Certification - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2015-01-15
- 0004941: [Feature Request] Access Profile selection in the CTT during run (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006671: [Feature Request]
Resend data Method(Alexander Allmendinger)
1 of 2 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Compliance Test Tool (CTT) Unified Architecture - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2015-01-15
- 0004976: [3 - Feature Request] Use new C++ capabilities (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004961: [3 - Feature Request] UaDataTypeVerification function needs to be enhanced (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004683: [3 - Feature Request] CTT needs to reuse existing sessions (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004412: [3 - Feature Request] Error when supporting security policy that CTT does not support (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0003415: [Api Change]
Channel-Session-Relation(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004735: [Api Change]
DOS test case does not wait until channel expires(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004459: [1 - Script Issue]
Performance issue with Subscription Publish Min 02/002.js and 003.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004734: [1 - Script Issue]
Server triggers error "TODO: Prepare new request with all of the CPs to clear."(Sebastian Allmendinger) - 0004977: [3 - Feature Request]
Session Base err-007 needs to be run against secure endpoint(Sebastian Allmendinger) - 0006938: [1 - Script Issue]
EUInformantion variant type is Structure, NodesetUtility should convert datatype accordingly(Archie Miller) - 0004034: [1 - Script Issue]
View Services / View Basic / 006 + 009 + View Minimum Continuation Point 01 / 014: Returned References of Browse and BrowseNext(Sebastian Allmendinger) - 0005822: [3 - Feature Request]
Alarm and Conditions Test Infrastructure(Archie Miller) - 0003994: [1 - Script Issue]
Session Base/Err-007(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004116: [1 - Script Issue]
View TranslateBrowsePath Err-024.js improper warning about timestamp check(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004357: [1 - Script Issue]
Security User Anonymous 003.js(Sebastian Allmendinger) - 0004785: [3 - Feature Request]
Add testcase for userTokenSignature of X509IdentityTokens(Sebastian Allmendinger) - 0004975: [1 - Script Issue]
CTT not correctly checking for GoodCompletesAsynchronously status(Sebastian Allmendinger) - 0004733: [1 - Script Issue]
Monitored Item Services/Monitor Triggering/initialize.js leaks one session(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004981: [3 - Feature Request]
Enumerations are not used in most of the scripts or getting special treatment(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004359: [1 - Script Issue]
View Basic 019.js - undefined NodeIdSettings.References(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0002939: [3 - Feature Request]
Session diagnostics for session rejection(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003372: [3 - Feature Request]
Server to check session owner on subscription services(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004166: [1 - Script Issue]
Subscription Services/Subscription Minimum 02/007.js modifies String variable values(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004985: [1 - Script Issue]
Spelling mistake of the EventQueueOverflowEventType in the maintree\Base Information\Base Info Diagnostics\Test Cases\initialize(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003917: [1 - Script Issue]
Attribute Services / Attribute Write Values / Test Cases / 003.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004000: [1 - Script Issue]
Base Information / Base Info Server Capabilities / 002 AND View Minimum Continuation Point 01 / Err-001(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004079: [5 - General Problem]
Address Space Dialog cannot connect using Basic256Sha256(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004084: [1 - Script Issue]
Attribute Services/Attribute Read/Test Cases/Err-008.js exceeds MaxNodesPerRead(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004083: [1 - Script Issue]
OperationLimits.MaxNodesPerRead not working(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004113: [1 - Script Issue]
View Minimum Continuation Point 01 015.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004112: [1 - Script Issue]
View Minimum Continuation Point 01 012.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004076: [1 - Script Issue]
Security/Security Basic 256Sha256/002.js accidentally skipped(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004150: [1 - Script Issue]
maintree\Protocol and Encoding\Protocol TCP Binary UA Security\Test Cases\initialize.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004023: [4 - Test Case Definition]
Base Information - Base Info Core Structure - 001 - SoftwareCertificates node missing(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004077: [1 - Script Issue]
Security Basic 256Sha256 claims to use Aes128 which is wrong(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004071: [1 - Script Issue]
Base Information/Base Info Diagnostics/013.js does not restore values(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004078: [1 - Script Issue]
Security/Security None/006.js ReferenceError: Can't find variable: ExpectedErrors(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004086: [1 - Script Issue]
Attribute Services/Attribute Write Values/012.js writes larger array than expected(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004055: [1 - Script Issue]
Attribute writes need to have better cleanup(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003996: [1 - Script Issue]
Subscription Minimum 02 and Subscription Publish Min 02(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004110: [1 - Script Issue]
error in Security/Security Certificate Validation/initialize.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004026: [1 - Script Issue]
Session Services - Session Base - Err-007 - Expects an Anonymous UserIdentityToken(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003997: [1 - Script Issue]
Subscription Publish Min 05/003(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004114: [1 - Script Issue]
Error reporting(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003494: [1 - Script Issue]
Security/Security Basic 128Rsa15/004.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004147: [1 - Script Issue]
PostTestFunctions cause timeouts(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004067: [3 - Feature Request]
Breaking change in OPCF ANSI C Stack caused by faithful implementation of Part 6(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004305: [3 - Feature Request]
Create a function for verifying the Datatype of an UaNode(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004307: [3 - Feature Request]
stringsToBrowsePaths doesn't work for other namespaces than ns=0(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004414: [Api Change]
CTT does not implement all defined Operation and Service Results(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003846: [1 - Script Issue]
RSA_Public_Verify BadSignatureInvalid Error on Security Profile Basic256Sha256(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004102: [1 - Script Issue]
View Services/View RegisterNodes/Err-004.js exceedes encoding limiits(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004135: [4 - Test Case Definition]
Base Info Server Capabilities/005 does not recognize if the Node MaxArrayLength really exists(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004103: [1 - Script Issue]
Method Services/Method Call/006.js calls method with to few inputs(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004074: [1 - Script Issue]
Subscription Services/Subscription Basic/Test Cases/052.js accidentally skipped(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004134: [4 - Test Case Definition]
Base Info Server Capabilities/001 - Script verify node "MinSupportedSampleRate", but maybe MinSamplingInterval does not match(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004128: [1 - Script Issue]
Error in Monitor Value Change/initialize.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004153: [1 - Script Issue]
Session Base ignores the Basic256Sha256 security profile(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004129: [1 - Script Issue]
Base Information/Base Info Server Capabilities/ 008 + 011 difference in limit testing + operation length check bug(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004064: [1 - Script Issue]
Data Access AnalogItemType/010.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004065: [1 - Script Issue]
Data Access MultiState/005.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004073: [6 - Performance Problem]
Subscription Services/Subscription Basic/063.js subscription times out(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003995: [1 - Script Issue]
Subscription Basic/063(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004306: [1 - Script Issue]
Information / _Base / NodeContainsSubStructure.js GetBrowsePaths doesn't handle BrowseName correctly(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004342: [1 - Script Issue]
Write StatusCode & TimeStamp / 007 script issue.(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004347: [1 - Script Issue]
Base Information.Base Info Server Capabilities.005 / Unexpected Error(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004366: [1 - Script Issue]
Monitor Basic Err-042.js being skipped even though numeric node configured(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004048: [5 - General Problem]
CTT 1.03(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004388: [1 - Script Issue]
Monitored Item Services - Monitor Basic - Err-031: Fails if device only supports 2 monitored items(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004398: [1 - Script Issue]
Several tests in View Services - View RegisterNodes fails when only MaxNodesPerRegisterNodes is 1(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004139: [1 - Script Issue]
'items[t]' [undefined] is not an object in Monitor MinQueueSize_05 006.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004140: [1 - Script Issue]
'items[t]' [undefined] is not an object in Attribute Write Values 003.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004127: [1 - Script Issue]
Script error in Monitor Value Change/036.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004141: [1 - Script Issue]
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: revertToOriginalValues in Attribute Write StatusCode & TimeStamp(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003966: [5 - General Problem]
Some scripts change values of variables used in later scripts(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004271: [1 - Script Issue]
Monitored Item Services > Monitor Value Change > 033.js, 035.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004336: [1 - Script Issue]
Attribute Write Index 001.js and Attribute Write Value 012.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004123: [1 - Script Issue]
Script error in Monitored Item Services/Monitor Basic/Err-040.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004337: [1 - Script Issue]
Monitor Basic Err-040.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004058: [1 - Script Issue]
Test Err-002 in View Services - View TranslateBrowsePath fails if Max Depth is smaller than 10(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004339: [1 - Script Issue]
View TranslateBrowsePath Err-002.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004152: [1 - Script Issue]
View TranslateBrowsePath - Err-021.js The number of results does not match the number of BrowsePaths(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004375: [1 - Script Issue]
TranslateBrwosePath\Err-021.js - The number of results does not match the number of BrowsePaths.(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004341: [1 - Script Issue]
Monitored Item Services Monitor Value Change initialize.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004036: [3 - Feature Request]
CTT crashes when performing "save all"; test history gets lost(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004120: [5 - General Problem]
Reopen 0003063: CTT passes Incorrect UseIdenityToken password when using Open Browser option in the Project settings(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004365: [1 - Script Issue]
Session Base Err-001.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004066: [1 - Script Issue]
Subscription Publish Min 02/003.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004358: [1 - Script Issue]
Session Base Err-010.js skips if epSecureChNone has no username identity token(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004361: [1 - Script Issue]
Node Management Add Node Err-002.js can't find variable MAX_ALLOWED_SIZE(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004428: [1 - Script Issue]
Security User X509 Initialize fails depending of the order the Endpoints are provided(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004145: [5 - General Problem]
When server has no non-secure protocol enabled many test cases start to fail(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004356: [1 - Script Issue]
Basic256 002.js ActivateSession(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004126: [1 - Script Issue]
Subscription Minimum 02/005.js exceeds max read requests(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004343: [1 - Script Issue]
Subscription Services Subscription Basic 024.js, 025.js, 026.js, 027.js, 028.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004007: [3 - Feature Request]
[DROWN] ANSI C stacks appear to return different errors in violation of the specification.(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004438: [5 - General Problem]
Security/Security User Name Password/010.js and 011.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003167: [1 - Script Issue]
UA Server Test Case Specification does not correspond with the test script/s (Session Minimum 1)(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004447: [5 - General Problem]
Base Info Core Structure/001.js fails when 1.04 nodeset is used(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004454: [5 - General Problem]
Security Basic 256Sha256/004.js fails if no sign&encrypt is available(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004463: [1 - Script Issue]
Base Info Core Structure/001.js does not work with NodeId values(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004453: [5 - General Problem]
Security Basic 256Sha256/005.js tries to open non-secure channel and fails(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004456: [5 - General Problem]
Monitor Basic/Err-033.js fails(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004146: [1 - Script Issue]
Security Certificate Validation/008.js produces invalid signature(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004457: [5 - General Problem]
Data Access AnalogItemType/010.js is way too slow(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004484: [5 - General Problem]
Base Info Model Change/001.js fails if no event triggering nodes are configured(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004488: [6 - Performance Problem]
Subscritpion Basic / 040.js takes VERY long(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004445: [1 - Script Issue]
Attribute Write Values/initialize.js leaves sessions open(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004430: [1 - Script Issue]
Monitor Value Change / 015: Fails for Gateways(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004444: [5 - General Problem]
Base Info Server Capabilities/014(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003458: [1 - Script Issue]
Data Access DataItems/014.js - scipt throws unexpected error if server does not support CreateMonitoredItems(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003445: [1 - Script Issue]
Data Access/DA DataItems/015.js script throws ReferenceError: Can't find variable usStatus(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003367: [1 - Script Issue]
Data Access DataItems/015.js - scipt throws unexpected error if server does not support Subscription(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003352: [1 - Script Issue]
Data Access/Data Access AnalogItemType/020.js will be skipped, if no node from 'Byte' until 'UInt64' offers InstrumentRange(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004452: [5 - General Problem]
Most security profiles do not work(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004439: [5 - General Problem]
Data Access/Data Access PercentDeadBand/008.js sporadically fails(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004368: [1 - Script Issue]
Security User Anonymous 002.js missing SkipActivateSession(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004406: [1 - Script Issue]
Problem in script to create a incorrectly_signed certificate(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004417: [Api Change]
CTT does not implement all defined DataTypes(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004750: [2 - CTT Binary]
CTT crashes when making use of the FindObjectsOfTypeService(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004879: [1 - Script Issue]
Missing trace output if OperationLimits can be exceeded or not(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004443: [5 - General Problem]
Base Info Server Capabilities/006 + 007 + 008 + 011 + 014(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004598: [5 - General Problem]
"localhost" should not be allowed for DNS name in certificate(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004613: [1 - Script Issue]
Monitored Item Services/Monitor Items 500/Err-001.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004614: [1 - Script Issue]
Missing setting for Security/Security Certificate Validation/029.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004615: [4 - Test Case Definition]
Security/Security Certificate Validation/029.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004645: [1 - Script Issue]
Monitored Item Services/Monitor Triggering/025.js fails(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004133: [1 - Script Issue]
Monitored Item Services/Monitor Triggering/Err-011.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004429: [1 - Script Issue]
Security User Name Password \ 002 + 011: Using an insecure endpoint but connecting to a secure endpoint(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003991: [1 - Script Issue]
Security None/005(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004038: [1 - Script Issue]
writeToDeadbandAndCheckWithPublish.js, function writeToDeadbandAndCheckWithPublish(...) code bug and not applicable in all cases(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004037: [1 - Script Issue]
The test case "Monitored Item Services\Monitor MinQueueSize_05\Test Cases\005.js" failes when delays are higher than 25ms(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003981: [1 - Script Issue]
Tested with 1.3.340.358 RC(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004015: [1 - Script Issue]
View Services - View RegisterNodes - Test Cases - Err-004.js checkRegisterNodesFailed not implemented(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003998: [1 - Script Issue]
Subscription Transfer(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003999: [1 - Script Issue]
View Basic/004+005+015+016+020(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004011: [5 - General Problem]
CTT Project Upgrade(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004002: [1 - Script Issue]
Base Info Model Change / initialize.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003986: [1 - Script Issue]
Base Info Server Capabilities/011(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004013: [1 - Script Issue]
Session Services - Session Base: Expected a SECURE Channel(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003990: [1 - Script Issue]
Node Management Add Node/Err-002(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003989: [1 - Script Issue]
Node Management Delete Node/Err-002(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003988: [1 - Script Issue]
Monitor Value Change/014(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003985: [1 - Script Issue]
Base Info Server Capabilities/007(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003983: [1 - Script Issue]
Base Info Server Capabilities(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004016: [1 - Script Issue]
Base Info Server Capabilities / 000.js has spelling mistakes for MaxNodesPerRead and MaxNodesPerNodeManagement(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003955: [1 - Script Issue]
Attribute Services/Attribute Read/Err-008 Doesn't work if MaxNodesPerRead is 0 (unlimited)(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003953: [1 - Script Issue]
Monitored Item Services: Several Scripts are failing when no Numeric Scalar Items are defined(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004350: [3 - Feature Request]
CTT needs to be able to cache the type directory/Hierarchy(Archie Miller) - 0004351: [3 - Feature Request]
The CTT needs C++ functionality FindObjectsOfType(Archie Miller) - 0004352: [3 - Feature Request]
The CTT need C++ functionality IsSubtypeOfType(Archie Miller) - 0004001: [1 - Script Issue]
Address Space Events / initialize.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004723: [1 - Script Issue]
Splitting the CreateMonitoredItems in multiple request with specified OperationResults doesn't work(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004099: [1 - Script Issue]
View Services/View TranslateBrowsePath/Err-014.js exceeds max. string length(Paul Hunkar) - 0003462: [1 - Script Issue]
Subscription Services/Basic/052.js - does not delete subscription correct, if service CreateMonitoredItems fails(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003418: [Implementation Bug]
Incorrect response header handling for ServiceFaults - 0002917: [Feature Request]
1.03 specification clarifications for CloseSession(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0001011: [Feature Request]
Settings Dialog: Certificates to support *.PFX file format.(Nathan Pocock) - 0003019: [Implementation Bug]
"/Server Test/Capabilities/SecurityNone Enabled" setting is missing(Nathan Pocock)
155 of 159 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2017-08-05
- 0004042: [3 - Feature Request] CTT requires writeable points
- 0004527: [3 - Feature Request] Test Generation of ECC Certificates
- 0004529: [3 - Feature Request] Test server with Multiple ECC Certificates
- 0004528: [3 - Feature Request] Test User Token Encryption with ECC Algorithms
- 0006969: [4 - Test Case Definition] GDS Testing (Sebastian Allmendinger)
- 0007756: [5 - General Problem] Text search e.g. for “ResendData” works. The search result looks like linked, but it is not. (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0007755: [5 - General Problem] Searching for numbers (e.g. solved mantis issue 6344) results always in ‘0’ results (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0003641: [3 - Feature Request] Missing keep-alive messages to prevent session timeout (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0003579: [3 - Feature Request] Namespace Index of ExpandedNodeId is ignored when issuing a write request (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006968: [3 - Feature Request] Add GDS Pull test cases (Tim Fortin)
- 0006967: [3 - Feature Request] Add test cases for GDS Push (server side) (Paul Hunkar)
- 0004758: [3 - Feature Request] Need to test a hypothetical CP protocol version change. (Paul Hunkar)
- 0004764: [3 - Feature Request] Add support user connection using certificate for setup (browse dialog) (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004008: [3 - Feature Request] BSI: Develop UnitTests to check for vulnerabilties. (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0003102: [3 - Feature Request] CTT crashes due to out of memory when running subscriptions (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004094: [5 - General Problem] Base Information/Base Info Server Capabilities/*.js apparently fails to close sessions (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0002568: [3 - Feature Request] Revise FindServer test case for redundant servers (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0001733: [3 - Feature Request] Self-Test mode in UA Compliace Test Tool (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0004061: [3 - Feature Request] Add Alternate Encoding Test for real Structured Data Type Variable (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0001892: [3 - Feature Request] Array size not displayed correctly in analyzer mode (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0003581: [3 - Feature Request] C0 control codes are not escaped in results file (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0001578: [3 - Feature Request] Automatic configuration of Nodes within the Settings (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0002945: [3 - Feature Request] UA 1.03: Implement new discovery services (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008315: [1 - Script Issue]
CTT tool makes a distinction between 'null' and 'empty' OPC UA Variants(Archie Miller) - 0002889: [3 - Feature Request]
Client certification must check if clients handle namespace index changes(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003891: [3 - Feature Request]
History\Historical Access Read Raw\Test Cases\002.js - Single timestamp in the middle of the recordset(Yannik Klaass) - 0007757: [2 - CTT Binary]
When you are on e.g. and want to change to e.g. (by left mouse-click) ...(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0007944: [Api Change]
LastSeverity: CTT-Tool complains that the LastSeverity-Field is NULL(Paul Hunkar) - 0007796: [1 - Script Issue]
View Services / View Minimum Continuation Point 01 / 012.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0007804: [1 - Script Issue]
Security / Security Signing Required / initialize.js(Paul Hunkar) - 0007803: [1 - Script Issue]
Security / Security Encryption Required / initialize.js(Paul Hunkar) - 0007802: [1 - Script Issue]
Security / Security Administration / initialize.js(Paul Hunkar) - 0004212: [3 - Feature Request]
TransferSubscription.js library script in CTT client testing not correct and not functional(Sebastian Allmendinger) - 0006773: [1 - Script Issue]
Refresh2 Test_003 Does not match Requirements(Archie Miller) - 0003569: [3 - Feature Request]
Collection of scripts which could handle a not implemented SetMonitoredMode Service(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004765: [3 - Feature Request]
Updatedmodel Cache to Use User setting from CTT Configuration(Archie Miller) - 0003950: [3 - Feature Request]
Server Session test for requestedSessionTimeout = 0 (Session base/ script 001.js))(Sebastian Allmendinger) - 0004017: [4 - Test Case Definition]
View Services - ViewRegisterNodes - TestCase Err-004(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003434: [3 - Feature Request]
UserIdentityTokens PolicyIds are vendor-specific, but uniqueness must be enforced(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0005507: [1 - Script Issue]
Data Access DataItems/Test Cases/008.js throws exception(Sebastian Allmendinger) - 0004115: [1 - Script Issue]
Base Info Server Capabilities 014.js(Sebastian Allmendinger) - 0004766: [3 - Feature Request]
Multiple scripts use Numeric type only, but could work with any datatype(Sebastian Allmendinger) - 0004736: [1 - Script Issue]
ProgramDiagnostics has been changed to ProgramDiagnostic(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004010: [1 - Script Issue]
CTT Script issue in Monitor Items Deadband Filter\Test Cases\015.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003947: [1 - Script Issue]
Subscription Publish Min 02: 002 Crash of OPC UA CTT(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004054: [1 - Script Issue]
Monitored item services tests require too many monitored items(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004012: [4 - Test Case Definition]
Base Info Core Structure - Testing for "Types" Nodes(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0002935: [5 - General Problem]
UA 1.03: Part 5, 6.4.7 AuditSessionEventType inheritence change(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004089: [5 - General Problem]
OOM in Address Space Model/Address Space Base/001.js(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003987: [1 - Script Issue]
Base Info Server Capabilities/014(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0004431: [1 - Script Issue]
Monitor Basic / 018: Is failing if server sends the DataChagneNotifications in multiple Responses(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0003558: [3 - Feature Request]
Session Base Err-007 fails with secure connection(Alexander Allmendinger)
29 of 52 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-04-08
- 0005642: [1 - Script Issue]
Monitored Item Services/Monitor MinQueueSize_02/009(Sebastian Allmendinger) - 0006825: [1 - Script Issue]
Base Info Core Structure / InfoFactory: Script tries to call an not existing function when validating HasProperty references of(Sebastian Allmendinger) - 0006945: [1 - Script Issue]
Assert.Equal does not work with UA Variants but only with JavaScript array(Alexander Allmendinger) - 0006823: [1 - Script Issue]
Base Info Core Structure / InfoFactory: Script expects the wrong NodeClass for targets of (Always-)GeneratesEvent references(Sebastian Allmendinger) - 0006712: [1 - Script Issue]
subscriptionDurable008 :(Sebastian Allmendinger)
5 of 5 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-04-08
- 0006977: [5 - General Problem] CTT does not differentiate originator of Bad_Timeout (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006976: [5 - General Problem] CTT does not check existence of the "results" path (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0006845: [1 - Script Issue]
Script: View Services / View Minimum Continuation Point 01 / 012.js shows "Warning"(Sebastian Allmendinger)
1 of 3 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Part 80: UAFX Overview and Concepts - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2023-09-20
- 0010120: [Spec]
Figure 5 only shows one Controller(Bob Lattimer) - 0010121: [Spec]
Normative language should be removed(Bob Lattimer) - 0009525: [Spec]
Add ConnectionManager to all Controller illistrations(Bob Lattimer)
3 of 3 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Part 81: UAFX Connecting Devices and Information Model - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2021-11-12
- 0008155: [Spec]
clarify errors assignments(Georg Biehler) - 0008154: [Spec]
Issues with PubSubCommunicationFlowConfigurationType and SubscriberConfigurationType relation to FX Endpoints(Georg Biehler) - 0008153: [Spec]
Issues with PubSubCommunicationFlowConfigurationType and SubscriberConfigurationType Missing configuration parameters(Georg Biehler)
3 of 3 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-11-30
- 0008161: [Spec]
Version information for heartbeat needs to be described(Georg Biehler)
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2022-05-13
- 0008808: [Spec]
Part 81 needs examples/clarification for preconfigured DataSets at AC level(Paul Hunkar) - 0008989: [Spec]
FunctionalEntityType needs a better description(Paul Hunkar)
2 of 2 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2023-02-17
- 0008456: [Spec]
ConnectionConfigurationSet Error State: show StatusCode in information-model(Paul Hunkar) - 0009797: [Spec]
Add diagnostics as a third purpose for CCSs(Paul Hunkar) - 0008997: [Spec]
Indicate support of one-to-many unicast and multicast communications(Georg Biehler) - 0009187: [Spec]
updated example to include the new interface for connectors(Paul Hunkar) - 0008874: [Spec]
When and where to provide preconfigured DataSets(Paul Hunkar) - 0009156: [Spec]
Missing behaviour in Table 144 – ConnectionEndpointConfigurationResultDataType(Georg Biehler) - 0009157: [Spec]
Detection of changes to a ConnectionConfigurationSet(Georg Biehler) - 0008790: [Spec]
Preconfigured data sets not part of CCS(Georg Biehler) - 0009100: [Spec]
ConnectionManager and initiating Application(Georg Biehler) - 0008789: [Spec]
Need standard file format for persistence of CCS(Georg Biehler) - 0009113: [Spec]
Need some text for vendor specific processing of CCS(Georg Biehler) - 0009050: [Spec]
Need to add some text to part 81 regarding Hostname and address(Paul Hunkar) - 0008971: [Spec]
Description of DescriptorIdentifier should state it points to the OPC website(Paul Hunkar) - 0009042: [Spec]
clarify that FunctionalEntities do not have to be a subtype of FunctionalEntityType(Paul Hunkar) - 0008980: [Spec]
Wrong reference in: table 10 - AssetVerificiationResults VerificationResult StatusCodes(Georg Biehler)
15 of 15 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2023-09-20
- 0010020: [Spec] ConnectionManager and manner of identifying Nodes (Greg Majcher)
- 0010214: [Spec] ConnectionDiagnosticsDataType is defined abstract (Paul Hunkar)
- 0010215: [Spec] ConnectionConfigurationSetType::ConnectionsDiagnostics has wrong value rank in nodeset (Paul Hunkar)
- 0010156: [Spec] Issue with ConnectionConfigurationSet file content - Namespaces (Paul Hunkar)
- 0010161: [Spec] Clarification on the CommuniationFlowQosDataType (Paul Hunkar)
- 0010142: [Spec] Clarifications for 13.2.1 Locating Server (Paul Hunkar)
- 0010141: [Spec] Clarification for ConnectionEndpointConfigurationConfDataType required (Paul Hunkar)
- 0009798: [Spec]
Specify what's mandatory in a CCS exposed by a CM(Paul Hunkar) - 0010114: [Spec]
PubSubCommunicationConfigurationResultDataType structure needs clarification for rollback case(Paul Hunkar) - 0010096: [Spec]
Table 19 include incorrect error codes(Paul Hunkar) - 0010095: [Spec]
Table 16 - Bad_InvalidArgument description is not clear(Paul Hunkar) - 0009819: [Spec]
Diagnostic statistics are missing and should be added(Paul Hunkar) - 0009820: [Spec]
Extend the information model with additional Functional Group(Paul Hunkar) - 0010015: [Spec]
The ConnectionConfigurationType has an Un-used mandatory field that should be removed(Paul Hunkar) - 0009796: [Spec]
Requiring CCSs be exposed in a CM(Paul Hunkar) - 0009983: [Spec]
More clarity needed for interpreting multiple Publisher/SubscriberCapabilites folders(Paul Hunkar) - 0009807: [Spec]
Inputs folder description should be clarified(Paul Hunkar) - 0009839: [Spec]
InputsFolderType should allow variables via HasComponent references(Paul Hunkar) - 0009800: [Spec]
The HasCMCapability ReferenceType is not defined(Paul Hunkar) - 0009409: [Spec]
Good StatusCode missing from some definitions(Bob Lattimer)
13 of 20 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2024-07-09
- 0007841: [Spec] Guidance for modelling modular devices in the functional model
- 0007842: [Spec] Reset to factory default
- 0009091: [Spec] Fast detection of changes to the ConnectionManager
- 0009616: [Spec] Not clear how to link preconfigured published & subscribed data sets as required pairs (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007845: [Spec] Enhancement for locking and control groups
- 0007846: [Spec] Fast startup
- 0007840: [Spec] Modify existing logical connections (Suad Morgan)
- 0009458: [Spec] Missing specification of ability to modify a running connection (Suad Morgan)
- 0007843: [Spec] References between Assets and Descriptor (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007713: [Spec]
EstablishConnections: Supported PubSubConfigurationRefMask values(Bob Lattimer)
1 of 10 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Part 82: UAFX Networking - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2021-11-12
- 0008188: [Spec]
The Bridge Component feature 6.2.2 g) needs expanded to cover LLDP TLV support and management(Bob Lattimer)
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2023-09-20
- 0009410: [Spec] Add reference to Part 100 definition of "device"
- 0009360: [Spec]
Update the reference to IEEE 802.1Q to the 2022 edition.(Bob Lattimer) - 0009359: [Spec]
Add references to term definitions from external documents.(Bob Lattimer) - 0009344: [Spec]
Reconcile Terms between Part 82 and 60802.(Bob Lattimer)
3 of 4 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Part 83: UAFX Offline Engineering - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2023-09-20
- 0010248: [Spec] Handling of Members of Arrays in OPC UA and AML: Is It Allowed to Use Subtypes of the Array Type as Members? (Jim Luth)
- 0009613: [Spec] Usage of the attribute UaNodeNamespaceUri is unclear (Jim Luth)
- 0009231: [Spec] Handling of nodeids for interfaceclasses of inverse referencetypes (Jim Luth)
- 0010155: [Spec] ValueRank default value differs between Nodeset and AML. (Emanuel Kolb)
- 0010143: [Spec] OPC:TypeOnly could be used for additional attributes (Emanuel Kolb)
- 0010159: [Spec]
Arrays are converted to ListOf..., but there is no direct relationship between the ListOf... and the underlying data type.(Emanuel Kolb) - 0010014: [Spec]
Clarify usage of ValueRank attribute in AML(Emanuel Kolb) - 0010013: [Spec]
Clarify usage of EventNotifier attribute(Emanuel Kolb) - 0010012: [Spec]
Review default values for WriteMask and AccessRestrictions(Emanuel Kolb) - 0010011: [Spec]
Review (or define) default values for AccessLevel and AccessLevelEx(Emanuel Kolb) - 0010010: [Spec]
Clarify usage of localization in DisplayNames(Emanuel Kolb) - 0009657: [Spec]
Clarify usage of subattributes for BrowseName(Emanuel Kolb) - 0009614: [Spec]
The attribute NodeId isn't marked that it may be included in SystemUnitClass and/or instances(Todd Snide) - 0009610: [Spec]
Reference Type Mapping - Which attributes should be used on an instance(Jim Luth) - 0009561: [Spec]
NodeId of data types are not available for AML attribute types(Emanuel Kolb) - 0009545: [Spec]
Implement recommendations of OPAS-UAFX OE Harmonization group(Todd Snide) - 0009517: [Spec]
The definition of the RootNodeId of the NodeId in chapter A.3.7 DataTypes with special mappings could be more precise.(Emanuel Kolb) - 0009514: [Spec]
Structure field information missing in AML(Jim Luth) - 0009457: [Spec]
Need to clarify "one manfest" rule in part 83(Emanuel Kolb) - 0009449: [Spec]
Attribute NodeId(Marco Hoch) - 0009352: [Spec]
Allow RSASSA_PSS padding scheme for Descriptor signatures(Todd Snide) - 0009323: [Spec]
It should be mentioned that unused attributes and sub-attributes can be deleted(Emanuel Kolb) - 0009322: [Spec]
References using ExplicitNodeId (e.g., NodeId, BrowsePath) are not according to AutomationML concepts(Emanuel Kolb) - 0009177: [Spec]
Describe how to define configuration of individual variables are constants or stored in non-volatile memory(Todd Snide) - 0010119: [Spec]
Add BNM LLDP model to the UAFX Station.(Bob Lattimer) - 0008266: [Spec]
Missing requirement to validate Certificate Revocation List (CRL)(Emanuel Kolb) - 0009264: [Spec]
Invalid characters are used in Annex J "DescriptorInfo XML Schema" and Annex K "OpcUaLibInfo Schema"(Todd Snide)
22 of 27 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Part 84: UAFX Profiles - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2023-09-20
- 0010187: [Spec]
ConformanceUnits on Object Type definition tables are incorrect or missing(Bob Lattimer) - 0010186: [Spec]
Add CU for ConnectionManagerApplicationUri(Bob Lattimer) - 0010185: [Spec]
Add CUs and Facets for LogObjects added to the AC and CM(Bob Lattimer) - 0010061: [Spec]
Created CUs for 9819: Diagnostic statistics are missing and should be added(Bob Lattimer) - 0010060: [Spec]
Create CUs for 8456: ConnectionConfigurationSet Error State: show StatusCode in information-model(Bob Lattimer) - 0010059: [Spec]
Create CUs for 9820: Extend the information model with additional Functional Group(Bob Lattimer) - 0009371: [Spec]
Support RSASAA-PSS in offline engineering descriptor signatures(Bob Lattimer) - 0009107: [Spec]
DNS for host name resolution and mDNS for responder support need to be added to the UAFX Controller Profile.(Bob Lattimer) - 0010025: [Spec]
Missing individual PublisherCapabilities and SubscriberCapabilities CUs for UAFX Descriptor contents – AutomationComponent(Bob Lattimer) - 0009559: [Spec]
AutomationComponentConfiguration CommunicationModelConfig mandatory should not be mandatory in P 84(Bob Lattimer) - 0009481: [Spec]
UAFX ConnectionManager Base ConfomanceUnit language should be improved(Bob Lattimer) - 0009802: [Spec]
Missing Descriptor Asset Base content ConformanceUnit(Bob Lattimer) - 0009787: [Spec]
The Base Bridge Component Facet description contains misleading text.(Bob Lattimer) - 0009527: [Spec]
Add LLDP facet to Controller Profile(Bob Lattimer) - 0009483: [Spec]
UAFX Preconfigured PublishedDataSet and SubscriberDataSet CUs language need reconciled(Bob Lattimer) - 0009482: [Spec]
UAFX ConnectionManager AutomationComponentConfiguration AssetVerification CU should be made mandatory(Bob Lattimer) - 0009480: [Spec]
The UAFX Input Datatype Support CU should include Output Variables(Bob Lattimer) - 0009166: [Spec]
Do we need a Conformance Unit requiring a minimum number of UAFX Connections(Bob Lattimer) - 0009617: [Spec]
Potential interop issue between CM and AC for predefined v. dynamic DataSets(Bob Lattimer) - 0009763: [Spec]
Contents of the AutomationComponent Descriptors Folder are not needed for OfflineEngineering(Bob Lattimer) - 0009345: [Spec]
UAFX AutomationComponent SupportsPersistence needs to require SupportsPersistence be set to TRUE(Bob Lattimer)
21 of 21 issue(s) resolved View Issues
UAFX Nodeset - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2021-11-12
- 0007432: [IOP Problem]
Wrong DI nodeset distributed with UAFX 1.00.00 RC2(Karl Deiretsbacher) - 0007427: [Implementation Bug]
Wrong value for Version attribute(Paul Hunkar)
2 of 2 issue(s) resolved View Issues
10000-100: Devices - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2014-08-19
- 0006195: [Spec]
LockingService should be usable outside DI(Karl Deiretsbacher) - 0006282: [Spec]
Feature for Software Update needed(Karl Deiretsbacher) - 0005624: [Spec]
Remove dependency between ProductInstanceUri and ManufacturerUri(Karl Deiretsbacher) - 0005207: [Spec]
Issue with TransferResultData DataType(Karl Deiretsbacher)
4 of 4 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2015-01-15
- 0009682: [Feature Request]
Table 15 – Recommended FunctionalGroupType BrowseNames(Randy Armstrong)
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2016-11-29
- 0009051: [Implementation Bug]
Add browse names for functional group names(Karl Deiretsbacher) - 0008881: [Spec]
CUs for interface properties(Karl Deiretsbacher)
2 of 2 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2024-10-14
- 0010254: [Spec] Reviev terms 'device' and 'block' (Matthias Damm)
- 0010222: [Documentation Errata]
Simpler example for SoftwareUpdate(Uwe Thomas) - 0010223: [Feature Request]
Standardized Folder to add / remove Applications with Software Update support(Uwe Thomas) - 0010224: [Feature Request]
Standard Container Format for Software Packages of the Software Update(Uwe Thomas) - 0010225: [Feature Request]
Interface for Asset Location Indication(Uwe Thomas) - 0010218: [Implementation Bug]
Missing SoftwareUpdate reference at ComponentType(Uwe Thomas) - 0010221: [Spec]
Missing information whether unsigned software packages are supported(Uwe Thomas) - 0010219: [Feature Request]
Information about the type of software for Software Update(Uwe Thomas)
7 of 8 issue(s) resolved View Issues
30020: MDIS - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2024-05-31
- 0009562: [Documentation Errata]
Motor object behavior when set to 'Off' but motor is currently running(Paul Hunkar)
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
30040: AutomationML - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2020-05-11
OPC 30040 - UA for AutomationML (under work)
- 0005636: [Documentation Errata] Definition of Namespace Metadata missing (miriamschleipen)
0 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
30120: IO-Link - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2023-02-10
Update to IO-Link SMI V1.1.3 and support of OPC UA for IO-Link Wireless
- 0009470: [[UA] IO-Link Wireless] Define ConformanceUnits (and tests) for IO-Link Wireless extension
- 0008592: [Api Change] IODD Datatype OctetStringT has a special rule during mapping (Tobias Gürtler)
- 0008593: [Api Change] IODD Datatype OctetStringT has a special rule during mapping (Tobias Gürtler)
- 0008595: [Documentation Errata] IODD NodeId’s of generated EnumValues, missing rule (Tobias Gürtler)
- 0008591: [Documentation Errata] Clarification for scope of function RemoveIODD required (Tobias Gürtler)
- 0009078: [Documentation Errata] Remove MasterConfigurationDisabled read-only condition for ethernet configuration (Martin Lang)
- 0007373: [Implementation Bug] 1:PDDescriptor variable has wrong default value type (Martin Lang)
- 0008600: [Documentation Errata] (IODD) NodeID for Structure-DataType generated from RecordT (Tobias Gürtler)
- 0008619: [Feature Request] IO Link Master : Mixed master type definition (beusterh@hsu-hh.de)
- 0008610: [Feature Request] Restructuring of ConformanceUnits (Martin Lang)
- 0008612: [Api Change] Update specification to IO-Link Interface and System (SMI) v1.1.3 (Deepak Yadav)
- 0007416: [Feature Request] Support for IO Link Wireless Extensions (Deepak Yadav)
- 0006531: [Feature Request] Add interfaces IVendorNamePlate und ITagNameplate (Deepak Yadav)
- 0009274: [[UA] IO-Link Wireless] Add DataSyncWord in UpdateTrackConfiguration (Deepak Yadav)
- 0008594: [Api Change] OPC UA data type EnumValueType do not cover all possible IODD Single Values (Deepak Yadav)
- 0008589: [Feature Request] New Method BackToBox for IOLinkDeviceType required (Deepak Yadav)
- 0008607: [Documentation Errata] Editiorial changes (Deepak Yadav)
- 0008613: [Feature Request] Change modelling rule for ProcessDataInput, ProcessDataOutput to optional (Deepak Yadav)
- 0008622: [Feature Request] Add IO-Link Wireless System Extensions to companion specification (Deepak Yadav)
- 0008606: [Feature Request] Changes by Harmonization WG – Whitepaper “Best Practice” (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008624: [Documentation Errata] Update to newset Companion Specification template and use online nodeset validator (Martin Lang)
- 0008690: [Feature Request] CTT: Extend IO-Link settings to configure whether values of EnumString and EnumValues shall be used from CS V1.00 or V1.01 (Alexander Allmendinger)
- 0008603: [Documentation Errata] Clarification for BrowseName definition for IoLinkPortType required (Deepak Yadav)
- 0008625: [Documentation Errata] Replace chapter "Revision" by "Revision 1.01 Highlights" (Deepak Yadav)
- 0009221: [Documentation Errata]
Handling of PDDescriptor from ProcessDataInput / ProcessDataOutput(Tobias Gürtler) - 0008597: [Documentation Errata]
Add details to BrowseName/DisplayName for OPC UA DataType Structure used for IODD RecordT(Deepak Yadav) - 0008590: [Documentation Errata]
Extend description for variable StoredInDevice(Deepak Yadav) - 0008587: [Feature Request]
Remove Object „TemporaryFileTransfer” below IODDManagement in Spec and in Nodeset(Deepak Yadav) - 0008614: [Documentation Errata]
Define mapping for ProcessDataLength(Deepak Yadav) - 0007967: [Implementation Bug]
Inconsistent modelling rule for Statistics FunctionalGroupType in IOLinkMasterType and IOLinkPortType(Deepak Yadav) - 0008602: [Documentation Errata]
“Device not instantiated” clarify description(Deepak Yadav) - 0008588: [Feature Request]
ProcessData Quality Variable: Incorrect text(Deepak Yadav) - 0008599: [Documentation Errata]
Datatype for Variable with gradient in IODD Menu(Deepak Yadav) - 0008598: [Documentation Errata]
Create OPC UA DataType subtype Structure for IODD RecordT(Deepak Yadav) - 0008605: [Documentation Errata]
Clarification “ProcessData” are invalid(Deepak Yadav) - 0008609: [Documentation Errata]
ApplicationSpecific-/Function-/LocationTag Information for Pin2 and Pin4 - 0008604: [Documentation Errata]
Clarification “optionally writable”(Martin Lang) - 0008689: [Documentation Errata]
Clarification to CU IO-Link Device Condition Monitoring required?(Tobias Gürtler) - 0008617: [Feature Request]
IO-Link Port State machine(Martin Lang) - 0008618: [Documentation Errata]
Synchronize Pin2ProcessData description(Martin Lang) - 0006692: [Implementation Bug]
Nodeset files missing uax namespace prefix for default values.(Martin Lang) - 0005892: [Implementation Bug]
Fix wrong AccessLevel for DI inherited properties(Joachim Stilz) - 0005795: [Documentation Errata]
Typos (and References)(Joachim Stilz) - 0006346: [Documentation Errata]
Not possible to generate NodeId of OPC UA Structure for inline complex IODD Datatypes(Joachim Stilz) - 0008726: [Documentation Errata]
Use direct SMI mapping where possible (replace DDP 1 mapping)(Martin Lang) - 0008615: [Feature Request]
Change IOLink-ObjectTypes parent type (Changes by Part 100 (DI)
22 of 46 issue(s) resolved View Issues
10000-001: Concepts - Roadmap
10000-002: Security - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0007447: [Spec]
Terms Should be PascalCase(Paul Hunkar)
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
10000-003: Address Space - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2016-11-29
- 0010229: [Spec] OptionSet clarification needed (Jeff Harding)
- 0009400: [Spec]
Clarification needed for "AccessLevelEx"(Jeff Harding) - 0009088: [Spec]
Description of "BrowsePath" is not clear(Jeff Harding)
2 of 3 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2016-11-29
- 0010229: [Spec] OptionSet clarification needed (Jeff Harding)
- 0009400: [Spec]
Clarification needed for "AccessLevelEx"(Jeff Harding) - 0009088: [Spec]
Description of "BrowsePath" is not clear(Jeff Harding)
2 of 3 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0007606: [Spec]
HierarchicalReferences inverseName(Jeff Harding)
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0008300: [Spec]
Various issues on OptionSet DataType(Jeff Harding) - 0008200: [Spec]
4.8 Roles 4.8.1Overview - Wrong reference to Part 5 - should be Part 18 now.(Jeff Harding) - 0007828: [Spec]
Disallow sharing of InstanceDeclarations between TypeDefinitions(Wolfgang Mahnke) - 0007639: [Spec]
Should Abstract DataTypes have EncodingIds(Jim Luth)
4 of 4 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0006174: [Spec]
Add new variable type for packed variants(Jeff Harding) - 0008712: [Spec]
Error in the diagrams in (Figure 14 and Figure 21)(Jeff Harding) - 0008953: [Spec]
Section 6.4: description of UTC versus TAI time needs clarification(Jeff Harding) - 0008008: [Spec]
Need clarification that a NULL DataType Attribute is not allowed in Variable and VariableType nodes(Jeff Harding) - 0008106: [Spec]
Need Named Composite Permissions(Jeff Harding)
5 of 5 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2025-01-14
- 0010110: [Spec] StructureType needs to add a Table indicating which Subtypes are allowed. (Jeff Harding)
0 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
10000-004: Services - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2016-11-29
- 0007591: [Spec]
Transfersubscription text, how can a server check the support of the profiles of the new client?(Matthias Damm) - 0007930: [Spec]
Parallel redundancy support for non-transparent and transparent server support(Jim Luth)
2 of 2 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2016-11-29
- 0007591: [Spec]
Transfersubscription text, how can a server check the support of the profiles of the new client?(Matthias Damm) - 0007930: [Spec]
Parallel redundancy support for non-transparent and transparent server support(Jim Luth)
2 of 2 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2018-09-20
- 0007391: [Spec]
Prioriy for keep-alive messages - clarification required(Matthias Damm)
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2018-09-20
- 0007391: [Spec]
Prioriy for keep-alive messages - clarification required(Matthias Damm)
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0009108: [Spec]
Clarification for comparing UserTokens(Matthias Damm) - 0008130: [Spec]
Clarification needed for UserTokenPolicy -> policyId(Matthias Damm) - 0008703: [Spec]
Add Bad_ServerTooBusy Error Code(Matthias Damm) - 0008763: [Spec]
Call Operation Level Result Codes - clarify use of Bad_NodeIdInvalid(Matthias Damm) - 0008741: [Spec]
Add term RedundantServerSet(Matthias Damm) - 0008324: [Spec]
IndexRange also applies to String and ByteString(Matthias Damm) - 0007457: [Spec]
Registration of Server supporting nontransparent Redundancy not clear(Matthias Damm) - 0007467: [Spec]
Remove "shall" that makes retransmission queue mandatory(Matthias Damm) - 0008452: [Spec]
TimestampsToReturn related status codes for HistoryRead inconsistent(Matthias Damm) - 0008422: [Spec]
7.11 DataValue, description of statusCode has typo(Matthias Damm) - 0008432: [Spec]
Missing Statuscode for Index Range not compatible with data to write(Matthias Damm) - 0008410: [Spec]
History retrieval needs a new error code(Paul Hunkar) - 0008129: [Spec]
Remove requirement to allow Administrators to disable the DiscoveryEndpoint(Matthias Damm) - 0008465: [Spec]
No definition for 'ordered value' in FilterOperator(Matthias Damm) - 0008338: [Spec]
Incorrect usage of term "deprecated" in part 4, section table 15, parameter serverSoftwareCertificates[](Matthias Damm) - 0008487: [Spec]
Bad_SecurityModeRejected is not described in referenced table(Matthias Damm)
16 of 16 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2025-01-14
- 0010232: [Spec] Deprecate DataEncoding in Read, mointoring
- 0010228: [Spec] Deprecate Query Services
- 0010243: [Spec] Explain Certificate Management requirements for Transparent and non-Transparent redundancy cases (Matthias Damm)
- 0010217: [Spec]
Requirement to create AuditEvent inconsistent between Write and Call(Matthias Damm)
1 of 4 issue(s) resolved View Issues
10000-005: Information Model - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0007605: [Spec]
HierarchicalReferences inverseName(Jeff Harding)
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0008039: [Spec]
Support ConditionClassId and ConditionSubClassId feature for BaseEventType(Jeff Harding)
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0008417: [Spec]
AggregateFunctionType has wrong conformance unit(Jim Luth) - 0008183: [Spec]
AuditClientEventType and AuditClientUpdateMethodResultEventType have been removed(Jeff Harding) - 0007474: [Spec]
Add MaxMonitoredItemsQueueSize to capabilities(Jeff Harding) - 0007396: [Spec]
Add general Handle DataType(Jeff Harding) - 0007740: [Spec]
Add Locations Object(Jeff Harding) - 0007397: [Spec]
Add TrimmedString DataType(Jeff Harding)
6 of 6 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0008435: [Spec] Datatype for CertificateErrorEventId within AuditOpenSecureChannelEventType should be ByteString instead of String (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009018: [Spec]
Need a way to express metadata for Key- Value pairs(Jeff Harding) - 0008516: [Spec]
How can a tool find out which Namespace 0 NodeSet is newer / better?(Jeff Harding) - 0003105: [Spec]
NonTransparent Hot+PM: Increase information about redundant servers(Jeff Harding) - 0008007: [Spec]
Ambiguity in the definition of 3DOrientationType(Jeff Harding)
4 of 5 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0009006: [Spec]
Create examples for 0008761(Jeff Harding) - 0009185: [Spec]
Clarification for SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType monitoringQueueOverflowCount(Jeff Harding) - 0009162: [Spec]
AuditUpdateMethodEventType text enhancement(Jeff Harding) - 0008761: [Spec]
Add new variable type for packed variants(Jeff Harding)
4 of 4 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2025-01-14
- 0010216: [Spec] There is no client application information in AuditEvents
- 0010234: [Spec] ClientUserId creation rules for JWT tokens (Jeff Harding)
0 of 2 issue(s) resolved View Issues
10000-006: Mappings - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2016-11-29
- 0009638: [Spec]
Errata required for 1.04 to allow ECC algorithms(Randy Armstrong) - 0009343: [Spec]
Deprecate ECC Support in 1.04(Randy Armstrong) - 0009090: [Spec]
https://reference.opcfoundation.org/Core/Part6/v104/docs/F -> use of "Category" in NodeSet for 'OPCF' is not described...(Randy Armstrong) - 0008670: [Spec]
Update from OpenSSL V1.x.x (EOL(end of live) soon) to V3.x.x(Randy Armstrong)
4 of 4 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2016-11-29
- 0009638: [Spec]
Errata required for 1.04 to allow ECC algorithms(Randy Armstrong) - 0009343: [Spec]
Deprecate ECC Support in 1.04(Randy Armstrong) - 0009090: [Spec]
https://reference.opcfoundation.org/Core/Part6/v104/docs/F -> use of "Category" in NodeSet for 'OPCF' is not described...(Randy Armstrong) - 0008670: [Spec]
Update from OpenSSL V1.x.x (EOL(end of live) soon) to V3.x.x(Randy Armstrong)
4 of 4 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2018-09-20
- 0007393: [Spec]
Is there a missing type XMLElement in Opc.Ua.Types.xsd?(Randy Armstrong) - 0007381: [Spec]
Inconsistency between NodeSet (AllowSub'T'ypes) and Errata 1.04.10 + 1.05 RC1 (AllowSub't'ypes )(Randy Armstrong)
2 of 2 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2018-09-20
- 0007393: [Spec]
Is there a missing type XMLElement in Opc.Ua.Types.xsd?(Randy Armstrong) - 0007381: [Spec]
Inconsistency between NodeSet (AllowSub'T'ypes) and Errata 1.04.10 + 1.05 RC1 (AllowSub't'ypes )(Randy Armstrong)
2 of 2 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0008528: [Spec]
Misplaced paragraph in "Establishing a connection" (reverse connect)(Randy Armstrong) - 0008411: [Api Change]
Schema files should have a release date / version, too(Randy Armstrong) - 0008524: [Spec]
The text incorrectly mentions "Reverse references" at several places.(Randy Armstrong)
3 of 3 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0008757: [Spec]
Nodeset scheme UAVariable Value does not define default handling(Randy Armstrong) - 0008529: [Spec]
Reverse Connect: Denial of Service protection not clear(Randy Armstrong) - 0008179: [Spec]
StructureDefinition.DefaultEncodingId is not useful as described.(Randy Armstrong) - 0007410: [Spec]
Requirements for setting ApplicationType CLIENTANDSERVER(Randy Armstrong) - 0008724: [Spec]
Need "patch" release tags in GitHub for Part 6 files that are modified between releases(Randy Armstrong) - 0008458: [Spec]
Standard Usage of NodeId in non-OPC UA applications such as Databases - Portable NodeId(Randy Armstrong) - 0007883: [Spec]
OPC UA JSON encoding has no recommendation on treatment of null values for fields of built-in types(Randy Armstrong) - 0007766: [Spec]
Clarification for UAInstance::ParentNodeId and validation of models(Randy Armstrong) - 0007979: [Spec]
How can a tool find out which Namespace 0 NodeSet is newer / better?(Randy Armstrong) - 0008347: [Spec]
XSD Needs to be Fully Described in UANodeSet Annex(Randy Armstrong) - 0007891: [Spec]
Non-reversible encoding of Variant and ExtensionObject described incorrectly(Randy Armstrong)
11 of 11 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0009615: [Spec] Clarification for 'SubjectName' and 'subject in Part 6, 'subject' in Part 12 and 'subject name' in Part 18 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009093: [Spec]
Invalid reference to definition of ExpandedNodeId in OPC 10000-6 / Missing definition of ExpandedNodeId in OPC 10000-3(Randy Armstrong) - 0009155: [Spec]
Client ApplicationUri should not be required to configure reverse connect on server side(Randy Armstrong) - 0009154: [Spec]
ApplicationUri for a client in reverse connect in server(Randy Armstrong) - 0009153: [Spec]
New string NodeId encoding is a breaking change(Randy Armstrong)
4 of 5 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2025-01-14
- 0010235: [Spec] Clarifications for JWT Issued User Identity Tokens (Randy Armstrong)
- 0010152: [Spec] Clarification of differents between JSON NodeId and QualifiedName encoding (Randy Armstrong)
0 of 2 issue(s) resolved View Issues
10000-007: Profiles - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2016-11-29
- 0007525: [Spec]
Duplicate URI for global certificate management(Karl Deiretsbacher)
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2016-11-29
- 0007525: [Spec]
Duplicate URI for global certificate management(Karl Deiretsbacher)
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2018-09-20
- 0007830: [Spec] Auditing 2022 Server Facet shall use the Conformance Unit linking (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007832: [Spec]
Create ModelChangeEvent Facet(Karl Deiretsbacher) - 0007458: [Spec]
Separate Facet for Dictionary Entries(Karl Deiretsbacher) - 0007541: [Spec]
Split Anonymous User Token(Karl Deiretsbacher)
3 of 4 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2018-09-20
- 0007830: [Spec] Auditing 2022 Server Facet shall use the Conformance Unit linking (Karl Deiretsbacher)
- 0007832: [Spec]
Create ModelChangeEvent Facet(Karl Deiretsbacher) - 0007458: [Spec]
Separate Facet for Dictionary Entries(Karl Deiretsbacher) - 0007541: [Spec]
Split Anonymous User Token(Karl Deiretsbacher)
3 of 4 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0007833: [Spec]
UserName Password optional for Nano and Micro(Karl Deiretsbacher) - 0007428: [Spec]
Add Conformance Units for Part 23(Karl Deiretsbacher)
2 of 2 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0008376: [Spec] New CUs and CG for Onboarding (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008381: [Spec]
Part 9 Missing/Incorrect CUs(Paul Hunkar) - 0007876: [Spec]
Introduce CU for supported of PublisherId Types(Matthias Damm) - 0008378: [Spec]
New PubSub CUs(Karl Deiretsbacher) - 0008380: [Spec]
Part 24 New CUs(Wolfgang Mahnke) - 0008379: [Spec]
Part 18 Missing CUs(Karl Deiretsbacher) - 0008382: [Spec]
Part 5 Missing/Incorrect CUs(Karl Deiretsbacher) - 0008393: [Spec]
Inconsistency/duplicates for conformance unit names(Paul Hunkar) - 0008065: [Spec]
Add MaxMonitoredItemsQueueSize to capabilities(Karl Deiretsbacher) - 0008059: [Spec]
Add general Handle DataType(Karl Deiretsbacher)
9 of 10 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0008956: [Spec] SymmetricSignatureAlgorithm_Poly1305 is a non-standard algorithm (Paul Hunkar)
- 0008409: [Spec] History need separate cu for index range processing (Paul Hunkar)
- 0007916: [Spec] Description of CU "Discovery Client Configure Endpoint" misleading (Karl Deiretsbacher)
0 of 3 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0009112: [Spec]
Security User Access Control Base facet needs an update(Paul Hunkar)
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
10000-009: Alarms and Conditions - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0008389: [Spec]
Inconsistency/duplicates for conformance unit names(Paul Hunkar) - 0008093: [Spec]
LatchIngAlarm should be LatchingAlarm(Paul Hunkar)
2 of 2 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0009022: [Spec]
ConditionId need further clarification(Paul Hunkar)
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
10000-011: Historical Access - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0008195: [Spec]
Historian is not a defined term yet it is italicized.(Paul Hunkar)
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0005810: [Spec]
Missing relation of types to conformance units and profiles(Paul Hunkar) - 0008743: [Spec]
Event Configuration for event received from an external server(Paul Hunkar) - 0002077: [Spec]
OPC UA specification monitoring mode does not account for historical data changes(Paul Hunkar) - 0008742: [Spec]
EventId and insertion of events(Paul Hunkar) - 0008644: [Spec]
History of events - does not explain EventId requirements well enough(Paul Hunkar) - 0008453: [Spec]
Timestamps related error handling needs clarification(Paul Hunkar) - 0008657: [Spec]
Substring or indexes in an array cause a retrieval problem(Paul Hunkar) - 0007906: [Spec]
Clarification of ReadDetails handling with ContinuationPoint(Paul Hunkar) - 0008522: [Spec]
HistoricalDataConfigurationType defintion table ExceptiondevationFormat has wrong datatype(Paul Hunkar)
9 of 9 issue(s) resolved View Issues
10000-012: Discovery - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2016-11-29
- 0008067: [Spec] Describe concept of GDS side confirmation of registration and signing request (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008070: [Spec] Need a Section on Global Services to Discusss the concept as a top level section. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008532: [Spec]
Interoperability problems when GDS returns private key in PFX format(Randy Armstrong) - 0008584: [Spec]
Is it correct that EccApplicationCertificateType has IsAbstract=False?(Randy Armstrong) - 0008580: [Spec]
EccApplicationCertificateType Definition is missing HasSubType references(Randy Armstrong) - 0008525: [Spec]
Term "ReverseEndpoints" not defined.(Randy Armstrong)
4 of 6 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2016-11-29
- 0008067: [Spec] Describe concept of GDS side confirmation of registration and signing request (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008070: [Spec] Need a Section on Global Services to Discusss the concept as a top level section. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008532: [Spec]
Interoperability problems when GDS returns private key in PFX format(Randy Armstrong) - 0008584: [Spec]
Is it correct that EccApplicationCertificateType has IsAbstract=False?(Randy Armstrong) - 0008580: [Spec]
EccApplicationCertificateType Definition is missing HasSubType references(Randy Armstrong) - 0008525: [Spec]
Term "ReverseEndpoints" not defined.(Randy Armstrong)
4 of 6 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2018-09-20
- 0010140: [Spec] ConfigurationFile of ApplicationConfigurationFileType is missing in ServerConfiguration (Randy Armstrong)
- 0010158: [Spec] CreateSelfSignedCertificate -> keySizeInBits (Randy Armstrong)
- 0010115: [Spec] Unclear how to implement the function "CloseAndUpdate" incl. 1.05.05 RC1 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007411: [Spec]
Relation of CSR extendedKeyUsage and ApplicationType in StartSigningRequest(Randy Armstrong) - 0007412: [Spec]
Use of GetCertificateGroups(Randy Armstrong) - 0007362: [Spec]
RegisterApplication needs clarificaiton and fix(Randy Armstrong)
3 of 6 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2018-09-20
- 0010140: [Spec] ConfigurationFile of ApplicationConfigurationFileType is missing in ServerConfiguration (Randy Armstrong)
- 0010158: [Spec] CreateSelfSignedCertificate -> keySizeInBits (Randy Armstrong)
- 0010115: [Spec] Unclear how to implement the function "CloseAndUpdate" incl. 1.05.05 RC1 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007411: [Spec]
Relation of CSR extendedKeyUsage and ApplicationType in StartSigningRequest(Randy Armstrong) - 0007412: [Spec]
Use of GetCertificateGroups(Randy Armstrong) - 0007362: [Spec]
RegisterApplication needs clarificaiton and fix(Randy Armstrong)
3 of 6 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0008064: [Spec]
Need a detailed workflow description for Application Registration and Certificate Management(Matthias Damm) - 0008063: [Spec]
Client behaviour for connections to GDS need clarification(Matthias Damm) - 0007459: [Spec]
Add recommendation for naming convention of certificates when they use ECC(Randy Armstrong) - 0007446: [Spec] StartSigningRequest - Remove reference to 1048 bits(Randy Armstrong)
4 of 4 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0007935: [Spec]
Missing capability information for UAFX(Randy Armstrong) - 0008332: [Spec]
Missing argument in KeyCredentialConfigurationFolderType::CreateCredential(Randy Armstrong) - 0007937: [Spec]
Missing capabilities(Randy Armstrong) - 0008331: [Spec]
Signatures of new Methods GetCertificates and RevokeCertificate are not in sync(Randy Armstrong) - 0008112: [Spec]
CloseAndUpdate, AddCertificate and RemoveCertificate were made Optional - a breaking change(Randy Armstrong) - 0008290: [Spec]
No relevant paragraph should be deleted(Randy Armstrong) - 0008206: [Spec]
Loop in diagrams shows too less information(Randy Armstrong)
7 of 7 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0010157: [Spec]
Clarification for CertificateUpdatedAuditEventType(Randy Armstrong)
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2025-01-14
- 0010230: [Spec] Add Non-OPCUA Application Term
0 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
10000-013: Aggregates - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0008116: [Spec]
Test data update required for WorstQuality2/Historian_2(Rod Stein) - 0008113: [Spec]
Table for Total/Historian_3 is not updated(Rod Stein) - 0008114: [Spec]
Scaling and Rounding of Historian_5 Test data(Rod Stein) - 0008115: [Spec]
Wrong values - DurationBad, PercentBad/Historian_3, 4(Rod Stein)
4 of 4 issue(s) resolved View Issues
10000-014: PubSub - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2018-09-20
- 0007424: [Spec]
PubSub JSON encoding for DataSetMessage needs reversible encoding for DataValue(Matthias Damm)
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2018-09-20
- 0007424: [Spec]
PubSub JSON encoding for DataSetMessage needs reversible encoding for DataValue(Matthias Damm)
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0007365: [Spec]
Writeup for Reseve IDs needed(Matthias Damm)
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0007369: [Spec]
Additional standard roles(Matthias Damm)
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0007036: [Spec]
Timestamp and Status in keep-alive JSON DataSetMessage not clearly specified(Matthias Damm) - 0007871: [Spec]
JSON DataSetMessage fields Timestamp and StatusCode need clarification.(Matthias Damm) - 0008053: [Spec]
Information in PubSubConfiguration2DataType missing in PublishSubscribeType(Matthias Damm) - 0008055: [Spec]
No capability for Security Key management(Matthias Damm) - 0005800: [Spec]
For the MQTT PubSub encoding, specify a gzipped version of the body/payload for huge cost savings(Matthias Damm) - 0007919: [Spec]
DatagramDataSetReaderTransportType has wrong base type(Matthias Damm) - 0008054: [Spec]
CloseAndUpdate is missing error code for empty ConfigurationReferences array(Matthias Damm)
7 of 7 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0008118: [Spec]
Need an MQTT Connection Property for MQTT Version(Matthias Damm) - 0008377: [Spec]
8.7.2 AddPushTarget - TransportProfileUri(Matthias Damm) - 0008384: [Spec]
Method definitions do not have address space definition tables(Matthias Damm) - 0008354: [Spec]
SecurityGroupName should match the SecurityGroupId(Matthias Damm) - 0008094: [Spec]
TargetVariablesType vs ConnectedVariablesType(Matthias Damm) - 0008341: [Spec]
Allowed open modes for PubSubConfigurationType(Matthias Damm) - 0008353: [Spec]
SKS add methods should not fail add with parameters matching existing objects(Matthias Damm) - 0008117: [Spec]
Connection Properties and other custom Properties may have unexpected information in them.(Randy Armstrong) - 0008334: [Spec]
StandaloneSubscribedDataSetRefDataType makes no sense in StandaloneSubscribedDataSetDataType(Matthias Damm) - 0008120: [Spec]
Need clarification what happens with DataSetReaderDataType.DataSetMetaData for StandaloneSubscribedDataSetDataType(Matthias Damm) - 0008335: [Spec]
PubSubConfigurationRefMask ElementRemove behaviour not defined for children(Matthias Damm) - 0008336: [Spec]
Hint for processing references in CloseAndUpdate(Matthias Damm) - 0008337: [Spec]
CloseAndUpdate - need clarification for all PubSubConfiguration2DataType top level fields(Matthias Damm) - 0008001: [Spec]
SecurityGroup.RolePermssions needs better dicussion on what it is for.(Matthias Damm) - 0007999: [Spec]
PubSub Information flow figure is misleading(Matthias Damm)
15 of 15 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0007425: [Spec]
Restrictions for event JSON DataSetMessages(Matthias Damm) - 0009017: [Spec]
QueueName parameter on Broker DataSetWriter transport mapping configuration(Matthias Damm) - 0008062: [Spec]
Need a way to express metadata for Key- Value pairs(Matthias Damm) - 0008754: [Spec]
Conflict DefaultBrokerPublisherId and MQTT topic tree use of PublisherId(Matthias Damm) - 0008119: [Spec]
Need to State what the Default MQTT ClientId(Randy Armstrong) - 0008755: [Spec]
Need option to configure RETAIN for MQTT DataSetMessages(Matthias Damm) - 0008722: [Spec]
PubSubCapabilitiesType missing settings for SKS(Matthias Damm) - 0008404: [Spec]
Missing status code for CloseAndUpdate element result(Matthias Damm) - 0008394: [Spec]
ElementMatch for WriterGroup would not work for PeriodicFixed header layout(Matthias Damm) - 0008366: [Spec]
PubSubConfigurationRefMask ElementAdd null PublisherId handling(Matthias Damm) - 0007445: [Spec] UADP message mapping: MQTT Topics starting with a $ must not be used(Matthias Damm) - 0008713: [Spec]
Sequence number in keep alive messages(Matthias Damm) - 0008346: [Spec]
RetryInterval not defined for SKS key pull(Matthias Damm) - 0008731: [Spec]
Need a Standard MQTT Topic Tree for Configuration and Auto-Discovery(Matthias Damm) - 0006308: [Spec]
Clarify how a JSON PubSub message is encoded(Matthias Damm) - 0008714: [Spec]
JSON DataSetMessage needs option to include PublisherId in header(Matthias Damm) - 0008715: [Spec]
JSON messages needs option to include WriterGroup name in header(Matthias Damm) - 0007762: [Spec]
Clarification for JSON DataSetMessage(Matthias Damm)
18 of 18 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
- 0009216: [Spec]
JSON PubSubConnection definition: NetworkAddress should be excluded too.(Matthias Damm) - 0009217: [Spec]
JSON DataSetMetaData definition should have a Timestamp(Matthias Damm) - 0009193: [Spec]
StructureDefinition.DefaultEncodingId is not useful as described.(Matthias Damm) - 0008922: [Spec]
Need JSON DataSetMessage option to include only minor meta data version(Matthias Damm) - 0008729: [Spec]
How can UADP heartbeat messages be recognized?(Matthias Damm) - 0008474: [Spec]
It is not clear what goes into DataTypeSchemaHeader fields of DataSetMetaDataType and/or UABinaryFileDataTupe(Matthias Damm) - 0008414: [Spec]
DefaultDatagramPublisherId and related concepts need better explanation(Matthias Damm)
7 of 7 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2025-01-14
- 0010151: [Spec] Obolete restriction defined in FieldMetaData (Matthias Damm)
- 0010147: [Spec]
Discovery messages do not define the JSON encoding to use(Matthias Damm) - 0010149: [Spec]
Wrong JSON Status encoding in example(Matthias Damm) - 0010146: [Spec]
Rules for DataSetMessage JSON encoding need more details(Matthias Damm) - 0010150: [Spec]
JSON Encoding of Enumeration in a DataSetMessage field(Matthias Damm) - 0010154: [Spec]
Describe handling of Bad and Uncertain status in JSON Variant field encoding(Matthias Damm)
5 of 6 issue(s) resolved View Issues
10000-015: Safety - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2016-11-29
- 0010077: [Spec] Wording of RQ7.20 (Christian Eitner)
- 0010078: [Spec] Wording of RQ9.1 (Christian Eitner)
- 0010076: [Spec] Editorial Issues (Christian Eitner)
- 0010130: [Spec] Clarify Explanation for SafetyProviderLevel (Christian Eitner)
- 0007418: [Spec]
NodeSet: SafetyPDUsType has wrong double reference to subordinate components(Randy Armstrong)
1 of 5 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2018-09-20
- 0007380: [Spec]
Testing is impeded by missing possibility to distinguish between parameterized and currently active communication parameters(Max Walter)
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
10000-016: State Machines - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2018-09-20
- 0007774: [Spec]
4.4.18 Special Restrictions on subtyping StateMachines(Wolfgang Mahnke)
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
10000-018: Role-Based Security - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2025-01-14
- 0010236: [Spec] Clarifications for JWT Issued User Identity Tokens (Matthias Damm)
- 0010237: [Spec] JWT 'sub' cannot be mapped to a Role (Matthias Damm)
0 of 2 issue(s) resolved View Issues
10000-019: Dictionary Reference - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2016-11-29
- 0008543: [Spec]
wrong name for ECLASS(Jeff Harding)
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
10000-020: File Transfer - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2025-01-14
- 0007455: [Spec] TemporaryFileTransfer - StatusCodes for Methods (Jeff Harding)
0 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
NodeSets, XSDs and Generated Code - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2012-02-09
- 0002739: [Api Change] Opc.Ua.CertificateGenerator needs documentation (Randy Armstrong)
0 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2013-01-22
- 0003909: [Api Change]
Wrong BrowseName for EventQueueOverflowCount(Randy Armstrong) - 0007901: [Feature Request]
EnumValues and Enum DataTypeDefinitions missing Descriptions(Randy Armstrong) - 0007902: [Api Change]
Clarification on NamingRule and usage of MandatoryPlaceholder / OptionalPlaceholder on Methods(Randy Armstrong) - 0007903: [Api Change]
UANodeSet needs to explain association with XSDs(Randy Armstrong) - 0006549: [Implementation Bug]
Wrong BrowserName in standard NodeSet2.xml for Server_ServerRedundancy components(Randy Armstrong) - 0006997: [Api Change]
SystemOffNormalAlarmType was intended for direct use but IsAbstract is True(Randy Armstrong) - 0007052: [Implementation Bug]
Properties on DataTypes have ModelingRules(Randy Armstrong) - 0006232: [Implementation Bug]
Wrong structure of ServerRedundancy node in Opc.Ua.NodeSet2.xml(Randy Armstrong) - 0003010: [Api Change]
Information on Certificate expiration(Randy Armstrong)
9 of 9 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2015-07-09
- 0007904: [Api Change]
Clarification on NamingRule and usage of MandatoryPlaceholder / OptionalPlaceholder on Methods(Randy Armstrong) - 0007441: [Api Change]
UANodeSet needs to explain association with XSDs(Randy Armstrong) - 0007440: [Implementation Bug]
Undefined nodes in 1.04.10 nodeset(Randy Armstrong) - 0007429: [Implementation Bug]
Various Part 9 Inconsistencies(Randy Armstrong)
4 of 4 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2018-03-13
- 0007539: [Implementation Bug] Nodeset needs to include argument descriptions (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007438: [Implementation Bug]
opcua_identifiers.h has undefined identifiers in 1.05.0 release(Randy Armstrong) - 0007439: [Implementation Bug]
NodeIds.csv contains never used identifier in 1.05.0 release(Randy Armstrong) - 0007436: [Implementation Bug]
opcua_browsenames.h and Opc.Ua.Constants.cs contain undefined names in 1.05.0 release(Randy Armstrong) - 0007437: [Implementation Bug]
Undefined nodes in 1.05.0 nodeset(Randy Armstrong) - 0007420: [Implementation Bug]
Released 1.05.00 nodeset has wrong version information(Randy Armstrong) - 0007487: [IOP Problem]
Missing instance node for standard Role objects(Randy Armstrong) - 0007464: [Implementation Bug]
Opc.Ua.Types.bsd different in 1.04.10 and 1.05.0(Randy Armstrong)
7 of 8 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2018-09-20
- 0007539: [Implementation Bug] Nodeset needs to include argument descriptions (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007438: [Implementation Bug]
opcua_identifiers.h has undefined identifiers in 1.05.0 release(Randy Armstrong) - 0007439: [Implementation Bug]
NodeIds.csv contains never used identifier in 1.05.0 release(Randy Armstrong) - 0007436: [Implementation Bug]
opcua_browsenames.h and Opc.Ua.Constants.cs contain undefined names in 1.05.0 release(Randy Armstrong) - 0007437: [Implementation Bug]
Undefined nodes in 1.05.0 nodeset(Randy Armstrong) - 0007420: [Implementation Bug]
Released 1.05.00 nodeset has wrong version information(Randy Armstrong) - 0007487: [IOP Problem]
Missing instance node for standard Role objects(Randy Armstrong) - 0007464: [Implementation Bug]
Opc.Ua.Types.bsd different in 1.04.10 and 1.05.0(Randy Armstrong)
7 of 8 issue(s) resolved View Issues
40501-1: MachineTool-1: Monitoring and Job - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2024-03-19
- 0008475: [Documentation Errata]
8.4.5 ProductionActiveProgramType - Describe usage of NumberInList(Goetz Goerisch) - 0008889: [Documentation Errata]
Facets missing in ProfileList table(Goetz Goerisch) - 0009000: [Documentation Errata]
NodeVersion shall not be repeated at InstanceDeclaration of ToolListType (Tools) in MachineToolType/EquipmentType(Goetz Goerisch) - 0009404: [Implementation Bug]
ProductionPartType - State contains unneeded transitions(Goetz Goerisch) - 0009405: [Documentation Errata]
Typename wrong in 8.3.10 - MachineryOperationStateMachineType instead of MachineryOperationModeStateMachineType(Goetz Goerisch) - 0009443: [Feature Request]
Always use NamespaceInidices of Nodes that are not in the MT Namespace in the description text(Goetz Goerisch)
6 of 6 issue(s) resolved View Issues