Scheduled For Release 2018-09-20
  • 0007424: [Spec] PubSub JSON encoding for DataSetMessage needs reversible encoding for DataValue (Matthias Damm)
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2018-09-20
  • 0007424: [Spec] PubSub JSON encoding for DataSetMessage needs reversible encoding for DataValue (Matthias Damm)
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
  • 0007036: [Spec] Timestamp and Status in keep-alive JSON DataSetMessage not clearly specified (Matthias Damm)
  • 0007871: [Spec] JSON DataSetMessage fields Timestamp and StatusCode need clarification. (Matthias Damm)
  • 0008053: [Spec] Information in PubSubConfiguration2DataType missing in PublishSubscribeType (Matthias Damm)
  • 0008055: [Spec] No capability for Security Key management (Matthias Damm)
  • 0005800: [Spec] For the MQTT PubSub encoding, specify a gzipped version of the body/payload for huge cost savings (Matthias Damm)
  • 0007919: [Spec] DatagramDataSetReaderTransportType has wrong base type (Matthias Damm)
  • 0008054: [Spec] CloseAndUpdate is missing error code for empty ConfigurationReferences array (Matthias Damm)
7 of 7 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
15 of 15 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
18 of 18 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2021-10-19
  • 0009216: [Spec] JSON PubSubConnection definition: NetworkAddress should be excluded too. (Matthias Damm)
  • 0009217: [Spec] JSON DataSetMetaData definition should have a Timestamp (Matthias Damm)
  • 0009193: [Spec] StructureDefinition.DefaultEncodingId is not useful as described. (Matthias Damm)
  • 0008922: [Spec] Need JSON DataSetMessage option to include only minor meta data version (Matthias Damm)
  • 0008729: [Spec] How can UADP heartbeat messages be recognized? (Matthias Damm)
  • 0008474: [Spec] It is not clear what goes into DataTypeSchemaHeader fields of DataSetMetaDataType and/or UABinaryFileDataTupe (Matthias Damm)
  • 0008414: [Spec] DefaultDatagramPublisherId and related concepts need better explanation (Matthias Damm)
7 of 7 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2024-06-18
0 of 2 issue(s) resolved View Issues