10000-006: Mappings - Change Log
Released 2024-06-18
- 0010006: [Spec] Table 5 contains unused syntax rules (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009719: [Spec] Reversible/NonReversible Encoding should still be in an Appendix (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009672: [Spec] 'Bad_ResponseTooLarge' instead of 'Bad_RequestTooLarge' in AcknowledgeMessage -> MaxMessageSize (Randy Armstrong)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2024-06-18
- 0009673: [Spec] What is considered as 'fatal error'? (Randy Armstrong)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2023-07-18
- 0008663: [Spec] Multi-dimensional Array encoding in JSON is inconsistent (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009529: [Spec] IOP: Clarify if Number/UInteger/Integer in a complex type need to set AllowSubTypes (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009212: [Spec] NodeSet XML Specification (Annex F) should clarify where aliases are allowed (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009581: [Spec] WebSocket and HTTPS mapping needs updates for OpenAPI mapping for JSON messages. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009575: [Spec] Remove blanks in base-10 numbers (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009041: [Spec] (Reversible) JSON encoding of variants with default values (Randy Armstrong)
- 0005524: [Spec] No error code identified to limit size on server side of response message to be sent (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009262: [Spec] Normative BrowseNames that are not used on Types or InstanceDeclarations need to be defined. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009295: [Spec] Update required for Dimensions of Matrix Structure Field value in Opc.Ua.Types.xsd (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009349: [Spec] Update Part 6 to require the ReceiverCertificateThumbprint to be set for all ECC policies. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009047: [Spec] Self-signed certificates shall have keyCertSign but should not be CA : it is contradictory with the RFC referenced in the spec. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009304: [Spec] Unclear type for arrays in XML encoding (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009260: [Spec] XML value encoding in UANodeset for unknown XML encodingID (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009058: [Spec] Recursion in DiagnosticInfo/InnerDiagnosticInfo should be limited to lower number than 100 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009469: [Spec] QualifiedName ABNF is wrong. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009164: [Spec] Description of reversible vs non-reversible JSON encoding is unclear (Part 6, 5.4.1) (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007393: [Spec] Is there a missing type XMLElement in Opc.Ua.Types.xsd? (Randy Armstrong)
17 issues View Issues
Released 2022-09-29
- 0009226: [Spec] OPC UA 1.05 introduced interoperability issues in binary String encoding (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009093: [Spec] Invalid reference to definition of ExpandedNodeId in OPC 10000-6 / Missing definition of ExpandedNodeId in OPC 10000-3 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009082: [Spec] Clarify generation of <SymbolName> for DefaultBinary/DefaultXML nodes in csv files (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009090: [Spec] https://reference.opcfoundation.org/Core/Part6/v104/docs/F -> use of "Category" in NodeSet for 'OPCF' is not described... (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008179: [Spec] StructureDefinition.DefaultEncodingId is not useful as described. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008401: [Spec] Unclear Encoding rules for Variant of 1-dimensional matrix (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008668: [Spec] Restrictions/Transformations for field and structure names in textual encodings (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009155: [Spec] Client ApplicationUri should not be required to configure reverse connect on server side (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009154: [Spec] ApplicationUri for a client in reverse connect in server (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009153: [Spec] New string NodeId encoding is a breaking change (Randy Armstrong)
10 issues View Issues
Released 2022-06-30
- 0008165: [Spec] Unclear and/or misleading wording in the ECC Amendment - Need to Clarify Secure Channel Handshake (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008757: [Spec] Nodeset scheme UAVariable Value does not define default handling (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008950: [Spec] JSON Encoding of ExpandedNodeId - Namespace risky (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008529: [Spec] Reverse Connect: Denial of Service protection not clear (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009012: [Spec] OPC UA Binary - XmlElement encoding example is wrong (Randy Armstrong)
- 0004207: [Spec] UAMethod attribute "Executable" (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008879: [Spec] Missing conformance units and spec language for DNS resolution (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007410: [Spec] Requirements for setting ApplicationType CLIENTANDSERVER (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006720: [Spec] Simplified JSON encoding as a text string for BuiltIn types ExpandedNodeId and QualifiedName (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008940: [Spec] unclear JSON encoding for Decimal in Variant (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008511: [Spec] Section 6.4: description of UTC versus TAI time needs clarification (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008792: [Spec] Unclear and missing description about Enumerations in Variants (mainly for JSON encoding) (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008664: [Spec] Allow omitting the Symbol field of the StatusCode in JSON encoding (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007947: [Spec] Certificate Validation are missing details about the Reason in Error Message (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008442: [Spec] Clarification on BaseDataType and Structure DataType in Structures (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008724: [Spec] Need "patch" release tags in GitHub for Part 6 files that are modified between releases (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008596: [Spec] Add Statuscode Bad_RequiresLock (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007922: [Spec] Suggest adding a Good version of UncertainSubNormal (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008528: [Spec] Misplaced paragraph in "Establishing a connection" (reverse connect) (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008411: [Api Change] Schema files should have a release date / version, too (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007545: [Spec] that then -> than (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008670: [Spec] Update from OpenSSL V1.x.x (EOL(end of live) soon) to V3.x.x (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008536: [Spec] CSV file references should explicitly state that the files are UTF8 text. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008544: [Spec] Clarification for the order of fields in json objects (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008665: [Spec] Allow omitting Enumerations in the reversible JSON encoding (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008662: [Spec] StatusCode should not be treated as a NULL in JSON encoding (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008667: [Spec] Allow numeric Namespace for (Expanded)NodeId in non-reversible JSON encoding (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008710: [Spec] Add description for encoding of abstract fields of structured data types (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008441: [Spec] Clarification on AllowSubtypes field usage in UaNodeSet (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008357: [Spec] Requirement on CA Flag for self-signed certificates is a potential security risk (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008443: [Spec] Define mapping of UaNodeSet to DataTypeDefinition (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007883: [Spec] OPC UA JSON encoding has no recommendation on treatment of null values for fields of built-in types (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007448: [Spec] OpenSecureChannel Renew Issue with slow embedded devices (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007921: [Spec] Description for UncertainDataSubNormal and UncertainSubNormal are very similar (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007758: [Spec] Decimal schema in Part 6 is quite different to the XSD (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007766: [Spec] Clarification for UAInstance::ParentNodeId and validation of models (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007979: [Spec] How can a tool find out which Namespace 0 NodeSet is newer / better? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008347: [Spec] XSD Needs to be Fully Described in UANodeSet Annex (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008168: [Spec] Unclear and/or misleading wording in the ECC Amendment - SignOnly does never use the InitializationVector (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008167: [Spec] Unclear and/or misleading wording in the ECC Amendment - misleading comment on the initial LastSequenceNumber in Table 49c (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008166: [Spec] Unclear and/or misleading wording in the ECC Amendment - Masking of InitializationVector as specified does not match Code (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008164: [Spec] Unclear and/or misleading wording in the ECC Amendment - wrong AES128 encrytion key length (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008310: [Spec] - NaN specification (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008399: [Spec] Decimal inconsistent description (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007892: [Spec] OPC UA JSON Encoding DataValue Picosecond Field Names (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007891: [Spec] Non-reversible encoding of Variant and ExtensionObject described incorrectly (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007684: [Spec] Clarification needed for JWT encoding of roles (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007546: [Spec] larger value use MaxValue, smaller value use MinValue? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006384: [Spec] Conflict between UA Spec and RFC 6960 (Randy Armstrong)
49 issues View Issues
Released 2021-11-30
- 0006753: [Spec] Annex E (normative) Security settings management (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007148: [Spec] Encoding of multidimensional arrays is not clear (Randy Armstrong)
- 0005339: [Spec] DataType Field should allow abstract supertypes. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007040: [Spec] how to handle received strings containing invalid characters (Randy Armstrong)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2021-10-29
- 0007275: [Spec] Need to explain how null values work for types normally seen as non-nullable such as StatusCode. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007297: [Spec] Clarify DataTypeDefinitions when No Fields Exist. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007296: [Spec] Annex C is obsolete due to DataTypeDefinition Attribute. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007295: [Spec] Figure 12 has unexplaned Counter block in footer. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007292: [Spec] 6.7 OPC UA Secure Conversation - Algorithm Not Known when Minimum Buffer Size Negotiated (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007291: [Spec] Application Instance Certificate - Self-signed keyUsage bits need to be stated. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007277: [Spec] String - incorrect text for null terminator (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007276: [Spec] 5.1.6 ExtensionObject - need reference to AllowSubTypes flag. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007272: [Spec] References have newer versions (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007271: [Spec] DataTypeDescription and DataTypeDictionary are deprecated and should be removed from NodeSet examples (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007270: [Spec] Explain the Scope of Aliases (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007264: [Spec] UANodeSet needs to explain association with XSDs (Randy Armstrong)
12 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0009226: [Spec] OPC UA 1.05 introduced interoperability issues in binary String encoding (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009093: [Spec] Invalid reference to definition of ExpandedNodeId in OPC 10000-6 / Missing definition of ExpandedNodeId in OPC 10000-3 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009082: [Spec] Clarify generation of <SymbolName> for DefaultBinary/DefaultXML nodes in csv files (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009090: [Spec] https://reference.opcfoundation.org/Core/Part6/v104/docs/F -> use of "Category" in NodeSet for 'OPCF' is not described... (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008179: [Spec] StructureDefinition.DefaultEncodingId is not useful as described. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008401: [Spec] Unclear Encoding rules for Variant of 1-dimensional matrix (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008668: [Spec] Restrictions/Transformations for field and structure names in textual encodings (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009155: [Spec] Client ApplicationUri should not be required to configure reverse connect on server side (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009154: [Spec] ApplicationUri for a client in reverse connect in server (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009153: [Spec] New string NodeId encoding is a breaking change (Randy Armstrong)
10 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0008165: [Spec] Unclear and/or misleading wording in the ECC Amendment - Need to Clarify Secure Channel Handshake (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008757: [Spec] Nodeset scheme UAVariable Value does not define default handling (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008950: [Spec] JSON Encoding of ExpandedNodeId - Namespace risky (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008529: [Spec] Reverse Connect: Denial of Service protection not clear (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009012: [Spec] OPC UA Binary - XmlElement encoding example is wrong (Randy Armstrong)
- 0004207: [Spec] UAMethod attribute "Executable" (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008879: [Spec] Missing conformance units and spec language for DNS resolution (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007410: [Spec] Requirements for setting ApplicationType CLIENTANDSERVER (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006720: [Spec] Simplified JSON encoding as a text string for BuiltIn types ExpandedNodeId and QualifiedName (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008940: [Spec] unclear JSON encoding for Decimal in Variant (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008511: [Spec] Section 6.4: description of UTC versus TAI time needs clarification (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008792: [Spec] Unclear and missing description about Enumerations in Variants (mainly for JSON encoding) (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008664: [Spec] Allow omitting the Symbol field of the StatusCode in JSON encoding (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007947: [Spec] Certificate Validation are missing details about the Reason in Error Message (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008442: [Spec] Clarification on BaseDataType and Structure DataType in Structures (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008724: [Spec] Need "patch" release tags in GitHub for Part 6 files that are modified between releases (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008596: [Spec] Add Statuscode Bad_RequiresLock (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007922: [Spec] Suggest adding a Good version of UncertainSubNormal (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008528: [Spec] Misplaced paragraph in "Establishing a connection" (reverse connect) (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008411: [Api Change] Schema files should have a release date / version, too (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007545: [Spec] that then -> than (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008670: [Spec] Update from OpenSSL V1.x.x (EOL(end of live) soon) to V3.x.x (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008536: [Spec] CSV file references should explicitly state that the files are UTF8 text. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008544: [Spec] Clarification for the order of fields in json objects (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008665: [Spec] Allow omitting Enumerations in the reversible JSON encoding (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008662: [Spec] StatusCode should not be treated as a NULL in JSON encoding (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008667: [Spec] Allow numeric Namespace for (Expanded)NodeId in non-reversible JSON encoding (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008710: [Spec] Add description for encoding of abstract fields of structured data types (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008441: [Spec] Clarification on AllowSubtypes field usage in UaNodeSet (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008357: [Spec] Requirement on CA Flag for self-signed certificates is a potential security risk (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008443: [Spec] Define mapping of UaNodeSet to DataTypeDefinition (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007883: [Spec] OPC UA JSON encoding has no recommendation on treatment of null values for fields of built-in types (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007448: [Spec] OpenSecureChannel Renew Issue with slow embedded devices (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007921: [Spec] Description for UncertainDataSubNormal and UncertainSubNormal are very similar (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007758: [Spec] Decimal schema in Part 6 is quite different to the XSD (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007766: [Spec] Clarification for UAInstance::ParentNodeId and validation of models (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007979: [Spec] How can a tool find out which Namespace 0 NodeSet is newer / better? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008347: [Spec] XSD Needs to be Fully Described in UANodeSet Annex (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008168: [Spec] Unclear and/or misleading wording in the ECC Amendment - SignOnly does never use the InitializationVector (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008167: [Spec] Unclear and/or misleading wording in the ECC Amendment - misleading comment on the initial LastSequenceNumber in Table 49c (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008166: [Spec] Unclear and/or misleading wording in the ECC Amendment - Masking of InitializationVector as specified does not match Code (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008164: [Spec] Unclear and/or misleading wording in the ECC Amendment - wrong AES128 encrytion key length (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008310: [Spec] - NaN specification (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008399: [Spec] Decimal inconsistent description (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007892: [Spec] OPC UA JSON Encoding DataValue Picosecond Field Names (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007891: [Spec] Non-reversible encoding of Variant and ExtensionObject described incorrectly (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007684: [Spec] Clarification needed for JWT encoding of roles (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007546: [Spec] larger value use MaxValue, smaller value use MinValue? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006384: [Spec] Conflict between UA Spec and RFC 6960 (Randy Armstrong)
49 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0006753: [Spec] Annex E (normative) Security settings management (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007148: [Spec] Encoding of multidimensional arrays is not clear (Randy Armstrong)
- 0005339: [Spec] DataType Field should allow abstract supertypes. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007040: [Spec] how to handle received strings containing invalid characters (Randy Armstrong)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2021-05-20
- 0007275: [Spec] Need to explain how null values work for types normally seen as non-nullable such as StatusCode. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007297: [Spec] Clarify DataTypeDefinitions when No Fields Exist. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007296: [Spec] Annex C is obsolete due to DataTypeDefinition Attribute. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007295: [Spec] Figure 12 has unexplaned Counter block in footer. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007292: [Spec] 6.7 OPC UA Secure Conversation - Algorithm Not Known when Minimum Buffer Size Negotiated (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007291: [Spec] Application Instance Certificate - Self-signed keyUsage bits need to be stated. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007277: [Spec] String - incorrect text for null terminator (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007276: [Spec] 5.1.6 ExtensionObject - need reference to AllowSubTypes flag. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007272: [Spec] References have newer versions (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007271: [Spec] DataTypeDescription and DataTypeDictionary are deprecated and should be removed from NodeSet examples (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007270: [Spec] Explain the Scope of Aliases (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007264: [Spec] UANodeSet needs to explain association with XSDs (Randy Armstrong)
12 issues View Issues
Released 2015-01-15
- 0008370: [Spec] Requirement on CA Flag for self-signed certificates is a potential security risk (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007442: [Api Change] UANodeSet needs to explain association with XSDs (Randy Armstrong)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2015-01-15
- 0008370: [Spec] Requirement on CA Flag for self-signed certificates is a potential security risk (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007442: [Api Change] UANodeSet needs to explain association with XSDs (Randy Armstrong)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-06
- 0002913: [Spec] Deprecate all text related to WS secure conversation (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003297: [Api Change] New license related error codes added to Part 4 in 1.03 are not in code files (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003477: [Spec] Links to XML / XSD are not correct (Jim Luth)
- 0003294: [Api Change] CertificateGroupFolderType.<AdditionalGroup> (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003420: [Api Change] Add ExpirationLimit to CertificateExpirationAlarmType (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003289: [Spec] Opc.Ua.NodeSet2.xml - UAReferenceType NodeId="i=31" InverseName shall be omitted. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003125: [Spec] Editorial issues in Annex F (NodeSet) (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003104: [Spec] Explicitly allow -1 for lengths in Asymmetric Algorithm Security Header (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003103: [Spec] Remove relation from Messages to ExtensionObjects from binary encoding description (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003039: [Spec] Limit depth of recursion for variant arrays and diagnosticInfo? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002988: [Spec] Section (DateTime.Max) contains a typo for the hour (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003021: [Spec] Security Profiles should state that X509 hashes weaker than the profile requires SHALL be rejected. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003069: [Spec] XML Union + Optional Structure mappings lose information. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002923: [Spec] Annex F Information Model XML Schema –F.3 UANode – does not provide definition what kind of references must be added to UANode. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002932: [Spec] Minor typo error (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002921: [Spec] Annex F Information Model XML Schema – syntax of column „Type” in all tables must follow XML syntax or be precisely described in (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002768: [Spec] Difference for latest time between encodings (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002910: [Spec] Table 23 - Application Instance Certificate restricts use of IP Address (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002896: [Spec] Security Handshake - Figure 10 – Security Handshake Sequence graph need clarification (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002487: [Spec] Add Support for Batch Node Add/Delete Operations to UANodeSet Schema (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002741: [Spec] Add optional version field into the namespace table in the UANodeSet (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002785: [Spec] base64 encoding for DataTypeDescription needs to be accurately documented (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002543: [Spec] Do we need two references to schemas? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002814: [Spec] Add documentation tag to UANodeSet schema (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002766: [Spec] Grouping information necessary in UANodeSet (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002712: [Spec] NodeSet2 is missing references (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002705: [Spec] DataTypeDefinition: Inconsitency of table and example (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002726: [Spec] Add support for optional fields in structures (Matthias Damm)
- 0002725: [Spec] Add support for Unions (Matthias Damm)
- 0002523: [Spec] SecuredApplication Schema (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002668: [Spec] Bad_TcpUrlRejected vs Bad_TcpEndpointUrlInvalid (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002774: [Spec] The specification should explicitly state that encryption is required for OpenSecureChannel. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002799: [Spec] Mistake in Part 6 Figure 12 - WS Secure Conversation Handshake (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002819: [Spec] Improve description of the matrix dimensions array (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002787: [Spec] Incorrect reference in Part 6 Table 13 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002813: [Spec] DiagnosticInfo (Table 10) in Part 6 has different order of parameters than Part 4 and also different than the XSD (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002800: [Spec] Typos in Data Type table (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002270: 5.1.6 Variant: Clarfication of handling NULL values (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002295: Handling/Replacing of NaN with NaN should cause DataChange notifications (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002296: XmlElement parsing errors result in a rejected message - this is not good. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002277: URI syntax requirements not clear and tested (Randy Armstrong)
41 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-06
- 0002913: [Spec] Deprecate all text related to WS secure conversation (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003297: [Api Change] New license related error codes added to Part 4 in 1.03 are not in code files (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003477: [Spec] Links to XML / XSD are not correct (Jim Luth)
- 0003294: [Api Change] CertificateGroupFolderType.<AdditionalGroup> (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003420: [Api Change] Add ExpirationLimit to CertificateExpirationAlarmType (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003289: [Spec] Opc.Ua.NodeSet2.xml - UAReferenceType NodeId="i=31" InverseName shall be omitted. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003125: [Spec] Editorial issues in Annex F (NodeSet) (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003104: [Spec] Explicitly allow -1 for lengths in Asymmetric Algorithm Security Header (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003103: [Spec] Remove relation from Messages to ExtensionObjects from binary encoding description (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003039: [Spec] Limit depth of recursion for variant arrays and diagnosticInfo? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002988: [Spec] Section (DateTime.Max) contains a typo for the hour (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003021: [Spec] Security Profiles should state that X509 hashes weaker than the profile requires SHALL be rejected. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0003069: [Spec] XML Union + Optional Structure mappings lose information. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002923: [Spec] Annex F Information Model XML Schema –F.3 UANode – does not provide definition what kind of references must be added to UANode. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002932: [Spec] Minor typo error (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002921: [Spec] Annex F Information Model XML Schema – syntax of column „Type” in all tables must follow XML syntax or be precisely described in (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002768: [Spec] Difference for latest time between encodings (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002910: [Spec] Table 23 - Application Instance Certificate restricts use of IP Address (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002896: [Spec] Security Handshake - Figure 10 – Security Handshake Sequence graph need clarification (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002487: [Spec] Add Support for Batch Node Add/Delete Operations to UANodeSet Schema (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002741: [Spec] Add optional version field into the namespace table in the UANodeSet (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002785: [Spec] base64 encoding for DataTypeDescription needs to be accurately documented (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002543: [Spec] Do we need two references to schemas? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002814: [Spec] Add documentation tag to UANodeSet schema (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002766: [Spec] Grouping information necessary in UANodeSet (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002712: [Spec] NodeSet2 is missing references (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002705: [Spec] DataTypeDefinition: Inconsitency of table and example (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002726: [Spec] Add support for optional fields in structures (Matthias Damm)
- 0002725: [Spec] Add support for Unions (Matthias Damm)
- 0002523: [Spec] SecuredApplication Schema (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002668: [Spec] Bad_TcpUrlRejected vs Bad_TcpEndpointUrlInvalid (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002774: [Spec] The specification should explicitly state that encryption is required for OpenSecureChannel. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002799: [Spec] Mistake in Part 6 Figure 12 - WS Secure Conversation Handshake (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002819: [Spec] Improve description of the matrix dimensions array (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002787: [Spec] Incorrect reference in Part 6 Table 13 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002813: [Spec] DiagnosticInfo (Table 10) in Part 6 has different order of parameters than Part 4 and also different than the XSD (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002800: [Spec] Typos in Data Type table (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002270: 5.1.6 Variant: Clarfication of handling NULL values (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002295: Handling/Replacing of NaN with NaN should cause DataChange notifications (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002296: XmlElement parsing errors result in a rejected message - this is not good. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002277: URI syntax requirements not clear and tested (Randy Armstrong)
41 issues View Issues
Released 2010-06-01
- 0002504: Security Validation Tests expect wrong error codes. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002312: ExtraPadding byte should be at the end of the padding to allow decoding work. (Jim Luth)
- 0002304: Additional XML attribute for Method nodes (Jim Luth)
- 0002190: SOAP action name does not conform to Part 6 (Jim Luth)
- 0002159: Need to reference RFC 5246 for TLS instead of outdated reference. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001887: Support of different languages in xml schema (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001999: Need to be able send Certificate Chains in OpenSecureChannel Request (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002034: Typo in UA TCP HELLO and ACK protocol tables (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001893: Make 'X509 'Authority Key Identifier' extension mandatory for application instance certificates (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001865: D6 CertificateValidationOptions inheritence and priority (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001954: Autogenerate IDs for inlines defined outside of Part 4 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001864: D6 CertificateValidationOptions.DoNotTrust - is it relevent? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001912: URLs provided in annex A, B, and C do not work (Jim Luth)
- 0001941: ExtraPadding not mentioned in p.48 message structure (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001908: Add MaxAsymmetricKeyLength to Table 22 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001496: Need a File Format for Import/Export of Address Space (Randy Armstrong)
- 0000582: Picoseconds should be ignored if corresponding Timestamp is not present (Randy Armstrong)
- 0000583: Security Configuration needs to be Added to the Document (Randy Armstrong)
- 0000788: Documentation Errata : broken URLs (Randy Armstrong)
- 0000812: UA Binary Encoded XML message bodies should be InvokeServiceRequest (Randy Armstrong)
- 0000915: Description of length field in Extension Object Binary Encoding is unclear (Randy Armstrong)
- 0000953: Inconsistent security requirement (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001314: Conversion Rules between Byte[] and ByteString need to clarified. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001495: Add section Clock Synchronization and Security (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001506: Minor clarifications on ExtensionObject (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001512: UTC time and leap seconds (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001542: Complete list of StatusCode needed in Part 6 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001637: Add support for the HTTPS Profiles (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001660: Text on NULL is Variants is Wrong. Some platforms cannot preserve the distinction (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001666: Table ApplicationInstanceCertificate confusing (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001698: Vendor specific information in XML Import/Export Syntax (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001701: Specify how SecureChannels are handled for HTTPS (Matthias Damm)
- 0001737: Table 174 issuedTokenType - add a reference to define "service principal name (SPN)"? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001805: Put complex type description into XML NodeSet Schema (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001844: Potential problem with reconnecting channels when using OPC UA TCP and SecurityPolicy "None" (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001851: Import/Export Format in Annex Needs Better Explaination of Use Case (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001766: Problem with key length larger 2048 bits (Randy Armstrong)
37 issues View Issues
Released 2010-06-01
- 0002504: Security Validation Tests expect wrong error codes. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002312: ExtraPadding byte should be at the end of the padding to allow decoding work. (Jim Luth)
- 0002304: Additional XML attribute for Method nodes (Jim Luth)
- 0002190: SOAP action name does not conform to Part 6 (Jim Luth)
- 0002159: Need to reference RFC 5246 for TLS instead of outdated reference. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001887: Support of different languages in xml schema (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001999: Need to be able send Certificate Chains in OpenSecureChannel Request (Randy Armstrong)
- 0002034: Typo in UA TCP HELLO and ACK protocol tables (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001893: Make 'X509 'Authority Key Identifier' extension mandatory for application instance certificates (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001865: D6 CertificateValidationOptions inheritence and priority (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001954: Autogenerate IDs for inlines defined outside of Part 4 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001864: D6 CertificateValidationOptions.DoNotTrust - is it relevent? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001912: URLs provided in annex A, B, and C do not work (Jim Luth)
- 0001941: ExtraPadding not mentioned in p.48 message structure (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001908: Add MaxAsymmetricKeyLength to Table 22 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001496: Need a File Format for Import/Export of Address Space (Randy Armstrong)
- 0000582: Picoseconds should be ignored if corresponding Timestamp is not present (Randy Armstrong)
- 0000583: Security Configuration needs to be Added to the Document (Randy Armstrong)
- 0000788: Documentation Errata : broken URLs (Randy Armstrong)
- 0000812: UA Binary Encoded XML message bodies should be InvokeServiceRequest (Randy Armstrong)
- 0000915: Description of length field in Extension Object Binary Encoding is unclear (Randy Armstrong)
- 0000953: Inconsistent security requirement (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001314: Conversion Rules between Byte[] and ByteString need to clarified. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001495: Add section Clock Synchronization and Security (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001506: Minor clarifications on ExtensionObject (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001512: UTC time and leap seconds (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001542: Complete list of StatusCode needed in Part 6 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001637: Add support for the HTTPS Profiles (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001660: Text on NULL is Variants is Wrong. Some platforms cannot preserve the distinction (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001666: Table ApplicationInstanceCertificate confusing (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001698: Vendor specific information in XML Import/Export Syntax (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001701: Specify how SecureChannels are handled for HTTPS (Matthias Damm)
- 0001737: Table 174 issuedTokenType - add a reference to define "service principal name (SPN)"? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001805: Put complex type description into XML NodeSet Schema (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001844: Potential problem with reconnecting channels when using OPC UA TCP and SecurityPolicy "None" (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001851: Import/Export Format in Annex Needs Better Explaination of Use Case (Randy Armstrong)
- 0001766: Problem with key length larger 2048 bits (Randy Armstrong)
37 issues View Issues