be Updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009766: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Client Modify/ 041: Test Case needs to be Updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009758: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Client Modify/ 004 - 031: Test Cases need to be Updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009767: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Client Modify/ 003: Test Case is Obsolete (Michael Fehler)
- 0009988: [4 - Test Case Definition] Add Test Case to test TransferSubscription with SecurityPolicyNone + Anonymous (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0009915: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitored Item Services/ Monitor Client Trigger/ Err-004: Test Case needs to be updated/split (Michael Fehler)
- 0009914: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitored Item Services/ Monitor Client Trigger/ Err-003: Test Case needs to be updated/split (Michael Fehler)
- 0009913: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitored Item Services/ Monitor Client Trigger/ Err-002: Test Case needs to be updated/split (Michael Fehler)
- 0009912: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitored Item Services/ Monitor Client Trigger/ Err-001: Test Case needs to be updated/split (Michael Fehler)
- 0009780: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Client Trigger/ Err-005: Test Case is Obsolete (Michael Fehler)
- 0009779: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Client Trigger/ 012: Test Case needs to be Updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009778: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Client Trigger/ 011: Test Case needs to be Updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009777: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Client Trigger/ 010: Test Case needs to be Updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009776: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Client Trigger/ 009: Test Case needs to be Updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009775: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Client Trigger/ 008: Test Case needs to be Updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009774: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Client Trigger/ 007: Test Case needs to be Updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009773: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Client Trigger/ 006: Test Case needs to be Updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009772: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Client Trigger/ 005: Test Case needs to be Updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009771: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Client Trigger/ 004: Test Case needs to be Updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009770: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Client Trigger/ 003: Test Case needs to be Updated (Michael Fehler)
- 0009732: [4 - Test Case Definition] Monitor Alternate Encoding/ 001 & 002: Add Test Requirements & one additional Step (Michael Fehler)
135 issues View Issues
Released 2024-03-27
- 0009393: [4 - Test Case Definition] Base Info Core Structure / 005: Separate test steps into individual test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0009392: [4 - Test Case Definition] Base Info Core Structure / 001: Separate test steps into individual test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0009522: [3 - Feature Request] Introduce dialogs for client testing in Attribute Client Read and write base (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008944: [4 - Test Case Definition] Create a test case to verify the Retransmission QueueSize per Session (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006669: [4 - Test Case Definition] IndexRange for String DataType for Write (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0009303: [4 - Test Case Definition] Attribute Client Read Base / 014: Clients don't need to (be able to) read all attributes (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0008174: [4 - Test Case Definition] Attribute Read / Err-015 checks for the wrong StatusCode (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0009416: [4 - Test Case Definition] It looks like changes for MantisId 8473 has been reverted by accident (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0008438: [4 - Test Case Definition] Missing test case(s) for IsAbstract=true (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0009513: [4 - Test Case Definition] Need test case to ensure unique BrowsePaths for Instance Declarations (Alexander Allmendinger)
10 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0008371: [Api Change] Discovery Find Servers Self: contradictory test descriptions (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004610: [4 - Test Case Definition] Discovery Get Endpoints Testcase 009 differs from official description (Alexander Allmendinger)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2023-10-12
- 0008985: [1 - Script Issue] AuditEntryId: AuditingBase/AOSCET-004, AOSCET-005 (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0005707: [4 - Test Case Definition] test cases are defined in different conformance unit. (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0009115: [4 - Test Case Definition] Update test case in Publish Min 02 / 004 with new RetransmissionQueue behavior (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008946: [4 - Test Case Definition] Create a test case to verify the supported Publish Requests per Session (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008952: [Api Change] Need clarification that a NULL DataType Attribute is not allowed in Variable and VariableType nodes (Alexander Allmendinger)
5 issues View Issues
Released 2023-10-12
- 0009250: [4 - Test Case Definition] Adding UAFX Tests for 2nd batch (Alexander Allmendinger)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2022-12-02
- 0008469: [4 - Test Case Definition] Test Case Definition of PubSub Publisher UADP Periodic Fixed Settings / 005 Step 1 (Paul Hunkar)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2022-12-02
- 0007695: [4 - Test Case Definition] Discovery Get Endpoints Err-001 (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006714: [4 - Test Case Definition] ActivateSession to switch the user context Test cases should be removed from Session Client Base conformance unit (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008637: [4 - Test Case Definition] Is there a test case for sending a certificate chain? (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008550: [3 - Feature Request] Add test case with a certificate chain leaf that contains an Authority Information Access and AKI extension (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008548: [3 - Feature Request] Add test case with a certificate chain loop (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008564: [4 - Test Case Definition] A and C Comment / Err-006 asks for wrong OperationResult (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008646: [4 - Test Case Definition] A&C Basic / Test_003 must be set to obsoleted. (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008463: [4 - Test Case Definition] Base Info Core Structure/001.js is now too strict (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008515: [Api Change] Sending DataChangeNotification before CreateMonitoredItemsResponse is send allowed ? (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004326: [4 - Test Case Definition] BadInvalidTimestamp in View Services -> View TranslateBrowsePath -> Err-024.js (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008403: [1 - Script Issue] Wrong description in Security Certificate Validation test case 010 (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008468: [4 - Test Case Definition] Test case should honor clarifications in the specifications Part 12 (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008472: [4 - Test Case Definition] Invalid default values in test cases of CU Push Model for Global Certificate ... (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007554: [4 - Test Case Definition] Test cases for CU Security User Name Password are not available in the Profile Reporting Tool (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008473: [4 - Test Case Definition] Push Model for Global Certificate ... / 005 and 006 seems to be duplicates (Tim Fortin)
- 0008485: [4 - Test Case Definition] CU Monitor Client Value Change, Test Case Err-001 (Alexander Allmendinger)
16 issues View Issues
Released 2022-08-02
- 0008133: [4 - Test Case Definition] A & C Acknowledge test cases need to be reviewed (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008135: [4 - Test Case Definition] A & C ConditionClasses test cases need to be reviewed (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008136: [4 - Test Case Definition] A & C Dialog test cases need to be reviewed (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008138: [4 - Test Case Definition] A & C Exclusive Level test cases need to be reviewed (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008139: [4 - Test Case Definition] A & C Exclusive Limit test cases need to be reviewed (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008140: [4 - Test Case Definition] A & C Exclusive RateofChange test cases need to be reviewed (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008141: [4 - Test Case Definition] A & C Instances test cases need to be reviewed (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008145: [4 - Test Case Definition] A & C Shelving test cases need to be reviewed (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008146: [4 - Test Case Definition] A & C Branch test cases need to be reviewed (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008147: [4 - Test Case Definition] A & C Non-Exclusive Deviation test cases need to be reviewed (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007589: [4 - Test Case Definition] Session Sessionless Invocation needs test cases (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008144: [4 - Test Case Definition] A & C Non-Exclusive RateofChange test cases need to be reviewed (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008143: [4 - Test Case Definition] A & C Non-Exclusive Limit test cases need to be reviewed (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008142: [4 - Test Case Definition] A & C Non-Exclusive Level test cases need to be reviewed (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008137: [4 - Test Case Definition] A & C Exclusive Deviation test cases need to be reviewed (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006082: [4 - Test Case Definition] Requirement to encrypt Audit events? (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008150: [4 - Test Case Definition] Historical Access Read Raw test cases need to be reviewed (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008149: [4 - Test Case Definition] Base Info Selection List test cases need to be reviewed (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008134: [4 - Test Case Definition] A & C Comment test cases need to be reviewed (Alexander Allmendinger)
19 issues View Issues
Released 2022-08-02
- 0008148: [4 - Test Case Definition] Auditing Secure Communication test cases need to be added (Alexander Allmendinger)
1 issue View Issues
UA Specification - Change Log
Released 2009-02-09
- 0004609: [Spec] Reference to versions of the specification (Karl Deiretsbacher)
1 issue View Issues
Part 80: UAFX Overview and Concepts - Change Log
Released 2022-01-10
- 0008326: [Spec] Descriptions of the personas referenced in the workflows should be added (Bob Lattimer)
1 issue View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0008152: [Spec] Add Offline to Figure 1 - OPC UA FX communication stack (Bob Lattimer)
1 issue View Issues
Part 81: UAFX Connecting Devices and Information Model - Change Log
Not Yet Released
- 0009848: [Spec] Keep in ConnectionEndpointType Instance an identification of the CM which created it (Paul Hunkar)
- 0010118: [Spec] SerialNumber and ProductInstanceUri spec requirement is different from profile (Paul Hunkar)
- 0010114: [Spec] PubSubCommunicationConfigurationResultDataType structure needs clarification for rollback case (Paul Hunkar)
- 0010096: [Spec] Table 19 include incorrect error codes (Paul Hunkar)
- 0010095: [Spec] Table 16 - Bad_InvalidArgument description is not clear (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007844: [Spec] Alarm for ConnectionEndpoint in Error state (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007481: [Spec] Elaborate AutomationComponent, Asset and FunctionalEntity Health - Alarms (Paul Hunkar)
- 0010022: [Spec] An empty namespace uri in a PortableNodeId/PortableRelativePath should be resolved to namespace index1 (Paul Hunkar)
- 0010023: [Spec] Add SetCommunicationConfgurationCmd in Table 8 (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009819: [Spec] Diagnostic statistics are missing and should be added (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008456: [Spec] ConnectionConfigurationSet Error State: show StatusCode in information-model (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009820: [Spec] Extend the information model with additional Functional Group (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009184: [Spec] Use of PortableRelativePath needs further clarification (Paul Hunkar)
- 0010015: [Spec] The ConnectionConfigurationType has an Un-used mandatory field that should be removed (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009797: [Spec] Add diagnostics as a third purpose for CCSs (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009796: [Spec] Requiring CCSs be exposed in a CM (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009658: [Spec] Missing information in CCS in case of unidirectional connection without heartbeat (Jan Murzyn)
- 0009983: [Spec] More clarity needed for interpreting multiple Publisher/SubscriberCapabilites folders (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009544: [Spec] Wrong reference between slots and assets (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009574: [Spec] Need stronger guidance on the use of UDP port numbers in connection config (Jan Murzyn)
- 0009807: [Spec] Inputs folder description should be clarified (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009839: [Spec] InputsFolderType should allow variables via HasComponent references (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009161: [Spec] Issues with AuditUpdateMethodResultEventType (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009487: [Spec] The Specification does not require For string Data Type string MaxStringLength property (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009786: [Spec] Capability text could be improved (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009668: [Spec] Capabilities should not use magic numbers (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009662: [Spec] Add more status codes for AdditionalVariables in the VerifyAsset method (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009666: [Spec] Add more status codes to VerificationVariablesErrors in FunctionalEntityType.Verify (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009664: [Spec] Clarify the expected behaviour of IFunctionalEntityType.Verify method in terms of aborting processing (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009665: [Spec] Clarify the expected input to IFunctionalEntityType.Verify if a single element of an array is being verified (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009663: [Spec] Clarify the scope of variables passed-in to the IFunctionalEntityType.Verify method (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009661: [Spec] Clarify the expected order of checks in the VerifyAsset method (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009660: [Spec] Relax requirements for results of VerifyAssetCmd. (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009800: [Spec] The HasCMCapability ReferenceType is not defined (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009538: [Spec] ReferenceType between Connectors folder and related instances of AssetConnectorType (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009543: [Spec] Wrong reference in Figure D.7 (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009361: [Spec] Do we need a Conformance Unit requiring a minimum number of UAFX Connections (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009401: [Spec] Update description of Result Code Bad_ResourceUnavailable to cover that max number of connections is reached. (David Puffer)
- 0009186: [Spec] AssetVerificationType needs to specify BrowseName for ExpectedVerificationVariables (Georg Biehler)
39 issues View Issues
Released 2023-09-20
- 0008997: [Spec] Indicate support of one-to-many unicast and multicast communications (Georg Biehler)
- 0009269: [Spec] Mandatory variable AggregatedHealth is aggregating optional variables DeviceHealth and OperationalHealth. (Bob Lattimer)
- 0009187: [Spec] updated example to include the new interface for connectors (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009333: [Spec] FunctionalEntityNode is not a child of the AutomationComponent on which the EsatblishConnections was called. (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009334: [Spec] PubSubConnectionEndpointParameterDataType.Mode is not consistent with InputVariableIds (or Output). (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009223: [Spec] Allow creation of ConnectionEndpoints that reference input variables referenced by another enabled Connection (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009335: [Spec] EnableCommunication command is called on an endpoint which is still in an Initial state. (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009337: [Spec] Clarify the expected content of the EstablishConnections outputs in case of aborting a multi-step process with roll-back. (Georg Biehler)
- 0008874: [Spec] When and where to provide preconfigured DataSets (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009229: [Spec] Notation of Graphic unclear in new figure Figure 36 – Command sequence illustration (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009314: [Spec] Improve the Description of the 'Modify' Attribute in Annex F (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009156: [Spec] Missing behaviour in Table 144 – ConnectionEndpointConfigurationResultDataType (Georg Biehler)
- 0009157: [Spec] Detection of changes to a ConnectionConfigurationSet (Georg Biehler)
- 0008790: [Spec] Preconfigured data sets not part of CCS (Georg Biehler)
- 0009102: [Spec] Capability for Asset Verficiation Modes (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009100: [Spec] ConnectionManager and initiating Application (Georg Biehler)
- 0008789: [Spec] Need standard file format for persistence of CCS (Georg Biehler)
- 0009113: [Spec] Need some text for vendor specific processing of CCS (Georg Biehler)
- 0009092: [Spec] Capabilities of the ConnectionManager (Georg Biehler)
- 0009050: [Spec] Need to add some text to part 81 regarding Hostname and address (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009098: [Spec] Verification Methods clarification (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008808: [Spec] Part 81 needs examples/clarification for preconfigured DataSets at AC level (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008971: [Spec] Description of DescriptorIdentifier should state it points to the OPC website (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008643: [Spec] Editorial: The OPC UA term Reference is incorrectly not capitalized in multiple locations (Bob Lattimer)
- 0009042: [Spec] clarify that FunctionalEntities do not have to be a subtype of FunctionalEntityType (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008921: [Spec] Configuration of SecurityGroups and PushTargets for ConnectionManager (Georg Biehler)
- 0008873: [Spec] Usage of strings as references (Georg Biehler)
- 0008941: [Spec] Errors in CCS related Figures (Georg Biehler)
- 0008980: [Spec] Wrong reference in: table 10 - AssetVerificiationResults VerificationResult StatusCodes (Georg Biehler)
- 0008680: [Spec] Editorial issues in figures: 42, E.22, E.23 (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008546: [Spec] FxAssetType - Create Interface for the the folder "Connectors" (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008732: [Spec] Description of the starting point of a RelativePath is missing for the TranslationTable. (Paul Hunkar)
32 issues View Issues
- 0008997: [Spec] Indicate support of one-to-many unicast and multicast communications (Georg Biehler)
- 0009269: [Spec] Mandatory variable AggregatedHealth is aggregating optional variables DeviceHealth and OperationalHealth. (Bob Lattimer)
- 0009187: [Spec] updated example to include the new interface for connectors (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009333: [Spec] FunctionalEntityNode is not a child of the AutomationComponent on which the EsatblishConnections was called. (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009334: [Spec] PubSubConnectionEndpointParameterDataType.Mode is not consistent with InputVariableIds (or Output). (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009223: [Spec] Allow creation of ConnectionEndpoints that reference input variables referenced by another enabled Connection (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009335: [Spec] EnableCommunication command is called on an endpoint which is still in an Initial state. (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009337: [Spec] Clarify the expected content of the EstablishConnections outputs in case of aborting a multi-step process with roll-back. (Georg Biehler)
- 0008874: [Spec] When and where to provide preconfigured DataSets (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009229: [Spec] Notation of Graphic unclear in new figure Figure 36 – Command sequence illustration (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009314: [Spec] Improve the Description of the 'Modify' Attribute in Annex F (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009156: [Spec] Missing behaviour in Table 144 – ConnectionEndpointConfigurationResultDataType (Georg Biehler)
- 0009157: [Spec] Detection of changes to a ConnectionConfigurationSet (Georg Biehler)
- 0008790: [Spec] Preconfigured data sets not part of CCS (Georg Biehler)
- 0009102: [Spec] Capability for Asset Verficiation Modes (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009100: [Spec] ConnectionManager and initiating Application (Georg Biehler)
- 0008789: [Spec] Need standard file format for persistence of CCS (Georg Biehler)
- 0009113: [Spec] Need some text for vendor specific processing of CCS (Georg Biehler)
- 0009092: [Spec] Capabilities of the ConnectionManager (Georg Biehler)
- 0009050: [Spec] Need to add some text to part 81 regarding Hostname and address (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009098: [Spec] Verification Methods clarification (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008808: [Spec] Part 81 needs examples/clarification for preconfigured DataSets at AC level (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008971: [Spec] Description of DescriptorIdentifier should state it points to the OPC website (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008643: [Spec] Editorial: The OPC UA term Reference is incorrectly not capitalized in multiple locations (Bob Lattimer)
- 0009042: [Spec] clarify that FunctionalEntities do not have to be a subtype of FunctionalEntityType (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008921: [Spec] Configuration of SecurityGroups and PushTargets for ConnectionManager (Georg Biehler)
- 0008873: [Spec] Usage of strings as references (Georg Biehler)
- 0008941: [Spec] Errors in CCS related Figures (Georg Biehler)
- 0008980: [Spec] Wrong reference in: table 10 - AssetVerificiationResults VerificationResult StatusCodes (Georg Biehler)
- 0008680: [Spec] Editorial issues in figures: 42, E.22, E.23 (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008546: [Spec] FxAssetType - Create Interface for the the folder "Connectors" (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008732: [Spec] Description of the starting point of a RelativePath is missing for the TranslationTable. (Paul Hunkar)
32 issues View Issues
Released 2022-01-10
- 0007838: [Spec] How to generate PubSubConfiguration (Georg Biehler)
- 0008368: [Spec] Cannot relay on ReservedIds in case the pre-engineered PubSubConnections existed (with non default Publisherids). (Georg Biehler)
- 0008367: [Spec] ReserveCommunicationIds Result (Georg Biehler)
- 0008365: [Spec] CommunicationConfigurationResults (Georg Biehler)
- 0008364: [Spec] Outdated Paragraph in SetCommunicationConfigurationCmd PubSub (Georg Biehler)
- 0008350: [Spec] Optional Items in PubSubCommunicationFlowConfigurationType (Georg Biehler)
- 0008330: [Spec] Setting of SecurityKeyServerAddress for SKS co-located with ConnectionManager (Georg Biehler)
- 0008333: [Spec] Cardinalities for ToInboundFlow and ToOutboundFlow missing (Georg Biehler)
- 0008316: [Spec] PubSubCommunicationModelConfiguration (Georg Biehler)
- 0008281: [Spec] Variable storage should become a term (variable storage => VariableStorage) (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008212: [Spec] Missing mechanism to indicate which connection types (uni, uni+HB, bi-dir) are supported (Georg Biehler)
- 0008081: [Spec] 6.5.2 ControlGroupType definition uses imprecise wording. (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008061: [Spec] Surplus comma lots of places, but especially 13.4 (Bob Lattimer)
- 0008288: [Spec] ComponentCapabilities should be a mandatory folder in the AutomationComponent (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008156: [Spec] Command CreateConnectionEndpointCmd - need better linkage (Georg Biehler)
- 0008155: [Spec] clarify errors assignments (Georg Biehler)
- 0008162: [Spec] ConnectionConfigurationSetType clarification (Georg Biehler)
- 0008154: [Spec] Issues with PubSubCommunicationFlowConfigurationType and SubscriberConfigurationType relation to FX Endpoints (Georg Biehler)
- 0008153: [Spec] Issues with PubSubCommunicationFlowConfigurationType and SubscriberConfigurationType Missing configuration parameters (Georg Biehler)
- 0008158: [Spec] - needs more explination (Georg Biehler)
- 0008161: [Spec] Version information for heartbeat needs to be described (Georg Biehler)
- 0008181: [Spec] RelatedEndpoint for autonomous publisher and subscriber (Georg Biehler)
- 0008125: [Spec] Enforce concrete type of Published- and SubscribedDataSet (Georg Biehler)
- 0008157: [Spec] HasAutomationComponent ReferenceType not need can be removed (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008126: [Spec] Review all folder definitions for for normative language (Georg Biehler)
- 0008042: [Spec] UAFX Auditing Connection Establishment CU name is misleading and should be changed (Bob Lattimer)
- 0007848: [Spec] Samples for Asset and FunctionalEntity Verification (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008076: [Spec] Add text to clarify persistence behavior (Georg Biehler)
- 0008032: [Spec] OperationalHealthAlarmsFolder (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007849: [Spec] Sample Information Model Overview (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007621: [Spec] Number of ConnectionManagers in Server (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007864: [Spec] ConnectionEndpointDefinitionType - Node has wrong type (Georg Biehler)
- 0007656: [Spec] Missing status code fields in EstablishConnection result structures (Georg Biehler)
- 0007630: [Spec] EstablishConnections: Resolve and clarify behavior with "mixed" Enabled flags PubSub config (Georg Biehler)
34 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0008311: [Spec] The conformance unit assigned to sub component of AutomationComponentType are incorrect (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008085: [Spec] Wrong conformance unit used for ConfigurationDataFolderType (Bob Lattimer)
- 0008086: [Spec] Wrong ConformanceUnit is referenced for the ConfigurationDataFolderType Methods definitions (Bob Lattimer)
- 0008049: [Api Change] 10000-81 clause 9.2.2 awkward grammar (Georg Biehler)
4 issues View Issues
Part 82: UAFX Networking - Change Log
Released 2023-09-20
- 0009360: [Spec] Update the reference to IEEE 802.1Q to the 2022 edition. (Bob Lattimer)
- 0009359: [Spec] Add references to term definitions from external documents. (Bob Lattimer)
- 0009344: [Spec] Reconcile Terms between Part 82 and 60802. (Bob Lattimer)
- 0009148: [Spec] Add list of what could supported in a network containing UAFX Stations, e.g. number of UAFX Stations (Bob Lattimer)
- 0009147: [Spec] Add description of the use of DHCP in a network supporting UAFX devices (Bob Lattimer)
- 0009106: [Spec] mDNS responder support needs to be added to Part 82 (Bob Lattimer)
- 0009105: [Spec] Host name resolution using DNS is needed (Bob Lattimer)
- 0008669: [Spec] The descriptions of UAFX Station are inconsistent (Bob Lattimer)
8 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0008188: [Spec] The Bridge Component feature 6.2.2 g) needs expanded to cover LLDP TLV support and management (Bob Lattimer)
1 issue View Issues
Part 83: UAFX Offline Engineering - Change Log
Not Yet Released
- 0010013: [Spec] Clarify usage of EventNotifier attribute (Emanuel Kolb)
- 0010012: [Spec] Review default values for WriteMask and AccessRestrictions (Emanuel Kolb)
- 0010011: [Spec] Review (or define) default values for AccessLevel and AccessLevelEx (Emanuel Kolb)
- 0010010: [Spec] Clarify usage of localization in DisplayNames (Emanuel Kolb)
- 0009657: [Spec] Clarify usage of subattributes for BrowseName (Emanuel Kolb)
- 0009614: [Spec] The attribute NodeId isn't marked that it may be included in SystemUnitClass and/or instances (Todd Snide)
- 0009610: [Spec] Reference Type Mapping - Which attributes should be used on an instance (Jim Luth)
- 0009561: [Spec] NodeId of data types are not available for AML attribute types (Emanuel Kolb)
- 0009545: [Spec] Implement recommendations of OPAS-UAFX OE Harmonization group (Todd Snide)
- 0009517: [Spec] The definition of the RootNodeId of the NodeId in chapter A.3.7 DataTypes with special mappings could be more precise. (Emanuel Kolb)
- 0009514: [Spec] Structure field information missing in AML (Jim Luth)
- 0009457: [Spec] Need to clarify "one manfest" rule in part 83 (Emanuel Kolb)
- 0009449: [Spec] Attribute NodeId (Marco Hoch)
- 0009352: [Spec] Allow RSASSA_PSS padding scheme for Descriptor signatures (Todd Snide)
- 0009322: [Spec] References using ExplicitNodeId (e.g., NodeId, BrowsePath) are not according to AutomationML concepts (Emanuel Kolb)
- 0009177: [Spec] Describe how to define configuration of individual variables are constants or stored in non-volatile memory (Todd Snide)
16 issues View Issues
Released 2023-09-20
- 0009264: [Spec] Invalid characters are used in Annex J "DescriptorInfo XML Schema" and Annex K "OpcUaLibInfo Schema" (Todd Snide)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2022-01-10
- 0008791: [Spec] Provision signing certificates for engineering tools (Emanuel Kolb)
- 0008088: [Spec] 10000-83 clause 7.4.3 XML syntax for end tag (Todd Snide)
- 0008087: [Spec] 10000-83 clause 7.2.1 missing reference and 7.4.2 XML syntax (Todd Snide)
3 issues View Issues
Part 84: UAFX Profiles - Change Log
Not Yet Released
- 0010187: [Spec] ConformanceUnits on Object Type definition tables are incorrect or missing (Bob Lattimer)
- 0010186: [Spec] Add CU for ConnectionManagerApplicationUri (Bob Lattimer)
- 0010185: [Spec] Add CUs and Facets for LogObjects added to the AC and CM (Bob Lattimer)
- 0010061: [Spec] Created CUs for 9819: Diagnostic statistics are missing and should be added (Bob Lattimer)
- 0010060: [Spec] Create CUs for 8456: ConnectionConfigurationSet Error State: show StatusCode in information-model (Bob Lattimer)
- 0010184: [Spec] Create CU for 7713: EstablishConnections: Supported PubSubConfigurationRefMask values (Bob Lattimer)
- 0009371: [Spec] Support RSASAA-PSS in offline engineering descriptor signatures (Bob Lattimer)
- 0009107: [Spec] DNS for host name resolution and mDNS for responder support need to be added to the UAFX Controller Profile. (Bob Lattimer)
- 0010025: [Spec] Missing individual PublisherCapabilities and SubscriberCapabilities CUs for UAFX Descriptor contents – AutomationComponent (Bob Lattimer)
- 0009559: [Spec] AutomationComponentConfiguration CommunicationModelConfig mandatory should not be mandatory in P 84 (Bob Lattimer)
- 0009481: [Spec] UAFX ConnectionManager Base ConfomanceUnit language should be improved (Bob Lattimer)
- 0009802: [Spec] Missing Descriptor Asset Base content ConformanceUnit (Bob Lattimer)
- 0009527: [Spec] Add LLDP facet to Controller Profile (Bob Lattimer)
- 0009483: [Spec] UAFX Preconfigured PublishedDataSet and SubscriberDataSet CUs language need reconciled (Bob Lattimer)
- 0009482: [Spec] UAFX ConnectionManager AutomationComponentConfiguration AssetVerification CU should be made mandatory (Bob Lattimer)
- 0009166: [Spec] Do we need a Conformance Unit requiring a minimum number of UAFX Connections (Bob Lattimer)
- 0009617: [Spec] Potential interop issue between CM and AC for predefined v. dynamic DataSets (Bob Lattimer)
- 0009345: [Spec] UAFX AutomationComponent SupportsPersistence needs to require SupportsPersistence be set to TRUE (Bob Lattimer)
18 issues View Issues
Released 2023-09-20
- 0009354: [Spec] Mandatory variable AggregatedHealth is aggregating optional variables DeviceHealth and OperationalHealth. (Bob Lattimer)
- 0008875: [Spec] Descriptor must include information describing all OPC Foundation capabilities implemented in the product. (Bob Lattimer)
- 0009172: [Spec] New CU needed for the ConnectionManagerConfigurationType support in the UAFX ConnectionManager Facet (Bob Lattimer)
- 0008530: [Spec] Require Product Descriptor in the UAFX Controller Profile (Bob Lattimer)
- 0008783: [Spec] FxAssetType - Create Interface for the folder "Connectors" (Bob Lattimer)
- 0008632: [Spec] Username/Password support mandated by UAFX Controller Server Profile (Greg Majcher)
- 0009134: [Spec] Add CU for support of physical network interface Objects (Bob Lattimer)
- 0009133: [Spec] CUs and Profiles needed for Offline functionality (Bob Lattimer)
- 0008807: [Spec] UAFX Asset SoftwareUpdate should not require support of FxAsset (Bob Lattimer)
- 0008531: [Spec] Add Conformance Units and Profiles that Engineering Tools can import, process and export Descriptors (Bob Lattimer)
- 0008782: [Spec] Change UAFX SKS SetSecurityKeys to PubSub SKS SetSecurityKeys (Bob Lattimer)
- 0008446: [Spec] Recommendation - use different wording for "reference" in IFunctionalEntity OutputData and InputData (Bob Lattimer)
- 0008445: [Spec] CU ConnectionEndpoint Base - Add subtype into the description (Bob Lattimer)
13 issues View Issues
Released 2022-01-10
- 0008291: [Spec] Exposure of PubSub configuration model (Bob Lattimer)
- 0008270: [Spec] Missing several ConnectionConfigurationSet CUs (Bob Lattimer)
- 0008279: [Spec] UAFX EthernetEndStation LLDP Transmit&Receive Mode should not be Optional (Bob Lattimer)
- 0008096: [Spec] CUs for ConnectionManager (Bob Lattimer)
- 0008271: [Spec] UAFX SKS Push Facet needs to be restructured (Greg Majcher)
- 0008236: [Spec] Update SKS CUs to match Part 14 (Greg Majcher)
6 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0008275: [Spec] UAFX EthernetBridge C-VLAN-Bridge Support - Part 82 does not use the term “C-VLAN bridge (Bob Lattimer)
- 0008306: [Spec] Minimum admin cycle time of 200 µs or smaller needs to be aligned with FA/PA requirements (Bob Lattimer)
- 0008269: [Spec] Add UAFX ConfigurationDataFolder Hierarchy (as for InputsFolder) (Bob Lattimer)
3 issues View Issues
UAFX Nodeset - Change Log
Released 2023-09-20
- 0009258: [Documentation Errata] description string in nodeset have various problems (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009257: [Implementation Bug] ConnectionManagerType->ConnectionConfigurationSets->ConnectionConfiguration->Connection->Endpoint1 (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008693: [Implementation Bug] Wrong ArrayDimensions of Elements field of the DataType PortableRelativePath (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008323: [Spec] Missing mechanism to indicate which connection types (uni, uni+HB, bi-dir) are supported (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008314: [Spec] ComponentCapabilities should be a mandatory folder in the AutomationComponent (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009230: [Implementation Bug] opc.ua.fx.cm.nodeset2.xml have some nodeid with the same 'BrowseName' in the same path of UAFX-1.00.00-2022-10-15 (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009218: [Implementation Bug] New duplicate node in the 1.02 CM namespace (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008186: [Spec] HasAutomationComponent ReferenceType not need can be removed (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008711: [Spec] Wrong ValueRank in AC-NodeSet (Paul Hunkar)
9 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0007435: [Implementation Bug] ConnectedTo ReferenceType - InverseName on Symmetric Reference. (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007450: [Implementation Bug] <SubFunctionalEntity> (i=83) children inconsistent (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007451: [Implementation Bug] PublisherCapabilities component has a non-null value in TypeDefinition. (Paul Hunkar)
3 issues View Issues
10000-100: Devices - Change Log
Not Yet Released
- 0010222: [Documentation Errata] Simpler example for SoftwareUpdate (Uwe Thomas)
- 0010223: [Feature Request] Standardized Folder to add / remove Applications with Software Update support (Uwe Thomas)
- 0010224: [Feature Request] Standard Container Format for Software Packages of the Software Update (Uwe Thomas)
- 0010225: [Feature Request] Interface for Asset Location Indication (Uwe Thomas)
- 0010218: [Implementation Bug] Missing SoftwareUpdate reference at ComponentType (Uwe Thomas)
- 0010102: [Documentation Errata] Better use constrained instead of contraint? (Uwe Thomas)
- 0009546: [Spec] Missing HasCause References in StateMachines for SoftwareUpdate (Uwe Thomas)
- 0009029: [Spec] missing method to remove a previously transferred software package (Uwe Thomas)
- 0010221: [Spec] Missing information whether unsigned software packages are supported (Uwe Thomas)
- 0010220: [Documentation Errata] Clarify when to use which loading option of Software Update (Uwe Thomas)
- 0010219: [Feature Request] Information about the type of software for Software Update (Uwe Thomas)
- 0009030: [Spec] Missing method to abort the Resuming state of the PrepareForUpdateStateMachine (Uwe Thomas)
- 0009388: [Spec] wrong table referenced (Uwe Thomas)
- 0008412: [Spec] Contradiction between PrepareForUpdate and FileTransfer dependency? (Uwe Thomas)
- 0009547: [Spec] Drawings for StateMachines of Software Updates have more transitions then in the Model (Uwe Thomas)
15 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0007488: [Spec] v1.03, on page 119, the sequence diagram is out of the paper (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0006195: [Spec] LockingService should be usable outside DI (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0006196: [Spec] Missing relation of types to conformance units and profiles (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0006230: [Spec] abstract needs to be reversed between DeviceHealthDiagnosticAlarmType and its subtypes (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0006282: [Spec] Feature for Software Update needed (Karl Deiretsbacher)
5 issues View Issues
Released 2012-02-09
- 0005624: [Spec] Remove dependency between ProductInstanceUri and ManufacturerUri (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0004049: [Spec] New element (Object Type) to structure different aspects of a device (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0004533: [Spec] Add additional Base Folder "DeviceFeatures" in DI's Base folder (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003096: [Spec] We need to make the inverser reference mandatory between device and connection point (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003148: [Spec] We need to make sure the NamespaceMetaData Object is contained in the model (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003419: [Spec] It would be good to have something like a SoftwareType (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003873: [Spec] Clarification of subtypes of BaseVariableTypes (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002708: [Spec] Browse names for OptionalPlaceholder components are inconsistent (Karl Deiretsbacher)
8 issues View Issues
30020: MDIS - Change Log
Not Yet Released
- 0009562: [Documentation Errata] Motor object behavior when set to 'Off' but motor is currently running (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009563: [Documentation Errata] Should Choke SetCalculatedPosition method input be restricted? (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009319: [Api Change] Redefinition of existing node-IDs in 1.3 release (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009104: [Implementation Bug] 1.3 NodeSet contains unreferenced nodes - breaks integration tests (Paul Hunkar)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2022-09-03
- 0005048: [Documentation Errata] Nodeset2.xml link in specification points to outdated file (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008109: [Documentation Errata] Specification appendix 'D' to be designated normative (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008023: [Documentation Errata] Profile group names in the spec do not align with those in the profile database (Tim Fortin)
- 0008583: [Documentation Errata] MDIS Client CU list needs to include MDIS Information Signature Validation (Tim Fortin)
- 0005271: [Documentation Errata] Valve object "Shutdown Request" flag behavior (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005794: [Implementation Bug] OPC.MDIS.NodeSet2.xml ObjectType Description (Paul Hunkar)
- 0004990: [Implementation Bug] Editorial error in Opc.MDIS.NodeSet2.xml (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005599: [Feature Request] Add NamespaceMetaData Object (Paul Hunkar)
- 0004425: [Implementation Bug] MDISAggregateObjecttype is not defined correctly in the nodesetfile (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008309: [Documentation Errata] Change minimum OPCUA supported version from 1.02 to 1.03 (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007814: [Documentation Errata] What is the error result when setting the CIMV position >100% ? (Tim Fortin)
11 issues View Issues
30060: TMC - Change Log
Not Yet Released
- 0009637: [Implementation Bug] TypeDictionary is missing DataTypeDescription and ProductionOrderType data types (Stefano Cadò)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2022-07-25
- 0008071: [IOP Problem] Need to update NamespaceURI for 2.0 (Stefano Cadò)
- 0008035: [Implementation Bug] TMCStateMachineType.Cleared is missing reference (Stefano Cadò)
- 0008033: [Implementation Bug] Missing child (Stefano Cadò)
- 0008004: [Api Change] The Running.StateNumber is inconsistent between TMCMachineStateMachineType and PackMLMachineStateMachineType (Stefano Cadò)
4 issues View Issues
30070: MTConnect - Change Log
Released 2020-08-21
- 0004883: [Api Change] I think the MTConnect standard's usage of Mapping the Native Code to a Condition Branch is a semantic mismatch (William Sobel)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2018-11-17
- 0004630: [Api Change] Page 62: Reset trigger to status code releationships (Randy Armstrong)
- 0004730: [Api Change] Definition of Nodes Representing MTConnec Conditions (William Sobel)
- 0004739: [Documentation Errata] Examples on page 34 should be associated with previous list item (William Sobel)
3 issues View Issues
30120: IO-Link - Change Log
Not Yet Released
Update to IO-Link SMI V1.1.3 and support of OPC UA for IO-Link Wireless
- 0008617: [Feature Request] IO-Link Port State machine (Martin Lang)
- 0005795: [Documentation Errata] Typos (and References) (
Joachim Stilz) - 0006346: [Documentation Errata] Not possible to generate NodeId of OPC UA Structure for inline complex IODD Datatypes (
Joachim Stilz)
3 issues View Issues
10000-001: Concepts - Change Log
Released 2022-06-29
1 issue View Issues
Released 2022-03-30
- 0005715: [Spec] Add section to describe global concepts in OPC UA (GDS, PKI admin, Aliases) (Jim Luth)
- 0007502: [Spec] wrong location of introduction of Part 14 (OPC 10000-14) – PubSub (Jim Luth)
- 0007503: [Spec] missing one dot (Jim Luth)
- 0007504: [Spec] caption is on another page (Jim Luth)
- 0007692: [Spec] Rename Part 21 to Device Onboarding (Jim Luth)
- 0005641: [Spec] Reference all new Parts of the UA specification (Jim Luth)
- 0005362: [Spec] Comments from IEC editor (Jim Luth)
- 0003939: [Spec] Missing JSON encoding (Jim Luth)
- 0003924: [Spec] Typo in Part 1: UADP instead of UDP (Jim Luth)
- 0006738: [Spec] 3.8 Certificate (Jim Luth)
- 0006295: [Spec] User Authentication or Authorization (Jim Luth)
11 issues View Issues
10000-002: Security - Change Log
Released 2023-07-18
- 0009607: [Spec] Updated the 62443 mapping table (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006657: [Spec] Part 4 6.2 Authorization Services (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006912: [Spec] 5.1.11 Compromising user credentials (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008976: [Spec] Security level evaluation of the updated certificates compared to the endpoint should be specified (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006939: [Spec] Algorithm for KeyLifetime limits (min and max) for OPC UA PubSub /Part 14/ with AES-CTR (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006909: [Spec] 5.1.4 Message spoofing and 5.1.6 Message replay (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008012: [Spec] Restrictions on DiagnosticInfo.AdditionalInfo with unauthenticated Clients (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006918: [Spec] 7.3.3 Threats against a GDS (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006911: [Spec] 7.36.4 UserNameIdentityToken (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006754: [Spec] 8 Certificate management (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006599: [Spec] 8.1.4 GDS Certificate Management - Needs to Define CertificateGroups (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006899: [Spec] Broker (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006921: [Spec] 4.12 Roles (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009350: [Spec] Update to Part 2 5.1.10 Rogue Server or Publisher (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006763: [Spec] 4.3 Security threats to OPC UA systems (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006874: [Spec] 4.3 Security threats to OPC UA systems - Downgrade attack should be added (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006876: [Spec] 4.3 Security threats to OPC UA systems - add message suppression (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006902: [Spec] 4.9 User Authentication (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006913: [Spec] 5.2.3 User Authentication (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009358: [Spec] Add a discussion on zero trust architectures (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006910: [Spec] 5.1.8 Server profiling (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006875: [Spec] 4.3.4 Message spoofing - affected security objectives are incomplete: Authenticity (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006496: [Spec] 4.8.2 There should be a definition of what is considered a security relevant setting for SecurityAdmin role (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009310: [Spec] Asymmetric Cryptography definition note wrong for ECC (Paul Hunkar)
- 0004647: [Spec] Add Discussion of ECC (Paul Hunkar)
- 0004681: [Spec] Add Support for ECC to UA Secure Conversation (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006879: [Spec] 4.5.2 Client / Server (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008702: [Spec] Move definition for SecureChannel from Part 2 to Part 1 (Paul Hunkar)
28 issues View Issues
Released 2022-09-29
- 0009023: [Spec] Reverse Connect: Denial of Service protection not clear (Paul Hunkar)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2022-06-30
- 0007255: [Spec] 6.13 Remove references to specific TLS versions (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006916: [Spec] 6.13 HTTPs, SSL/TLS & Websockets (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009013: [Spec] Unclear and/or misleading wording in the ECC Amendment - Need to describe the EccEncryptedSecret Signature for AEAD Ciphers (Paul Hunkar)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2022-06-29
- 0006297: [Spec] User Authentication or Authorization (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007202: [Spec] Need Discussion of Password (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006917: [Spec] 6.14 Reverse Connect (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006915: [Spec] 5.2.8 Availability (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008268: [Spec] would could -> would (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008287: [Spec] Numbering of section 8 is error (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006869: [Spec] 3.1.10 Authentication (Paul Hunkar)
7 issues View Issues
Released 2022-03-30
- 0006873: [Spec] Figure 1 - OPC UA network example (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007513: [Spec] rouge -> rogue (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006500: [Spec] Some disccussion of compromised credential handling may be appropriate. (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006253: [Spec] 5.1.11Compromising user credentials (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006908: [Spec] Table 1 - Security Reconciliation Threats Summary (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006906: [Spec] 5.1.1 Overview (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006598: [Spec] Section 6.2 Security in Part 4 should be called out. (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006904: [Spec] Figure 4 - Role overview (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006900: [Spec] 4.7 Security Profiles (Paul Hunkar)
- 0004364: [Spec] Typo (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006499: [Spec] Part 4 nconsistent with the objectives stated in Part 2 that include application authentication. (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006877: [Spec] 4.3.10 Rogue Server - wrong description. (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006920: [Spec] Developers Certificate management (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006919: [Spec] 8.1.1 Overview (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005266: [Spec] Wording incorrect in 6.13 (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006914: [Spec] 5.2.5 Confidentiality (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005490: [Spec] 5.2.4 Authorization does not refer to standard OPC UA mechanisms (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006248: [Spec] Need Text on Client Flooding (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006871: [Spec] 3.1.42 SecurityGroup (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006870: [Spec] 3.1.21 Hash Function (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006868: [Spec] 3.1.1 Access Restriction (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007447: [Spec] Terms Should be PascalCase (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006878: [Spec] missing reference to ISA/IEC 62443 (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005361: [Spec] Editorial comments from IEC (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006903: [Spec] 4.12 Roles (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005716: [Spec] Check all references to Part 5 since it has been split into multiple Parts. (Paul Hunkar)
26 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0009023: [Spec] Reverse Connect: Denial of Service protection not clear (Paul Hunkar)
1 issue View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0007255: [Spec] 6.13 Remove references to specific TLS versions (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006916: [Spec] 6.13 HTTPs, SSL/TLS & Websockets (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009013: [Spec] Unclear and/or misleading wording in the ECC Amendment - Need to describe the EccEncryptedSecret Signature for AEAD Ciphers (Paul Hunkar)
3 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0006297: [Spec] User Authentication or Authorization (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007202: [Spec] Need Discussion of Password (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006917: [Spec] 6.14 Reverse Connect (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006915: [Spec] 5.2.8 Availability (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008268: [Spec] would could -> would (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008287: [Spec] Numbering of section 8 is error (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006869: [Spec] 3.1.10 Authentication (Paul Hunkar)
7 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0006873: [Spec] Figure 1 - OPC UA network example (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007513: [Spec] rouge -> rogue (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006500: [Spec] Some disccussion of compromised credential handling may be appropriate. (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006253: [Spec] 5.1.11Compromising user credentials (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006908: [Spec] Table 1 - Security Reconciliation Threats Summary (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006906: [Spec] 5.1.1 Overview (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006598: [Spec] Section 6.2 Security in Part 4 should be called out. (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006904: [Spec] Figure 4 - Role overview (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006900: [Spec] 4.7 Security Profiles (Paul Hunkar)
- 0004364: [Spec] Typo (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006499: [Spec] Part 4 nconsistent with the objectives stated in Part 2 that include application authentication. (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006877: [Spec] 4.3.10 Rogue Server - wrong description. (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006920: [Spec] Developers Certificate management (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006919: [Spec] 8.1.1 Overview (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005266: [Spec] Wording incorrect in 6.13 (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006914: [Spec] 5.2.5 Confidentiality (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005490: [Spec] 5.2.4 Authorization does not refer to standard OPC UA mechanisms (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006248: [Spec] Need Text on Client Flooding (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006871: [Spec] 3.1.42 SecurityGroup (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006870: [Spec] 3.1.21 Hash Function (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006868: [Spec] 3.1.1 Access Restriction (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007447: [Spec] Terms Should be PascalCase (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006878: [Spec] missing reference to ISA/IEC 62443 (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005361: [Spec] Editorial comments from IEC (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006903: [Spec] 4.12 Roles (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005716: [Spec] Check all references to Part 5 since it has been split into multiple Parts. (Paul Hunkar)
26 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-06
- 0002748: [Spec] Discovery - Security Discussion (Paul Hunkar)
- 0003022: [Spec] Add discussion on X509 hash strength/security profiles and the need to have multiple X509 per applications. (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002751: [Spec] Certificate generation - security discussion (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002546: [Spec] Add comment about this DOS vulnerability (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002749: [Spec] FindserversOnNetwork - security discussion (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002750: [Spec] General GDS - security discussion (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002747: [Spec] MultiCast DNS - security discussion (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002959: [Spec] Include a discussion of keylength ranges (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002963: [Spec] Add information about the importance of good entropy (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002960: [Spec] PKCS # 1 v1.5 and known attackes discussion required (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002746: [Spec] Certificate generation (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002066: [Spec] Minor Text Updates requested (Paul Hunkar)
12 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-06
- 0002748: [Spec] Discovery - Security Discussion (Paul Hunkar)
- 0003022: [Spec] Add discussion on X509 hash strength/security profiles and the need to have multiple X509 per applications. (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002751: [Spec] Certificate generation - security discussion (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002546: [Spec] Add comment about this DOS vulnerability (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002749: [Spec] FindserversOnNetwork - security discussion (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002750: [Spec] General GDS - security discussion (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002747: [Spec] MultiCast DNS - security discussion (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002959: [Spec] Include a discussion of keylength ranges (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002963: [Spec] Add information about the importance of good entropy (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002960: [Spec] PKCS # 1 v1.5 and known attackes discussion required (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002746: [Spec] Certificate generation (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002066: [Spec] Minor Text Updates requested (Paul Hunkar)
12 issues View Issues
Released 2010-06-01
- 0002238: Audit management (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002237: Program related issues (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002236: Alarm / Dialog related issues (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002235: Behaviour of server if multiple bad connection requests are encountered (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002234: Audit records should be restricted to administrators (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002233: Security algorithm expiration (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002232: Certification vs security (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002231: Security related terms are missing definitions (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002171: Administrator boundry (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002133: Need to state that only validated CryptoAlgorithms will be used. (Paul Hunkar)
10 issues View Issues
Released 2010-06-01
- 0002238: Audit management (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002237: Program related issues (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002236: Alarm / Dialog related issues (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002235: Behaviour of server if multiple bad connection requests are encountered (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002234: Audit records should be restricted to administrators (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002233: Security algorithm expiration (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002232: Certification vs security (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002231: Security related terms are missing definitions (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002171: Administrator boundry (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002133: Need to state that only validated CryptoAlgorithms will be used. (Paul Hunkar)
10 issues View Issues
10000-003: Address Space - Change Log
Not Yet Released
- 0010094: [Spec] Latest release (1.05.04) of part 3 contains typos in Standard types (Jeff Harding)
- 0010134: [Spec] Possible Incorrect Section Reference in Clause 4.4.1 of OPC UA Specification (Jeff Harding)
- 0009620: [Spec] "Instantiation" not defined, and instantiation of abstract reference types not really forbidden (Jeff Harding)
- 0009860: [Spec] Clarification needed for AllowNulls property (Jeff Harding)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2024-06-18
- 0009528: [Spec] 4.2 URIs: OpenSSL bug makes Tag URIs invalid as ApplicationUris (Randy Armstrong)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2023-07-18
- 0008461: [Spec] ModellingRules on Events (Jeff Harding)
- 0009302: [Spec] 4.8.2 Well Known Roles - Clarify what 'valid non-anonymous credentials' are. (Jeff Harding)
- 0009400: [Spec] Clarification needed for "AccessLevelEx" (Jeff Harding)
- 0008683: [Spec] Clarification on HasStructuredComponent for Arrays (Jeff Harding)
- 0008753: [Spec] Use of AuditEvents for non-OPC UA actions (Jeff Harding)
- 0009309: [Spec] External localization of Event Messages (Jeff Harding)
- 0009477: [Spec] [Part 4] endpointUrl in createSession document unclear (Jeff Harding)
- 0009163: [Spec] CONTROL Characters not Allowed in NodeIds, QualifiedNames and ExpandedNodeIds. (Jeff Harding)
- 0005685: [Spec] Define data sets for use in TCP Binary (Jeff Harding)
- 0009008: [Spec] MaxStringLength property for array DataVariables - clarification needed (Jeff Harding)
- 0009111: [Spec] text references for 7.23 and 4.9 (Jeff Harding)
- 0009423: [Spec] Editorial errors (Jeff Harding)
12 issues View Issues
Released 2022-09-29
- 0008194: [Spec] 4.8.2 Well Known Roles - Clarify what 'valid non-anonymous credentials' are. (Jeff Harding)
- 0009272: [Spec] Clarification for permission flags for nodes (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009073: [Spec] Detail clarification needed for DefaultEncodingId in StructureDefinition (Jeff Harding)
- 0009088: [Spec] Description of "BrowsePath" is not clear (Jeff Harding)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2022-06-30
- 0008712: [Spec] Error in the diagrams in (Figure 14 and Figure 21) (Jeff Harding)
- 0008953: [Spec] Section 6.4: description of UTC versus TAI time needs clarification (Jeff Harding)
- 0008008: [Spec] Need clarification that a NULL DataType Attribute is not allowed in Variable and VariableType nodes (Jeff Harding)
- 0008259: [Spec] Our URN syntax is probably not correct (Randy Armstrong)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2022-06-29
- 0008300: [Spec] Various issues on OptionSet DataType (Jeff Harding)
- 0008307: [Spec] Wrong connector for "HasProperty" reference in interface hierarchy diagram (10000-3 4.9.2 Figure11) used. (Jeff Harding)
- 0008200: [Spec] 4.8 Roles 4.8.1Overview - Wrong reference to Part 5 - should be Part 18 now. (Jeff Harding)
- 0008196: [Spec] Clause reference is wrong (Jeff Harding)
- 0006490: [Spec] Clarification needed for 8.40 OptionSet DataType (Jeff Harding)
- 0006393: [Api Change] typos and wording in interface definition, in Amendement 7 (Jeff Harding)
- 0006492: [Spec] 4.8.1 Required permissions for the configuration client are not specified. (Jeff Harding)
- 0006493: [Spec] 4.8 No mention of session-less requests (Jeff Harding)
- 0007824: [Spec] Roles Object is mendtionied (Jeff Harding)
9 issues View Issues
Released 2022-03-30
- 0007828: [Spec] Disallow sharing of InstanceDeclarations between TypeDefinitions (Wolfgang Mahnke)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2022-02-23
- 0007143: [Spec] Non-Volatile Storage (Jim Luth)
- 0006700: [Spec] Identification if a Value is Constant (Jim Luth)
- 0007606: [Spec] HierarchicalReferences inverseName (Jeff Harding)
- 0006654: [Api Change] Release 1.04. Part 3 Chapter 8.55 Clarify if Permission Bit ReadHistoryEvent is needed or describe ReadHistory for events (Jeff Harding)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2021-10-29
- 0006986: [Spec] Description of arrayDimensions in StructureField incorrect, and wording can be improved of paragraph (Jeff Harding)
1 issue View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0008194: [Spec] 4.8.2 Well Known Roles - Clarify what 'valid non-anonymous credentials' are. (Jeff Harding)
- 0009272: [Spec] Clarification for permission flags for nodes (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009073: [Spec] Detail clarification needed for DefaultEncodingId in StructureDefinition (Jeff Harding)
- 0009088: [Spec] Description of "BrowsePath" is not clear (Jeff Harding)
4 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0008712: [Spec] Error in the diagrams in (Figure 14 and Figure 21) (Jeff Harding)
- 0008953: [Spec] Section 6.4: description of UTC versus TAI time needs clarification (Jeff Harding)
- 0008008: [Spec] Need clarification that a NULL DataType Attribute is not allowed in Variable and VariableType nodes (Jeff Harding)
- 0008259: [Spec] Our URN syntax is probably not correct (Randy Armstrong)
4 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0008300: [Spec] Various issues on OptionSet DataType (Jeff Harding)
- 0008307: [Spec] Wrong connector for "HasProperty" reference in interface hierarchy diagram (10000-3 4.9.2 Figure11) used. (Jeff Harding)
- 0008200: [Spec] 4.8 Roles 4.8.1Overview - Wrong reference to Part 5 - should be Part 18 now. (Jeff Harding)
- 0008196: [Spec] Clause reference is wrong (Jeff Harding)
- 0006490: [Spec] Clarification needed for 8.40 OptionSet DataType (Jeff Harding)
- 0006393: [Api Change] typos and wording in interface definition, in Amendement 7 (Jeff Harding)
- 0006492: [Spec] 4.8.1 Required permissions for the configuration client are not specified. (Jeff Harding)
- 0006493: [Spec] 4.8 No mention of session-less requests (Jeff Harding)
- 0007824: [Spec] Roles Object is mendtionied (Jeff Harding)
9 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0007828: [Spec] Disallow sharing of InstanceDeclarations between TypeDefinitions (Wolfgang Mahnke)
1 issue View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0007143: [Spec] Non-Volatile Storage (Jim Luth)
- 0006700: [Spec] Identification if a Value is Constant (Jim Luth)
- 0007606: [Spec] HierarchicalReferences inverseName (Jeff Harding)
- 0006654: [Api Change] Release 1.04. Part 3 Chapter 8.55 Clarify if Permission Bit ReadHistoryEvent is needed or describe ReadHistory for events (Jeff Harding)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2021-05-20
- 0006986: [Spec] Description of arrayDimensions in StructureField incorrect, and wording can be improved of paragraph (Jeff Harding)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2021-05-20
- 0007355: [Spec] OptionSet with <= 64 bits on wire (Jeff Harding)
- 0006941: [Spec] No reference to specifiation for URI (Jeff Harding)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2021-05-20
- 0007355: [Spec] OptionSet with <= 64 bits on wire (Jeff Harding)
- 0006941: [Spec] No reference to specifiation for URI (Jeff Harding)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-06
- 0007909: [Api Change] Clarification on NamingRule and usage of MandatoryPlaceholder / OptionalPlaceholder on Methods (Jim Luth)
- 0002998: [Spec] 8.33 Structure: inheritence rules inconsistent? (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0003015: [Spec] Inverse references from DataTypeDescriptions to DataTypeEncoding are optional (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0003016: [Spec] 5.8.4 DataTypeDictionary, DataTypeDescription, DataTypeEncoding and DataTypeSystem (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002982: [Spec] Add MaxByteStringLength property to Variable NodeClass properties (Matthias Damm)
- 0002852: [Spec] C.4 Type Description Examples: 128-bit signed integer is a bad example? (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002064: [Spec] Suppoort for Date Datatype (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002063: [Spec] Support for a Time datatype (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002065: [Spec] Support for Durration (full not just millisecond) (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002075: [Spec] Support for DecimalString as a base data type (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002215: [Spec] Add support for NormalizedString Datatype (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002848: [Spec] 7.7 HasComponent: Confusing definition of Source/Target rules (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002842: [Spec] 5.2.4 BrowseName: Case Sensitivity of BrowseName is Required? (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002601: [Spec] 5.6.2 Variable NodeClass MaxArrayLength to apply to ByteString? (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002727: [Spec] Add Union data type as subtype of structure (Matthias Damm)
- 0002834: [Spec] Description of EnumValueType is confusing (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002427: [Spec] Use Enumerations for Flags (Matthias Damm)
- 0002600: [Spec] How to detect that status and timestamp is writable (Matthias Damm)
- 0002247: PropertyChangeEventType is in Figure 26 but it is not mentioned in the text anywhere. (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002514: Graphical notation too restrictive (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002485: ReferenceTypes Figure typos (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002451: Standard ModellingRules Example: Missing combination (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002433: Subtyping example: Wrong ReferenceType in tables (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002432: Subtyping example: node with wrong NodeClass (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002374: Invalid use of complex datatype or complex data type (Wolfgang Mahnke)
25 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-06
- 0007909: [Api Change] Clarification on NamingRule and usage of MandatoryPlaceholder / OptionalPlaceholder on Methods (Jim Luth)
- 0002998: [Spec] 8.33 Structure: inheritence rules inconsistent? (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0003015: [Spec] Inverse references from DataTypeDescriptions to DataTypeEncoding are optional (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0003016: [Spec] 5.8.4 DataTypeDictionary, DataTypeDescription, DataTypeEncoding and DataTypeSystem (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002982: [Spec] Add MaxByteStringLength property to Variable NodeClass properties (Matthias Damm)
- 0002852: [Spec] C.4 Type Description Examples: 128-bit signed integer is a bad example? (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002064: [Spec] Suppoort for Date Datatype (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002063: [Spec] Support for a Time datatype (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002065: [Spec] Support for Durration (full not just millisecond) (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002075: [Spec] Support for DecimalString as a base data type (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002215: [Spec] Add support for NormalizedString Datatype (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002848: [Spec] 7.7 HasComponent: Confusing definition of Source/Target rules (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002842: [Spec] 5.2.4 BrowseName: Case Sensitivity of BrowseName is Required? (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002601: [Spec] 5.6.2 Variable NodeClass MaxArrayLength to apply to ByteString? (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002727: [Spec] Add Union data type as subtype of structure (Matthias Damm)
- 0002834: [Spec] Description of EnumValueType is confusing (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002427: [Spec] Use Enumerations for Flags (Matthias Damm)
- 0002600: [Spec] How to detect that status and timestamp is writable (Matthias Damm)
- 0002247: PropertyChangeEventType is in Figure 26 but it is not mentioned in the text anywhere. (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002514: Graphical notation too restrictive (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002485: ReferenceTypes Figure typos (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002451: Standard ModellingRules Example: Missing combination (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002433: Subtyping example: Wrong ReferenceType in tables (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002432: Subtyping example: node with wrong NodeClass (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002374: Invalid use of complex datatype or complex data type (Wolfgang Mahnke)
25 issues View Issues
Released 2010-06-01
- 0001818: Suggestion for binary type schema (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002078: UTCTime dataType - (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000951: Additional enumeration requirements (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001406: Current specification(s) is silent on case sensitivity of address space (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001547: Add properties MaxArrayDimensions and MaxStringLength (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001714: Add wording to Describe the Intent that NodeIds survive reboot (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001804: Cardinality (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001749: Add optional EngineeringUnit property (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001699: false bit range (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000801: Clarifying figures 24 + 25 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001684: TimeZoneDataType does not allow negative offset (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001567: NodeId stability in an instance declarator for the TypeDefinition (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001643: Need to Fix References to Remove Version Numbers (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001563: UTC time and leap seconds (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001557: Define ServiceProgressEventType containing SessionId and SecquenceNumber of RequestHeader in Part 3/5 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001554: ModelParent should be Removed (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001255: Clarifications regarding connection problems to underlying system (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000606: Define subtyping rules for enumerations (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001493: Clarify meaning of scalar (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001253: Clarify ModelChange events (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000876: Definition of Enumeration DataType does not allow to assign values (Wolfgang Mahnke)
21 issues View Issues
Released 2010-06-01
- 0001818: Suggestion for binary type schema (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002078: UTCTime dataType - (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000951: Additional enumeration requirements (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001406: Current specification(s) is silent on case sensitivity of address space (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001547: Add properties MaxArrayDimensions and MaxStringLength (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001714: Add wording to Describe the Intent that NodeIds survive reboot (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001804: Cardinality (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001749: Add optional EngineeringUnit property (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001699: false bit range (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000801: Clarifying figures 24 + 25 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001684: TimeZoneDataType does not allow negative offset (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001567: NodeId stability in an instance declarator for the TypeDefinition (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001643: Need to Fix References to Remove Version Numbers (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001563: UTC time and leap seconds (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001557: Define ServiceProgressEventType containing SessionId and SecquenceNumber of RequestHeader in Part 3/5 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001554: ModelParent should be Removed (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001255: Clarifications regarding connection problems to underlying system (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000606: Define subtyping rules for enumerations (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001493: Clarify meaning of scalar (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001253: Clarify ModelChange events (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000876: Definition of Enumeration DataType does not allow to assign values (Wolfgang Mahnke)
21 issues View Issues
Released 2009-02-09
- 0000268: Potential Name Conflict with Optional Nodes (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000103: Variables cannot always support every DataType encoding. (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000195: Clarify the purpose of the executable attribute on methods (Randy Armstrong)
- 0000046: UA Modelling Language (the KWR Notation :-) (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000386: DataType should be added to Terms section (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000437: Typos in Chapter 6 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000436: Typo in Table 36 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000394: DataType of DictionaryFragment Property (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000388: Small error is sample in section (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000387: WriteMask for Value Attribute on VariableType (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000378: Clarification on Organizes ReferenceType (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000442: Need to clarify meaning of forward and inverse for symmetric references. (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000375: Event requirements for Server node may be too strict. (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000538: GeneratesEvent and MustGenerateEvent (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000540: Change TimeZone and DaylightSavingTime Properties to allign with Event handling (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000551: Cleanup NodeId Definition (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000552: UML diagram naming convention (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000568: TimeZoneInfo conflicts with a .NET 3.5 built-in type (Wolfgang Mahnke)
18 issues View Issues
Released 2009-02-09
- 0000268: Potential Name Conflict with Optional Nodes (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000103: Variables cannot always support every DataType encoding. (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000195: Clarify the purpose of the executable attribute on methods (Randy Armstrong)
- 0000046: UA Modelling Language (the KWR Notation :-) (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000386: DataType should be added to Terms section (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000437: Typos in Chapter 6 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000436: Typo in Table 36 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000394: DataType of DictionaryFragment Property (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000388: Small error is sample in section (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000387: WriteMask for Value Attribute on VariableType (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000378: Clarification on Organizes ReferenceType (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000442: Need to clarify meaning of forward and inverse for symmetric references. (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000375: Event requirements for Server node may be too strict. (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000538: GeneratesEvent and MustGenerateEvent (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000540: Change TimeZone and DaylightSavingTime Properties to allign with Event handling (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000551: Cleanup NodeId Definition (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000552: UML diagram naming convention (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000568: TimeZoneInfo conflicts with a .NET 3.5 built-in type (Wolfgang Mahnke)
18 issues View Issues
10000-004: Services - Change Log
Not Yet Released
- 0010007: [Spec] Sentence is repeated (Matthias Damm)
- 0009108: [Spec] Clarification for comparing UserTokens (Matthias Damm)
- 0010217: [Spec] Requirement to create AuditEvent inconsistent between Write and Call (Matthias Damm)
- 0009795: [Spec] Clarify how the client should validate the application uri (Matthias Damm)
- 0009880: [Spec] Clarification needed which RolePermissions to apply when using the "Call" service (Matthias Damm)
- 0009879: [Spec] Clarification needed for the method resolution process in "Call" service (Matthias Damm)
- 0008265: [Spec] Missing requirement to validate Certificate Revocation List (CRL) (Matthias Damm)
- 0010080: [Spec] The Certificate Validation steps to make it clear that they apply to any CertificateType (6.1.3/Table 106) (Matthias Damm)
- 0009655: [Spec] TransferSubscriptions to same Session (Matthias Damm)
9 issues View Issues
Released 2023-07-18
- 0009595: [Spec] Need to state that all Nonces shall have a length specified by the SecurityPolicy (Matthias Damm)
- 0009594: [Spec] Need to add explicit requirement that Certificate be validated before being used to produce a Signature. (Matthias Damm)
- 0009450: [Spec] Missing information for key Generation for RsaEncryptedSecret in Part 4 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007307: [Spec] Handling of optional methods (variables) not implemented but imported from nodeset (Matthias Damm)
- 0009578: [Spec] No Bad_TooManySubscriptions for TransferSubscription (Matthias Damm)
- 0009567: [Spec] IEC edition 4 comment (Matthias Damm)
- 0009168: [Spec] Redundancy figures MonitorConnection not described (Matthias Damm)
- 0009556: [Spec] No error code identified to limit size on server side of response message to be sent (Matthias Damm)
- 0009465: [Spec] Incompatible Spec changes regarding RsaEncryptedSecret (Matthias Damm)
- 0009489: [Spec] Clarification for 'CreateSession Service Parameters -> serverEndpoints []' (Matthias Damm)
- 0009519: [Spec] Need to define what is means to compare the list of endpoints returned from GetEndpoints and CreateSession (Matthias Damm)
- 0009451: [Spec] TransferSubscription - unclear formulation (Matthias Damm)
- 0006142: [Api Change] [Part 4] endpointUrl in createSession document unclear (Matthias Damm)
- 0009122: [Spec] Issue in Subscription state machine (Matthias Damm)
- 0009308: [Spec] External localization of Event Messages (Matthias Damm)
- 0009234: [Spec] RelativePath referenceTypeId needs clarification (Matthias Damm)
16 issues View Issues
Released 2022-09-29
- 0008011: [Spec] Restrictions on DiagnosticInfo.AdditionalInfo with unauthenticated Clients (Matthias Damm)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2022-06-30
- 0008130: [Spec] Clarification needed for UserTokenPolicy -> policyId (Matthias Damm)
- 0008703: [Spec] Add Bad_ServerTooBusy Error Code (Matthias Damm)
- 0009027: [Spec] Clean-up strategy for retransmission queue in Server (Matthias Damm)
- 0008930: [Spec] Subscription Service Set: CreateKeepAliveMsg() missing (Table 87 – Functions) (Matthias Damm)
- 0006813: [Spec] IssuedIdentityToken encryptionAlgorithm and encrypted token format (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008756: [Spec] Session-less Service invocation - unclear text in specification (Matthias Damm)
- 0006666: [Spec] 7.31 SessionAuthenticationToken (Matthias Damm)
- 0006664: [Spec] 7.9.2 MdnsDiscoveryConfiguration (Matthias Damm)
- 0006663: [Spec] Figure 36 – Reconnect Sequence (Matthias Damm)
- 0006662: [Spec] Server Requirements (Matthias Damm)
- 0006661: [Spec] Transparent and HotAndMirrored Refrenceed but Not defined. (Matthias Damm)
- 0006608: [Spec] 6.1.6 Impersonating a User (Matthias Damm)
- 0006605: [Spec] Figure 22 – Establishing a Session - In step 3 the authenticationToken is omitted from the response (Matthias Damm)
- 0006596: [Spec] 6.1.2 issue date is different from validFrom. Text should use validFrom. (Matthias Damm)
- 0006768: [Spec] .local domains and DNS checks (Matthias Damm)
- 0008170: [Spec] Unclear and/or misleading wording in the ECC Amendment - Need to describe the EccEncryptedSecret Signature for AEAD Ciphers (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008169: [Spec] Unclear and/or misleading wording in the ECC Amendment - Need to clarify the Padding for Authenticated Encryption (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008763: [Spec] Call Operation Level Result Codes - clarify use of Bad_NodeIdInvalid (Matthias Damm)
- 0008741: [Spec] Add term RedundantServerSet (Matthias Damm)
- 0008786: [Spec] Current non-transparent redundancy specifications do not work for a primary/standby set of Servers (Matthias Damm)
- 0007031: [Spec] Ambiguous Call InputArgumentResult Codes in Part 4 (Matthias Damm)
- 0008931: [Spec] Subscription Service Set: Wrong syntax for some actions in state table (table 85) (Matthias Damm)
- 0008324: [Spec] IndexRange also applies to String and ByteString (Matthias Damm)
- 0007422: [Spec] Misspelling in chart (Matthias Damm)
- 0007767: [Spec] BNF of NumericRange problems (Matthias Damm)
- 0007391: [Spec] Prioriy for keep-alive messages - clarification required (Matthias Damm)
- 0007367: [Spec] New status code for ActivateSession if user password change is required (Matthias Damm)
- 0007457: [Spec] Registration of Server supporting nontransparent Redundancy not clear (Matthias Damm)
- 0006658: [Spec] 6.3.2 Table 107 (Matthias Damm)
- 0007894: [Spec] More clarifications for ResendData (Matthias Damm)
- 0007467: [Spec] Remove "shall" that makes retransmission queue mandatory (Matthias Damm)
- 0008431: [Spec] Part 4, section 5.4.1 definition of endpoints needs to define what it means for a list of endpoints to be "the same". (Matthias Damm)
- 0006963: [Spec] Correct usage of ServiceFault is under-documented (Matthias Damm)
- 0007497: [Api Change] Some scripts try to create multiple Sessions on the same SecureChannel (Matthias Damm)
- 0006952: [Spec] Bad_NothingToDo (Matthias Damm)
- 0006659: [Spec] 6.3.1 Description (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007591: [Spec] Transfersubscription text, how can a server check the support of the profiles of the new client? (Matthias Damm)
- 0008452: [Spec] TimestampsToReturn related status codes for HistoryRead inconsistent (Matthias Damm)
- 0006600: [Spec] 6.1.2 Consider Explicitly Stating Why CA signed certificates may be more appropriate for some applications. (Matthias Damm)
- 0006960: [Spec] Part 4 7.11 ExpandedNodeId lists wrong type for NamespaceIndex (should be UInt16, is "Index", which is UInt32) (Matthias Damm)
- 0006597: [Spec] 6.1.2 public key is NOT issued by a CA. it is generated by process that created the private key. (Matthias Damm)
- 0006601: [Spec] Figure 19 – Obtaining and Installing an Application Instance Certificate (Matthias Damm)
- 0008286: [Spec] public key can be from CertificateManager, or generated by device itself (Matthias Damm)
- 0008422: [Spec] 7.11 DataValue, description of statusCode has typo (Matthias Damm)
- 0006957: [Spec] Consider adding a small warning when server allows and reports support for unlimited continuationpoints (Matthias Damm)
- 0008432: [Spec] Missing Statuscode for Index Range not compatible with data to write (Matthias Damm)
- 0008410: [Spec] History retrieval needs a new error code (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008129: [Spec] Remove requirement to allow Administrators to disable the DiscoveryEndpoint (Matthias Damm)
- 0006950: [Spec] 5.2.5 differentiates between a zero length array and a null array. A definition of what an "empty array" means is missing (Matthias Damm)
- 0008465: [Spec] No definition for 'ordered value' in FilterOperator (Matthias Damm)
- 0008255: [Spec] Part 4, use of MaxKeepAliveCount (Matthias Damm)
- 0007043: [Spec] Sending DataChangeNotification before CreateMonitoredItemsResponse is send allowed ? (Matthias Damm)
- 0008338: [Spec] Incorrect usage of term "deprecated" in part 4, section table 15, parameter serverSoftwareCertificates[] (Matthias Damm)
- 0008487: [Spec] Bad_SecurityModeRejected is not described in referenced table (Matthias Damm)
54 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0008011: [Spec] Restrictions on DiagnosticInfo.AdditionalInfo with unauthenticated Clients (Matthias Damm)
1 issue View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0008130: [Spec] Clarification needed for UserTokenPolicy -> policyId (Matthias Damm)
- 0008703: [Spec] Add Bad_ServerTooBusy Error Code (Matthias Damm)
- 0009027: [Spec] Clean-up strategy for retransmission queue in Server (Matthias Damm)
- 0008930: [Spec] Subscription Service Set: CreateKeepAliveMsg() missing (Table 87 – Functions) (Matthias Damm)
- 0006813: [Spec] IssuedIdentityToken encryptionAlgorithm and encrypted token format (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008756: [Spec] Session-less Service invocation - unclear text in specification (Matthias Damm)
- 0006666: [Spec] 7.31 SessionAuthenticationToken (Matthias Damm)
- 0006664: [Spec] 7.9.2 MdnsDiscoveryConfiguration (Matthias Damm)
- 0006663: [Spec] Figure 36 – Reconnect Sequence (Matthias Damm)
- 0006662: [Spec] Server Requirements (Matthias Damm)
- 0006661: [Spec] Transparent and HotAndMirrored Refrenceed but Not defined. (Matthias Damm)
- 0006608: [Spec] 6.1.6 Impersonating a User (Matthias Damm)
- 0006605: [Spec] Figure 22 – Establishing a Session - In step 3 the authenticationToken is omitted from the response (Matthias Damm)
- 0006596: [Spec] 6.1.2 issue date is different from validFrom. Text should use validFrom. (Matthias Damm)
- 0006768: [Spec] .local domains and DNS checks (Matthias Damm)
- 0008170: [Spec] Unclear and/or misleading wording in the ECC Amendment - Need to describe the EccEncryptedSecret Signature for AEAD Ciphers (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008169: [Spec] Unclear and/or misleading wording in the ECC Amendment - Need to clarify the Padding for Authenticated Encryption (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008763: [Spec] Call Operation Level Result Codes - clarify use of Bad_NodeIdInvalid (Matthias Damm)
- 0008741: [Spec] Add term RedundantServerSet (Matthias Damm)
- 0008786: [Spec] Current non-transparent redundancy specifications do not work for a primary/standby set of Servers (Matthias Damm)
- 0007031: [Spec] Ambiguous Call InputArgumentResult Codes in Part 4 (Matthias Damm)
- 0008931: [Spec] Subscription Service Set: Wrong syntax for some actions in state table (table 85) (Matthias Damm)
- 0008324: [Spec] IndexRange also applies to String and ByteString (Matthias Damm)
- 0007422: [Spec] Misspelling in chart (Matthias Damm)
- 0007767: [Spec] BNF of NumericRange problems (Matthias Damm)
- 0007391: [Spec] Prioriy for keep-alive messages - clarification required (Matthias Damm)
- 0007367: [Spec] New status code for ActivateSession if user password change is required (Matthias Damm)
- 0007457: [Spec] Registration of Server supporting nontransparent Redundancy not clear (Matthias Damm)
- 0006658: [Spec] 6.3.2 Table 107 (Matthias Damm)
- 0007894: [Spec] More clarifications for ResendData (Matthias Damm)
- 0007467: [Spec] Remove "shall" that makes retransmission queue mandatory (Matthias Damm)
- 0008431: [Spec] Part 4, section 5.4.1 definition of endpoints needs to define what it means for a list of endpoints to be "the same". (Matthias Damm)
- 0006963: [Spec] Correct usage of ServiceFault is under-documented (Matthias Damm)
- 0007497: [Api Change] Some scripts try to create multiple Sessions on the same SecureChannel (Matthias Damm)
- 0006952: [Spec] Bad_NothingToDo (Matthias Damm)
- 0006659: [Spec] 6.3.1 Description (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007591: [Spec] Transfersubscription text, how can a server check the support of the profiles of the new client? (Matthias Damm)
- 0008452: [Spec] TimestampsToReturn related status codes for HistoryRead inconsistent (Matthias Damm)
- 0006600: [Spec] 6.1.2 Consider Explicitly Stating Why CA signed certificates may be more appropriate for some applications. (Matthias Damm)
- 0006960: [Spec] Part 4 7.11 ExpandedNodeId lists wrong type for NamespaceIndex (should be UInt16, is "Index", which is UInt32) (Matthias Damm)
- 0006597: [Spec] 6.1.2 public key is NOT issued by a CA. it is generated by process that created the private key. (Matthias Damm)
- 0006601: [Spec] Figure 19 – Obtaining and Installing an Application Instance Certificate (Matthias Damm)
- 0008286: [Spec] public key can be from CertificateManager, or generated by device itself (Matthias Damm)
- 0008422: [Spec] 7.11 DataValue, description of statusCode has typo (Matthias Damm)
- 0006957: [Spec] Consider adding a small warning when server allows and reports support for unlimited continuationpoints (Matthias Damm)
- 0008432: [Spec] Missing Statuscode for Index Range not compatible with data to write (Matthias Damm)
- 0008410: [Spec] History retrieval needs a new error code (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008129: [Spec] Remove requirement to allow Administrators to disable the DiscoveryEndpoint (Matthias Damm)
- 0006950: [Spec] 5.2.5 differentiates between a zero length array and a null array. A definition of what an "empty array" means is missing (Matthias Damm)
- 0008465: [Spec] No definition for 'ordered value' in FilterOperator (Matthias Damm)
- 0008255: [Spec] Part 4, use of MaxKeepAliveCount (Matthias Damm)
- 0007043: [Spec] Sending DataChangeNotification before CreateMonitoredItemsResponse is send allowed ? (Matthias Damm)
- 0008338: [Spec] Incorrect usage of term "deprecated" in part 4, section table 15, parameter serverSoftwareCertificates[] (Matthias Damm)
- 0008487: [Spec] Bad_SecurityModeRejected is not described in referenced table (Matthias Damm)
54 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-06
- 0002822: [Spec] A revoked certificate should be treated like an untrusted certificate (Matthias Damm)
- 0003593: [Spec] Clarify CloseSession on non-activated Session (Jouni Aro)
- 0002966: [Spec] Add status code Bad_SecurityModeInsufficient (Matthias Damm)
- 0002763: [Spec] Subscription.Refresh (Matthias Damm)
- 0003129: [Spec] Order of SignatureData components differs from implementations (Christian Zugfil)
- 0003089: [Spec] Warm: Clarifying Client subscription behavior (Matthias Damm)
- 0003001: [Spec] Does a internal close session (timeout) trigger audit event (Matthias Damm)
- 0003038: [Spec] Contradiction in 6.1.2 (Matthias Damm)
- 0002931: [Spec] Redundancy Clarification needed (Matthias Damm)
- 0002980: [Spec] Subscription Ids should be random on startup (Matthias Damm)
- 0002953: [Spec] Call Service: objectId parameter description ambiguous (Matthias Damm)
- 0002926: [Spec] Software Certificates (Matthias Damm)
- 0002880: [Spec] Need a Written Policy on Re-using StatusCodes in Companion Specifications (Matthias Damm)
- 0002876: [Spec] Add text to Part 4 taken from and removed from Part 12 (Matthias Damm)
- 0002912: [Spec] Deprecate all text related to WS secure conversation (Matthias Damm)
- 0002820: [Spec] Prerequesites of CloseSession unclear (Matthias Damm)
- 0002901: [Spec] CloseSession for Non-Activated Sessions must be Allowed (Matthias Damm)
- 0002830: [Spec] BadWaitingForInitialData sould be valid for reenabling subscriptions (Matthias Damm)
- 0002895: [Spec] Error in SignatureData Description (Matthias Damm)
- 0002893: [Spec] GetMonitoredItems does not require Session check (Matthias Damm)
- 0002892: [Spec] Allow Browse and Query to return continuation point and an empty result (Matthias Damm)
- 0002802: [Spec] Table 93 – Republish Service Parameters -> notificationMessage reference wrong (Matthias Damm)
- 0002801: [Spec] HostName check in Certificate Validation Steps cannot be applied for Server side (Matthias Damm)
- 0002770: [Spec] Find Servers discription has a problem (Matthias Damm)
- 0002805: [Spec] Handling for large HistoryRead requests (Matthias Damm)
- 0002720: [Spec] Relation between Call::Response::results - statusCode and inputArgumentResults (Matthias Damm)
- 0002649: [Spec] UA should support subscriptions for offline clients (Matthias Damm)
- 0002128: User Token - Username Password Facet Location (Matthias Damm)
- 0002669: Behaviour on loops in WhereClause (Matthias Damm)
- 0002719: Clarification necessary for Call::Response::results::inputArgumentResults (Matthias Damm)
- 0002764: HistoryRead inconsistency between Part 4 and Part 11 (Matthias Damm)
- 0002706: OpenSecureChannel service parameters wrong in § (Matthias Damm)
- 0002677: Processing order of operations in Write and Call (Matthias Damm)
- 0002361: 6.3.6 Auditing for Session Service Set - paragraph 2 is left hanging (Matthias Damm)
- 0002582: Table 134 has two errors in steppedSlopedExtrapilation and HistoryAggregate (Matthias Damm)
- 0002241: EventFilters must not be rejected because of Invalid BrowsePaths (Matthias Damm)
- 0002050: Discovery 5.4.1 last paragraph - intent? and possible conflict of definition (Matthias Damm)
- 0002260: OpenSecureChannel Description: last 2 paragraphs require revision (Matthias Damm)
- 0002481: CreateMonitoredItems IndexRange validation clarification (Matthias Damm)
- 0002315: UA Part 4: 7.35.3 UserNameIdentityToken - Password Encryption (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002320: Encryption for user identity tokens (e.g. password) (Matthias Damm)
- 0002617: 1.02 Errata has not solved the backwards compatibility issue relating to successful connections and certiificates (Matthias Damm)
- 0002388: Check of nonces for duplicates (Matthias Damm)
- 0002363: Attribute Write service and multiple values (Matthias Damm)
- 0002470: Bad_UserAccessDenied, can be applied as operation result for other services? (Matthias Damm)
- 0002369: Aggregates is a term but not used as term in Part 4 (Matthias Damm)
- 0002358: Table 110 Like filter is unclear (Matthias Damm)
- 0002608: Writing of IndexRange optional? (Matthias Damm)
- 0002596: Block one of the reserved StatusCode bits to indicate client API specific codes (Matthias Damm)
- 0002256: User identity Token Encryption Algorithm Table that could be added to part 4 as an aid to implementers (Matthias Damm)
- 0002168: Operation level status code for HistoryRead if node does not support operation (Matthias Damm)
- 0002258: Inconsistent definitions of encodings, i.e. "Default Xml" vs. "DefaultXml" (Matthias Damm)
- 0002189: Handling of Publish requests in special states (Matthias Damm)
- 0002545: The DiscoveryUrl returned by FindServers are ambiguous if there are multiple TransportProfiles (Matthias Damm)
- 0002511: Does a SecureChannel renew fire an AuditEvent? (Matthias Damm)
- 0002368: Table 134 – AggregateFilter structure - typo in useSeverCapabilities (Matthias Damm)
- 0002380: Clarify expected behavior if client sends empty user identity token (Matthias Damm)
57 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-06
- 0002822: [Spec] A revoked certificate should be treated like an untrusted certificate (Matthias Damm)
- 0003593: [Spec] Clarify CloseSession on non-activated Session (Jouni Aro)
- 0002966: [Spec] Add status code Bad_SecurityModeInsufficient (Matthias Damm)
- 0002763: [Spec] Subscription.Refresh (Matthias Damm)
- 0003129: [Spec] Order of SignatureData components differs from implementations (Christian Zugfil)
- 0003089: [Spec] Warm: Clarifying Client subscription behavior (Matthias Damm)
- 0003001: [Spec] Does a internal close session (timeout) trigger audit event (Matthias Damm)
- 0003038: [Spec] Contradiction in 6.1.2 (Matthias Damm)
- 0002931: [Spec] Redundancy Clarification needed (Matthias Damm)
- 0002980: [Spec] Subscription Ids should be random on startup (Matthias Damm)
- 0002953: [Spec] Call Service: objectId parameter description ambiguous (Matthias Damm)
- 0002926: [Spec] Software Certificates (Matthias Damm)
- 0002880: [Spec] Need a Written Policy on Re-using StatusCodes in Companion Specifications (Matthias Damm)
- 0002876: [Spec] Add text to Part 4 taken from and removed from Part 12 (Matthias Damm)
- 0002912: [Spec] Deprecate all text related to WS secure conversation (Matthias Damm)
- 0002820: [Spec] Prerequesites of CloseSession unclear (Matthias Damm)
- 0002901: [Spec] CloseSession for Non-Activated Sessions must be Allowed (Matthias Damm)
- 0002830: [Spec] BadWaitingForInitialData sould be valid for reenabling subscriptions (Matthias Damm)
- 0002895: [Spec] Error in SignatureData Description (Matthias Damm)
- 0002893: [Spec] GetMonitoredItems does not require Session check (Matthias Damm)
- 0002892: [Spec] Allow Browse and Query to return continuation point and an empty result (Matthias Damm)
- 0002802: [Spec] Table 93 – Republish Service Parameters -> notificationMessage reference wrong (Matthias Damm)
- 0002801: [Spec] HostName check in Certificate Validation Steps cannot be applied for Server side (Matthias Damm)
- 0002770: [Spec] Find Servers discription has a problem (Matthias Damm)
- 0002805: [Spec] Handling for large HistoryRead requests (Matthias Damm)
- 0002720: [Spec] Relation between Call::Response::results - statusCode and inputArgumentResults (Matthias Damm)
- 0002649: [Spec] UA should support subscriptions for offline clients (Matthias Damm)
- 0002128: User Token - Username Password Facet Location (Matthias Damm)
- 0002669: Behaviour on loops in WhereClause (Matthias Damm)
- 0002719: Clarification necessary for Call::Response::results::inputArgumentResults (Matthias Damm)
- 0002764: HistoryRead inconsistency between Part 4 and Part 11 (Matthias Damm)
- 0002706: OpenSecureChannel service parameters wrong in § (Matthias Damm)
- 0002677: Processing order of operations in Write and Call (Matthias Damm)
- 0002361: 6.3.6 Auditing for Session Service Set - paragraph 2 is left hanging (Matthias Damm)
- 0002582: Table 134 has two errors in steppedSlopedExtrapilation and HistoryAggregate (Matthias Damm)
- 0002241: EventFilters must not be rejected because of Invalid BrowsePaths (Matthias Damm)
- 0002050: Discovery 5.4.1 last paragraph - intent? and possible conflict of definition (Matthias Damm)
- 0002260: OpenSecureChannel Description: last 2 paragraphs require revision (Matthias Damm)
- 0002481: CreateMonitoredItems IndexRange validation clarification (Matthias Damm)
- 0002315: UA Part 4: 7.35.3 UserNameIdentityToken - Password Encryption (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002320: Encryption for user identity tokens (e.g. password) (Matthias Damm)
- 0002617: 1.02 Errata has not solved the backwards compatibility issue relating to successful connections and certiificates (Matthias Damm)
- 0002388: Check of nonces for duplicates (Matthias Damm)
- 0002363: Attribute Write service and multiple values (Matthias Damm)
- 0002470: Bad_UserAccessDenied, can be applied as operation result for other services? (Matthias Damm)
- 0002369: Aggregates is a term but not used as term in Part 4 (Matthias Damm)
- 0002358: Table 110 Like filter is unclear (Matthias Damm)
- 0002608: Writing of IndexRange optional? (Matthias Damm)
- 0002596: Block one of the reserved StatusCode bits to indicate client API specific codes (Matthias Damm)
- 0002256: User identity Token Encryption Algorithm Table that could be added to part 4 as an aid to implementers (Matthias Damm)
- 0002168: Operation level status code for HistoryRead if node does not support operation (Matthias Damm)
- 0002258: Inconsistent definitions of encodings, i.e. "Default Xml" vs. "DefaultXml" (Matthias Damm)
- 0002189: Handling of Publish requests in special states (Matthias Damm)
- 0002545: The DiscoveryUrl returned by FindServers are ambiguous if there are multiple TransportProfiles (Matthias Damm)
- 0002511: Does a SecureChannel renew fire an AuditEvent? (Matthias Damm)
- 0002368: Table 134 – AggregateFilter structure - typo in useSeverCapabilities (Matthias Damm)
- 0002380: Clarify expected behavior if client sends empty user identity token (Matthias Damm)
57 issues View Issues
Released 2010-06-01
- 0001449: RequestHeader.Timestamp (utcTime) - Clarification needed (Matthias Damm)
- 0002360: Inconsistency in behavior of FindServers service (Matthias Damm)
- 0002494: ModifyMonitoredItems: what should happen to Queued values? (Matthias Damm)
- 0002484: Automatic closure of idle secure channels (possibly security threat) (Matthias Damm)
- 0001731: Server channel token refresh and Part 4 (Matthias Damm)
- 0002107: ModifySubscription: Behavior after changing the PublishingInterval (Matthias Damm)
- 0002534: Security Validation Tests expect wrong error codes. (Matthias Damm)
- 0002198: Handling of certificates in CreateSession (Matthias Damm)
- 0002137: isOnline parameter in RegisterServer changed semantically (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002132: Table 166 explanation of Bad_WaitingForInitialData confusion over word "optionally" (Matthias Damm)
- 0002129: Table 26 DeleteNodes Operation Results contains Service result Bad_UserAccessDenied (Matthias Damm)
- 0002109: MultiStateValueDiscreteType - Behavior for values not in the EnumValues? (Matthias Damm)
- 0001871: Support for extra hot redundancy (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001971: Open Secure Channel policy None (Matthias Damm)
- 0002094: Table 131 – DataChangeFilter: DeadbandAbsolute, behavior when monitoredItem filter set to VQT? (Matthias Damm)
- 0002067: DiscardOldest behavior is difficult to comprehend; (Matthias Damm)
- 0001868: Update Query examples required (Matthias Damm)
- 0001930: Add description for various redundant network scenarios (Matthias Damm)
- 0002068: DiscardOldest=True conflicted information in and 7.15 (Matthias Damm)
- 0002049: FindServers.requestHeader.authenticationToken - what if it IS provided? (Matthias Damm)
- 0002051: GetEndpoints.requestHeader.authenticationToken - what if it IS provided? (Matthias Damm)
- 0002053: RegisterServer.Server.serverType - return code if CLIENT_1 is specified? (Matthias Damm)
- 0002054: RegisterServer.Server.serverType - return code if invalid-value is specified? (Matthias Damm)
- 0002070: StatusCode for deleted nodes in ModifyMonitoredItems and SetMonitoringMode responses. (Matthias Damm)
- 0002072: Too many monitored items (Matthias Damm)
- 0002055: We need a server certificate for NONE + password encryption (Matthias Damm)
- 0002081: Need to Add Text Saying that FindServers and GetEndpoints can introduce a delay to limit DOS. (Matthias Damm)
- 0002080: Review Description of Software Certificate (Matthias Damm)
- 0001919: Description: paragraph 10 clarification - frequency configuration (Matthias Damm)
- 0002016: Add non-transparent redundancy option above HOT (Matthias Damm)
- 0002012: Add text to all in-line structure definitions (Matthias Damm)
- 0002014: identifier structure level in DiagnosticInfo has no name and is not in the code (Matthias Damm)
- 0002015: ModelChange events in 5.7.5 DeleteReferences (Matthias Damm)
- 0002001: CreateSubscription Parameters Table 83: Priority field clarification (Matthias Damm)
- 0001988: Invalid ServerTable variable referenced (Matthias Damm)
- 0001917: 3.4.2 Endpoint: address requires a hostname? (Matthias Damm)
- 0001918: Description: paragraph 6 misleading "launched when a Client attempts to connect ." (Matthias Damm)
- 0001963: 5.4.2 FindServers - inconsistent/unavailable parameter name of ServerUri (Matthias Damm)
- 0001964: GetEndpoints Description - paragraph 3 - filtering description needs clarification (Matthias Damm)
- 0001987: first sentence "...or that have been transferred to it" is wrong? (Matthias Damm)
- 0001870: Attribute read errros and QueryDataSet (Matthias Damm)
- 0001936: 7.16.2 DataChangeFilter Table 131 - deadbandValue clarification in relation to Queues (Matthias Damm)
- 0001872: A single event has overflows the max message size (Matthias Damm)
- 0001959: StatusCodes (Read) - Bad_DataEncodingInvalid vs. Bad_DataEncodingUnsupported (Matthias Damm)
- 0001993: Table 82 – Functions - BindSession() not used (Matthias Damm)
- 0001972: Wrong description of required data type in write service (Matthias Damm)
- 0001789: Relative path does not work for Query as defined (Matthias Damm)
- 0001905: Table 101 - Bad_CertificateIssuerUseNotAllowed guidance needed (Matthias Damm)
- 0001920: Table 5 - RegisterServer - semaphoreFilePath used by another server? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001498: Need to Clarify Behavoir fr No Security (Matthias Damm)
- 0001752: GetEndpoints needs to indicate what has to happen with Certificates and No Security (Matthias Damm)
- 0001510: TransferSubscription - StatusChange notification (Matthias Damm)
- 0001548: Bad_UnknownNodeId StatusCode (Matthias Damm)
- 0001551: GetEndpoints .profileUris description (Matthias Damm)
- 0001609: Unclear specification for ContentFilter Cast operator between signed and unsigned types (Matthias Damm)
- 0001621: The EventId and other critical fields can never be null (Matthias Damm)
- 0001632: Clarification of AbsoluteDeadband behavior (clause and table 130) (Matthias Damm)
- 0001651: Clarification that all services that go to the subscription will reset the subscription lifetime counter (Matthias Damm)
- 0001669: apply deadband for arrays (Matthias Damm)
- 0001694: Inconsitent information regarding TimestampsToReturn (Matthias Damm)
- 0001695: Need to define behaviour when writing LocalizedText with Null Locale. (Matthias Damm)
- 0001703: Wrong "Description" in ActivateSession (Matthias Damm)
- 0001706: Request: Add password requirement for servers supporting username & password (Matthias Damm)
- 0001709: 7.35.4 X509IdentityToken - remove sentence 1 in paragraph 2. (Matthias Damm)
- 0001776: RelatedTo_15 filter operand[5] is described wrong (Matthias Damm)
- 0001796: RegisterServer -> IsOnline description inconsistent with Part 12 (Matthias Damm)
- 0001797: Discovery Overview should refer to applicationUri instead of endpointUrl in certificates (Matthias Damm)
- 0001798: maxReferencesToReturn parameter in Query service (Matthias Damm)
- 0001806: Description of Bad_TypeMismatch isn't clear (Matthias Damm)
- 0001828: Clarifiy handling of Software Certificates in Create/Activate Session if size exeeds max message size (Matthias Damm)
- 0001843: MonitoredItem queue size for Events (Matthias Damm)
- 0000960: Publish and reconnect problem (Matthias Damm)
- 0001654: Need Some Text Describing How a Client Reconnects (Matthias Damm)
- 0001736: Additional Client suggestions (Matthias Damm)
- 0001740: Sent NotificationMessage Queue is on the Session (Matthias Damm)
- 0000971: BrowseNext: Table 33 - ReleaseContinuationPoints Clarification (Matthias Damm)
- 0000979: Table 148: DiagnosticInfos description modification (Matthias Damm)
- 0001077: EndpointDescription.SecurityLevel (Byte) description is vague (Matthias Damm)
- 0001269: Triggering model clarification - when linked node values are sent (Matthias Damm)
- 0001639: Triggering: Specify when the first trigger occurs (Matthias Damm)
- 0001278: TranslateBrowsePath: Clarification of ReferenceTypeId behavior when set to <null> (Matthias Damm)
- 0001281: SetTriggering: process ordering of add/delete parameters (Matthias Damm)
- 0001287: Error Codes for CreateMonitoredItem (Matthias Damm)
- 0001288: Unnecessary restriction in Call Service (Matthias Damm)
- 0001724: Table 174 issuedTokenType - add a reference to define "service principal name (SPN)"? (Matthias Damm)
- 0001315: Conversion Rules bteween ByteString and Byte[] Must be Clarified (Matthias Damm)
- 0001367: Call Service: What if a Method cannot be invoked due to timing? (Matthias Damm)
- 0001387: UserNameIdentityToken -> encryptionAlgorithm needs clarification (Matthias Damm)
- 0001723: Clarification: encryptionAlgorithm (table 173) vs. securityPolicyUri (table 174) (Matthias Damm)
- 0001400: Use of timestamp in DataValue for bad status is inconsistent (Matthias Damm)
- 0001417: Clarification 7.16.3 EventFilter (Matthias Damm)
- 0001419: Monitored Item Queue handling - overflow bit (Matthias Damm)
- 0001655: If DiscardOldest=FALSE the Last Discarded Value should be added to the Queue after Empty (Matthias Damm)
- 0001793: Fix discard policy paragraph after change of definition (Matthias Damm)
- 0001432: Overflow bit in status if values have been discarded (Matthias Damm)
- 0001448: Clarification Browse with null ReferenceTypeId (Matthias Damm)
- 0000922: Status codes for NumericRange (Matthias Damm)
- 0000948: Use of SubStatus instead of SubCode (Matthias Damm)
- 0000957: MaxNotificationsPerPublish clarification (Matthias Damm)
- 0001553: Hot and Warm Redundancy Clarifications (Matthias Damm)
- 0001800: New chapter about redundancy handling (Matthias Damm)
- 0000630: Clarifiy use of StatusCode -> InfoType -> DataValue (Matthias Damm)
- 0000633: Error Codes for TransferSubscription (Matthias Damm)
- 0000680: SemanticsChanged and StructureChanged bit need Clarification (Matthias Damm)
- 0000688: Duration is not in alphabetical order in Table 2 (Matthias Damm)
- 0000796: Non existing status code referenced in BrowseResult - Table 105 (Matthias Damm)
- 0000799: Specification of Diagnostic Info not precise enough (Matthias Damm)
- 0000865: Table 167 - TimestampsToReturn Values - Paragraph out dated (Matthias Damm)
- 0000891: Enhance description of error "Bad_IndexRangeInvalid" (Matthias Damm)
- 0000902: Compliance issue: Clarifiy CreateSubscription Parameters (Matthias Damm)
- 0000914: Bad_SequenceNumberUnknown not in the list of error codes (Matthias Damm)
- 0000916: Sampling Interval missing information about negative numbers (Matthias Damm)
- 0001712: ModifySubscription: RequestedPublishingInterval vs. MonitoredItem.SamplingRate (Matthias Damm)
- 0000613: Clarify redundancy description (Matthias Damm)
114 issues View Issues
Released 2010-06-01
- 0001449: RequestHeader.Timestamp (utcTime) - Clarification needed (Matthias Damm)
- 0002360: Inconsistency in behavior of FindServers service (Matthias Damm)
- 0002494: ModifyMonitoredItems: what should happen to Queued values? (Matthias Damm)
- 0002484: Automatic closure of idle secure channels (possibly security threat) (Matthias Damm)
- 0001731: Server channel token refresh and Part 4 (Matthias Damm)
- 0002107: ModifySubscription: Behavior after changing the PublishingInterval (Matthias Damm)
- 0002534: Security Validation Tests expect wrong error codes. (Matthias Damm)
- 0002198: Handling of certificates in CreateSession (Matthias Damm)
- 0002137: isOnline parameter in RegisterServer changed semantically (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002132: Table 166 explanation of Bad_WaitingForInitialData confusion over word "optionally" (Matthias Damm)
- 0002129: Table 26 DeleteNodes Operation Results contains Service result Bad_UserAccessDenied (Matthias Damm)
- 0002109: MultiStateValueDiscreteType - Behavior for values not in the EnumValues? (Matthias Damm)
- 0001871: Support for extra hot redundancy (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001971: Open Secure Channel policy None (Matthias Damm)
- 0002094: Table 131 – DataChangeFilter: DeadbandAbsolute, behavior when monitoredItem filter set to VQT? (Matthias Damm)
- 0002067: DiscardOldest behavior is difficult to comprehend; (Matthias Damm)
- 0001868: Update Query examples required (Matthias Damm)
- 0001930: Add description for various redundant network scenarios (Matthias Damm)
- 0002068: DiscardOldest=True conflicted information in and 7.15 (Matthias Damm)
- 0002049: FindServers.requestHeader.authenticationToken - what if it IS provided? (Matthias Damm)
- 0002051: GetEndpoints.requestHeader.authenticationToken - what if it IS provided? (Matthias Damm)
- 0002053: RegisterServer.Server.serverType - return code if CLIENT_1 is specified? (Matthias Damm)
- 0002054: RegisterServer.Server.serverType - return code if invalid-value is specified? (Matthias Damm)
- 0002070: StatusCode for deleted nodes in ModifyMonitoredItems and SetMonitoringMode responses. (Matthias Damm)
- 0002072: Too many monitored items (Matthias Damm)
- 0002055: We need a server certificate for NONE + password encryption (Matthias Damm)
- 0002081: Need to Add Text Saying that FindServers and GetEndpoints can introduce a delay to limit DOS. (Matthias Damm)
- 0002080: Review Description of Software Certificate (Matthias Damm)
- 0001919: Description: paragraph 10 clarification - frequency configuration (Matthias Damm)
- 0002016: Add non-transparent redundancy option above HOT (Matthias Damm)
- 0002012: Add text to all in-line structure definitions (Matthias Damm)
- 0002014: identifier structure level in DiagnosticInfo has no name and is not in the code (Matthias Damm)
- 0002015: ModelChange events in 5.7.5 DeleteReferences (Matthias Damm)
- 0002001: CreateSubscription Parameters Table 83: Priority field clarification (Matthias Damm)
- 0001988: Invalid ServerTable variable referenced (Matthias Damm)
- 0001917: 3.4.2 Endpoint: address requires a hostname? (Matthias Damm)
- 0001918: Description: paragraph 6 misleading "launched when a Client attempts to connect ." (Matthias Damm)
- 0001963: 5.4.2 FindServers - inconsistent/unavailable parameter name of ServerUri (Matthias Damm)
- 0001964: GetEndpoints Description - paragraph 3 - filtering description needs clarification (Matthias Damm)
- 0001987: first sentence "...or that have been transferred to it" is wrong? (Matthias Damm)
- 0001870: Attribute read errros and QueryDataSet (Matthias Damm)
- 0001936: 7.16.2 DataChangeFilter Table 131 - deadbandValue clarification in relation to Queues (Matthias Damm)
- 0001872: A single event has overflows the max message size (Matthias Damm)
- 0001959: StatusCodes (Read) - Bad_DataEncodingInvalid vs. Bad_DataEncodingUnsupported (Matthias Damm)
- 0001993: Table 82 – Functions - BindSession() not used (Matthias Damm)
- 0001972: Wrong description of required data type in write service (Matthias Damm)
- 0001789: Relative path does not work for Query as defined (Matthias Damm)
- 0001905: Table 101 - Bad_CertificateIssuerUseNotAllowed guidance needed (Matthias Damm)
- 0001920: Table 5 - RegisterServer - semaphoreFilePath used by another server? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001498: Need to Clarify Behavoir fr No Security (Matthias Damm)
- 0001752: GetEndpoints needs to indicate what has to happen with Certificates and No Security (Matthias Damm)
- 0001510: TransferSubscription - StatusChange notification (Matthias Damm)
- 0001548: Bad_UnknownNodeId StatusCode (Matthias Damm)
- 0001551: GetEndpoints .profileUris description (Matthias Damm)
- 0001609: Unclear specification for ContentFilter Cast operator between signed and unsigned types (Matthias Damm)
- 0001621: The EventId and other critical fields can never be null (Matthias Damm)
- 0001632: Clarification of AbsoluteDeadband behavior (clause and table 130) (Matthias Damm)
- 0001651: Clarification that all services that go to the subscription will reset the subscription lifetime counter (Matthias Damm)
- 0001669: apply deadband for arrays (Matthias Damm)
- 0001694: Inconsitent information regarding TimestampsToReturn (Matthias Damm)
- 0001695: Need to define behaviour when writing LocalizedText with Null Locale. (Matthias Damm)
- 0001703: Wrong "Description" in ActivateSession (Matthias Damm)
- 0001706: Request: Add password requirement for servers supporting username & password (Matthias Damm)
- 0001709: 7.35.4 X509IdentityToken - remove sentence 1 in paragraph 2. (Matthias Damm)
- 0001776: RelatedTo_15 filter operand[5] is described wrong (Matthias Damm)
- 0001796: RegisterServer -> IsOnline description inconsistent with Part 12 (Matthias Damm)
- 0001797: Discovery Overview should refer to applicationUri instead of endpointUrl in certificates (Matthias Damm)
- 0001798: maxReferencesToReturn parameter in Query service (Matthias Damm)
- 0001806: Description of Bad_TypeMismatch isn't clear (Matthias Damm)
- 0001828: Clarifiy handling of Software Certificates in Create/Activate Session if size exeeds max message size (Matthias Damm)
- 0001843: MonitoredItem queue size for Events (Matthias Damm)
- 0000960: Publish and reconnect problem (Matthias Damm)
- 0001654: Need Some Text Describing How a Client Reconnects (Matthias Damm)
- 0001736: Additional Client suggestions (Matthias Damm)
- 0001740: Sent NotificationMessage Queue is on the Session (Matthias Damm)
- 0000971: BrowseNext: Table 33 - ReleaseContinuationPoints Clarification (Matthias Damm)
- 0000979: Table 148: DiagnosticInfos description modification (Matthias Damm)
- 0001077: EndpointDescription.SecurityLevel (Byte) description is vague (Matthias Damm)
- 0001269: Triggering model clarification - when linked node values are sent (Matthias Damm)
- 0001639: Triggering: Specify when the first trigger occurs (Matthias Damm)
- 0001278: TranslateBrowsePath: Clarification of ReferenceTypeId behavior when set to <null> (Matthias Damm)
- 0001281: SetTriggering: process ordering of add/delete parameters (Matthias Damm)
- 0001287: Error Codes for CreateMonitoredItem (Matthias Damm)
- 0001288: Unnecessary restriction in Call Service (Matthias Damm)
- 0001724: Table 174 issuedTokenType - add a reference to define "service principal name (SPN)"? (Matthias Damm)
- 0001315: Conversion Rules bteween ByteString and Byte[] Must be Clarified (Matthias Damm)
- 0001367: Call Service: What if a Method cannot be invoked due to timing? (Matthias Damm)
- 0001387: UserNameIdentityToken -> encryptionAlgorithm needs clarification (Matthias Damm)
- 0001723: Clarification: encryptionAlgorithm (table 173) vs. securityPolicyUri (table 174) (Matthias Damm)
- 0001400: Use of timestamp in DataValue for bad status is inconsistent (Matthias Damm)
- 0001417: Clarification 7.16.3 EventFilter (Matthias Damm)
- 0001419: Monitored Item Queue handling - overflow bit (Matthias Damm)
- 0001655: If DiscardOldest=FALSE the Last Discarded Value should be added to the Queue after Empty (Matthias Damm)
- 0001793: Fix discard policy paragraph after change of definition (Matthias Damm)
- 0001432: Overflow bit in status if values have been discarded (Matthias Damm)
- 0001448: Clarification Browse with null ReferenceTypeId (Matthias Damm)
- 0000922: Status codes for NumericRange (Matthias Damm)
- 0000948: Use of SubStatus instead of SubCode (Matthias Damm)
- 0000957: MaxNotificationsPerPublish clarification (Matthias Damm)
- 0001553: Hot and Warm Redundancy Clarifications (Matthias Damm)
- 0001800: New chapter about redundancy handling (Matthias Damm)
- 0000630: Clarifiy use of StatusCode -> InfoType -> DataValue (Matthias Damm)
- 0000633: Error Codes for TransferSubscription (Matthias Damm)
- 0000680: SemanticsChanged and StructureChanged bit need Clarification (Matthias Damm)
- 0000688: Duration is not in alphabetical order in Table 2 (Matthias Damm)
- 0000796: Non existing status code referenced in BrowseResult - Table 105 (Matthias Damm)
- 0000799: Specification of Diagnostic Info not precise enough (Matthias Damm)
- 0000865: Table 167 - TimestampsToReturn Values - Paragraph out dated (Matthias Damm)
- 0000891: Enhance description of error "Bad_IndexRangeInvalid" (Matthias Damm)
- 0000902: Compliance issue: Clarifiy CreateSubscription Parameters (Matthias Damm)
- 0000914: Bad_SequenceNumberUnknown not in the list of error codes (Matthias Damm)
- 0000916: Sampling Interval missing information about negative numbers (Matthias Damm)
- 0001712: ModifySubscription: RequestedPublishingInterval vs. MonitoredItem.SamplingRate (Matthias Damm)
- 0000613: Clarify redundancy description (Matthias Damm)
114 issues View Issues
10000-005: Information Model - Change Log
Not Yet Released
- 0007550: [Spec] State that Index 1 of the NamespaceArray and Index 0 of ServerArray shall be the same value. (Randy Armstrong)
1 issue View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0009993: [Spec] AuditClientUpdateMethodResultEventType ObjectId needs clarification (Jeff Harding)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2024-06-18
- 0009632: [Spec] AuditClientUpdateMethodResultEventType is not abstract (Jeff Harding)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2023-07-18
- 0009479: [Spec] ClientUserId for JWOTs should be the SUB field not the NAME field. (Jeff Harding)
- 0009120: [Spec] Typo in eventQueueOverFlowCount in SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType (Jeff Harding)
- 0009312: [Spec] Clarification for SelectionListType property Selections (Jeff Harding)
- 0009492: [Spec] AuditUpdateMethodEventType is missing Output Arguments and StatusCode (Jeff Harding)
- 0009043: [Spec] Introduce an optional CurrentRoleIds property on SessionDiagnosticObjectType (Jeff Harding)
- 0009496: [Spec] [Part 4] endpointUrl in createSession document unclear (Jeff Harding)
6 issues View Issues
Released 2022-09-29
- 0009006: [Spec] Create examples for 0008761 (Jeff Harding)
- 0009158: [Spec] AuditClientUpdateMethodResultEventType data types for arguments is broken (Jeff Harding)
- 0009162: [Spec] AuditUpdateMethodEventType text enhancement (Jeff Harding)
- 0009018: [Spec] Need a way to express metadata for Key- Value pairs (Jeff Harding)
- 0008516: [Spec] How can a tool find out which Namespace 0 NodeSet is newer / better? (Jeff Harding)
5 issues View Issues
Released 2022-06-30
- 0009185: [Spec] Clarification for SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType monitoringQueueOverflowCount (Jeff Harding)
- 0008733: [Spec] Current non-transparent redundancy specifications do not work for a primary/standby set of Servers (Jeff Harding)
- 0008761: [Spec] Add new variable type for packed variants (Jeff Harding)
- 0003105: [Spec] NonTransparent Hot+PM: Increase information about redundant servers (Jeff Harding)
- 0008007: [Spec] Ambiguity in the definition of 3DOrientationType (Jeff Harding)
5 issues View Issues
Released 2022-06-29
- 0008039: [Spec] Support ConditionClassId and ConditionSubClassId feature for BaseEventType (Jeff Harding)
- 0008417: [Spec] AggregateFunctionType has wrong conformance unit (Jim Luth)
- 0008183: [Spec] AuditClientEventType and AuditClientUpdateMethodResultEventType have been removed (Jeff Harding)
- 0007740: [Spec] Add Locations Object (Jeff Harding)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2022-03-30
- 0007474: [Spec] Add MaxMonitoredItemsQueueSize to capabilities (Jeff Harding)
- 0007396: [Spec] Add general Handle DataType (Jeff Harding)
- 0007397: [Spec] Add TrimmedString DataType (Jeff Harding)
- 0007761: [Spec] Clarification on ModellingRules for States in StateMachines (Wolfgang Mahnke)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2022-02-23
- 0006972: [Spec] Confused about ReferenceAdded and ReferenceDeleted verbs in ModelChangeStructureDataType - are they usable at all? (Jeff Harding)
- 0007388: [Spec] Identification if a Value is Constant (Jim Luth)
- 0007605: [Spec] HierarchicalReferences inverseName (Jeff Harding)
- 0007735: [Spec] Move AuditClientEventType and AuditClientUpdateMethodResultEventType to base specification (Jeff Harding)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2021-10-29
- 0007274: [Spec] Add capability to provide a semantic version for SoftwareRevision (Jeff Harding)
- 0007064: [Spec] AuditSecurityEventType - erranous "no additional Properties" statement (Jeff Harding)
- 0007268: [Spec] SessionSecurityDiagnosticType when roles are not supported by a server (Jeff Harding)
- 0007267: [Spec] Clarification suggested for AuditEventType definition (Jeff Harding)
4 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0009006: [Spec] Create examples for 0008761 (Jeff Harding)
- 0009158: [Spec] AuditClientUpdateMethodResultEventType data types for arguments is broken (Jeff Harding)
- 0009162: [Spec] AuditUpdateMethodEventType text enhancement (Jeff Harding)
- 0009018: [Spec] Need a way to express metadata for Key- Value pairs (Jeff Harding)
- 0008516: [Spec] How can a tool find out which Namespace 0 NodeSet is newer / better? (Jeff Harding)
5 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0009185: [Spec] Clarification for SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType monitoringQueueOverflowCount (Jeff Harding)
- 0008733: [Spec] Current non-transparent redundancy specifications do not work for a primary/standby set of Servers (Jeff Harding)
- 0008761: [Spec] Add new variable type for packed variants (Jeff Harding)
- 0003105: [Spec] NonTransparent Hot+PM: Increase information about redundant servers (Jeff Harding)
- 0008007: [Spec] Ambiguity in the definition of 3DOrientationType (Jeff Harding)
5 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0008039: [Spec] Support ConditionClassId and ConditionSubClassId feature for BaseEventType (Jeff Harding)
- 0008417: [Spec] AggregateFunctionType has wrong conformance unit (Jim Luth)
- 0008183: [Spec] AuditClientEventType and AuditClientUpdateMethodResultEventType have been removed (Jeff Harding)
- 0007740: [Spec] Add Locations Object (Jeff Harding)
4 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0007474: [Spec] Add MaxMonitoredItemsQueueSize to capabilities (Jeff Harding)
- 0007396: [Spec] Add general Handle DataType (Jeff Harding)
- 0007397: [Spec] Add TrimmedString DataType (Jeff Harding)
- 0007761: [Spec] Clarification on ModellingRules for States in StateMachines (Wolfgang Mahnke)
4 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0006972: [Spec] Confused about ReferenceAdded and ReferenceDeleted verbs in ModelChangeStructureDataType - are they usable at all? (Jeff Harding)
- 0007388: [Spec] Identification if a Value is Constant (Jim Luth)
- 0007605: [Spec] HierarchicalReferences inverseName (Jeff Harding)
- 0007735: [Spec] Move AuditClientEventType and AuditClientUpdateMethodResultEventType to base specification (Jeff Harding)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2021-05-20
- 0007274: [Spec] Add capability to provide a semantic version for SoftwareRevision (Jeff Harding)
- 0007064: [Spec] AuditSecurityEventType - erranous "no additional Properties" statement (Jeff Harding)
- 0007268: [Spec] SessionSecurityDiagnosticType when roles are not supported by a server (Jeff Harding)
- 0007267: [Spec] Clarification suggested for AuditEventType definition (Jeff Harding)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2015-01-15
- 0007304: [Spec] DefaultInstanceBrowseName is required for AddIns (Jeff Harding)
- 0005788: [Spec] Description of property 'Deprecated' [BOOLEAN] at 'DataTypeDictionaryType' is not clear (Jeff Harding)
- 0007254: [Spec] Clarification on HasEffect for Events (Jeff Harding)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2015-01-15
- 0007304: [Spec] DefaultInstanceBrowseName is required for AddIns (Jeff Harding)
- 0005788: [Spec] Description of property 'Deprecated' [BOOLEAN] at 'DataTypeDictionaryType' is not clear (Jeff Harding)
- 0007254: [Spec] Clarification on HasEffect for Events (Jeff Harding)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-06
- 0003058: [Spec] OperationLimitsType - MaxNodesPerHistoryUpdateXxx issues (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002979: [Spec] ServerCapabilitiesType::MaxByteStringLength missing (Matthias Damm)
- 0002728: [Spec] Add data types OptionSet and Union (Matthias Damm)
- 0003119: [Spec] Shall / Should issue in Audit Events in Part 5 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0003110: [Spec] Table 2 – Type Definition Table has wrong text for DataType and TypeDefinition (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0003086: [Spec] DisplayName/Description Locale (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0003059: [Spec] OperationLimitsType - MaxMonitoredItemsPerCall (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002987: [Spec] FileType::Write with empty data (ByteString) (Matthias Damm)
- 0002978: [Spec] Redundancy Updates to Part 5 (Matthias Damm)
- 0002882: [Spec] Complete File Transfer appendix to be usefull as FTP replacement (Matthias Damm)
- 0002786: [Spec] SessionSecurityDiagnosticsType attribute AuthenticationMechanism needs clarification (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002914: [Spec] Add file type information property to FileType object type (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002944: [Spec] Add formal description for new added data types in Part 3 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002934: [Spec] AuditSessionEventType is supposed to inherit from AuditSecurityEventType (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002885: [Spec] How does a client detect that FileType::Read is at the end of the file (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002603: [Spec] ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType -> securityRejectedSessionCount clarification (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002704: [Spec] Subscription.Refresh (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002661: [Spec] Inconstent use of writeable <-> writable in Part 5 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002691: [Spec] SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType -> Republísh count duplicates? (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002689: [Spec] SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType -> SubscriptionDiagnostics wrong NodeClass? (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002730: [Spec] Add method to set Subscription to persistent mode (Matthias Damm)
- 0002319: BaseEventType -> SourceName - inconsistency in data type (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002219: SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType uses ClientName, which is vague (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002391: 6.4.32 'Changes' property should be 1 or more in length (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002375: 6.4.18 AuditCertificateMismatchEventType (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002194: Clarification on supported profiles (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002437: Description of ServerProfileArray should be improved (Wolfgang Mahnke)
27 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-06
- 0003058: [Spec] OperationLimitsType - MaxNodesPerHistoryUpdateXxx issues (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002979: [Spec] ServerCapabilitiesType::MaxByteStringLength missing (Matthias Damm)
- 0002728: [Spec] Add data types OptionSet and Union (Matthias Damm)
- 0003119: [Spec] Shall / Should issue in Audit Events in Part 5 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0003110: [Spec] Table 2 – Type Definition Table has wrong text for DataType and TypeDefinition (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0003086: [Spec] DisplayName/Description Locale (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0003059: [Spec] OperationLimitsType - MaxMonitoredItemsPerCall (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002987: [Spec] FileType::Write with empty data (ByteString) (Matthias Damm)
- 0002978: [Spec] Redundancy Updates to Part 5 (Matthias Damm)
- 0002882: [Spec] Complete File Transfer appendix to be usefull as FTP replacement (Matthias Damm)
- 0002786: [Spec] SessionSecurityDiagnosticsType attribute AuthenticationMechanism needs clarification (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002914: [Spec] Add file type information property to FileType object type (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002944: [Spec] Add formal description for new added data types in Part 3 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002934: [Spec] AuditSessionEventType is supposed to inherit from AuditSecurityEventType (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002885: [Spec] How does a client detect that FileType::Read is at the end of the file (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002603: [Spec] ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType -> securityRejectedSessionCount clarification (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002704: [Spec] Subscription.Refresh (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002661: [Spec] Inconstent use of writeable <-> writable in Part 5 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002691: [Spec] SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType -> Republísh count duplicates? (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002689: [Spec] SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType -> SubscriptionDiagnostics wrong NodeClass? (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002730: [Spec] Add method to set Subscription to persistent mode (Matthias Damm)
- 0002319: BaseEventType -> SourceName - inconsistency in data type (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002219: SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType uses ClientName, which is vague (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002391: 6.4.32 'Changes' property should be 1 or more in length (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002375: 6.4.18 AuditCertificateMismatchEventType (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002194: Clarification on supported profiles (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002437: Description of ServerProfileArray should be improved (Wolfgang Mahnke)
27 issues View Issues
Released 2010-06-01
- 0003959: [Api Change] Define a way to link objects together which are representing the same real life object (Jeff Harding)
- 0002130: Substate handling in Statemachines (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002110: 6.4.7 AuditSessionEventType - Para under table 27 incorrect statement about no properties added (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002031: Add non-transparent redundancy option above HOT (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002088: AuditOpenSecureChannelEventType.ClientCertificateThumbprint has unclear format. (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000635: Field SamplingRateCount in ServerDiagnosticSummaryDataType not in code (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001886: MaxNodesPerHistoryRead needs to be split between Data and Events (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002093: Use new modelling rule on SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001881: NamespaceMetadataType needs a NamespaceURI (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001502: Support for File Transfer (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000983: Add new VariableType OptionSet need to be fixed in Part 5 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001829: Clarify that Server Uri is case sensitive (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001681: Creation of ClientUserId needs clarification (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001526: Remove reference to Part 6 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001451: Information missing in SeverCapabilities about maximum supported array length and string length (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001286: Change description on AuditWriteUpdateEventType (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001702: Rules for URIs (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001845: Expose Software Certificates with their respective profiles (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001781: FiniteStateVariableType redefines Name, Number and EffectiveDisplayName (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001831: Add modelling rules of part 3 (OptionalPlaceholder and MandatoryPlaceholder) to Part 5 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001645: Need to Fix References to Remove Version Numbers (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001564: The EventId and other critical fields can never be null (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000188: Bit-Field dataType (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000057: Define ServiceProgressEventType containing SessionId and SecquenceNumber of RequestHeader in Part 3/5 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001556: Remove HasModelParent ReferenceType (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001555: ModelParent should be Removed (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001543: Handling of MonitoredItem changes in short network interuption scenarios (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001509: Leftover SamplingRate references (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001504: Clarifications on StateMachine Appendix (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001492: SecureChannelId missing in AuditActivateSessionEventType (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001416: Clarifications regarding connection problems to underlying system (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000982: Data type for EnumValues (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000728: Add a new property “EffectiveTransitionTime” to TransitionVariableType (Wolfgang Mahnke)
33 issues View Issues
Released 2010-06-01
- 0003959: [Api Change] Define a way to link objects together which are representing the same real life object (Jeff Harding)
- 0002130: Substate handling in Statemachines (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002110: 6.4.7 AuditSessionEventType - Para under table 27 incorrect statement about no properties added (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002031: Add non-transparent redundancy option above HOT (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002088: AuditOpenSecureChannelEventType.ClientCertificateThumbprint has unclear format. (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000635: Field SamplingRateCount in ServerDiagnosticSummaryDataType not in code (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001886: MaxNodesPerHistoryRead needs to be split between Data and Events (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002093: Use new modelling rule on SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001881: NamespaceMetadataType needs a NamespaceURI (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001502: Support for File Transfer (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000983: Add new VariableType OptionSet need to be fixed in Part 5 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001829: Clarify that Server Uri is case sensitive (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001681: Creation of ClientUserId needs clarification (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001526: Remove reference to Part 6 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001451: Information missing in SeverCapabilities about maximum supported array length and string length (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001286: Change description on AuditWriteUpdateEventType (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001702: Rules for URIs (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001845: Expose Software Certificates with their respective profiles (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001781: FiniteStateVariableType redefines Name, Number and EffectiveDisplayName (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001831: Add modelling rules of part 3 (OptionalPlaceholder and MandatoryPlaceholder) to Part 5 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001645: Need to Fix References to Remove Version Numbers (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001564: The EventId and other critical fields can never be null (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000188: Bit-Field dataType (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000057: Define ServiceProgressEventType containing SessionId and SecquenceNumber of RequestHeader in Part 3/5 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001556: Remove HasModelParent ReferenceType (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001555: ModelParent should be Removed (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001543: Handling of MonitoredItem changes in short network interuption scenarios (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001509: Leftover SamplingRate references (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001504: Clarifications on StateMachine Appendix (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001492: SecureChannelId missing in AuditActivateSessionEventType (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001416: Clarifications regarding connection problems to underlying system (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000982: Data type for EnumValues (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000728: Add a new property “EffectiveTransitionTime” to TransitionVariableType (Wolfgang Mahnke)
33 issues View Issues
10000-006: Mappings - Change Log
Released 2024-06-18
- 0010006: [Spec] Table 5 contains unused syntax rules (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009719: [Spec] Reversible/NonReversible Encoding should still be in an Appendix (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009672: [Spec] 'Bad_ResponseTooLarge' instead of 'Bad_RequestTooLarge' in AcknowledgeMessage -> MaxMessageSize (Randy Armstrong)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2024-06-18
- 0009673: [Spec] What is considered as 'fatal error'? (Randy Armstrong)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2023-07-18
- 0008663: [Spec] Multi-dimensional Array encoding in JSON is inconsistent (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009529: [Spec] IOP: Clarify if Number/UInteger/Integer in a complex type need to set AllowSubTypes (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009212: [Spec] NodeSet XML Specification (Annex F) should clarify where aliases are allowed (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009581: [Spec] WebSocket and HTTPS mapping needs updates for OpenAPI mapping for JSON messages. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009575: [Spec] Remove blanks in base-10 numbers (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009041: [Spec] (Reversible) JSON encoding of variants with default values (Randy Armstrong)
- 0005524: [Spec] No error code identified to limit size on server side of response message to be sent (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009262: [Spec] Normative BrowseNames that are not used on Types or InstanceDeclarations need to be defined. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009295: [Spec] Update required for Dimensions of Matrix Structure Field value in Opc.Ua.Types.xsd (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009349: [Spec] Update Part 6 to require the ReceiverCertificateThumbprint to be set for all ECC policies. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009047: [Spec] Self-signed certificates shall have keyCertSign but should not be CA : it is contradictory with the RFC referenced in the spec. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009304: [Spec] Unclear type for arrays in XML encoding (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009260: [Spec] XML value encoding in UANodeset for unknown XML encodingID (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009058: [Spec] Recursion in DiagnosticInfo/InnerDiagnosticInfo should be limited to lower number than 100 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009469: [Spec] QualifiedName ABNF is wrong. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009164: [Spec] Description of reversible vs non-reversible JSON encoding is unclear (Part 6, 5.4.1) (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007393: [Spec] Is there a missing type XMLElement in Opc.Ua.Types.xsd? (Randy Armstrong)
17 issues View Issues
Released 2022-09-29
- 0009226: [Spec] OPC UA 1.05 introduced interoperability issues in binary String encoding (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009093: [Spec] Invalid reference to definition of ExpandedNodeId in OPC 10000-6 / Missing definition of ExpandedNodeId in OPC 10000-3 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009082: [Spec] Clarify generation of <SymbolName> for DefaultBinary/DefaultXML nodes in csv files (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009090: [Spec] https://reference.opcfoundation.org/Core/Part6/v104/docs/F -> use of "Category" in NodeSet for 'OPCF' is not described... (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008179: [Spec] StructureDefinition.DefaultEncodingId is not useful as described. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008401: [Spec] Unclear Encoding rules for Variant of 1-dimensional matrix (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008668: [Spec] Restrictions/Transformations for field and structure names in textual encodings (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009155: [Spec] Client ApplicationUri should not be required to configure reverse connect on server side (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009154: [Spec] ApplicationUri for a client in reverse connect in server (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009153: [Spec] New string NodeId encoding is a breaking change (Randy Armstrong)
10 issues View Issues
Released 2022-06-30
- 0008165: [Spec] Unclear and/or misleading wording in the ECC Amendment - Need to Clarify Secure Channel Handshake (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008757: [Spec] Nodeset scheme UAVariable Value does not define default handling (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008950: [Spec] JSON Encoding of ExpandedNodeId - Namespace risky (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008529: [Spec] Reverse Connect: Denial of Service protection not clear (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009012: [Spec] OPC UA Binary - XmlElement encoding example is wrong (Randy Armstrong)
- 0004207: [Spec] UAMethod attribute "Executable" (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008879: [Spec] Missing conformance units and spec language for DNS resolution (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007410: [Spec] Requirements for setting ApplicationType CLIENTANDSERVER (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006720: [Spec] Simplified JSON encoding as a text string for BuiltIn types ExpandedNodeId and QualifiedName (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008940: [Spec] unclear JSON encoding for Decimal in Variant (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008511: [Spec] Section 6.4: description of UTC versus TAI time needs clarification (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008792: [Spec] Unclear and missing description about Enumerations in Variants (mainly for JSON encoding) (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008664: [Spec] Allow omitting the Symbol field of the StatusCode in JSON encoding (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007947: [Spec] Certificate Validation are missing details about the Reason in Error Message (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008442: [Spec] Clarification on BaseDataType and Structure DataType in Structures (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008724: [Spec] Need "patch" release tags in GitHub for Part 6 files that are modified between releases (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008596: [Spec] Add Statuscode Bad_RequiresLock (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007922: [Spec] Suggest adding a Good version of UncertainSubNormal (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008528: [Spec] Misplaced paragraph in "Establishing a connection" (reverse connect) (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008411: [Api Change] Schema files should have a release date / version, too (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007545: [Spec] that then -> than (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008670: [Spec] Update from OpenSSL V1.x.x (EOL(end of live) soon) to V3.x.x (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008536: [Spec] CSV file references should explicitly state that the files are UTF8 text. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008544: [Spec] Clarification for the order of fields in json objects (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008665: [Spec] Allow omitting Enumerations in the reversible JSON encoding (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008662: [Spec] StatusCode should not be treated as a NULL in JSON encoding (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008667: [Spec] Allow numeric Namespace for (Expanded)NodeId in non-reversible JSON encoding (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008710: [Spec] Add description for encoding of abstract fields of structured data types (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008441: [Spec] Clarification on AllowSubtypes field usage in UaNodeSet (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008357: [Spec] Requirement on CA Flag for self-signed certificates is a potential security risk (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008443: [Spec] Define mapping of UaNodeSet to DataTypeDefinition (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007883: [Spec] OPC UA JSON encoding has no recommendation on treatment of null values for fields of built-in types (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007448: [Spec] OpenSecureChannel Renew Issue with slow embedded devices (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007921: [Spec] Description for UncertainDataSubNormal and UncertainSubNormal are very similar (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007758: [Spec] Decimal schema in Part 6 is quite different to the XSD (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007766: [Spec] Clarification for UAInstance::ParentNodeId and validation of models (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007979: [Spec] How can a tool find out which Namespace 0 NodeSet is newer / better? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008347: [Spec] XSD Needs to be Fully Described in UANodeSet Annex (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008168: [Spec] Unclear and/or misleading wording in the ECC Amendment - SignOnly does never use the InitializationVector (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008167: [Spec] Unclear and/or misleading wording in the ECC Amendment - misleading comment on the initial LastSequenceNumber in Table 49c (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008166: [Spec] Unclear and/or misleading wording in the ECC Amendment - Masking of InitializationVector as specified does not match Code (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008164: [Spec] Unclear and/or misleading wording in the ECC Amendment - wrong AES128 encrytion key length (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008310: [Spec] - NaN specification (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008399: [Spec] Decimal inconsistent description (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007892: [Spec] OPC UA JSON Encoding DataValue Picosecond Field Names (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007891: [Spec] Non-reversible encoding of Variant and ExtensionObject described incorrectly (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007684: [Spec] Clarification needed for JWT encoding of roles (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007546: [Spec] larger value use MaxValue, smaller value use MinValue? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006384: [Spec] Conflict between UA Spec and RFC 6960 (Randy Armstrong)
49 issues View Issues
Released 2021-11-30
- 0006753: [Spec] Annex E (normative) Security settings management (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007148: [Spec] Encoding of multidimensional arrays is not clear (Randy Armstrong)
- 0005339: [Spec] DataType Field should allow abstract supertypes. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007040: [Spec] how to handle received strings containing invalid characters (Randy Armstrong)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2021-10-29
- 0007275: [Spec] Need to explain how null values work for types normally seen as non-nullable such as StatusCode. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007297: [Spec] Clarify DataTypeDefinitions when No Fields Exist. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007296: [Spec] Annex C is obsolete due to DataTypeDefinition Attribute. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007295: [Spec] Figure 12 has unexplaned Counter block in footer. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007292: [Spec] 6.7 OPC UA Secure Conversation - Algorithm Not Known when Minimum Buffer Size Negotiated (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007291: [Spec] Application Instance Certificate - Self-signed keyUsage bits need to be stated. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007277: [Spec] String - incorrect text for null terminator (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007276: [Spec] 5.1.6 ExtensionObject - need reference to AllowSubTypes flag. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007272: [Spec] References have newer versions (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007271: [Spec] DataTypeDescription and DataTypeDictionary are deprecated and should be removed from NodeSet examples (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007270: [Spec] Explain the Scope of Aliases (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007264: [Spec] UANodeSet needs to explain association with XSDs (Randy Armstrong)
12 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0009226: [Spec] OPC UA 1.05 introduced interoperability issues in binary String encoding (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009093: [Spec] Invalid reference to definition of ExpandedNodeId in OPC 10000-6 / Missing definition of ExpandedNodeId in OPC 10000-3 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009082: [Spec] Clarify generation of <SymbolName> for DefaultBinary/DefaultXML nodes in csv files (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009090: [Spec] https://reference.opcfoundation.org/Core/Part6/v104/docs/F -> use of "Category" in NodeSet for 'OPCF' is not described... (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008179: [Spec] StructureDefinition.DefaultEncodingId is not useful as described. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008401: [Spec] Unclear Encoding rules for Variant of 1-dimensional matrix (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008668: [Spec] Restrictions/Transformations for field and structure names in textual encodings (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009155: [Spec] Client ApplicationUri should not be required to configure reverse connect on server side (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009154: [Spec] ApplicationUri for a client in reverse connect in server (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009153: [Spec] New string NodeId encoding is a breaking change (Randy Armstrong)
10 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0008165: [Spec] Unclear and/or misleading wording in the ECC Amendment - Need to Clarify Secure Channel Handshake (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008757: [Spec] Nodeset scheme UAVariable Value does not define default handling (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008950: [Spec] JSON Encoding of ExpandedNodeId - Namespace risky (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008529: [Spec] Reverse Connect: Denial of Service protection not clear (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009012: [Spec] OPC UA Binary - XmlElement encoding example is wrong (Randy Armstrong)
- 0004207: [Spec] UAMethod attribute "Executable" (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008879: [Spec] Missing conformance units and spec language for DNS resolution (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007410: [Spec] Requirements for setting ApplicationType CLIENTANDSERVER (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006720: [Spec] Simplified JSON encoding as a text string for BuiltIn types ExpandedNodeId and QualifiedName (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008940: [Spec] unclear JSON encoding for Decimal in Variant (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008511: [Spec] Section 6.4: description of UTC versus TAI time needs clarification (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008792: [Spec] Unclear and missing description about Enumerations in Variants (mainly for JSON encoding) (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008664: [Spec] Allow omitting the Symbol field of the StatusCode in JSON encoding (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007947: [Spec] Certificate Validation are missing details about the Reason in Error Message (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008442: [Spec] Clarification on BaseDataType and Structure DataType in Structures (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008724: [Spec] Need "patch" release tags in GitHub for Part 6 files that are modified between releases (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008596: [Spec] Add Statuscode Bad_RequiresLock (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007922: [Spec] Suggest adding a Good version of UncertainSubNormal (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008528: [Spec] Misplaced paragraph in "Establishing a connection" (reverse connect) (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008411: [Api Change] Schema files should have a release date / version, too (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007545: [Spec] that then -> than (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008670: [Spec] Update from OpenSSL V1.x.x (EOL(end of live) soon) to V3.x.x (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008536: [Spec] CSV file references should explicitly state that the files are UTF8 text. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008544: [Spec] Clarification for the order of fields in json objects (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008665: [Spec] Allow omitting Enumerations in the reversible JSON encoding (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008662: [Spec] StatusCode should not be treated as a NULL in JSON encoding (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008667: [Spec] Allow numeric Namespace for (Expanded)NodeId in non-reversible JSON encoding (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008710: [Spec] Add description for encoding of abstract fields of structured data types (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008441: [Spec] Clarification on AllowSubtypes field usage in UaNodeSet (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008357: [Spec] Requirement on CA Flag for self-signed certificates is a potential security risk (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008443: [Spec] Define mapping of UaNodeSet to DataTypeDefinition (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007883: [Spec] OPC UA JSON encoding has no recommendation on treatment of null values for fields of built-in types (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007448: [Spec] OpenSecureChannel Renew Issue with slow embedded devices (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007921: [Spec] Description for UncertainDataSubNormal and UncertainSubNormal are very similar (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007758: [Spec] Decimal schema in Part 6 is quite different to the XSD (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007766: [Spec] Clarification for UAInstance::ParentNodeId and validation of models (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007979: [Spec] How can a tool find out which Namespace 0 NodeSet is newer / better? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008347: [Spec] XSD Needs to be Fully Described in UANodeSet Annex (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008168: [Spec] Unclear and/or misleading wording in the ECC Amendment - SignOnly does never use the InitializationVector (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008167: [Spec] Unclear and/or misleading wording in the ECC Amendment - misleading comment on the initial LastSequenceNumber in Table 49c (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008166: [Spec] Unclear and/or misleading wording in the ECC Amendment - Masking of InitializationVector as specified does not match Code (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008164: [Spec] Unclear and/or misleading wording in the ECC Amendment - wrong AES128 encrytion key length (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008310: [Spec] - NaN specification (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008399: [Spec] Decimal inconsistent description (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007892: [Spec] OPC UA JSON Encoding DataValue Picosecond Field Names (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007891: [Spec] Non-reversible encoding of Variant and ExtensionObject described incorrectly (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007684: [Spec] Clarification needed for JWT encoding of roles (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007546: [Spec] larger value use MaxValue, smaller value use MinValue? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006384: [Spec] Conflict between UA Spec and RFC 6960 (Randy Armstrong)
49 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0006753: [Spec] Annex E (normative) Security settings management (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007148: [Spec] Encoding of multidimensional arrays is not clear (Randy Armstrong)
- 0005339: [Spec] DataType Field should allow abstract supertypes. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007040: [Spec] how to handle received strings containing invalid characters (Randy Armstrong)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2021-05-20
- 0007275: [Spec] Need to explain how null values work for types normally seen as non-nullable such as StatusCode. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007297: [Spec] Clarify DataTypeDefinitions when No Fields Exist. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007296: [Spec] Annex C is obsolete due to DataTypeDefinition Attribute. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007295: [Spec] Figure 12 has unexplaned Counter block in footer. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007292: [Spec] 6.7 OPC UA Secure Conversation - Algorithm Not Known when Minimum Buffer Size Negotiated (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007291: [Spec] Application Instance Certificate - Self-signed keyUsage bits need to be stated. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007277: [Spec] String - incorrect text for null terminator (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007276: [Spec] 5.1.6 ExtensionObject - need reference to AllowSubTypes flag. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007272: [Spec] References have newer versions (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007271: [Spec] DataTypeDescription and DataTypeDictionary are deprecated and should be removed from NodeSet examples (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007270: [Spec] Explain the Scope of Aliases (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007264: [Spec] UANodeSet needs to explain association with XSDs (Randy Armstrong)
12 issues View Issues
Released 2015-01-15
- 0008370: [Spec] Requirement on CA Flag for self-signed certificates is a potential security risk (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007442: [Api Change] UANodeSet needs to explain association with XSDs (Randy Armstrong)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2015-01-15
- 0008370: [Spec] Requirement on CA Flag for self-signed certificates is a potential security risk (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007442: [Api Change] UANodeSet needs to explain association with XSDs (Randy Armstrong)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-06
- 0002913: [Spec] Deprecate all text related to WS secure conversation (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003297: [Api Change] New license related error codes added to Part 4 in 1.03 are not in code files (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003477: [Spec] Links to XML / XSD are not correct (Jim Luth)
- 0003294: [Api Change] CertificateGroupFolderType.<AdditionalGroup> (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003420: [Api Change] Add ExpirationLimit to CertificateExpirationAlarmType (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003289: [Spec] Opc.Ua.NodeSet2.xml - UAReferenceType NodeId="i=31" InverseName shall be omitted. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003125: [Spec] Editorial issues in Annex F (NodeSet) (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003104: [Spec] Explicitly allow -1 for lengths in Asymmetric Algorithm Security Header (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003103: [Spec] Remove relation from Messages to ExtensionObjects from binary encoding description (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003039: [Spec] Limit depth of recursion for variant arrays and diagnosticInfo? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002988: [Spec] Section (DateTime.Max) contains a typo for the hour (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003021: [Spec] Security Profiles should state that X509 hashes weaker than the profile requires SHALL be rejected. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003069: [Spec] XML Union + Optional Structure mappings lose information. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002923: [Spec] Annex F Information Model XML Schema –F.3 UANode – does not provide definition what kind of references must be added to UANode. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002932: [Spec] Minor typo error (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002921: [Spec] Annex F Information Model XML Schema – syntax of column „Type” in all tables must follow XML syntax or be precisely described in (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002768: [Spec] Difference for latest time between encodings (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002910: [Spec] Table 23 - Application Instance Certificate restricts use of IP Address (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002896: [Spec] Security Handshake - Figure 10 – Security Handshake Sequence graph need clarification (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002487: [Spec] Add Support for Batch Node Add/Delete Operations to UANodeSet Schema (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002741: [Spec] Add optional version field into the namespace table in the UANodeSet (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002785: [Spec] base64 encoding for DataTypeDescription needs to be accurately documented (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002543: [Spec] Do we need two references to schemas? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002814: [Spec] Add documentation tag to UANodeSet schema (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002766: [Spec] Grouping information necessary in UANodeSet (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002712: [Spec] NodeSet2 is missing references (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002705: [Spec] DataTypeDefinition: Inconsitency of table and example (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002726: [Spec] Add support for optional fields in structures (Matthias Damm)
- 0002725: [Spec] Add support for Unions (Matthias Damm)
- 0002523: [Spec] SecuredApplication Schema (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002668: [Spec] Bad_TcpUrlRejected vs Bad_TcpEndpointUrlInvalid (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002774: [Spec] The specification should explicitly state that encryption is required for OpenSecureChannel. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002799: [Spec] Mistake in Part 6 Figure 12 - WS Secure Conversation Handshake (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002819: [Spec] Improve description of the matrix dimensions array (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002787: [Spec] Incorrect reference in Part 6 Table 13 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002813: [Spec] DiagnosticInfo (Table 10) in Part 6 has different order of parameters than Part 4 and also different than the XSD (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002800: [Spec] Typos in Data Type table (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002270: 5.1.6 Variant: Clarfication of handling NULL values (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002295: Handling/Replacing of NaN with NaN should cause DataChange notifications (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002296: XmlElement parsing errors result in a rejected message - this is not good. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002277: URI syntax requirements not clear and tested (Randy Armstrong)
41 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-06
- 0002913: [Spec] Deprecate all text related to WS secure conversation (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003297: [Api Change] New license related error codes added to Part 4 in 1.03 are not in code files (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003477: [Spec] Links to XML / XSD are not correct (Jim Luth)
- 0003294: [Api Change] CertificateGroupFolderType.<AdditionalGroup> (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003420: [Api Change] Add ExpirationLimit to CertificateExpirationAlarmType (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003289: [Spec] Opc.Ua.NodeSet2.xml - UAReferenceType NodeId="i=31" InverseName shall be omitted. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003125: [Spec] Editorial issues in Annex F (NodeSet) (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003104: [Spec] Explicitly allow -1 for lengths in Asymmetric Algorithm Security Header (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003103: [Spec] Remove relation from Messages to ExtensionObjects from binary encoding description (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003039: [Spec] Limit depth of recursion for variant arrays and diagnosticInfo? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002988: [Spec] Section (DateTime.Max) contains a typo for the hour (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003021: [Spec] Security Profiles should state that X509 hashes weaker than the profile requires SHALL be rejected. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003069: [Spec] XML Union + Optional Structure mappings lose information. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002923: [Spec] Annex F Information Model XML Schema –F.3 UANode – does not provide definition what kind of references must be added to UANode. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002932: [Spec] Minor typo error (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002921: [Spec] Annex F Information Model XML Schema – syntax of column „Type” in all tables must follow XML syntax or be precisely described in (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002768: [Spec] Difference for latest time between encodings (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002910: [Spec] Table 23 - Application Instance Certificate restricts use of IP Address (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002896: [Spec] Security Handshake - Figure 10 – Security Handshake Sequence graph need clarification (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002487: [Spec] Add Support for Batch Node Add/Delete Operations to UANodeSet Schema (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002741: [Spec] Add optional version field into the namespace table in the UANodeSet (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002785: [Spec] base64 encoding for DataTypeDescription needs to be accurately documented (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002543: [Spec] Do we need two references to schemas? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002814: [Spec] Add documentation tag to UANodeSet schema (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002766: [Spec] Grouping information necessary in UANodeSet (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002712: [Spec] NodeSet2 is missing references (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002705: [Spec] DataTypeDefinition: Inconsitency of table and example (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002726: [Spec] Add support for optional fields in structures (Matthias Damm)
- 0002725: [Spec] Add support for Unions (Matthias Damm)
- 0002523: [Spec] SecuredApplication Schema (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002668: [Spec] Bad_TcpUrlRejected vs Bad_TcpEndpointUrlInvalid (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002774: [Spec] The specification should explicitly state that encryption is required for OpenSecureChannel. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002799: [Spec] Mistake in Part 6 Figure 12 - WS Secure Conversation Handshake (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002819: [Spec] Improve description of the matrix dimensions array (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002787: [Spec] Incorrect reference in Part 6 Table 13 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002813: [Spec] DiagnosticInfo (Table 10) in Part 6 has different order of parameters than Part 4 and also different than the XSD (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002800: [Spec] Typos in Data Type table (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002270: 5.1.6 Variant: Clarfication of handling NULL values (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002295: Handling/Replacing of NaN with NaN should cause DataChange notifications (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002296: XmlElement parsing errors result in a rejected message - this is not good. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002277: URI syntax requirements not clear and tested (Randy Armstrong)
41 issues View Issues
Released 2010-06-01
- 0002504: Security Validation Tests expect wrong error codes. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002312: ExtraPadding byte should be at the end of the padding to allow decoding work. (Jim Luth)
- 0002304: Additional XML attribute for Method nodes (Jim Luth)
- 0002190: SOAP action name does not conform to Part 6 (Jim Luth)
- 0002159: Need to reference RFC 5246 for TLS instead of outdated reference. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001887: Support of different languages in xml schema (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001999: Need to be able send Certificate Chains in OpenSecureChannel Request (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002034: Typo in UA TCP HELLO and ACK protocol tables (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001893: Make 'X509 'Authority Key Identifier' extension mandatory for application instance certificates (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001865: D6 CertificateValidationOptions inheritence and priority (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001954: Autogenerate IDs for inlines defined outside of Part 4 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001864: D6 CertificateValidationOptions.DoNotTrust - is it relevent? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001912: URLs provided in annex A, B, and C do not work (Jim Luth)
- 0001941: ExtraPadding not mentioned in p.48 message structure (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001908: Add MaxAsymmetricKeyLength to Table 22 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001496: Need a File Format for Import/Export of Address Space (Randy Armstrong)
- 0000582: Picoseconds should be ignored if corresponding Timestamp is not present (Randy Armstrong)
- 0000583: Security Configuration needs to be Added to the Document (Randy Armstrong)
- 0000788: Documentation Errata : broken URLs (Randy Armstrong)
- 0000812: UA Binary Encoded XML message bodies should be InvokeServiceRequest (Randy Armstrong)
- 0000915: Description of length field in Extension Object Binary Encoding is unclear (Randy Armstrong)
- 0000953: Inconsistent security requirement (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001314: Conversion Rules between Byte[] and ByteString need to clarified. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001495: Add section Clock Synchronization and Security (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001506: Minor clarifications on ExtensionObject (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001512: UTC time and leap seconds (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001542: Complete list of StatusCode needed in Part 6 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001637: Add support for the HTTPS Profiles (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001660: Text on NULL is Variants is Wrong. Some platforms cannot preserve the distinction (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001666: Table ApplicationInstanceCertificate confusing (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001698: Vendor specific information in XML Import/Export Syntax (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001701: Specify how SecureChannels are handled for HTTPS (Matthias Damm)
- 0001737: Table 174 issuedTokenType - add a reference to define "service principal name (SPN)"? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001805: Put complex type description into XML NodeSet Schema (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001844: Potential problem with reconnecting channels when using OPC UA TCP and SecurityPolicy "None" (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001851: Import/Export Format in Annex Needs Better Explaination of Use Case (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001766: Problem with key length larger 2048 bits (Randy Armstrong)
37 issues View Issues
Released 2010-06-01
- 0002504: Security Validation Tests expect wrong error codes. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002312: ExtraPadding byte should be at the end of the padding to allow decoding work. (Jim Luth)
- 0002304: Additional XML attribute for Method nodes (Jim Luth)
- 0002190: SOAP action name does not conform to Part 6 (Jim Luth)
- 0002159: Need to reference RFC 5246 for TLS instead of outdated reference. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001887: Support of different languages in xml schema (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001999: Need to be able send Certificate Chains in OpenSecureChannel Request (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002034: Typo in UA TCP HELLO and ACK protocol tables (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001893: Make 'X509 'Authority Key Identifier' extension mandatory for application instance certificates (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001865: D6 CertificateValidationOptions inheritence and priority (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001954: Autogenerate IDs for inlines defined outside of Part 4 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001864: D6 CertificateValidationOptions.DoNotTrust - is it relevent? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001912: URLs provided in annex A, B, and C do not work (Jim Luth)
- 0001941: ExtraPadding not mentioned in p.48 message structure (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001908: Add MaxAsymmetricKeyLength to Table 22 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001496: Need a File Format for Import/Export of Address Space (Randy Armstrong)
- 0000582: Picoseconds should be ignored if corresponding Timestamp is not present (Randy Armstrong)
- 0000583: Security Configuration needs to be Added to the Document (Randy Armstrong)
- 0000788: Documentation Errata : broken URLs (Randy Armstrong)
- 0000812: UA Binary Encoded XML message bodies should be InvokeServiceRequest (Randy Armstrong)
- 0000915: Description of length field in Extension Object Binary Encoding is unclear (Randy Armstrong)
- 0000953: Inconsistent security requirement (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001314: Conversion Rules between Byte[] and ByteString need to clarified. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001495: Add section Clock Synchronization and Security (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001506: Minor clarifications on ExtensionObject (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001512: UTC time and leap seconds (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001542: Complete list of StatusCode needed in Part 6 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001637: Add support for the HTTPS Profiles (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001660: Text on NULL is Variants is Wrong. Some platforms cannot preserve the distinction (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001666: Table ApplicationInstanceCertificate confusing (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001698: Vendor specific information in XML Import/Export Syntax (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001701: Specify how SecureChannels are handled for HTTPS (Matthias Damm)
- 0001737: Table 174 issuedTokenType - add a reference to define "service principal name (SPN)"? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001805: Put complex type description into XML NodeSet Schema (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001844: Potential problem with reconnecting channels when using OPC UA TCP and SecurityPolicy "None" (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001851: Import/Export Format in Annex Needs Better Explaination of Use Case (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001766: Problem with key length larger 2048 bits (Randy Armstrong)
37 issues View Issues
10000-007: Profiles - Change Log
Released 2024-06-18
- 0009569: [Spec] "Subscription Basic 2" should be deleted in favor "Subscription Publish Basic" (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0009687: [Spec] Wrong URI for Profile SecurityPolicy [ECC-A] – ECC-curve25519-ChaCha20Poly1305 ? (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0009591: [Spec] Add TrustedApplication to CU "Security Role Well Know Group 2" (Karl Deiretsbacher)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2022-09-29
- 0009207: [Spec] There are no details about which SecurityPolicies use LegacySequenceNumbers (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0009072: [Spec] The mDNS section needs more explination (both Facet/CU and Part 12) (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009112: [Spec] Security User Access Control Base facet needs an update (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008379: [Spec] Part 18 Missing CUs (Karl Deiretsbacher)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2022-06-29
- 0008381: [Spec] Part 9 Missing/Incorrect CUs (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008382: [Spec] Part 5 Missing/Incorrect CUs (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0008393: [Spec] Inconsistency/duplicates for conformance unit names (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006670: [Spec] IndexRange for String DataType for Write (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006948: [Spec] Clarification on Conformance Units and Optionality (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008202: [Spec] Conformance units do not match the profile reporting tool (Karl Deiretsbacher)
6 issues View Issues
Released 2022-03-30
- 0008065: [Spec] Add MaxMonitoredItemsQueueSize to capabilities (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0008060: [Spec] Non-Volatile Storage (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0008057: [Spec] Add TrimmedString DataType (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0008058: [Spec] Add Locations Object (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0008059: [Spec] Add general Handle DataType (Karl Deiretsbacher)
5 issues View Issues
Released 2021-10-29
- 0007000: [Spec] Clients shall support a deadband filter (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0006673: [Spec] No time synchronization for existing full-featured profiles (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007366: [Spec] new conformance units that need to be added for Part 9 additions (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007041: [Spec] Need 512 or 521 bit ECC curves. (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0006223: [Api Change] Update description of Publisher Diagnostics CU to indicate that the support of all subtypes is required. (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007431: [Spec] TransportSecurity – TLS 1.1 description for deprecation is inaccurate (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007430: [Spec] TransportSecurity – TLS 1.0 description for deprecation is inaccurate (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007198: [Spec] Wording of "Security – No Application Authentication" description is not clear (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007347: [Spec] SymmetricSignatureAlgorithm_Poly1305 needs to reference SigningAlgorithm. (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002906: [Spec] Deprecate Kerberos (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0006994: [Spec] Change deprecated to "obsolete" (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0005720: [Spec] Check all references to Part 5 since it has been split into multiple Parts. (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0006538: [Spec] Conformance units missing for well defined roles (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0006856: [Spec] Add Conformance Units of Part 22 into database (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0006897: [Spec] Provide Generic Non-Hierarchical Reference in OPC UA Core Specfiications (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0006990: [Spec] New CUs used for Node Tables (Karl Deiretsbacher)
16 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0009207: [Spec] There are no details about which SecurityPolicies use LegacySequenceNumbers (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0009072: [Spec] The mDNS section needs more explination (both Facet/CU and Part 12) (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009112: [Spec] Security User Access Control Base facet needs an update (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008379: [Spec] Part 18 Missing CUs (Karl Deiretsbacher)
4 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0008381: [Spec] Part 9 Missing/Incorrect CUs (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008382: [Spec] Part 5 Missing/Incorrect CUs (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0008393: [Spec] Inconsistency/duplicates for conformance unit names (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006670: [Spec] IndexRange for String DataType for Write (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006948: [Spec] Clarification on Conformance Units and Optionality (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008202: [Spec] Conformance units do not match the profile reporting tool (Karl Deiretsbacher)
6 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0008065: [Spec] Add MaxMonitoredItemsQueueSize to capabilities (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0008060: [Spec] Non-Volatile Storage (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0008057: [Spec] Add TrimmedString DataType (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0008058: [Spec] Add Locations Object (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0008059: [Spec] Add general Handle DataType (Karl Deiretsbacher)
5 issues View Issues
Released 2021-05-20
- 0007000: [Spec] Clients shall support a deadband filter (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0006673: [Spec] No time synchronization for existing full-featured profiles (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007366: [Spec] new conformance units that need to be added for Part 9 additions (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007041: [Spec] Need 512 or 521 bit ECC curves. (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0006223: [Api Change] Update description of Publisher Diagnostics CU to indicate that the support of all subtypes is required. (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007431: [Spec] TransportSecurity – TLS 1.1 description for deprecation is inaccurate (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007430: [Spec] TransportSecurity – TLS 1.0 description for deprecation is inaccurate (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007198: [Spec] Wording of "Security – No Application Authentication" description is not clear (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007347: [Spec] SymmetricSignatureAlgorithm_Poly1305 needs to reference SigningAlgorithm. (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002906: [Spec] Deprecate Kerberos (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0006994: [Spec] Change deprecated to "obsolete" (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0005720: [Spec] Check all references to Part 5 since it has been split into multiple Parts. (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0006538: [Spec] Conformance units missing for well defined roles (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0006856: [Spec] Add Conformance Units of Part 22 into database (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0006897: [Spec] Provide Generic Non-Hierarchical Reference in OPC UA Core Specfiications (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0006990: [Spec] New CUs used for Node Tables (Karl Deiretsbacher)
16 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0007694: [Spec] Clarification of differences between CU Security User Access Control Full and Security User Access Control Base (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007832: [Spec] Create ModelChangeEvent Facet (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007833: [Spec] UserName Password optional for Nano and Micro (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0005358: [Spec] MQTT v5 Facet / conformance unit (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007426: [Spec] Conformance Units for Temporary File Transfer (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007333: [Spec] Missing relation of types to conformance units and profiles (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007293: [Spec] New CUs used for Node Tables (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007525: [Spec] Duplicate URI for global certificate management (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007763: [Spec] Part 22 conformance units need to be update for v1.05.01 RC (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007145: [Spec] Description of "ComplexType 2017 Server Facet is misleading (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007691: [Spec] ComplexType 2017 Server Facet does not include Enumerations (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007390: [Spec] Add support for server user management (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007458: [Spec] Separate Facet for Dictionary Entries (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007651: [Spec] Security Administration – XML Schema in Base Server/Client Behaviour Facet should be removed (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007541: [Spec] Split Anonymous User Token (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0005938: [Spec] Conformance Units for limit requirements should be separate from units that define functional requirements (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006995: [Spec] Create Minimum UA Client Facet (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0004413: [Spec] Security Default ApplicationInstance Certificate (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007428: [Spec] Add Conformance Units for Part 23 (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0006993: [Spec] Define an ECC Policy for Nano Embedded Servers (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007003: [Spec] Require OperationLimits for all supported features (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0006389: [Spec] SecurityPolicy ECC-Curve448 is missing from the profile reporting tool (Randy Armstrong)
22 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0007694: [Spec] Clarification of differences between CU Security User Access Control Full and Security User Access Control Base (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007832: [Spec] Create ModelChangeEvent Facet (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007833: [Spec] UserName Password optional for Nano and Micro (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0005358: [Spec] MQTT v5 Facet / conformance unit (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007426: [Spec] Conformance Units for Temporary File Transfer (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007333: [Spec] Missing relation of types to conformance units and profiles (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007293: [Spec] New CUs used for Node Tables (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007525: [Spec] Duplicate URI for global certificate management (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007763: [Spec] Part 22 conformance units need to be update for v1.05.01 RC (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007145: [Spec] Description of "ComplexType 2017 Server Facet is misleading (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007691: [Spec] ComplexType 2017 Server Facet does not include Enumerations (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007390: [Spec] Add support for server user management (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007458: [Spec] Separate Facet for Dictionary Entries (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007651: [Spec] Security Administration – XML Schema in Base Server/Client Behaviour Facet should be removed (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007541: [Spec] Split Anonymous User Token (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0005938: [Spec] Conformance Units for limit requirements should be separate from units that define functional requirements (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006995: [Spec] Create Minimum UA Client Facet (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0004413: [Spec] Security Default ApplicationInstance Certificate (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007428: [Spec] Add Conformance Units for Part 23 (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0006993: [Spec] Define an ECC Policy for Nano Embedded Servers (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007003: [Spec] Require OperationLimits for all supported features (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0006389: [Spec] SecurityPolicy ECC-Curve448 is missing from the profile reporting tool (Randy Armstrong)
22 issues View Issues
Released 2015-01-15
- 0009596: [Spec] Security – No Application Authentication CU need Errata for 1.04 (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007652: [Spec] Security Administration – XML Schema in Base Server Behaviour Facet should become optional (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003594: [Spec] Profiles for PubSub (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007027: [Spec] Minimum UA Client Profile missing in OPC UA Specification Part 7 (Karl Deiretsbacher)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2015-01-15
- 0009596: [Spec] Security – No Application Authentication CU need Errata for 1.04 (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007652: [Spec] Security Administration – XML Schema in Base Server Behaviour Facet should become optional (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003594: [Spec] Profiles for PubSub (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007027: [Spec] Minimum UA Client Profile missing in OPC UA Specification Part 7 (Karl Deiretsbacher)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-06
- 0009597: [Spec] Security – No Application Authentication CU need Errata for 1.03 (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007653: [Spec] Security Administration – XML Schema in Base Server Behaviour Facet should become optional (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0005526: [Spec] A&C "Supression" conformance unit missing in 1.03 (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006403: [Spec] Move the IndexRange requirement for Reads into a separate CU (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0005937: [Spec] Description of "Subscription Publish Discard Policy" CU needs enhancements (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0005802: [Api Change] test cases are defined in different conformance unit. (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002900: [Spec] Add CUs and Facets for durable subscriptions (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0005100: [Spec] Core Client Facet requires X509 User Token in UA Spec 1.03 (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0005018: [Spec] Embedded UA Server Profile requires X509 User Token in UA Spec 1.03 (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003280: [Spec] X509 user token should not be required (for embedded) (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003217: [Spec] New CU for connecting newer Clients to older Servers (Security=None) (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003200: [Spec] Basic256 Profile does not allow 1024 bit keys (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003180: [Spec] Base Info Custom Type System description is confusing (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003156: [Spec] Change "behaviors" to "References" in Address Space Base description (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003208: [Spec] Wrong Rsa_Sha256 URL defined for Basic256Sha256 (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003123: [Spec] Add TLS 1.2 Profile with PFS (Perfect Forward Secrecy) (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003121: [Spec] Depreciate TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 Profiles because RC4 is crackable. (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003122: [Spec] All Security Policy Profiles must require minimum hash for all issuers in the chain. (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003088: [Spec] New CU for RequestServerStateChange Method (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003065: [Spec] Updated Data Subscription Facets for Micro Devices (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002777: [Spec] Base Information Underlying System - clarifications needed (Paul Hunkar)
- 0003070: [Spec] Move basic events from AddressSpaceLookup facet to a new one (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002357: [Spec] Need profile for Remote Node access (Paul Hunkar)
- 0003043: [Spec] Client Profiles need at least one full featured Profile (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003044: [Spec] Entry-Level support Client conformance unit needs additional text (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002654: [Spec] Alarms and Conditions Profile descriptions are severely lacking clarity (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003048: [Spec] Add A&C "SystemOffNormal" and "CertifiateExpirationAlarmType" Conformance Units (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002778: [Spec] "Monitor Complex Event Filter" is exclusively for "TypeOf"? (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003011: [Spec] Information on Certificate expiration (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003009: [Spec] Refresh on the Subscription was not a good idea (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002911: [Spec] Deprecate all text related to WS secure conversation (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002874: [Spec] Add text to Part 7 taken from Part 12 (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002957: [Spec] Republish to go into own Conformance Unit (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002640: [Spec] GDS Profiles (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002673: [Spec] Nano embedded server requires encryption (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002829: [Spec] Add Conformance Units for Subnet Discovery (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002378: [Spec] Introduce term "FullFeatured Profile" (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002468: [Spec] New CU Required for HistoryUpdate REPLACE functionality (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002474: [Spec] Historical Access Data Max Nodes Read Continuation Point description: MaxNodesPerHistoryRead (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002643: [Spec] SecurityLevel for security profiles are to be removed (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002652: [Spec] Fix / add text in Base Behaviour facets (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002606: [Spec] "CertificateSignatureAlrgorithm - Sha1" requirement should not be written as strict requirement for security profiles (Paul Hunkar)
42 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-06
- 0009597: [Spec] Security – No Application Authentication CU need Errata for 1.03 (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007653: [Spec] Security Administration – XML Schema in Base Server Behaviour Facet should become optional (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0005526: [Spec] A&C "Supression" conformance unit missing in 1.03 (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006403: [Spec] Move the IndexRange requirement for Reads into a separate CU (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0005937: [Spec] Description of "Subscription Publish Discard Policy" CU needs enhancements (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0005802: [Api Change] test cases are defined in different conformance unit. (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002900: [Spec] Add CUs and Facets for durable subscriptions (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0005100: [Spec] Core Client Facet requires X509 User Token in UA Spec 1.03 (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0005018: [Spec] Embedded UA Server Profile requires X509 User Token in UA Spec 1.03 (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003280: [Spec] X509 user token should not be required (for embedded) (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003217: [Spec] New CU for connecting newer Clients to older Servers (Security=None) (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003200: [Spec] Basic256 Profile does not allow 1024 bit keys (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003180: [Spec] Base Info Custom Type System description is confusing (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003156: [Spec] Change "behaviors" to "References" in Address Space Base description (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003208: [Spec] Wrong Rsa_Sha256 URL defined for Basic256Sha256 (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003123: [Spec] Add TLS 1.2 Profile with PFS (Perfect Forward Secrecy) (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003121: [Spec] Depreciate TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 Profiles because RC4 is crackable. (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003122: [Spec] All Security Policy Profiles must require minimum hash for all issuers in the chain. (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003088: [Spec] New CU for RequestServerStateChange Method (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003065: [Spec] Updated Data Subscription Facets for Micro Devices (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002777: [Spec] Base Information Underlying System - clarifications needed (Paul Hunkar)
- 0003070: [Spec] Move basic events from AddressSpaceLookup facet to a new one (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002357: [Spec] Need profile for Remote Node access (Paul Hunkar)
- 0003043: [Spec] Client Profiles need at least one full featured Profile (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003044: [Spec] Entry-Level support Client conformance unit needs additional text (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002654: [Spec] Alarms and Conditions Profile descriptions are severely lacking clarity (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003048: [Spec] Add A&C "SystemOffNormal" and "CertifiateExpirationAlarmType" Conformance Units (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002778: [Spec] "Monitor Complex Event Filter" is exclusively for "TypeOf"? (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003011: [Spec] Information on Certificate expiration (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0003009: [Spec] Refresh on the Subscription was not a good idea (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002911: [Spec] Deprecate all text related to WS secure conversation (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002874: [Spec] Add text to Part 7 taken from Part 12 (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002957: [Spec] Republish to go into own Conformance Unit (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002640: [Spec] GDS Profiles (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002673: [Spec] Nano embedded server requires encryption (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002829: [Spec] Add Conformance Units for Subnet Discovery (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002378: [Spec] Introduce term "FullFeatured Profile" (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002468: [Spec] New CU Required for HistoryUpdate REPLACE functionality (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002474: [Spec] Historical Access Data Max Nodes Read Continuation Point description: MaxNodesPerHistoryRead (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002643: [Spec] SecurityLevel for security profiles are to be removed (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002652: [Spec] Fix / add text in Base Behaviour facets (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002606: [Spec] "CertificateSignatureAlrgorithm - Sha1" requirement should not be written as strict requirement for security profiles (Paul Hunkar)
42 issues View Issues
Released 2010-06-01
- 0001982: Support for File Transfer (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002193: Need to mention configuration option for user authentication only (accept all certificates) (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002208: Security Profiles should list the NIST expiration date (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002242: Security behaviours (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002355: Add Redundancy to Profiles Document (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002354: Add Discovery Server Items to the Profiles Document (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002353: Add Alarm Information model to Profiles Document (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002352: Add Aggregates section to Profiles Document (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002351: Add Histoircal Access for Events to Profiles document (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002350: Add Historical Access for Data to Profiles Document (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002349: Profile document updates (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001976: Cardinality (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001980: Additional enumeration requirements (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002243: Documentation conformance units (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002299: Address Space Source Hierarchy currently includes the HasCondition reference type (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002300: "Base Info Property Change" and the PropertyChangeEvent text (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001973: "User Access" conformance unit needed (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002250: WriteMask CUs need to differentiate/include text comparing WriteAccess to the WriteMask attributes (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002181: SystemStatusChangeEventType also reflects Underlying system status (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001832: Problem with key length larger 2048 bits (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002139: Integration of some ADI data types into base specification (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001981: Add new VariableType OptionSet need to be fixed in Part 5 (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002249: Rename "Address Space UserWriteAccess" to "Address Space UserWriteMask" (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002161: Need to add a Basic256Sha256 profile to the base set of profiles tested. (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001975: Add optional EngineeringUnit property (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002127: User Token X509 Certificate Facet Added to Micro Embedded Device Server Profile (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001817: Require that clients allow any individual server to be configured to use a single session (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002089: change operand into operator (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001984: Standard place in the address space referencing supported engineering unit systems (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001978: Add properties MaxArrayDimensions and MaxStringLength (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001928: Default ApplicationInstanceCertificate (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001913: Missing aggregates (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001499: Add Conformance Unit and Profiles for HTTPS Mapping (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001368: Clarify the support and use of message security mode by use of specific conformance units (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001640: Define: Windows based authentication between Client/Server (Kerberos) (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001550: Clarifications regarding connection problems to underlying system (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001713: Add GeneratesProgressEvents to ServerCapabilites (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001826: Resolution to Mantis issue 960 causes significant increase in RAM requirements for Embedded Datachange Subscription Server Facet (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001783: Make "Security Adminnistration" OPTIONAL in "Core Server Facet" (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001647: Need to Fix References to Remove Version Numbers (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001873: Rules for URIs (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001874: Secure by default (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001762: Rename CU "Security User CreateSession ActivateSession" to "Security User Application Certificates" (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001761: "Security None" encryption correction (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001760: "Security User Anonymous" conformance unit needed (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001784: Add "Anonymous" to the "Security Administration" CU description (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001708: CU: Security User Issued Token Kerberos - description clarification (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001707: CU: Security User X509 - description clarification (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001537: Clarification of DeadbandAbsolute support (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001434: Define facets / units for unreliable clocks (Paul Hunkar)
50 issues View Issues
Released 2010-06-01
- 0001982: Support for File Transfer (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002193: Need to mention configuration option for user authentication only (accept all certificates) (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002208: Security Profiles should list the NIST expiration date (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002242: Security behaviours (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002355: Add Redundancy to Profiles Document (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002354: Add Discovery Server Items to the Profiles Document (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002353: Add Alarm Information model to Profiles Document (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002352: Add Aggregates section to Profiles Document (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002351: Add Histoircal Access for Events to Profiles document (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002350: Add Historical Access for Data to Profiles Document (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002349: Profile document updates (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001976: Cardinality (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001980: Additional enumeration requirements (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002243: Documentation conformance units (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002299: Address Space Source Hierarchy currently includes the HasCondition reference type (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002300: "Base Info Property Change" and the PropertyChangeEvent text (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001973: "User Access" conformance unit needed (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002250: WriteMask CUs need to differentiate/include text comparing WriteAccess to the WriteMask attributes (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002181: SystemStatusChangeEventType also reflects Underlying system status (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001832: Problem with key length larger 2048 bits (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002139: Integration of some ADI data types into base specification (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001981: Add new VariableType OptionSet need to be fixed in Part 5 (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002249: Rename "Address Space UserWriteAccess" to "Address Space UserWriteMask" (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002161: Need to add a Basic256Sha256 profile to the base set of profiles tested. (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001975: Add optional EngineeringUnit property (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002127: User Token X509 Certificate Facet Added to Micro Embedded Device Server Profile (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001817: Require that clients allow any individual server to be configured to use a single session (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002089: change operand into operator (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001984: Standard place in the address space referencing supported engineering unit systems (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001978: Add properties MaxArrayDimensions and MaxStringLength (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001928: Default ApplicationInstanceCertificate (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001913: Missing aggregates (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001499: Add Conformance Unit and Profiles for HTTPS Mapping (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001368: Clarify the support and use of message security mode by use of specific conformance units (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001640: Define: Windows based authentication between Client/Server (Kerberos) (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001550: Clarifications regarding connection problems to underlying system (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001713: Add GeneratesProgressEvents to ServerCapabilites (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001826: Resolution to Mantis issue 960 causes significant increase in RAM requirements for Embedded Datachange Subscription Server Facet (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001783: Make "Security Adminnistration" OPTIONAL in "Core Server Facet" (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001647: Need to Fix References to Remove Version Numbers (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001873: Rules for URIs (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001874: Secure by default (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001762: Rename CU "Security User CreateSession ActivateSession" to "Security User Application Certificates" (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001761: "Security None" encryption correction (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001760: "Security User Anonymous" conformance unit needed (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001784: Add "Anonymous" to the "Security Administration" CU description (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001708: CU: Security User Issued Token Kerberos - description clarification (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001707: CU: Security User X509 - description clarification (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001537: Clarification of DeadbandAbsolute support (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001434: Define facets / units for unreliable clocks (Paul Hunkar)
50 issues View Issues
Released 2009-02-09
- 0001094: Audit Facet needs a refernce to basic eventing and/or basic subscription (Paul Hunkar)
- 0000575: Discovery Register Conformance Unit must be Removed (
user2) - 0000940: Change the "10 Session Minimum" in "Core Server Facet" (Paul Hunkar)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2009-02-09
- 0001094: Audit Facet needs a refernce to basic eventing and/or basic subscription (Paul Hunkar)
- 0000575: Discovery Register Conformance Unit must be Removed (
user2) - 0000940: Change the "10 Session Minimum" in "Core Server Facet" (Paul Hunkar)
3 issues View Issues
10000-008: Data Access - Change Log
Released 2024-06-18
- 0009881: [Spec] MultiStateValueDiscreteType is broken (Karl Deiretsbacher)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2023-07-18
- 0009348: [Spec] Seems 1.05.03 new UnitType/QuantityType define Property called "Description" (that is already an existing Attribute) (Karl Deiretsbacher)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2022-06-30
- 0008237: [Spec] EUInformation when using UNECE Units (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0004403: [Spec] Engineering Unit not complete (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007987: [Spec] Wrong UnitIds in Table 12 – YArrayItem item description (Karl Deiretsbacher)
3 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0008237: [Spec] EUInformation when using UNECE Units (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0004403: [Spec] Engineering Unit not complete (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007987: [Spec] Wrong UnitIds in Table 12 – YArrayItem item description (Karl Deiretsbacher)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-06
- 0002651: [Spec] No specification exists on Mapping OPC DA Error Code information of each function such as Read, Write to OPC UA Status Codes. (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002650: [Spec] No specification exists on Mapping OPC DA Value Quality Timestamp information to OPC UA Data Value & DiagnosticInfo (Karl Deiretsbacher)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-06
- 0002651: [Spec] No specification exists on Mapping OPC DA Error Code information of each function such as Read, Write to OPC UA Status Codes. (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002650: [Spec] No specification exists on Mapping OPC DA Value Quality Timestamp information to OPC UA Data Value & DiagnosticInfo (Karl Deiretsbacher)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2010-06-01
- 0001515: Integration of some ADI data types into base specification (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002105: YArrayItemType: Minor typo in description of SemanticsChanged bit (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002076: Move the semantic changed requirements (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0001513: Standard place in the address space referencing supported engineering unit systems (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0000939: Table 10 - Bad operation level result codes (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0000877: Enumeration data types are inconsistent (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0001514: Highlight usefulness of providing engineering units (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0001524: AnalogItemType InstrumentRange (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0000923: add EnumValues property to Part 8 MultiStateDescreteType. (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0000837: AnalogType and AnalogItemType both used in text (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0000941: PercentDeadband acceptable input for deadband value (0-100) (Karl Deiretsbacher)
11 issues View Issues
Released 2010-06-01
- 0001515: Integration of some ADI data types into base specification (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002105: YArrayItemType: Minor typo in description of SemanticsChanged bit (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002076: Move the semantic changed requirements (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0001513: Standard place in the address space referencing supported engineering unit systems (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0000939: Table 10 - Bad operation level result codes (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0000877: Enumeration data types are inconsistent (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0001514: Highlight usefulness of providing engineering units (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0001524: AnalogItemType InstrumentRange (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0000923: add EnumValues property to Part 8 MultiStateDescreteType. (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0000837: AnalogType and AnalogItemType both used in text (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0000941: PercentDeadband acceptable input for deadband value (0-100) (Karl Deiretsbacher)
11 issues View Issues
10000-009: Alarms and Conditions - Change Log
Released 2022-06-30
- 0009022: [Spec] ConditionId need further clarification (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008421: [Spec] for the AcknowledgeableConditionType the text in an error description references ConditionType (Paul Hunkar)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2022-06-29
- 0008389: [Spec] Inconsistency/duplicates for conformance unit names (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008093: [Spec] LatchIngAlarm should be LatchingAlarm (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008050: [Spec] Support ConditionClassId and ConditionSubClassId feature for BaseEventType (Paul Hunkar)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2022-03-30
- 0008510: [Spec] Clarify when to generate an event notification on a condition change (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008013: [Spec] Constraints on Limits (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007751: [Spec] Alarm client filters have issues (Paul Hunkar)
- 0004792: [Spec] Abnormal Situation Management / Situational Awareness and the OPC UA Alarm Model (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007911: [Spec] StateMachine reference to Part 5 (instead of Part 16) (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007860: [Spec] Spec can be misinterpreted to send QualifiedName instead of String as ConditionName (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005675: [Spec] Usability of Alarm Suppress and Disable in a distributed system (Paul Hunkar)
7 issues View Issues
Released 2021-11-30
- 0006412: [Spec] Clarification needed for TwoStateVariableType TrueState and FalseState (Paul Hunkar)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2021-10-29
- 0007001: [Spec] The severity of a limit Alarm (Paul Hunkar)
- 0004130: [Spec] OPC UA Part 9. Alarm shelving methods should support "Comment" parameter (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006158: [Spec] Should ConditionType::ConditionRefresh fail if the Subscription has no event monitored items (Paul Hunkar)
3 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0009022: [Spec] ConditionId need further clarification (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008421: [Spec] for the AcknowledgeableConditionType the text in an error description references ConditionType (Paul Hunkar)
2 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0008389: [Spec] Inconsistency/duplicates for conformance unit names (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008093: [Spec] LatchIngAlarm should be LatchingAlarm (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008050: [Spec] Support ConditionClassId and ConditionSubClassId feature for BaseEventType (Paul Hunkar)
3 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0008510: [Spec] Clarify when to generate an event notification on a condition change (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008013: [Spec] Constraints on Limits (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007751: [Spec] Alarm client filters have issues (Paul Hunkar)
- 0004792: [Spec] Abnormal Situation Management / Situational Awareness and the OPC UA Alarm Model (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007911: [Spec] StateMachine reference to Part 5 (instead of Part 16) (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007860: [Spec] Spec can be misinterpreted to send QualifiedName instead of String as ConditionName (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005675: [Spec] Usability of Alarm Suppress and Disable in a distributed system (Paul Hunkar)
7 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0006412: [Spec] Clarification needed for TwoStateVariableType TrueState and FalseState (Paul Hunkar)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2021-05-20
- 0007001: [Spec] The severity of a limit Alarm (Paul Hunkar)
- 0004130: [Spec] OPC UA Part 9. Alarm shelving methods should support "Comment" parameter (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006158: [Spec] Should ConditionType::ConditionRefresh fail if the Subscription has no event monitored items (Paul Hunkar)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-06
- 0003029: [Spec] CertificateExpiration Type shall be sub-type of OffNormalAlarmType (Paul Hunkar)
- 0003028: [Spec] CertificateExpiration header (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002947: [Spec] IEC - additianl feedback items (FDIS 62541-9 ed.2.0) (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002955: [Spec] Call Service: objectId parameter description ambiguous (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002029: [Spec] Refresh on the Subscription was not a good idea (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002808: [Spec] 5.8.8 Rate of Change: Missing a property for EngineeringUnits (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002886: [Spec] ConditionRefresh does not require Session check (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002809: [Spec] Values of event fields not clear for Disabled state (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002789: [Spec] Table 28 - Confirm Result Codes: BadNodeIdUnknown description wrong for Types (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002195: [Spec] Information on Certificate expiration (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002940: [Spec] Add status code for wrong session to Refresh methods (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002775: [Spec] How to call methods on ShelvingState (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002515: [Spec] Change "Inherit the properties of" into "Subtype of" (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002797: [Spec] Table 14 - AddComment: why BadMethodInvalid instead of BadNotSupported? (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002798: [Spec] 5.5.6 AddComment: Required or Optional? Can't determine (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002810: [Spec] Inconsistency in capitalization for LocaleId “fr” (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002793: [Spec] Table 28: New code needed? (Paul Hunkar)
17 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-06
- 0003029: [Spec] CertificateExpiration Type shall be sub-type of OffNormalAlarmType (Paul Hunkar)
- 0003028: [Spec] CertificateExpiration header (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002947: [Spec] IEC - additianl feedback items (FDIS 62541-9 ed.2.0) (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002955: [Spec] Call Service: objectId parameter description ambiguous (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002029: [Spec] Refresh on the Subscription was not a good idea (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002808: [Spec] 5.8.8 Rate of Change: Missing a property for EngineeringUnits (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002886: [Spec] ConditionRefresh does not require Session check (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002809: [Spec] Values of event fields not clear for Disabled state (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002789: [Spec] Table 28 - Confirm Result Codes: BadNodeIdUnknown description wrong for Types (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002195: [Spec] Information on Certificate expiration (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002940: [Spec] Add status code for wrong session to Refresh methods (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002775: [Spec] How to call methods on ShelvingState (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002515: [Spec] Change "Inherit the properties of" into "Subtype of" (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002797: [Spec] Table 14 - AddComment: why BadMethodInvalid instead of BadNotSupported? (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002798: [Spec] 5.5.6 AddComment: Required or Optional? Can't determine (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002810: [Spec] Inconsistency in capitalization for LocaleId “fr” (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002793: [Spec] Table 28: New code needed? (Paul Hunkar)
17 issues View Issues
Released 2010-06-01
- 0002114: Difference between SourceNode and InputNode (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002113: AlarmConditionType - InputNode as primary input (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002131: LimitState in ExclusiveLimitAlarmType if ActiveState is inactive (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002112: Association between condition and variable(s) (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002091: Details missing in description of ConditionRefresh description (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002092: ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType and ShelvedStateMachineType ar a sub-type of FinitStateMachineType (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001882: Various Typos (Paul Hunkar)
7 issues View Issues
Released 2010-06-01
- 0002114: Difference between SourceNode and InputNode (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002113: AlarmConditionType - InputNode as primary input (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002131: LimitState in ExclusiveLimitAlarmType if ActiveState is inactive (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002112: Association between condition and variable(s) (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002091: Details missing in description of ConditionRefresh description (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002092: ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType and ShelvedStateMachineType ar a sub-type of FinitStateMachineType (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001882: Various Typos (Paul Hunkar)
7 issues View Issues
10000-010: Programs - Change Log
Released 2013-08-06
- 0002253: [Spec] Program related issues (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002516: [Spec] "Subtype of" for "Inherit the properties" (Karl Deiretsbacher)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-06
- 0002253: [Spec] Program related issues (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0002516: [Spec] "Subtype of" for "Inherit the properties" (Karl Deiretsbacher)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2010-06-01
- 0001883: ProgramDiagnosticType Property DataTypes Wrong (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0000224: Change ArraySize to ValueRank (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0000181: Change Source Prefix "Attribute" to "Method" for state machine related Audit Events (Bill Flere)
- 0000121: Modeling rule for states and transitions (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000241: Part 10 - Audit event Issues (Karl Deiretsbacher)
5 issues View Issues
Released 2010-06-01
- 0001883: ProgramDiagnosticType Property DataTypes Wrong (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0000224: Change ArraySize to ValueRank (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0000181: Change Source Prefix "Attribute" to "Method" for state machine related Audit Events (Bill Flere)
- 0000121: Modeling rule for states and transitions (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000241: Part 10 - Audit event Issues (Karl Deiretsbacher)
5 issues View Issues
10000-011: Historical Access - Change Log
Released 2023-07-18
- 0009633: [Spec] Historical Audit Events shall be abstract (Rod Stein)
- 0009219: [Spec] Enhance Historical events retrieval to support sorting (Jeff Harding)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2022-06-30
- 0005810: [Spec] Missing relation of types to conformance units and profiles (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008743: [Spec] Event Configuration for event received from an external server (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002077: [Spec] OPC UA specification monitoring mode does not account for historical data changes (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008742: [Spec] EventId and insertion of events (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002462: [Spec] Events for Historical Changes (Paul Hunkar)
- 0004591: [Spec] Need a new relationship type to relate a node in a realtime OPC UA Server to another node in Historical OPC UA Server. (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006778: [Spec] Add information on how long the history of events is tracked. (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008644: [Spec] History of events - does not explain EventId requirements well enough (Paul Hunkar)
- 0004637: [Spec] Handling of ReceiveTime event field in HistoryRead Events (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008656: [Spec] Configuration for HA missing items (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008453: [Spec] Timestamps related error handling needs clarification (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005574: [Spec] Use of HistoricalDataConfigurationType (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005575: [Spec] ServerCapabilitiesDefaults not defined (Paul Hunkar)
- 0004286: [Spec] - no documentation for useSeverCapabilitiesDefaults (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008657: [Spec] Substring or indexes in an array cause a retrieval problem (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008534: [Spec] Inconsistent use of Bad_TimestampsToReturnInvalid versus Bad_TimestampNotSupported (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001322: [Spec] Modified Historical Event - missing functionality (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005338: [Spec] 6.5.3 HistoryModifiedData should be a subtype of HistoryData (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008522: [Spec] HistoricalDataConfigurationType defintion table ExceptiondevationFormat has wrong datatype (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005337: [Api Change] Missing OPC UA 1.04 structures ReadAnnotationDataDetails and HistoryAnnotationData (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005769: [Spec] Description of ReadAnnotationDataDetails seems to be a copy_paste of ReadAtTimeDetails (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005072: [Spec] Still not clear how to find annotations (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008175: [Spec] Specification is missing scenarios to describe certain bad StatusCodes (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005573: [Spec] Typo in ReadProcessedDetails (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005403: [Api Change] Table-description of Enumeration "not technical meaningful" (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006458: [Spec] Clarify Whether ContinuationPoints are returned if only StartTime and NumValues specified. (Paul Hunkar)
- 0003632: [Spec] Part 11 - Determining the first historical data point - specification error (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006594: [Spec] "A.2 Determining the first historical data point" conflicts with " Read raw functionality" (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008195: [Spec] Historian is not a defined term yet it is italicized. (Paul Hunkar)
29 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0005810: [Spec] Missing relation of types to conformance units and profiles (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008743: [Spec] Event Configuration for event received from an external server (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002077: [Spec] OPC UA specification monitoring mode does not account for historical data changes (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008742: [Spec] EventId and insertion of events (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002462: [Spec] Events for Historical Changes (Paul Hunkar)
- 0004591: [Spec] Need a new relationship type to relate a node in a realtime OPC UA Server to another node in Historical OPC UA Server. (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006778: [Spec] Add information on how long the history of events is tracked. (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008644: [Spec] History of events - does not explain EventId requirements well enough (Paul Hunkar)
- 0004637: [Spec] Handling of ReceiveTime event field in HistoryRead Events (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008656: [Spec] Configuration for HA missing items (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008453: [Spec] Timestamps related error handling needs clarification (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005574: [Spec] Use of HistoricalDataConfigurationType (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005575: [Spec] ServerCapabilitiesDefaults not defined (Paul Hunkar)
- 0004286: [Spec] - no documentation for useSeverCapabilitiesDefaults (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008657: [Spec] Substring or indexes in an array cause a retrieval problem (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008534: [Spec] Inconsistent use of Bad_TimestampsToReturnInvalid versus Bad_TimestampNotSupported (Paul Hunkar)
- 0001322: [Spec] Modified Historical Event - missing functionality (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005338: [Spec] 6.5.3 HistoryModifiedData should be a subtype of HistoryData (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008522: [Spec] HistoricalDataConfigurationType defintion table ExceptiondevationFormat has wrong datatype (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005337: [Api Change] Missing OPC UA 1.04 structures ReadAnnotationDataDetails and HistoryAnnotationData (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005769: [Spec] Description of ReadAnnotationDataDetails seems to be a copy_paste of ReadAtTimeDetails (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005072: [Spec] Still not clear how to find annotations (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008175: [Spec] Specification is missing scenarios to describe certain bad StatusCodes (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005573: [Spec] Typo in ReadProcessedDetails (Paul Hunkar)
- 0005403: [Api Change] Table-description of Enumeration "not technical meaningful" (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006458: [Spec] Clarify Whether ContinuationPoints are returned if only StartTime and NumValues specified. (Paul Hunkar)
- 0003632: [Spec] Part 11 - Determining the first historical data point - specification error (Paul Hunkar)
- 0006594: [Spec] "A.2 Determining the first historical data point" conflicts with " Read raw functionality" (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008195: [Spec] Historian is not a defined term yet it is italicized. (Paul Hunkar)
29 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-06
- 0003236: [Spec] Aggregate Configuration type missing from Historical capabilities (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002887: [Spec] Continuation point handling for large HistoryRead requests (Rod Stein)
- 0002477: [Spec] ReadAtTime when SimpleBounds=TRUE/FALSE (Rod Stein)
- 0003091: [Spec] OperationLimitsType - MaxNodesPerHistoryUpdateXxx issues (Rod Stein)
- 0002471: [Spec] HistoryUpdate: Validation on inserting records exceeding the bounds of the database (Rod Stein)
- 0002985: [Spec] Typo in 5.6.4 AuditHistoryDeleteEventType (Rod Stein)
- 0002784: [Spec] What does 'ProcessingInterval=0' mean (Rod Stein)
- 0002667: [Spec] Description of Continuation Point (6.3) does not match general concept (Rod Stein)
- 0002584: [Spec] DeleteAtTimeDetails "all entries" clarification (Rod Stein)
- 0002531: [Spec] Uniqueness of Annotation records - do not include message for uniqueness (Rod Stein)
- 0002517: [Spec] "Subtype of" for "Inherit the properties" (Rod Stein)
- 0002469: [Spec] ServerTimestamp support, possibly make available as a property for clients to discover? (Rod Stein)
- 0002446: [Spec] Read Modified Functionality: Para 1 is confusing; should original value be returned? (Rod Stein)
- 0002445: [Spec] 4.3 Timestamps: Client requests TimestampsToReturn.Both, what if server supports Source only? (Rod Stein)
- 0002373: IEC comment: Is A.1 normative? Or informative? (Rod Stein)
15 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-06
- 0003236: [Spec] Aggregate Configuration type missing from Historical capabilities (Paul Hunkar)
- 0002887: [Spec] Continuation point handling for large HistoryRead requests (Rod Stein)
- 0002477: [Spec] ReadAtTime when SimpleBounds=TRUE/FALSE (Rod Stein)
- 0003091: [Spec] OperationLimitsType - MaxNodesPerHistoryUpdateXxx issues (Rod Stein)
- 0002471: [Spec] HistoryUpdate: Validation on inserting records exceeding the bounds of the database (Rod Stein)
- 0002985: [Spec] Typo in 5.6.4 AuditHistoryDeleteEventType (Rod Stein)
- 0002784: [Spec] What does 'ProcessingInterval=0' mean (Rod Stein)
- 0002667: [Spec] Description of Continuation Point (6.3) does not match general concept (Rod Stein)
- 0002584: [Spec] DeleteAtTimeDetails "all entries" clarification (Rod Stein)
- 0002531: [Spec] Uniqueness of Annotation records - do not include message for uniqueness (Rod Stein)
- 0002517: [Spec] "Subtype of" for "Inherit the properties" (Rod Stein)
- 0002469: [Spec] ServerTimestamp support, possibly make available as a property for clients to discover? (Rod Stein)
- 0002446: [Spec] Read Modified Functionality: Para 1 is confusing; should original value be returned? (Rod Stein)
- 0002445: [Spec] 4.3 Timestamps: Client requests TimestampsToReturn.Both, what if server supports Source only? (Rod Stein)
- 0002373: IEC comment: Is A.1 normative? Or informative? (Rod Stein)
15 issues View Issues
Released 2010-06-01
- 0001692: timestampsToReturn in ContinuationPoints (Rod Stein)
- 0002085: AggregateFunctionsType removed from Part 13 but still referenced in Part 11 (Rod Stein)
- 0002090: Node for DeleteEvent shall be Object not Variable (Rod Stein)
- 0001933: Bounding values example wrong (Rod Stein)
- 0001932: Specs clarification on table1 when StartTime =EndTime and Bounds set to True (Rod Stein)
- 0001925: Extend the Table1 - Bounding Value Examples (Rod Stein)
- 0001480: Historical Event Filter Property and updates (Rod Stein)
- 0001481: Update Error Codes (Rod Stein)
- 0001482: UpdateEventDetails and default values (Rod Stein)
- 0001486: HistoricalEventUpdate - Replace - clarification (Rod Stein)
- 0001500: Need a Way to ReadAtTime with SimpleBounds (Rod Stein)
- 0001507: ModificationInfo.UpdateType and HistoryUpdateMode inconsistent (Rod Stein)
- 0001533: Reference to nonexisting Bad_ArgumentInvalid (Rod Stein)
- 0001562: Add "Revision 1.2 Highlights" section to document (Rod Stein)
- 0001565: Historical Event Update/replace needs clarification (Rod Stein)
- 0001603: Clarification: UpdateDataDetails vs. ReadModified (multiple modified values for 1 timestamp) (Rod Stein)
- 0001638: ReadProcessed returning zero aggregate values and continuation point (Rod Stein)
- 0001650: section 3.5 3.5 OPC UA Historical Access terms (Rod Stein)
- 0001652: "Structure Data" or "Structured Data" should be "Structured History Data" (Rod Stein)
- 0001653: Appendix A.2 needs a new method to determine the start of archives using the new archive properties. (Rod Stein)
- 0001661: AuditHistoryEventUpdateEventType issues (Rod Stein)
- 0001662: ReadProcessedDetails should define UseSlopedExtrapolation (Rod Stein)
- 0001720: Inconsitent information regarding TimestampsToReturn (Rod Stein)
- 0000201: Review all uses of ‘Duration’ type (Eric Murphy)
- 0000246: Aggregating Servers must deal with multiple HistoryCapabilities (Eric Murphy)
- 0000247: Check all Audit EventTypes for Services (Eric Murphy)
- 0000264: [Part 11 - History] Require the ability to track historical configuration changes/history collection parameters (Rod Stein)
- 0000285: Percent of EURange should be added to ExceptionDeviationFormat (Eric Murphy)
- 0000286: HistoricalConfiguration needs to allow periodic collection without a deadband. (Eric Murphy)
- 0000311: Move text from Part 4 to Part 11 (Eric Murphy)
- 0000369: Split Historical Access into 2 Parts (Eric Murphy)
- 0000379: HistoryEvent contains EventNotifications instead of EventFieldList (Eric Murphy)
- 0000456: Reading anotations with HA (Eric Murphy)
- 0000468: UpdateEventDetails parameter is Ambiguous (Eric Murphy)
- 0000602: ReadProcessed Details - aggregateType[] needs clarification (Eric Murphy)
- 0000764: TimestampToReturn enumeration descriptions incorrect (Eric Murphy)
- 0000770: Missing Bad Operational Result codes (Eric Murphy)
- 0000775: ReadProcessed Details needs to support an array of aggregates (Eric Murphy)
- 0000800: Support for multiple historical configurations of a Variable / Event Notifier (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000813: Good_MoreData and ContinuationPoint (Eric Murphy)
- 0001072: UpdateDataDetails parameter has too many levels of nesting (Eric Murphy)
- 0001301: 5.3.4 ReadProcessedDetails structure: Table 19 (Eric Murphy)
- 0001859: 5.2.2 HasHistoricalConfiguration ReferenceType references undefined type (Rod Stein)
43 issues View Issues
Released 2010-06-01
- 0001692: timestampsToReturn in ContinuationPoints (Rod Stein)
- 0002085: AggregateFunctionsType removed from Part 13 but still referenced in Part 11 (Rod Stein)
- 0002090: Node for DeleteEvent shall be Object not Variable (Rod Stein)
- 0001933: Bounding values example wrong (Rod Stein)
- 0001932: Specs clarification on table1 when StartTime =EndTime and Bounds set to True (Rod Stein)
- 0001925: Extend the Table1 - Bounding Value Examples (Rod Stein)
- 0001480: Historical Event Filter Property and updates (Rod Stein)
- 0001481: Update Error Codes (Rod Stein)
- 0001482: UpdateEventDetails and default values (Rod Stein)
- 0001486: HistoricalEventUpdate - Replace - clarification (Rod Stein)
- 0001500: Need a Way to ReadAtTime with SimpleBounds (Rod Stein)
- 0001507: ModificationInfo.UpdateType and HistoryUpdateMode inconsistent (Rod Stein)
- 0001533: Reference to nonexisting Bad_ArgumentInvalid (Rod Stein)
- 0001562: Add "Revision 1.2 Highlights" section to document (Rod Stein)
- 0001565: Historical Event Update/replace needs clarification (Rod Stein)
- 0001603: Clarification: UpdateDataDetails vs. ReadModified (multiple modified values for 1 timestamp) (Rod Stein)
- 0001638: ReadProcessed returning zero aggregate values and continuation point (Rod Stein)
- 0001650: section 3.5 3.5 OPC UA Historical Access terms (Rod Stein)
- 0001652: "Structure Data" or "Structured Data" should be "Structured History Data" (Rod Stein)
- 0001653: Appendix A.2 needs a new method to determine the start of archives using the new archive properties. (Rod Stein)
- 0001661: AuditHistoryEventUpdateEventType issues (Rod Stein)
- 0001662: ReadProcessedDetails should define UseSlopedExtrapolation (Rod Stein)
- 0001720: Inconsitent information regarding TimestampsToReturn (Rod Stein)
- 0000201: Review all uses of ‘Duration’ type (Eric Murphy)
- 0000246: Aggregating Servers must deal with multiple HistoryCapabilities (Eric Murphy)
- 0000247: Check all Audit EventTypes for Services (Eric Murphy)
- 0000264: [Part 11 - History] Require the ability to track historical configuration changes/history collection parameters (Rod Stein)
- 0000285: Percent of EURange should be added to ExceptionDeviationFormat (Eric Murphy)
- 0000286: HistoricalConfiguration needs to allow periodic collection without a deadband. (Eric Murphy)
- 0000311: Move text from Part 4 to Part 11 (Eric Murphy)
- 0000369: Split Historical Access into 2 Parts (Eric Murphy)
- 0000379: HistoryEvent contains EventNotifications instead of EventFieldList (Eric Murphy)
- 0000456: Reading anotations with HA (Eric Murphy)
- 0000468: UpdateEventDetails parameter is Ambiguous (Eric Murphy)
- 0000602: ReadProcessed Details - aggregateType[] needs clarification (Eric Murphy)
- 0000764: TimestampToReturn enumeration descriptions incorrect (Eric Murphy)
- 0000770: Missing Bad Operational Result codes (Eric Murphy)
- 0000775: ReadProcessed Details needs to support an array of aggregates (Eric Murphy)
- 0000800: Support for multiple historical configurations of a Variable / Event Notifier (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000813: Good_MoreData and ContinuationPoint (Eric Murphy)
- 0001072: UpdateDataDetails parameter has too many levels of nesting (Eric Murphy)
- 0001301: 5.3.4 ReadProcessedDetails structure: Table 19 (Eric Murphy)
- 0001859: 5.2.2 HasHistoricalConfiguration ReferenceType references undefined type (Rod Stein)
43 issues View Issues
Released 2009-02-09
- 0001461: Inconsistencies using PerformInsertReplace and PerformUpdate enumeration (Rod Stein)
- 0001483: Starttime Endtime in Event request need clarification (Rod Stein)
- 0001485: HistoricalEventUpdate (insert) - EventId clarification (Rod Stein)
- 0001484: HistoricalEventUpdates - select clause confusing (Rod Stein)
- 0001457: Need to Consistently use the term ProcessingInterval - not Interval or ResamplingInterval (Rod Stein)
- 0001466: UpdateEventDetails should have HistoricalEventFieldList not HistoricalEventFieldList[] (Rod Stein)
- 0001460: Difference between spec and code for UpdateDataDetails.updateValue -> UpdateDataDetails.updateValues (Rod Stein)
7 issues View Issues
Released 2009-02-09
- 0001461: Inconsistencies using PerformInsertReplace and PerformUpdate enumeration (Rod Stein)
- 0001483: Starttime Endtime in Event request need clarification (Rod Stein)
- 0001485: HistoricalEventUpdate (insert) - EventId clarification (Rod Stein)
- 0001484: HistoricalEventUpdates - select clause confusing (Rod Stein)
- 0001457: Need to Consistently use the term ProcessingInterval - not Interval or ResamplingInterval (Rod Stein)
- 0001466: UpdateEventDetails should have HistoricalEventFieldList not HistoricalEventFieldList[] (Rod Stein)
- 0001460: Difference between spec and code for UpdateDataDetails.updateValue -> UpdateDataDetails.updateValues (Rod Stein)
7 issues View Issues
10000-012: Discovery - Change Log
Not Yet Released
- 0010157: [Spec] Clarification for CertificateUpdatedAuditEventType (Randy Armstrong)
- 0010088: [Spec] Handling of private key in CertificateUpdateRequestedAuditEventType (Randy Armstrong)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2024-06-18
- 0009851: [Spec] Misnomed result code for "CloseAndUpdate()" (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009853: [Spec] Clearification required to state whether TrustLists can be opened multiple times (concurrently) for reading or not (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009856: [Spec] Exceeding the MaxTrustListSize Limit when modifying a TrustList (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009854: [Spec] No TrustList validation for RemoveCertificate() (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009852: [Spec] Potential deadlock situation when manipulating TrustLists via File-API (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009850: [Spec] Figure 22 in Part 12, Chapter 7.10 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009859: [Api Change] Base type of TrustListUpdatedAuditEventType ambigous (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009195: [Spec] Define more details about recommended behaviour for "setup state" and TOFU (Randy Armstrong)
8 issues View Issues
Released 2024-06-18
- 0008526: [Spec] The spec requires the RCP (reverse connect) be specified even when the client does not support reverse connect. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0010058: [Spec] Behaviour of GetCertificateStatus undefined before first signing request (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008532: [Spec] Interoperability problems when GDS returns private key in PFX format (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008582: [Spec] Misspellings of "CertificateGroup" term (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009497: [Spec] Clients without RCP cannot register. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009828: [Spec] Duplicate configuration of TransportProfileUri (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009831: [Spec] Clarification needed for BaseConfigurationRecordDataType.Name (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009847: [Spec] Add Mechanism to Managed Endpoints exposed by the Server. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0010067: [Spec] 0:'ApplicationConfigurationType' -> 'ApplicationType' property ... (Randy Armstrong)
- 0010070: [Spec] In general clients and servers may want to use the same certificate ... (Randy Armstrong)
- 0010069: [Spec] Clarification needed for method '0:UpdateCertificate' (7.10.5) and '0:CreateSigningRequest' (7.10.8) ... (Randy Armstrong)
- 0010066: [Spec] 0:'ServerConfigurationType'->'ServerCapabilities' is mandatory ... (Randy Armstrong)
- 0010068: [Spec] 0:”CertificateTypes” ... (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009825: [Spec] Invalid ConfigurationFileType Open mode option specified (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008585: [Spec] Clarification needed to subtype handling in relation to CertificateGroupType.CertificateTypes (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008654: [Spec] Certificate Pull Management Workflow needs change for multiple CertificateGroups (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008636: [Spec] A GDS must put its CA certificates in the Issuer store, or IOP issues may occur (Randy Armstrong)
17 issues View Issues
Released 2023-07-18
- 0009526: [Spec] Make ApplicationConfigurationType defined in Part 21 available in Part 12 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009507: [Spec] No transaction related results for CreateSigningRequest and TrustList (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009506: [Spec] Clarifications and fixes for ApplyChanges (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009474: [Spec] Enhancements for G.1 Application Setup with Pull Management (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009510: [Spec] Need to define ServerCapabilities for REGISTRAR (Pull) and DCS waiting for Config (Push). (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009453: [Spec] CreateSigningRequest and persistence of new key pair (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009512: [Spec] Clarification for configuration transaction support (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009566: [Spec] IEC Edition 4 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009533: [Spec] KeyCredentialConfigurationType does not expose the CredentialId (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009440: [Spec] CredentialSecret format for UserName/Password (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009065: [Spec] Standard way to tell what certificate a GDS certificate manager is managing (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009014: [Spec] Requirements for setting ApplicationType CLIENTANDSERVER (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009048: [Spec] CertificateManagerEndpoint term not defined (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009001: [Spec] NetworkResources Folder - unclear origin and purpose (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008999: [Spec] Inconsistency between KeyCredentialConfigurationType definition and diagram in Figure 26 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009194: [Spec] Configuration of certificate subject name and other certificate settings during initial setup (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009383: [Spec] OPC 10000 12 Missing closing of a secure channel after trust list update (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009247: [Spec] Definition of "normal integrity checks" for the ServerConfiguration.UpdateCertificate method (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008998: [Spec] Wrong use of the term KeyCredentialManagement Folder in the Push Management model introduction (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008957: [Spec] Allow CRL in certificate chains (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009059: [Spec] The mDNS section needs more explination (both Facet/CU and Part 12) (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009491: [Spec] AuditClientUpdateMethodResultEventType ObjectId and MethodId needs to be changed from NodeId to ExpandedNodeId (Jeff Harding)
- 0008685: [Spec] UpdateApplication allows users with "DiscoveryAdmin" rights to change the ApplicationUri (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007928: [Spec] No way to get the certificate of a registered application that has a signed certificate from the GDS. (Randy Armstrong)
24 issues View Issues
Released 2022-06-30
- 0008112: [Spec] CloseAndUpdate, AddCertificate and RemoveCertificate were made Optional - a breaking change (Randy Armstrong)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2022-06-29
- 0007935: [Spec] Missing capability information for UAFX (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008295: [Spec] Table numbering errors (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008332: [Spec] Missing argument in KeyCredentialConfigurationFolderType::CreateCredential (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007937: [Spec] Missing capabilities (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008293: [Spec] Method Privileges are too tight (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008331: [Spec] Signatures of new Methods GetCertificates and RevokeCertificate are not in sync (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008292: [Spec] Wrong method name (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008290: [Spec] No relevant paragraph should be deleted (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008206: [Spec] Loop in diagrams shows too less information (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008289: [Spec] Change deprecated QueryServers to QueryApplications in the beginning of the description (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008296: [Spec] some typos (Randy Armstrong)
11 issues View Issues
Released 2022-03-30
- 0006836: [Spec] 7.7.8 CertificateUpdatedAuditEventType (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006530: [Spec] ApplyChanges Manadatory In NodeSet , Optional in Specification (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006839: [Spec] 8.2 Pull Management (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006837: [Spec] 7.7.4 UpdateCertificate (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006835: [Spec] 7.7.5 ApplyChanges (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006834: [Spec] 7.5.2 TrustListType (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006529: [Spec] CertificateGroupFolderType members should be HasComponent (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006591: [Spec] We need guidlines, sequences and profiles for different Part 12 features (Matthias Damm)
- 0007693: [Spec] Rename Part 21 to Device Onboarding (Randy Armstrong)
- 0005811: [Spec] Missing relation of types to conformance units and profiles (Randy Armstrong)
- 0005592: [Spec] Incorrect labels in block diagrams (Figure 8 & 9) (Randy Armstrong)
- 0005404: [Api Change] Table-description of Enumeration "not technical meaningful" (Randy Armstrong)
- 0004678: [Spec] Typo: Internet vs Internal (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008063: [Spec] Client behaviour for connections to GDS need clarification (Matthias Damm)
- 0006858: [Spec] 8.2 Pull Management FinishKeyCredentialRequest (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007443: [Spec] "The QueryServers Method" should change to "The QueryApplications Method" (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007444: [Spec] Call() (QueryServers) should change to Call() (QueryApplications) (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007822: [Spec] Typo: QueryServers (depreciated) (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007459: [Spec] Add recommendation for naming convention of certificates when they use ECC (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007500: [Spec] Method result codes of CreateSigningRequest is missing further validations (Randy Armstrong)
- 0004294: [Spec] Need a way to get the certificate of a registered/signed application (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007411: [Spec] Relation of CSR extendedKeyUsage and ApplicationType in StartSigningRequest (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007499: [Spec] Missing requirement to validate subjectName in CreateSigningRequest (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006800: [Spec] Need Add/Remove Applications associated with CertificateGroups (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007412: [Spec] Use of GetCertificateGroups (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007362: [Spec] RegisterApplication needs clarificaiton and fix (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006789: [Spec] 7.2 Pull Management- and 7.3 Push Management Administrator credentials (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006788: [Spec] When Authenticating with an App Certificate clarify priviledges (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006787: [Spec] 7.2 Pull Management - Application Authentication should be Mandatory (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006866: [Spec] 9.5.4 RequestAccessToken - Text is Wrong (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007446: [Spec] StartSigningRequest - Remove reference to 1048 bits (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006799: [Spec] 7.5.10 CertificateGroupType - Multiple Certificates (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006793: [Spec] 7.5.4 CloseAndUpdate and 7.5.5 AddCertificate (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006395: [Spec] ApplyChanges does not specify behavoir if no changes are required. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0004677: [Api Change] Format of Client EndpointUrl for reverse connections (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006761: [Spec] 4.1 Overview (Randy Armstrong)
- 0004580: [Spec] Application authentication for StartSigningRequest and FinishRequest (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007124: [Spec] Visiblity of ServerConfiguration is not clear (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006865: [Spec] 9.5.3 AuthorizationServiceType (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006864: [Spec] 9.2 Implicit (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006863: [Spec] 8.4.6 Revoke (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006862: [Spec] 8.4.5 FinishRequest - Certificate Thumbprint (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006860: [Spec] 8.4.5 FinishRequest - Recommended Time (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006859: [Spec] 8.4.5 FinishRequest (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006838: [Spec] 8.1 Overview (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006833: [Spec] 7.7.1 Overview (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006832: [Spec] 7.5.10 CertificateGroupType (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006831: [Spec] 7.6.8 GetCertificateStatus (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006830: [Spec] Bad_NodeIdUnknown - The applicationId does not refer to a registered Application. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006804: [Spec] 7.6.3 StartSigningRequest (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006802: [Spec] 7.6.2 CertificateDirectoryType GetCertificateStatus (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006801: [Spec] 7.6.2 CertificateDirectoryType GetTrustList (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006798: [Spec] 7.5.14 UserCredentialCertificateType - Verify that is actually used. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006797: [Spec] 7.5.10 CertificateGroupType - Contains CertificateTypes not Certificates (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006796: [Spec] 7.5.6 RemoveCertificate - Remove CRLs (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006795: [Spec] 7.5.6 RemoveCertificate - Replace SHA1 with Certificate Digest defined in Part 6. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006794: [Spec] 7.5.5 AddCertificate IsTrusted flag has no purpose (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006792: [Spec] Table 13 – TrustListType Definition - Push Pull Model Differences (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006791: [Spec] Table 13 – TrustListType Definition - UpdateFrequency (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006786: [Spec] References to Provisioning should refer to Part 21 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006785: [Spec] 6.3.10 QueryApplications and 6.3.11 QueryServers - lastCounterResetTime (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006784: [Spec] Remove QueryServers from examples in Section 6. Replace with QueryApplications. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006783: [Spec] 6.3.9 GetApplication (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006782: [Spec] 6.3.10 QueryApplications - Remove Access Denied Status (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006781: [Spec] Make it Clear that the GDS only Adds Servers Automatically (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006780: [Spec] Need ServerOnNetwork to ApplicationRecord Mapping Rules (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006769: [Spec] Figure 11 – The Address Space for the GDS (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006767: [Spec] 6.2 Network Architectures (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006766: [Spec] 6.1 Overview (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006765: [Spec] 5.1 Overview (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006764: [Spec] 4.3.7 Combined Discovery Process for Clients (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006762: [Spec] 4.3.2 Security (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006760: [Spec] 3.1.16 ServerCapabilityIdentifier (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006759: [Spec] 3.1.15 Network Service (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006758: [Spec] 3.1.9 GlobalDiscoveryServer (GDS) (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006757: [Spec] 3.1.7 DiscoveryServer (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006756: [Spec] 3.1.2 Certificate Group (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006755: [Spec] 3.1.1 CertificateManagement Server (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006527: [Spec] AuthorizationServicesFolderType Should Be Defined. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006526: [Spec] KeyCredentialManagementFolderType Should Be Defined (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006398: [Spec] Registration of Server supporting nontransparent Redundancy not clear (Jeff Harding)
- 0005503: [Spec] Add an alias capability (Randy Armstrong)
- 0004867: [Spec] Meta data for Trust Lists for security checks (Randy Armstrong)
- 0004787: [Spec] The TrustList OpenWithMasks method breaks the Size property of a FileType (Randy Armstrong)
- 0004179: [Spec] Subscribers should not register. Remove SUB server capability. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0004104: [Spec] We need a way to add/remove instance of KeyCredentialConfigurationType in Push model (Randy Armstrong)
86 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0008112: [Spec] CloseAndUpdate, AddCertificate and RemoveCertificate were made Optional - a breaking change (Randy Armstrong)
1 issue View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0007935: [Spec] Missing capability information for UAFX (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008295: [Spec] Table numbering errors (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008332: [Spec] Missing argument in KeyCredentialConfigurationFolderType::CreateCredential (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007937: [Spec] Missing capabilities (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008293: [Spec] Method Privileges are too tight (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008331: [Spec] Signatures of new Methods GetCertificates and RevokeCertificate are not in sync (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008292: [Spec] Wrong method name (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008290: [Spec] No relevant paragraph should be deleted (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008206: [Spec] Loop in diagrams shows too less information (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008289: [Spec] Change deprecated QueryServers to QueryApplications in the beginning of the description (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008296: [Spec] some typos (Randy Armstrong)
11 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0006836: [Spec] 7.7.8 CertificateUpdatedAuditEventType (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006530: [Spec] ApplyChanges Manadatory In NodeSet , Optional in Specification (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006839: [Spec] 8.2 Pull Management (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006837: [Spec] 7.7.4 UpdateCertificate (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006835: [Spec] 7.7.5 ApplyChanges (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006834: [Spec] 7.5.2 TrustListType (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006529: [Spec] CertificateGroupFolderType members should be HasComponent (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006591: [Spec] We need guidlines, sequences and profiles for different Part 12 features (Matthias Damm)
- 0007693: [Spec] Rename Part 21 to Device Onboarding (Randy Armstrong)
- 0005811: [Spec] Missing relation of types to conformance units and profiles (Randy Armstrong)
- 0005592: [Spec] Incorrect labels in block diagrams (Figure 8 & 9) (Randy Armstrong)
- 0005404: [Api Change] Table-description of Enumeration "not technical meaningful" (Randy Armstrong)
- 0004678: [Spec] Typo: Internet vs Internal (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008063: [Spec] Client behaviour for connections to GDS need clarification (Matthias Damm)
- 0006858: [Spec] 8.2 Pull Management FinishKeyCredentialRequest (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007443: [Spec] "The QueryServers Method" should change to "The QueryApplications Method" (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007444: [Spec] Call() (QueryServers) should change to Call() (QueryApplications) (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007822: [Spec] Typo: QueryServers (depreciated) (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007459: [Spec] Add recommendation for naming convention of certificates when they use ECC (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007500: [Spec] Method result codes of CreateSigningRequest is missing further validations (Randy Armstrong)
- 0004294: [Spec] Need a way to get the certificate of a registered/signed application (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007411: [Spec] Relation of CSR extendedKeyUsage and ApplicationType in StartSigningRequest (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007499: [Spec] Missing requirement to validate subjectName in CreateSigningRequest (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006800: [Spec] Need Add/Remove Applications associated with CertificateGroups (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007412: [Spec] Use of GetCertificateGroups (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007362: [Spec] RegisterApplication needs clarificaiton and fix (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006789: [Spec] 7.2 Pull Management- and 7.3 Push Management Administrator credentials (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006788: [Spec] When Authenticating with an App Certificate clarify priviledges (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006787: [Spec] 7.2 Pull Management - Application Authentication should be Mandatory (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006866: [Spec] 9.5.4 RequestAccessToken - Text is Wrong (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007446: [Spec] StartSigningRequest - Remove reference to 1048 bits (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006799: [Spec] 7.5.10 CertificateGroupType - Multiple Certificates (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006793: [Spec] 7.5.4 CloseAndUpdate and 7.5.5 AddCertificate (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006395: [Spec] ApplyChanges does not specify behavoir if no changes are required. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0004677: [Api Change] Format of Client EndpointUrl for reverse connections (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006761: [Spec] 4.1 Overview (Randy Armstrong)
- 0004580: [Spec] Application authentication for StartSigningRequest and FinishRequest (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007124: [Spec] Visiblity of ServerConfiguration is not clear (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006865: [Spec] 9.5.3 AuthorizationServiceType (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006864: [Spec] 9.2 Implicit (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006863: [Spec] 8.4.6 Revoke (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006862: [Spec] 8.4.5 FinishRequest - Certificate Thumbprint (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006860: [Spec] 8.4.5 FinishRequest - Recommended Time (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006859: [Spec] 8.4.5 FinishRequest (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006838: [Spec] 8.1 Overview (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006833: [Spec] 7.7.1 Overview (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006832: [Spec] 7.5.10 CertificateGroupType (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006831: [Spec] 7.6.8 GetCertificateStatus (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006830: [Spec] Bad_NodeIdUnknown - The applicationId does not refer to a registered Application. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006804: [Spec] 7.6.3 StartSigningRequest (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006802: [Spec] 7.6.2 CertificateDirectoryType GetCertificateStatus (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006801: [Spec] 7.6.2 CertificateDirectoryType GetTrustList (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006798: [Spec] 7.5.14 UserCredentialCertificateType - Verify that is actually used. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006797: [Spec] 7.5.10 CertificateGroupType - Contains CertificateTypes not Certificates (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006796: [Spec] 7.5.6 RemoveCertificate - Remove CRLs (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006795: [Spec] 7.5.6 RemoveCertificate - Replace SHA1 with Certificate Digest defined in Part 6. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006794: [Spec] 7.5.5 AddCertificate IsTrusted flag has no purpose (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006792: [Spec] Table 13 – TrustListType Definition - Push Pull Model Differences (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006791: [Spec] Table 13 – TrustListType Definition - UpdateFrequency (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006786: [Spec] References to Provisioning should refer to Part 21 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006785: [Spec] 6.3.10 QueryApplications and 6.3.11 QueryServers - lastCounterResetTime (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006784: [Spec] Remove QueryServers from examples in Section 6. Replace with QueryApplications. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006783: [Spec] 6.3.9 GetApplication (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006782: [Spec] 6.3.10 QueryApplications - Remove Access Denied Status (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006781: [Spec] Make it Clear that the GDS only Adds Servers Automatically (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006780: [Spec] Need ServerOnNetwork to ApplicationRecord Mapping Rules (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006769: [Spec] Figure 11 – The Address Space for the GDS (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006767: [Spec] 6.2 Network Architectures (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006766: [Spec] 6.1 Overview (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006765: [Spec] 5.1 Overview (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006764: [Spec] 4.3.7 Combined Discovery Process for Clients (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006762: [Spec] 4.3.2 Security (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006760: [Spec] 3.1.16 ServerCapabilityIdentifier (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006759: [Spec] 3.1.15 Network Service (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006758: [Spec] 3.1.9 GlobalDiscoveryServer (GDS) (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006757: [Spec] 3.1.7 DiscoveryServer (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006756: [Spec] 3.1.2 Certificate Group (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006755: [Spec] 3.1.1 CertificateManagement Server (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006527: [Spec] AuthorizationServicesFolderType Should Be Defined. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006526: [Spec] KeyCredentialManagementFolderType Should Be Defined (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006398: [Spec] Registration of Server supporting nontransparent Redundancy not clear (Jeff Harding)
- 0005503: [Spec] Add an alias capability (Randy Armstrong)
- 0004867: [Spec] Meta data for Trust Lists for security checks (Randy Armstrong)
- 0004787: [Spec] The TrustList OpenWithMasks method breaks the Size property of a FileType (Randy Armstrong)
- 0004179: [Spec] Subscribers should not register. Remove SUB server capability. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0004104: [Spec] We need a way to add/remove instance of KeyCredentialConfigurationType in Push model (Randy Armstrong)
86 issues View Issues
Released 2015-01-15
- 0004299: [Spec] KeyCredentialManagement needs to support ECC (Randy Armstrong)
- 0004262: [Spec] UnregisterApplication should imply certificate revocation (Randy Armstrong)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2015-01-15
- 0004299: [Spec] KeyCredentialManagement needs to support ECC (Randy Armstrong)
- 0004262: [Spec] UnregisterApplication should imply certificate revocation (Randy Armstrong)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-06
- 0002429: [Spec] Need a facet for installation (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003060: [Spec] ServerCapabilities should be in the AddressSpace (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003045: [Spec] Spec. does not provide a means of identifing the purpose of TrustLists in the ServerConfiguration object (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003012: [Spec] No need for RED capability (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003006: [Spec] Links Should Reference 1.03 not 1.02 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002997: [Spec] Add text mandating encryption on when calling security sensitive methods. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003071: [Spec] Need a better way to represent multiple TrustLists/Certificates in the Push Model (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002905: [Spec] Need to Clarify Security issues during provisioning for Pull Management (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002873: [Spec] Remove text from Part 12 that belongs in Part 7 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002875: [Spec] Remove text from Part 12 that belongs in Part 4 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002924: [Spec] Pull model does not allow central replacement of application instance certificate (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002904: [Spec] Need Request Rejected Error Code (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002902: [Spec] Method Return Codes are Not Consistent (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002903: [Spec] RequestCertificate/SignCertificate method names do not convey what they do (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002909: [Spec] Need GetApplication Method (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002321: [Spec] Add Implementation Details for DiscoveryServer Directory Structure into Spec (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002715: [Spec] The GDS Namespace URI needs to be in the Specification (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002740: [Spec] Add Annex to describe Trust List structures. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002745: [Spec] Need a RegeneratePrivateKey method for the Push Model (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002817: [Spec] Handling of certificate signing request with GDS (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002527: [Spec] Registration through HTTPS does not work (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002862: [Spec] ServerConfigurationType must have a way to access rejected certificates (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002857: [Spec] Change to use standard zeroconf port for MDNS implementation (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002815: [Spec] Need a Section on Using other Protocols to Issue Certificates (Randy Armstrong)
24 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-06
- 0002429: [Spec] Need a facet for installation (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003060: [Spec] ServerCapabilities should be in the AddressSpace (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003045: [Spec] Spec. does not provide a means of identifing the purpose of TrustLists in the ServerConfiguration object (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003012: [Spec] No need for RED capability (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003006: [Spec] Links Should Reference 1.03 not 1.02 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002997: [Spec] Add text mandating encryption on when calling security sensitive methods. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003071: [Spec] Need a better way to represent multiple TrustLists/Certificates in the Push Model (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002905: [Spec] Need to Clarify Security issues during provisioning for Pull Management (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002873: [Spec] Remove text from Part 12 that belongs in Part 7 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002875: [Spec] Remove text from Part 12 that belongs in Part 4 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002924: [Spec] Pull model does not allow central replacement of application instance certificate (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002904: [Spec] Need Request Rejected Error Code (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002902: [Spec] Method Return Codes are Not Consistent (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002903: [Spec] RequestCertificate/SignCertificate method names do not convey what they do (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002909: [Spec] Need GetApplication Method (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002321: [Spec] Add Implementation Details for DiscoveryServer Directory Structure into Spec (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002715: [Spec] The GDS Namespace URI needs to be in the Specification (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002740: [Spec] Add Annex to describe Trust List structures. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002745: [Spec] Need a RegeneratePrivateKey method for the Push Model (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002817: [Spec] Handling of certificate signing request with GDS (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002527: [Spec] Registration through HTTPS does not work (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002862: [Spec] ServerConfigurationType must have a way to access rejected certificates (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002857: [Spec] Change to use standard zeroconf port for MDNS implementation (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002815: [Spec] Need a Section on Using other Protocols to Issue Certificates (Randy Armstrong)
24 issues View Issues
10000-013: Aggregates - Change Log
Released 2022-06-29
- 0005989: [Spec] Create a CSV of all the examples. (Rod Stein)
- 0008116: [Spec] Test data update required for WorstQuality2/Historian_2 (Rod Stein)
- 0008113: [Spec] Table for Total/Historian_3 is not updated (Rod Stein)
- 0008114: [Spec] Scaling and Rounding of Historian_5 Test data (Rod Stein)
- 0008115: [Spec] Wrong values - DurationBad, PercentBad/Historian_3, 4 (Rod Stein)
5 issues View Issues
Released 2022-03-30
- 0005812: [Spec] Missing relation of types to conformance units and profiles (Rod Stein)
- 0006246: [Spec] DurationInStateNonZero:Historian1 requires updates as per Get Time Weighted Status (Rod Stein)
- 0006205: [Spec] DurationInStateZero:Historian1 requires updates as per Get Time Weighted Status (Rod Stein)
- 0005049: [Spec] Sample Data missing for DurationInStateZero and DurationInStateNonZero (Rod Stein)
- 0005569: [Spec] Partial Bit not being set for Interpolated Aggregates TimeAverage and Total (Rod Stein)
- 0006204: [Spec] Range2:Historian1 requires updates as per Get Time Weighted Status (Rod Stein)
- 0006203: [Spec] MinimumActualTime2:Historian1 requires updates as per Get Time Weighted Status (Rod Stein)
- 0006202: [Spec] Minimum2:Historian1 requires updates as per Get Time Weighted Status (Rod Stein)
- 0006194: [Spec] MaximumActualTime2:Historian1 requires updates as per Get Time Weighted Status (Rod Stein)
- 0006193: [Spec] Maximum2:Historian1 requires updates as per Get Time Weighted Status (Rod Stein)
- 0006192: [Spec] Total2:Historian2 requires updates as per Get Time Weighted Status (Rod Stein)
- 0006190: [Spec] Total2:Historian1 requires updates as per Get Time Weighted Status (Rod Stein)
- 0006188: [Spec] TimeAverage2:Historian2 requires updates as per Get Time Weighted Status (Rod Stein)
- 0006187: [Spec] TimeAverage2:Historian1 requires updates as per Get Time Weighted Status (Rod Stein)
- 0005579: [Spec] Wording Unclear (Rod Stein)
- 0005198: [Spec] A.19.2 Count data Historian3 Data requires update (Rod Stein)
- 0005196: [Spec] A.1.2 Example Aggregate data – Historian 2 UseSlopedExtrapolation should be set to true (Rod Stein)
- 0006164: [Spec] Wrong statusCode in test data for DurationInStateNonZero/Historian_3 (Rod Stein)
18 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0005989: [Spec] Create a CSV of all the examples. (Rod Stein)
- 0008116: [Spec] Test data update required for WorstQuality2/Historian_2 (Rod Stein)
- 0008113: [Spec] Table for Total/Historian_3 is not updated (Rod Stein)
- 0008114: [Spec] Scaling and Rounding of Historian_5 Test data (Rod Stein)
- 0008115: [Spec] Wrong values - DurationBad, PercentBad/Historian_3, 4 (Rod Stein)
5 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0005812: [Spec] Missing relation of types to conformance units and profiles (Rod Stein)
- 0006246: [Spec] DurationInStateNonZero:Historian1 requires updates as per Get Time Weighted Status (Rod Stein)
- 0006205: [Spec] DurationInStateZero:Historian1 requires updates as per Get Time Weighted Status (Rod Stein)
- 0005049: [Spec] Sample Data missing for DurationInStateZero and DurationInStateNonZero (Rod Stein)
- 0005569: [Spec] Partial Bit not being set for Interpolated Aggregates TimeAverage and Total (Rod Stein)
- 0006204: [Spec] Range2:Historian1 requires updates as per Get Time Weighted Status (Rod Stein)
- 0006203: [Spec] MinimumActualTime2:Historian1 requires updates as per Get Time Weighted Status (Rod Stein)
- 0006202: [Spec] Minimum2:Historian1 requires updates as per Get Time Weighted Status (Rod Stein)
- 0006194: [Spec] MaximumActualTime2:Historian1 requires updates as per Get Time Weighted Status (Rod Stein)
- 0006193: [Spec] Maximum2:Historian1 requires updates as per Get Time Weighted Status (Rod Stein)
- 0006192: [Spec] Total2:Historian2 requires updates as per Get Time Weighted Status (Rod Stein)
- 0006190: [Spec] Total2:Historian1 requires updates as per Get Time Weighted Status (Rod Stein)
- 0006188: [Spec] TimeAverage2:Historian2 requires updates as per Get Time Weighted Status (Rod Stein)
- 0006187: [Spec] TimeAverage2:Historian1 requires updates as per Get Time Weighted Status (Rod Stein)
- 0005579: [Spec] Wording Unclear (Rod Stein)
- 0005198: [Spec] A.19.2 Count data Historian3 Data requires update (Rod Stein)
- 0005196: [Spec] A.1.2 Example Aggregate data – Historian 2 UseSlopedExtrapolation should be set to true (Rod Stein)
- 0006164: [Spec] Wrong statusCode in test data for DurationInStateNonZero/Historian_3 (Rod Stein)
18 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0005210: [Spec] Clarification about sample data Historian_3 in Total (Rod Stein)
- 0006160: [Spec] Wrong value in test data for WorstQuality2/Historian_3 (Rod Stein)
- 0006227: [Spec] Time Based Status Calculations should respect PercentGood/PercentBad equality check. (Rod Stein)
- 0005199: [Spec] A.22.2 NumberOfTransitions data Historian3 Data requires update (Rod Stein)
- 0005090: [Spec] Wrong Data in Sample Historian for Aggregate Delta (Rod Stein)
- 0005040: [Spec] Inconsistency for Aggregate Interpolative between description and Sample Historian (Rod Stein)
- 0004062: [Spec] Aggregate start, end Delta wording (Rod Stein)
- 0006162: [Spec] Value entry is wrong for TimeAverage (Archie Miller)
8 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0005210: [Spec] Clarification about sample data Historian_3 in Total (Rod Stein)
- 0006160: [Spec] Wrong value in test data for WorstQuality2/Historian_3 (Rod Stein)
- 0006227: [Spec] Time Based Status Calculations should respect PercentGood/PercentBad equality check. (Rod Stein)
- 0005199: [Spec] A.22.2 NumberOfTransitions data Historian3 Data requires update (Rod Stein)
- 0005090: [Spec] Wrong Data in Sample Historian for Aggregate Delta (Rod Stein)
- 0005040: [Spec] Inconsistency for Aggregate Interpolative between description and Sample Historian (Rod Stein)
- 0004062: [Spec] Aggregate start, end Delta wording (Rod Stein)
- 0006162: [Spec] Value entry is wrong for TimeAverage (Archie Miller)
8 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-06
- 0003067: [Spec] Count Aggregate: When there is no good data in the interval, value is null instead of zero (Rod Stein)
- 0002962: [Spec] StandardDeviation: Cannot reproduce the same results shown in appendix (Rod Stein)
- 0002302: [Spec] Delta Aggregate example for Historian1 has UncertainDataSubnormal value instead of BadNoData (Rod Stein)
- 0003000: [Spec] It is not clear from aggregates what the status code is when there is no data in the interval (Rod Stein)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-06
- 0003067: [Spec] Count Aggregate: When there is no good data in the interval, value is null instead of zero (Rod Stein)
- 0002962: [Spec] StandardDeviation: Cannot reproduce the same results shown in appendix (Rod Stein)
- 0002302: [Spec] Delta Aggregate example for Historian1 has UncertainDataSubnormal value instead of BadNoData (Rod Stein)
- 0003000: [Spec] It is not clear from aggregates what the status code is when there is no data in the interval (Rod Stein)
4 issues View Issues
10000-014: PubSub - Change Log
Not Yet Released
- 0009540: [Spec] AuthenticationProfileUri for SecurityKeyServices' EndpointDescription (Matthias Damm)
- 0009446: [Spec] Examples for ResourceUri and AuthenticationProfileUri for the Broker configuration (Matthias Damm)
- 0009867: [Spec] Need clarification for handling of SecurityGroup configuration changes (Matthias Damm)
- 0009986: [Spec] Issue in Table 167 – Discovery announcement header structure (Matthias Damm)
- 0010086: [Spec] Need to state what happens with KeepAlives if DataSetMessage headers are disabled. (Matthias Damm)
- 0009958: [Spec] Clarify legal values for PublishingInterval (Matthias Damm)
- 0010149: [Spec] Wrong JSON Status encoding in example (Matthias Damm)
- 0009987: [Spec] JSON field with multidimensional arrays with RawData-Flag (Matthias Damm)
- 0010146: [Spec] Rules for DataSetMessage JSON encoding need more details (Matthias Damm)
- 0010150: [Spec] JSON Encoding of Enumeration in a DataSetMessage field (Matthias Damm)
- 0010154: [Spec] Describe handling of Bad and Uncertain status in JSON Variant field encoding (Matthias Damm)
11 issues View Issues
Released 2024-06-18
- 0009720: [Spec] SetSecurityKeys - incorrect description of the KeyLifetime argument (Matthias Damm)
- 0009824: [Spec] Changes for different options of JSON encoding (Matthias Damm)
- 0009729: [Spec] Need a Compact Encoding Bit in JsonDataSetMessageContentMask (Matthias Damm)
- 0009645: [Spec] DTLS Settings need a global option (Matthias Damm)
- 0009623: [Spec] Exclude recursive structures from Raw encoding (Matthias Damm)
5 issues View Issues
Released 2023-07-18
- 0009494: [Spec] Adjust to JSON encoding changes in Part 6 (Matthias Damm)
- 0009587: [Spec] Raw encoding of OptionSet structures not defined (Matthias Damm)
- 0009583: [Spec] MQTT 3.1.1 and JSON messages with application/json+gzip (Matthias Damm)
- 0009586: [Spec] Subscriber side verification of data length (Matthias Damm)
- 0003821: [Spec] Add support for sending request/reply commands from UA Subcribers to UA Publishers (Matthias Damm)
- 0009224: [Spec] Discard last received sequence number (Matthias Damm)
- 0009380: [Spec] It would be good to have Timestamp in UADP Status discovery announcement (Matthias Damm)
- 0009325: [Spec] (Minor) Inconsistent way the bit values are specified in Table A.20 (Matthias Damm)
- 0009472: [Spec] Clarify handling of MQTT retain messages (Matthias Damm)
- 0009330: [Spec] General pattern for the MQTT Topic is incorrect (Matthias Damm)
- 0009367: [Spec] Misplaced rule for creating MetaDataQueueName (Matthias Damm)
- 0009321: [Spec] DataSetWriterName presence in JSON DataSetMetaData should not depend on JsonDataSetMessageContentMask (Matthias Damm)
- 0009368: [Spec] MQTT standard message properties configuration does not differentiate between data and metadata (Matthias Damm)
- 0009370: [Spec] UAMessageType user property (MQTT 5.0) value not defined for message types other than data or metadata (Matthias Damm)
- 0009473: [Spec] Wrong UAMessageType for MQTT 5 data messages (Matthias Damm)
- 0009377: [Spec] Status message clarifications (Matthias Damm)
- 0009119: [Spec] Unclear consequence of omitted data set header (Matthias Damm)
- 0009205: [Spec] Unclear validity time of pubsub security keys (Matthias Damm)
- 0009471: [Spec] Need a way to provide source variable for DataSets in discovery messages (Matthias Damm)
- 0009459: [Spec] DataSetMetaData should contain ns 0 types that are not built-in types (Matthias Damm)
- 0008942: [Spec] Custom DataTypes and DataSetMetaData (Matthias Damm)
- 0009181: [Spec] DTLS Mapping for PubSub (Matthias Damm)
22 issues View Issues
Released 2022-09-29
- 0009216: [Spec] JSON PubSubConnection definition: NetworkAddress should be excluded too. (Matthias Damm)
- 0009217: [Spec] JSON DataSetMetaData definition should have a Timestamp (Matthias Damm)
- 0009193: [Spec] StructureDefinition.DefaultEncodingId is not useful as described. (Matthias Damm)
- 0009079: [Spec] Clarification permissions on SecurityGroupType objects needed (Matthias Damm)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2022-06-30
- 0008051: [Spec] Usage of maxStringLength is unclear (Matthias Damm)
- 0007425: [Spec] Restrictions for event JSON DataSetMessages (Matthias Damm)
- 0008880: [Spec] Missing conformance units and spec language for DNS resolution (Matthias Damm)
- 0009017: [Spec] QueueName parameter on Broker DataSetWriter transport mapping configuration (Matthias Damm)
- 0008062: [Spec] Need a way to express metadata for Key- Value pairs (Matthias Damm)
- 0008925: [Spec] Wrong formular for "Start of periodic execution" (Matthias Damm)
- 0008922: [Spec] Need JSON DataSetMessage option to include only minor meta data version (Matthias Damm)
- 0008754: [Spec] Conflict DefaultBrokerPublisherId and MQTT topic tree use of PublisherId (Matthias Damm)
- 0008119: [Spec] Need to State what the Default MQTT ClientId (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008755: [Spec] Need option to configure RETAIN for MQTT DataSetMessages (Matthias Damm)
- 0008729: [Spec] How can UADP heartbeat messages be recognized? (Matthias Damm)
- 0008651: [Spec] Conflicting requirements for heartbeat message header (Matthias Damm)
- 0008474: [Spec] It is not clear what goes into DataTypeSchemaHeader fields of DataSetMetaDataType and/or UABinaryFileDataTupe (Matthias Damm)
- 0008722: [Spec] PubSubCapabilitiesType missing settings for SKS (Matthias Damm)
- 0008404: [Spec] Missing status code for CloseAndUpdate element result (Matthias Damm)
- 0008415: [Spec] ReserveIds needs better description of error handling. (Matthias Damm)
- 0008394: [Spec] ElementMatch for WriterGroup would not work for PeriodicFixed header layout (Matthias Damm)
- 0008366: [Spec] PubSubConfigurationRefMask ElementAdd null PublisherId handling (Matthias Damm)
- 0008414: [Spec] DefaultDatagramPublisherId and related concepts need better explanation (Matthias Damm)
- 0007445: [Spec] UADP message mapping: MQTT Topics starting with a $ must not be used (Matthias Damm)
- 0008713: [Spec] Sequence number in keep alive messages (Matthias Damm)
- 0004573: [Spec] Shouldn't DataSetClassId be in JSON DataSetMessage Reader ? (Matthias Damm)
- 0008346: [Spec] RetryInterval not defined for SKS key pull (Matthias Damm)
- 0008537: [Spec] Clarification for item SubstituteValue in PublishedVariableDataType when PublishedVariable is an array (Matthias Damm)
- 0004513: [Spec] Tables with DataType structures should indicate the base datatype, when it exists (Matthias Damm)
- 0008650: [Spec] Configuration parameter for entering error state not in first error case (Matthias Damm)
- 0008118: [Spec] Need an MQTT Connection Property for MQTT Version (Matthias Damm)
- 0008731: [Spec] Need a Standard MQTT Topic Tree for Configuration and Auto-Discovery (Matthias Damm)
- 0006308: [Spec] Clarify how a JSON PubSub message is encoded (Matthias Damm)
- 0008714: [Spec] JSON DataSetMessage needs option to include PublisherId in header (Matthias Damm)
- 0008715: [Spec] JSON messages needs option to include WriterGroup name in header (Matthias Damm)
- 0007762: [Spec] Clarification for JSON DataSetMessage (Matthias Damm)
32 issues View Issues
Released 2022-06-29
- 0008356: [Spec] AddSecurityGroup and AddPushTarget clarification (Matthias Damm)
- 0008377: [Spec] 8.7.2 AddPushTarget - TransportProfileUri (Matthias Damm)
- 0008384: [Spec] Method definitions do not have address space definition tables (Matthias Damm)
- 0008354: [Spec] SecurityGroupName should match the SecurityGroupId (Matthias Damm)
- 0008341: [Spec] Allowed open modes for PubSubConfigurationType (Matthias Damm)
- 0008353: [Spec] SKS add methods should not fail add with parameters matching existing objects (Matthias Damm)
- 0008328: [Spec] Need for clarification on the usage of the networkInterface part of the Address structure. (Matthias Damm)
- 0008117: [Spec] Connection Properties and other custom Properties may have unexpected information in them. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008191: [Spec] Padding of Strings unclear (Matthias Damm)
- 0008334: [Spec] StandaloneSubscribedDataSetRefDataType makes no sense in StandaloneSubscribedDataSetDataType (Matthias Damm)
- 0008120: [Spec] Need clarification what happens with DataSetReaderDataType.DataSetMetaData for StandaloneSubscribedDataSetDataType (Matthias Damm)
- 0008335: [Spec] PubSubConfigurationRefMask ElementRemove behaviour not defined for children (Matthias Damm)
- 0008336: [Spec] Hint for processing references in CloseAndUpdate (Matthias Damm)
- 0008337: [Spec] CloseAndUpdate - need clarification for all PubSubConfiguration2DataType top level fields (Matthias Damm)
14 issues View Issues
Released 2022-03-30
- 0008072: [Spec] Use NamespaceIndex=0 for MQTT User Properties for Connections and Messages (Matthias Damm)
- 0007036: [Spec] Timestamp and Status in keep-alive JSON DataSetMessage not clearly specified (Matthias Damm)
- 0007871: [Spec] JSON DataSetMessage fields Timestamp and StatusCode need clarification. (Matthias Damm)
- 0007865: [Spec] UADP "Security enabled" bit not well defined (Matthias Damm)
- 0008053: [Spec] Information in PubSubConfiguration2DataType missing in PublishSubscribeType (Matthias Damm)
- 0008055: [Spec] No capability for Security Key management (Matthias Damm)
- 0007948: [Spec] FX needs additional PubSub Capabilities (Matthias Damm)
- 0008001: [Spec] SecurityGroup.RolePermssions needs better dicussion on what it is for. (Matthias Damm)
- 0005800: [Spec] For the MQTT PubSub encoding, specify a gzipped version of the body/payload for huge cost savings (Matthias Damm)
- 0007959: [Spec] Editorial issues around Standalone SubscribedDataSet (Matthias Damm)
- 0007999: [Spec] PubSub Information flow figure is misleading (Matthias Damm)
- 0007919: [Spec] DatagramDataSetReaderTransportType has wrong base type (Matthias Damm)
- 0008054: [Spec] CloseAndUpdate is missing error code for empty ConfigurationReferences array (Matthias Damm)
13 issues View Issues
Released 2022-02-23
- 0007328: [Spec] JSON Data Set MessageHeader needs a DataSetWriterName Field (Matthias Damm)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2021-11-30
- 0007038: [Spec] PubSub JSON encoding for DataSetMessage needs reversible encoding for DataValue (Matthias Damm)
- 0007369: [Spec] Additional standard roles (Matthias Damm)
- 0007365: [Spec] Writeup for Reseve IDs needed (Matthias Damm)
- 0005353: [Spec] Provide optimized access to PubSub configuration methods (Matthias Damm)
4 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0009216: [Spec] JSON PubSubConnection definition: NetworkAddress should be excluded too. (Matthias Damm)
- 0009217: [Spec] JSON DataSetMetaData definition should have a Timestamp (Matthias Damm)
- 0009193: [Spec] StructureDefinition.DefaultEncodingId is not useful as described. (Matthias Damm)
- 0009079: [Spec] Clarification permissions on SecurityGroupType objects needed (Matthias Damm)
4 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0008051: [Spec] Usage of maxStringLength is unclear (Matthias Damm)
- 0007425: [Spec] Restrictions for event JSON DataSetMessages (Matthias Damm)
- 0008880: [Spec] Missing conformance units and spec language for DNS resolution (Matthias Damm)
- 0009017: [Spec] QueueName parameter on Broker DataSetWriter transport mapping configuration (Matthias Damm)
- 0008062: [Spec] Need a way to express metadata for Key- Value pairs (Matthias Damm)
- 0008925: [Spec] Wrong formular for "Start of periodic execution" (Matthias Damm)
- 0008922: [Spec] Need JSON DataSetMessage option to include only minor meta data version (Matthias Damm)
- 0008754: [Spec] Conflict DefaultBrokerPublisherId and MQTT topic tree use of PublisherId (Matthias Damm)
- 0008119: [Spec] Need to State what the Default MQTT ClientId (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008755: [Spec] Need option to configure RETAIN for MQTT DataSetMessages (Matthias Damm)
- 0008729: [Spec] How can UADP heartbeat messages be recognized? (Matthias Damm)
- 0008651: [Spec] Conflicting requirements for heartbeat message header (Matthias Damm)
- 0008474: [Spec] It is not clear what goes into DataTypeSchemaHeader fields of DataSetMetaDataType and/or UABinaryFileDataTupe (Matthias Damm)
- 0008722: [Spec] PubSubCapabilitiesType missing settings for SKS (Matthias Damm)
- 0008404: [Spec] Missing status code for CloseAndUpdate element result (Matthias Damm)
- 0008415: [Spec] ReserveIds needs better description of error handling. (Matthias Damm)
- 0008394: [Spec] ElementMatch for WriterGroup would not work for PeriodicFixed header layout (Matthias Damm)
- 0008366: [Spec] PubSubConfigurationRefMask ElementAdd null PublisherId handling (Matthias Damm)
- 0008414: [Spec] DefaultDatagramPublisherId and related concepts need better explanation (Matthias Damm)
- 0007445: [Spec] UADP message mapping: MQTT Topics starting with a $ must not be used (Matthias Damm)
- 0008713: [Spec] Sequence number in keep alive messages (Matthias Damm)
- 0004573: [Spec] Shouldn't DataSetClassId be in JSON DataSetMessage Reader ? (Matthias Damm)
- 0008346: [Spec] RetryInterval not defined for SKS key pull (Matthias Damm)
- 0008537: [Spec] Clarification for item SubstituteValue in PublishedVariableDataType when PublishedVariable is an array (Matthias Damm)
- 0004513: [Spec] Tables with DataType structures should indicate the base datatype, when it exists (Matthias Damm)
- 0008650: [Spec] Configuration parameter for entering error state not in first error case (Matthias Damm)
- 0008118: [Spec] Need an MQTT Connection Property for MQTT Version (Matthias Damm)
- 0008731: [Spec] Need a Standard MQTT Topic Tree for Configuration and Auto-Discovery (Matthias Damm)
- 0006308: [Spec] Clarify how a JSON PubSub message is encoded (Matthias Damm)
- 0008714: [Spec] JSON DataSetMessage needs option to include PublisherId in header (Matthias Damm)
- 0008715: [Spec] JSON messages needs option to include WriterGroup name in header (Matthias Damm)
- 0007762: [Spec] Clarification for JSON DataSetMessage (Matthias Damm)
32 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0008356: [Spec] AddSecurityGroup and AddPushTarget clarification (Matthias Damm)
- 0008377: [Spec] 8.7.2 AddPushTarget - TransportProfileUri (Matthias Damm)
- 0008384: [Spec] Method definitions do not have address space definition tables (Matthias Damm)
- 0008354: [Spec] SecurityGroupName should match the SecurityGroupId (Matthias Damm)
- 0008341: [Spec] Allowed open modes for PubSubConfigurationType (Matthias Damm)
- 0008353: [Spec] SKS add methods should not fail add with parameters matching existing objects (Matthias Damm)
- 0008328: [Spec] Need for clarification on the usage of the networkInterface part of the Address structure. (Matthias Damm)
- 0008117: [Spec] Connection Properties and other custom Properties may have unexpected information in them. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008191: [Spec] Padding of Strings unclear (Matthias Damm)
- 0008334: [Spec] StandaloneSubscribedDataSetRefDataType makes no sense in StandaloneSubscribedDataSetDataType (Matthias Damm)
- 0008120: [Spec] Need clarification what happens with DataSetReaderDataType.DataSetMetaData for StandaloneSubscribedDataSetDataType (Matthias Damm)
- 0008335: [Spec] PubSubConfigurationRefMask ElementRemove behaviour not defined for children (Matthias Damm)
- 0008336: [Spec] Hint for processing references in CloseAndUpdate (Matthias Damm)
- 0008337: [Spec] CloseAndUpdate - need clarification for all PubSubConfiguration2DataType top level fields (Matthias Damm)
14 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0008072: [Spec] Use NamespaceIndex=0 for MQTT User Properties for Connections and Messages (Matthias Damm)
- 0007036: [Spec] Timestamp and Status in keep-alive JSON DataSetMessage not clearly specified (Matthias Damm)
- 0007871: [Spec] JSON DataSetMessage fields Timestamp and StatusCode need clarification. (Matthias Damm)
- 0007865: [Spec] UADP "Security enabled" bit not well defined (Matthias Damm)
- 0008053: [Spec] Information in PubSubConfiguration2DataType missing in PublishSubscribeType (Matthias Damm)
- 0008055: [Spec] No capability for Security Key management (Matthias Damm)
- 0007948: [Spec] FX needs additional PubSub Capabilities (Matthias Damm)
- 0008001: [Spec] SecurityGroup.RolePermssions needs better dicussion on what it is for. (Matthias Damm)
- 0005800: [Spec] For the MQTT PubSub encoding, specify a gzipped version of the body/payload for huge cost savings (Matthias Damm)
- 0007959: [Spec] Editorial issues around Standalone SubscribedDataSet (Matthias Damm)
- 0007999: [Spec] PubSub Information flow figure is misleading (Matthias Damm)
- 0007919: [Spec] DatagramDataSetReaderTransportType has wrong base type (Matthias Damm)
- 0008054: [Spec] CloseAndUpdate is missing error code for empty ConfigurationReferences array (Matthias Damm)
13 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0007328: [Spec] JSON Data Set MessageHeader needs a DataSetWriterName Field (Matthias Damm)
1 issue View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0007038: [Spec] PubSub JSON encoding for DataSetMessage needs reversible encoding for DataValue (Matthias Damm)
- 0007369: [Spec] Additional standard roles (Matthias Damm)
- 0007365: [Spec] Writeup for Reseve IDs needed (Matthias Damm)
- 0005353: [Spec] Provide optimized access to PubSub configuration methods (Matthias Damm)
4 issues View Issues
10000-015: Safety - Change Log
Released 2022-06-30
- 0008658: [Spec] Link SafetyProviderServerMapper and SafetyProviderPubSubMapper Facets to Description of SPI Parameters Safety***Implemented (Christian Eitner)
- 0008679: [Spec] Adapt Facets and ConformanceUnits According to Discussion with Compliance WG / FLC Testing WG (Christian Eitner)
- 0008720: [Spec] Adapt Figure 26 to show bit error probabilities up to 0.5 (Christian Eitner)
- 0008540: [Spec] Description for BaseID Bit Ranges Is Misleading (Christian Eitner)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2021-10-29
- 0007359: [Spec] Formula for calculation of SFRT value is too optimistic (Max Walter)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2021-05-20
- 0005813: [Api Change] Missing relation of types to conformance units and profiles (Max Walter)
1 issue View Issues
10000-016: State Machines - Change Log
Released 2023-07-18
- 0009225: [Spec] Extend FiniteStateVariableType with additional information (Wolfgang Mahnke)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2022-06-29
- 0008299: [Spec] Typos (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0008101: [Spec] Revision Table needs column "Scope" (Wolfgang Mahnke)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2022-03-30
- 0007834: [Spec] Auditing conformance unit (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0007774: [Spec] 4.4.18 Special Restrictions on subtyping StateMachines (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0007376: [Spec] Several places in the document refer to 'this annex' (Wolfgang Mahnke)
3 issues View Issues
10000-017: Alias Names - Change Log
Released 2024-06-18
- 0009411: [Spec] Document Template Wrong/Section numbering broken (Paul Hunkar)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2023-07-18
- 0009045: [Spec] Issues in Figure 1 – AliasNames Overview (Paul Hunkar)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2022-06-30
- 0007671: [Spec] AliasName and namespaces (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007669: [Spec] ModelChangeEvent definitions need clarifications (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007670: [Spec] AliasNameSearchPattern definition in FindAlias Method (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008321: [Spec] NodeVersion / ModelChangeEvents and change of BrowseName of Aliases (Paul Hunkar)
4 issues View Issues
10000-018: Role-Based Security - Change Log
Released 2024-06-18
- 0009818: [Spec] Behaviour of UserManagementType RemoveUser not defined (Matthias Damm)
- 0009862: [Spec] Incosistency between UserManagementType property description and Nodeset (Matthias Damm)
- 0009816: [Spec] ChangePassword method description is ambiguous (Matthias Damm)
- 0009781: [Spec] Add TrustedApplication to CU "Security Role Well Know Group 2" (Matthias Damm)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2023-07-18
- 0009301: [Spec] 4.8.2 Well Known Roles - Clarify what 'valid non-anonymous credentials' are. (Matthias Damm)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2022-09-29
- 0009140: [Spec] Inconsistent definition for Anonymous and AuthenticatedUser IdentityMappingRuleType criteria (Matthias Damm)
- 0009109: [Spec] Clarification for using the ChangePassword method (Matthias Damm)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2022-06-30
- 0008317: [Spec] WellKnownRoles for RoleManagement and UserManagement missing (Matthias Damm)
- 0008723: [Spec] Missing UserManagement Statuscode for invalid UserConfigurationMask combination (Matthias Damm)
- 0008932: [Spec] Missing user count limits handling in User Management Model (Matthias Damm)
- 0008400: [Spec] AddRole has no status code defined for the case that role already exists (Matthias Damm)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2022-06-29
- 0008019: [Spec] IdentityMappingRuleType should not be abstract (Matthias Damm)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2022-03-30
- 0007746: [Spec] IdentityCriteriaType Application and user token (Matthias Damm)
- 0007855: [Spec] EndpointsExclude and ApplicationsExclude configuration (Matthias Damm)
- 0007852: [Spec] Handling of EndpointsExclude and ApplicationsExclude in roles created with AddRole (Matthias Damm)
- 0007764: [Spec] Should it be allowed to remove user that is the user of the current session (Matthias Damm)
- 0007836: [Spec] Part 18 - 1.05.01 RC - typo / word missing in AddApplication Method description (Matthias Damm)
5 issues View Issues
Released 2021-10-29
- 0005836: [Spec] IdentityMappingType THUMBPRINT_2 (Matthias Damm)
1 issue View Issues
10000-019: Dictionary Reference - Change Log
Released 2022-03-30
- 0006154: [Spec] Clarification for use of Dictionary Object below Server (Jeff Harding)
1 issue View Issues
10000-020: File Transfer - Change Log
Released 2021-11-30
- 0006970: [Spec] Missing reliable way to reflect file changes on the client side (Jeff Harding)
1 issue View Issues
10000-021: Device Onboarding - Change Log
Released 2022-06-29
- 0008205: [Spec] No "RegisterManagedApplications" defined in Registrar's information model (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008197: [Spec] some typos (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008198: [Spec] Wrong HasTypeDefinition direction (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008199: [Spec] DCA or DCS? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008203: [Spec] GetManagers will response with Softwere Update Manager, Certificate Manager (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008204: [Spec] Move "UpdateSoftwareStatus" after "Download Software Update" (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008208: [Spec] Start/Finish SigningRequest (see OPC-10000-12) -> StartSigningRequest /FinishRequest (see OPC-10000-12) (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008100: [Spec] Clarification of signature validation in ticket with multiple signatures (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008298: [Spec] Some more types (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008254: [Spec] Add definitions for DCA Server and DCA Client (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008297: [Spec] CompositeProductUri -> CompositeInstanceUri (Randy Armstrong)
11 issues View Issues
10000-022: Base Network Model - Change Log
Released 2023-07-18
- 0009056: [Spec] Part 22 needs to model LLDP neighbor information (Greg Majcher)
- 0009384: [Spec] Missing external normative references (Greg Majcher)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2022-06-30
- 0008686: [Spec] Figure A-3 needs improvement to explain the implicit references and provide the correct WriterGroup structure (Greg Majcher)
- 0008967: [Spec] Corrections needed in Figure 2 (Greg Majcher)
- 0008965: [Spec] Update figure A.3.1 to remove IIeeeBaseTsnStreamType (Greg Majcher)
- 0008355: [Spec] Figure 2 is missing IVlanIdType (Greg Majcher)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2022-03-30
- 0007981: [Spec] Clarify the usage of the PriorityMappingTable (Greg Majcher)
- 0007823: [Spec] Clarification is needed in text describing the IVlanIdType Interface (Greg Majcher)
- 0007980: [Spec] Clarify usage of IetfBaseNetworkInterfaces for transmission (Greg Majcher)
- 0007743: [Spec] Hierarchical Network Interfaces and Mapping Tables (Greg Majcher)
- 0007978: [Spec] Figure A-1 needs corrections (Greg Majcher)
- 0007977: [Spec] Valid and default values need to be specified for priority (Greg Majcher)
- 0007976: [Spec] Corrections needed to text now that Object types have been added (Wolfgang Mahnke)
7 issues View Issues
10000-023: Common ReferenceTypes - Change Log
Released 2022-03-30
- 0008048: [Spec] Add capability to add information to references and allow refining references (Wolfgang Mahnke)
1 issue View Issues
10000-024: Scheduler - Change Log
Released 2022-06-29
- 0008132: [Spec] Unspecified value for DayOfWeek (Wolfgang Mahnke)
1 issue View Issues
10000-025: ObjectSerialization - Change Log
Released 2024-06-18
- 0008519: [Api Change] Object Serialization as custom data structure variable (Frank Volkmann)
1 issue View Issues
NodeSets, XSDs and Generated Code - Change Log
Released 2024-06-18
- 0009555: [Implementation Bug] Base type of TrustListUpdatedAuditEventType ambigous (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008640: [Feature Request] Normative BrowseNames that are not used on Types or InstanceDeclarations need to be defined. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009685: [Documentation Errata] Typo in the Nodeset XML (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009442: [Implementation Bug] The optional method CreateCredential method of the KeyCredentialConfiguration object instance is missing (Randy Armstrong)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2023-07-18
- 0009515: [Implementation Bug] Typo in StatusCode.csv (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009428: [Implementation Bug] Permissions of the SecurityGroups instance (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007641: [Implementation Bug] Many identifiers in opcua_identifiers.h and Opc.Ua.Constants.cs not defined in nodeset (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009382: [Spec] NodeSet contains MinimumSamplingInterval for a couple of Variables (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008758: [Feature Request] RolePermissions and AccesRestrictions missing in Nodeset (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009375: [Spec] ApplicationsExclude and EndpointsExclude for WellKnown Roles have wrong AccessLevel (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009390: [IOP Problem] opcua_identifiers.h is missing OpcUaId_Server_ServerRedundancy_RedundantServerArray (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009316: [Implementation Bug] Server Object is missing permissions (Randy Armstrong)
8 issues View Issues
Released 2022-09-29
- 0009052: [Implementation Bug] NodeSet does not match specification (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009245: [Api Change] Handling of optional methods (variables) not implemented but imported from nodeset (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008437: [IOP Problem] Missing identifiers for new PublishSubscribe PubSubCapablities properties (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008430: [Implementation Bug] Undefined object in nodeset Server > DataSetClasses (of type PublishSubscribeType) (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008951: [Api Change] NonTransparent Hot+PM: Increase information about redundant servers (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008939: [Implementation Bug] Description text should not be padded with white space (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008721: [Documentation Errata] Bad_TimestampNotSupported - error description needs update (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008517: [Api Change] How can a tool find out which Namespace 0 NodeSet is newer / better? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008933: [Implementation Bug] BadLocaleNotSupported status code has no number assigned (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008740: [Api Change] New status code for ActivateSession if user password change is required (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009244: [Api Change] AuditClientUpdateMethodResultEventType data types for arguments is broken (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008020: [Spec] FilterOperand should be abstract (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008363: [Implementation Bug] PubSubConfigurationType::ReserveIds Method arguments do not match specification (Randy Armstrong)
13 issues View Issues
Released 2022-06-30
- 0008518: [Api Change] Missing Statuscode for Index Range not compatible with data to write (Randy Armstrong)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2022-06-29
- 0007753: [Feature Request] Schema files should have a release date / version, too (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008385: [Spec] Different role names in Part 14 and nodeset for SecurityKeyServerAccess (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008349: [Spec] Various issues on OptionSet DataType (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008273: [Spec] GoodEntryReplace and GoodMoreData have same description in CSV file (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007475: [IOP Problem] Missing instance nodes for PublishSubscribe object (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008163: [Api Change] Error to return is not defined if someone tries to write a locked variable (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007752: [Implementation Bug] Opc.Ua.Types.xsd: nillable="true" only for nullable types (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008121: [Api Change] CloseAndUpdate, AddCertificate and RemoveCertificate were made Optional - a breaking change (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008098: [Spec] IdentityMappingRuleType should not be abstract (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007920: [Implementation Bug] DatagramDataSetReaderTransportType has wrong base type (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008068: [Spec] Support ConditionClassId and ConditionSubClassId feature for BaseEventType (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007759: [Api Change] PasswordOptionsMask missing support flags for features in UserConfigurationMask (Matthias Damm)
- 0007749: [Implementation Bug] Wrong signature of UserManagementType::ChangePassword, ModifyUser, RemoveUser methods (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008343: [Spec] Unspecified value for DayOfWeek (Randy Armstrong)
14 issues View Issues
Released 2022-02-23
- 0007441: [Api Change] UANodeSet needs to explain association with XSDs (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007335: [Api Change] Part 22 should define references showing the relationship between network layers and the usage of priority mapping tables. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007332: [Api Change] Add base object types for network interfaces (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007439: [Implementation Bug] NodeIds.csv contains never used identifier in 1.05.0 release (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007436: [Implementation Bug] opcua_browsenames.h and Opc.Ua.Constants.cs contain undefined names in 1.05.0 release (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007437: [Implementation Bug] Undefined nodes in 1.05.0 nodeset (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007487: [IOP Problem] Missing instance node for standard Role objects (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007640: [Implementation Bug] Undefined nodes in 1.05.01 nodeset (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007612: [Implementation Bug] A lot of categories got removed from latest 1.05.01 nodeset (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007419: [Implementation Bug] PubSubConfiguration2DataType is a subtype of PubSubConfigurationDataType (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007464: [Implementation Bug] Opc.Ua.Types.bsd different in 1.04.10 and 1.05.0 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007610: [Documentation Errata] Version information should be 1.05.01 and not 1.05.1 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007611: [Documentation Errata] Wrong ReleaseStatus for ConfigurationVersion property of NamespaceMetaDataType (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007334: [Api Change] VLAN-based networking must be supported (Randy Armstrong)
14 issues View Issues
Released 2021-11-30
- 0007273: [Api Change] UANodeSet needs to explain association with XSDs (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006979: [Api Change] SystemOffNormalAlarmType was inteded for direct use but IsAbstract is True (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006896: [Api Change] Provide Generic Non-Hierarchical Reference in OPC UA Core Specfiications (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006978: [Api Change] Add capability to provide a semantic version for SoftwareRevision (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007392: [Api Change] Additional standard roles (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007386: [Api Change] The severity of a limit Alarm (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007385: [Api Change] Alarm Deadband needs to be added to all limit and deviation alarms (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007384: [Api Change] Missing reliable way to reflect file changes on the client side (Randy Armstrong)
- 0004895: [Feature Request] Validator Needs to Check for AccessLevels (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007142: [Api Change] OPC UA Part 9. Alarm shelving methods should support "Comment" parameter (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007211: [Api Change] Clarify missing RolePermissions element (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007050: [Api Change] TypeDictionary in Opc.Ua.NodeSet2.xml (2021-01-21T00:00:00Z, 1.04.9) does not define DataTypeDefinition (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007117: [Implementation Bug] Inconsistency between specification and NodeSet schema regarding type of AccessRestrictions (Randy Armstrong)
13 issues View Issues
Released 2021-10-29
- 0006548: [Implementation Bug] Wrong BrowserName in standard NodeSet2.xml for Server_ServerRedundancy components (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006546: [Api Change] All conformance units a server supports should be listed in an array under the Server node (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007212: [Api Change] AccessRestrictions for UANode in XML Schema should not have a default value (Randy Armstrong)
- 0004967: [Feature Request] Relating NodeSetFile content to Profiles (Randy Armstrong)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2021-05-20
- 0007389: [Api Change] Add support for server user management (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006181: [Api Change] Validator: Source Path and Target Path (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006182: [Api Change] Validator: Additional Attributes table (Randy Armstrong)
3 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0007440: [Implementation Bug] Undefined nodes in 1.04.10 nodeset (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007429: [Implementation Bug] Various Part 9 Inconsistencies (Randy Armstrong)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2015-01-15
- 0007440: [Implementation Bug] Undefined nodes in 1.04.10 nodeset (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007429: [Implementation Bug] Various Part 9 Inconsistencies (Randy Armstrong)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-06
- 0003909: [Api Change] Wrong BrowseName for EventQueueOverflowCount (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006549: [Implementation Bug] Wrong BrowserName in standard NodeSet2.xml for Server_ServerRedundancy components (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007052: [Implementation Bug] Properties on DataTypes have ModelingRules (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006232: [Implementation Bug] Wrong structure of ServerRedundancy node in Opc.Ua.NodeSet2.xml (Randy Armstrong)
4 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0003909: [Api Change] Wrong BrowseName for EventQueueOverflowCount (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006549: [Implementation Bug] Wrong BrowserName in standard NodeSet2.xml for Server_ServerRedundancy components (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007052: [Implementation Bug] Properties on DataTypes have ModelingRules (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006232: [Implementation Bug] Wrong structure of ServerRedundancy node in Opc.Ua.NodeSet2.xml (Randy Armstrong)
4 issues View Issues