Scheduled For Release 2021-11-12
  • 0008155: [Spec] clarify errors assignments (Georg Biehler)
  • 0008154: [Spec] Issues with PubSubCommunicationFlowConfigurationType and SubscriberConfigurationType relation to FX Endpoints (Georg Biehler)
  • 0008153: [Spec] Issues with PubSubCommunicationFlowConfigurationType and SubscriberConfigurationType Missing configuration parameters (Georg Biehler)
3 of 3 issue(s) resolved View Issues
  • 0008808: [Spec] Part 81 needs examples/clarification for preconfigured DataSets at AC level (Paul Hunkar)
  • 0008989: [Spec] FunctionalEntityType needs a better description (Paul Hunkar)
2 of 2 issue(s) resolved View Issues
14 of 15 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2023-09-20
  • 0009798: [Spec] Specify what's mandatory in a CCS exposed by a CM
  • 0009796: [Spec] Requiring CCSs be exposed in a CM
  • 0009617: [Spec] Potential interop issue between CM and AC for predefined v. dynamic DataSets (Bob Lattimer)
  • 0009486: [Spec] OPC UA FX Part 81 Does Not Convey Capabilities of Supported Data Types for Automation Component (Paul Hunkar)
  • 0009819: [Spec] Diagnostic statistics are missing and should be added (Paul Hunkar)
  • 0009839: [Spec] InputsFolderType should allow variables via HasComponent references (Paul Hunkar)
  • 0009820: [Spec] Extend the information model with additional Functional Group (Paul Hunkar)
  • 0009807: [Spec] Inputs folder description should be clarified (Paul Hunkar)
  • 0009800: [Spec] The HasCMCapability ReferenceType is not defined (Paul Hunkar)
  • 0009409: [Spec] Good StatusCode missing from some definitions (Bob Lattimer)
5 of 10 issue(s) resolved View Issues
  • 0007840: [Spec] Modify existing logical connections
  • 0009458: [Spec] Missing specification of ability to modify a running connection
  • 0007843: [Spec] References between Assets and Descriptor (Paul Hunkar)
  • 0007845: [Spec] Enhancement for locking and control groups
  • 0009091: [Spec] Fast detection of changes to the ConnectionManager
  • 0007842: [Spec] Reset to factory default
  • 0007846: [Spec] Fast startup
  • 0007841: [Spec] Guidance for modelling modular devices in the functional model
  • 0009616: [Spec] Not clear how to link preconfigured published & subscribed data sets as required pairs (Paul Hunkar)
0 of 9 issue(s) resolved View Issues