Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
  • 0009615: [Spec] Clarification for 'SubjectName' and 'subject in Part 6, 'subject' in Part 12 and 'subject name' in Part 18 (Randy Armstrong)
  • 0009093: [Spec] Invalid reference to definition of ExpandedNodeId in OPC 10000-6 / Missing definition of ExpandedNodeId in OPC 10000-3 (Randy Armstrong)
  • 0009155: [Spec] Client ApplicationUri should not be required to configure reverse connect on server side (Randy Armstrong)
  • 0009154: [Spec] ApplicationUri for a client in reverse connect in server (Randy Armstrong)
  • 0009153: [Spec] New string NodeId encoding is a breaking change (Randy Armstrong)
4 of 5 issue(s) resolved View Issues