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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
000816510000-006: MappingsSpecpublic2024-11-27 07:42
ReporterBernd Edlinger Assigned ToRandy Armstrong  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Fixed in Version1.05.03 RC1 
Summary0008165: Unclear and/or misleading wording in the ECC Amendment - Need to Clarify Secure Channel Handshake

I refer to this document:

In Chapter "6.8.2 Secure Channel Handshake", this is written:

"When using Authenticated Encryption, the SigningKey and EncryptingKey are
always calculated, however, only one will be used. If the mode is SignAndEncrypt
then the EncryptingKey is used. If the mode is SignOnly then the SigningKey is used."

That is okay, but we should also state that for Unauthenticated Encryption with SignOnly
we derive only the Signature Key, and which makes the Signature Key different from
the one which would be used in SignAndEncrypt, since the Salt computed in
"Step 1: Calculate Salts" is dependent on L which is the "length of derived key material".

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related to 0010039 assignedRandy Armstrong Part 6 chapter 6.8.1 Incompatible spec change for SignOnly ECC KeyDerivation 


Randy Armstrong

2022-08-03 16:02

administrator   ~0017225

Table 60 – Deriving Client Keys from Keying Material has a typo:

C – CounterLength

Need to explain what happens for unauthenticated encryption:

When using Authenticated Encryption, the SigningKey and EncryptingKey are always calculated, however, only one will be used. If the mode is SignAndEncrypt then the EncryptingKey is used. If the mode is Sign then the SigningKey is used.

When using Unauthenticated Encryption with SignOnly
we derive only the Signature Key, and which makes the Signature Key different from
the one which would be used in SignAndEncrypt, since the Salt computed in
"Step 1: Calculate Salts" is dependent on L which is the "length of derived key material".

Randy Armstrong

2022-12-29 08:01

administrator   ~0018369

Add explanation of how to calculate Salt when using SignOnly and Unauthenticated Encryption in 6.8.2.

Jim Luth

2023-01-17 17:06

administrator   ~0018528

Agreed to changes edited in web meeting,

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-07-28 11:25 Bernd Edlinger New Issue
2022-07-28 11:25 Bernd Edlinger Status new => assigned
2022-07-28 11:25 Bernd Edlinger Assigned To => Randy Armstrong
2022-07-28 12:05 Randy Armstrong Project Specifications => 10000-006: Mappings
2022-07-28 12:30 Randy Armstrong Status assigned => new
2022-08-03 16:02 Randy Armstrong Note Added: 0017225
2022-08-03 16:02 Randy Armstrong Status new => assigned
2022-12-29 08:01 Randy Armstrong Status assigned => resolved
2022-12-29 08:01 Randy Armstrong Resolution open => fixed
2022-12-29 08:01 Randy Armstrong Fixed in Version => 1.05.03 RC1
2022-12-29 08:01 Randy Armstrong Note Added: 0018369
2023-01-17 17:06 Jim Luth Status resolved => closed
2023-01-17 17:06 Jim Luth Note Added: 0018528
2024-11-27 07:42 Randy Armstrong Relationship added related to 0010039