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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0010156Part 81: UAFX Connecting Devices and Information ModelSpecpublic2025-02-19 08:10
ReporterMatthias Damm Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version1.00.02 
Target Version1.00.03 
Summary0010156: Issue with ConnectionConfigurationSet file content - Namespaces

F.2 ConnectionConfigurationSet file content
Table F.35 – ConnectionConfigurationSet file content
The definition for the minimum content of Namespaces is wrong and conflicts with the definiton of the used base data type defined in Part 5 and similiar definitions in Part 14
The OPC UA namespace is not included in the list

Required are:
For all CCS configuration structures
For ConnectionEndpointTypeId
See Table F.19 – AssetVerificationConfDataType structure
AssetVerificationModeEnum and AssetVerificationResultEnum

Additional Information

OPC UA Part 5:
12.31 DataTypeSchemaHeader
Table 274 – DataTypeSchemaHeader structure
Defines an array of namespace URIs. The index into the array is referred to as NamespaceIndex. The NamespaceIndex is used in NodeIds and QualifiedNames, rather than the longer namespace URI. NamespaceIndex 0 is reserved for the OPC UA namespace and it is not included in this array.
The array contains the namespaces used in the data that follows the DataTypeSchemaHeader. The index used in NodeId and QualifiedNames identify an element in this list. The first entry in this array maps to NamespaceIndex 1.

OPC UA Part 14: PubSubConfigurationDataType
Table 87 – PubSubConfiguration file content
Namespace URIs for namespace indices used in the body. Examples are NodeIds contained in PublishedDataSets.
The OPC UA namespace is skipped.
The DataTypes used for configuration are defined in the OPC UA namespace.

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2025-02-18 16:45

reporter   ~0022397

Please increase Mantis priority.
Just now (today) i already adjusted my CCS configuration tool and further tools corresponding to the description of Matthias: I eliminated the OPC UA namespace from the CCS UABinaryFileDataType.Namespaces list as it was/is specified and mandated by the /Part 81 1.00.02 Release/, F.2. Writing the OPC UA namespace to the UABinaryFileDataType.Namespaces list is a real bug in the /Part 81 1.00.02/ as already described. I will not roll back my latest code changes.
 Hence I expect that the priority of this Mantis is increased
 and corrected asap by the /Part 81 1.00.03/
 because this specification error is IOP relevant by using the standard CCS as specified in /Part 81/, Annex F: CM components must not expect the OPC UA namespace in the CCS UABinaryFileDataType.Namespaces list as required by /Part 81 1.00.02/. And vice versa Connection Editors must not write this OPC UA namespace to the UABinaryFileDataType.Namespaces list to ensure that those standard CCS can be loaded by CM components without failures.

Paul Hunkar

2025-02-19 05:43

manager   ~0022399

This file format is for CCS information - and the does not exist in a CCS - so I am confused by the requirement for this namespace in the configuration?

Removing the namespace is just a textual update and can easily be accomplished (no nodeset changes required)

Matthias Damm

2025-02-19 08:10

developer   ~0022400

Paul you are right - I was refering to ConnectionEndpointTypeId NodeId in the Endpoint structure that contains typically a NodeId from the AC namespace.

But this is the NodeId related to the server where the endpoint is created and therefore the namespace table of the server entry is relevant.
I checked our namespace mapping code and it is using the related server namespace.

But we need Data and CM namespaces

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-17 13:43 Matthias Damm New Issue
2025-02-17 15:47 Matthias Damm Description Updated
2025-02-18 16:45 muetzeclaudia Note Added: 0022397
2025-02-19 05:43 Paul Hunkar Note Added: 0022399
2025-02-19 08:10 Matthias Damm Note Added: 0022400