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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
001021910000-100: DevicesFeature Requestpublic2025-03-25 12:47
ReporterUwe Thomas Assigned ToUwe Thomas  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Target Version1.05Fixed in Version1.05 
Summary0010219: Information about the type of software for Software Update

The Software Update AddIn can be used at different places to update Firmware, Applications or the Configuration of a device. With the current specification an Update Client cannot distinguish between these classes of software.
In some cases this distinction is required for example because a device can work without an application but not without a Firmware. For a Firmware the manufacturer database can be queried. An application might be pushed from the operator.
Additionally an Applications itself can have different types (e.g. webserver, database) and there can be multiple instances of an application.
The specification should provide the information whether the component is an Application, a Firmware or a Configuration. Additionally there should be a subclass to name different types of applications and (if multiple instances possible) a name of the instance of the software.

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Uwe Thomas

2025-03-17 09:00

manager   ~0022541

Added new enumeration SoftwareClass and new Properties SoftwareClass, SoftwareSubClass and SoftwareName to the SoftwareUpdateType.

Matthias Damm

2025-03-25 12:47

administrator   ~0022561

Review in meeting today

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-11 08:28 Uwe Thomas New Issue
2025-03-11 08:28 Uwe Thomas Status new => assigned
2025-03-11 08:28 Uwe Thomas Assigned To => Uwe Thomas
2025-03-17 09:00 Uwe Thomas Status assigned => resolved
2025-03-17 09:00 Uwe Thomas Resolution open => fixed
2025-03-17 09:00 Uwe Thomas Fixed in Version => 1.05
2025-03-17 09:00 Uwe Thomas Note Added: 0022541
2025-03-25 12:47 Matthias Damm Status resolved => closed
2025-03-25 12:47 Matthias Damm Note Added: 0022561