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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
000944610000-014: PubSubSpecpublic2025-03-11 01:25
ReporterPeter Wehrfritz Assigned ToMatthias Damm  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Fixed in Version1.05.06 RC1 
Summary0009446: Examples for ResourceUri and AuthenticationProfileUri for the Broker configuration

I think it would ease the understanding of broker authentication if there were some examples of the Uris. I am still struggling with their meanings. When I understand it correctly the ProfileUri should be either "" or "" for username/password. And the ResourceUri could be the Url of the broker? Maybe with a username part (e.g. "mqtt://username@computername:1883") ?

Commit Version1.05.06 RC1
Fix Due Date2025-04-15


Jim Luth

2025-01-21 16:33

administrator   ~0022321

Profile URI should be

Matthias Damm

2025-03-11 01:25

developer   ~0022509 ResourceUri
The ResourceUri should uniquely identify a user and broker combination in a Publisher. An example for such a Uri is “mqtts://”. AuthenticationProfileUri
A set of possible AuthenticationProfileUris are in the Profile One example for MQTT user name and password is the URI “”.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-02-29 13:53 Peter Wehrfritz New Issue
2025-01-21 16:19 Jim Luth Assigned To => Matthias Damm
2025-01-21 16:19 Jim Luth Status new => assigned
2025-01-21 16:19 Jim Luth Tag Attached: sg.MQTT
2025-01-21 16:20 Jim Luth Commit Version => 1.05.06 RC1
2025-01-21 16:20 Jim Luth Fix Due Date => 2025-04-15
2025-01-21 16:33 Jim Luth Note Added: 0022321
2025-03-11 01:25 Matthias Damm Status assigned => resolved
2025-03-11 01:25 Matthias Damm Resolution open => fixed
2025-03-11 01:25 Matthias Damm Fixed in Version => 1.05.06 RC1
2025-03-11 01:25 Matthias Damm Note Added: 0022509