10000-003: Address Space - Change Log
Not Yet Released
- 0010094: [Spec] Latest release (1.05.04) of part 3 contains typos in Standard types (Jeff Harding)
- 0010134: [Spec] Possible Incorrect Section Reference in Clause 4.4.1 of OPC UA Specification (Jeff Harding)
- 0009620: [Spec] "Instantiation" not defined, and instantiation of abstract reference types not really forbidden (Jeff Harding)
- 0009860: [Spec] Clarification needed for AllowNulls property (Jeff Harding)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2024-06-18
- 0009528: [Spec] 4.2 URIs: OpenSSL bug makes Tag URIs invalid as ApplicationUris (Randy Armstrong)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2023-07-18
- 0008461: [Spec] ModellingRules on Events (Jeff Harding)
- 0009302: [Spec] 4.8.2 Well Known Roles - Clarify what 'valid non-anonymous credentials' are. (Jeff Harding)
- 0009400: [Spec] Clarification needed for "AccessLevelEx" (Jeff Harding)
- 0008683: [Spec] Clarification on HasStructuredComponent for Arrays (Jeff Harding)
- 0008753: [Spec] Use of AuditEvents for non-OPC UA actions (Jeff Harding)
- 0009309: [Spec] External localization of Event Messages (Jeff Harding)
- 0009477: [Spec] [Part 4] endpointUrl in createSession document unclear (Jeff Harding)
- 0009163: [Spec] CONTROL Characters not Allowed in NodeIds, QualifiedNames and ExpandedNodeIds. (Jeff Harding)
- 0005685: [Spec] Define data sets for use in TCP Binary (Jeff Harding)
- 0009008: [Spec] MaxStringLength property for array DataVariables - clarification needed (Jeff Harding)
- 0009111: [Spec] text references for 7.23 and 4.9 (Jeff Harding)
- 0009423: [Spec] Editorial errors (Jeff Harding)
12 issues View Issues
Released 2022-09-29
- 0008194: [Spec] 4.8.2 Well Known Roles - Clarify what 'valid non-anonymous credentials' are. (Jeff Harding)
- 0009272: [Spec] Clarification for permission flags for nodes (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009073: [Spec] Detail clarification needed for DefaultEncodingId in StructureDefinition (Jeff Harding)
- 0009088: [Spec] Description of "BrowsePath" is not clear (Jeff Harding)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2022-06-30
- 0008712: [Spec] Error in the diagrams in (Figure 14 and Figure 21) (Jeff Harding)
- 0008953: [Spec] Section 6.4: description of UTC versus TAI time needs clarification (Jeff Harding)
- 0008008: [Spec] Need clarification that a NULL DataType Attribute is not allowed in Variable and VariableType nodes (Jeff Harding)
- 0008259: [Spec] Our URN syntax is probably not correct (Randy Armstrong)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2022-06-29
- 0008300: [Spec] Various issues on OptionSet DataType (Jeff Harding)
- 0008307: [Spec] Wrong connector for "HasProperty" reference in interface hierarchy diagram (10000-3 4.9.2 Figure11) used. (Jeff Harding)
- 0008200: [Spec] 4.8 Roles 4.8.1Overview - Wrong reference to Part 5 - should be Part 18 now. (Jeff Harding)
- 0008196: [Spec] Clause reference is wrong (Jeff Harding)
- 0006490: [Spec] Clarification needed for 8.40 OptionSet DataType (Jeff Harding)
- 0006393: [Api Change] typos and wording in interface definition, in Amendement 7 (Jeff Harding)
- 0006492: [Spec] 4.8.1 Required permissions for the configuration client are not specified. (Jeff Harding)
- 0006493: [Spec] 4.8 No mention of session-less requests (Jeff Harding)
- 0007824: [Spec] Roles Object is mendtionied (Jeff Harding)
9 issues View Issues
Released 2022-03-30
- 0007828: [Spec] Disallow sharing of InstanceDeclarations between TypeDefinitions (Wolfgang Mahnke)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2022-02-23
- 0007143: [Spec] Non-Volatile Storage (Jim Luth)
- 0006700: [Spec] Identification if a Value is Constant (Jim Luth)
- 0007606: [Spec] HierarchicalReferences inverseName (Jeff Harding)
- 0006654: [Api Change] Release 1.04. Part 3 Chapter 8.55 Clarify if Permission Bit ReadHistoryEvent is needed or describe ReadHistory for events (Jeff Harding)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2021-10-29
- 0006986: [Spec] Description of arrayDimensions in StructureField incorrect, and wording can be improved of paragraph (Jeff Harding)
1 issue View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0008194: [Spec] 4.8.2 Well Known Roles - Clarify what 'valid non-anonymous credentials' are. (Jeff Harding)
- 0009272: [Spec] Clarification for permission flags for nodes (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009073: [Spec] Detail clarification needed for DefaultEncodingId in StructureDefinition (Jeff Harding)
- 0009088: [Spec] Description of "BrowsePath" is not clear (Jeff Harding)
4 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0008712: [Spec] Error in the diagrams in (Figure 14 and Figure 21) (Jeff Harding)
- 0008953: [Spec] Section 6.4: description of UTC versus TAI time needs clarification (Jeff Harding)
- 0008008: [Spec] Need clarification that a NULL DataType Attribute is not allowed in Variable and VariableType nodes (Jeff Harding)
- 0008259: [Spec] Our URN syntax is probably not correct (Randy Armstrong)
4 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0008300: [Spec] Various issues on OptionSet DataType (Jeff Harding)
- 0008307: [Spec] Wrong connector for "HasProperty" reference in interface hierarchy diagram (10000-3 4.9.2 Figure11) used. (Jeff Harding)
- 0008200: [Spec] 4.8 Roles 4.8.1Overview - Wrong reference to Part 5 - should be Part 18 now. (Jeff Harding)
- 0008196: [Spec] Clause reference is wrong (Jeff Harding)
- 0006490: [Spec] Clarification needed for 8.40 OptionSet DataType (Jeff Harding)
- 0006393: [Api Change] typos and wording in interface definition, in Amendement 7 (Jeff Harding)
- 0006492: [Spec] 4.8.1 Required permissions for the configuration client are not specified. (Jeff Harding)
- 0006493: [Spec] 4.8 No mention of session-less requests (Jeff Harding)
- 0007824: [Spec] Roles Object is mendtionied (Jeff Harding)
9 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0007828: [Spec] Disallow sharing of InstanceDeclarations between TypeDefinitions (Wolfgang Mahnke)
1 issue View Issues
Not Yet Released
- 0007143: [Spec] Non-Volatile Storage (Jim Luth)
- 0006700: [Spec] Identification if a Value is Constant (Jim Luth)
- 0007606: [Spec] HierarchicalReferences inverseName (Jeff Harding)
- 0006654: [Api Change] Release 1.04. Part 3 Chapter 8.55 Clarify if Permission Bit ReadHistoryEvent is needed or describe ReadHistory for events (Jeff Harding)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2021-05-20
- 0006986: [Spec] Description of arrayDimensions in StructureField incorrect, and wording can be improved of paragraph (Jeff Harding)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2021-05-20
- 0007355: [Spec] OptionSet with <= 64 bits on wire (Jeff Harding)
- 0006941: [Spec] No reference to specifiation for URI (Jeff Harding)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2021-05-20
- 0007355: [Spec] OptionSet with <= 64 bits on wire (Jeff Harding)
- 0006941: [Spec] No reference to specifiation for URI (Jeff Harding)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-06
- 0007909: [Api Change] Clarification on NamingRule and usage of MandatoryPlaceholder / OptionalPlaceholder on Methods (Jim Luth)
- 0002998: [Spec] 8.33 Structure: inheritence rules inconsistent? (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0003015: [Spec] Inverse references from DataTypeDescriptions to DataTypeEncoding are optional (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0003016: [Spec] 5.8.4 DataTypeDictionary, DataTypeDescription, DataTypeEncoding and DataTypeSystem (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002982: [Spec] Add MaxByteStringLength property to Variable NodeClass properties (Matthias Damm)
- 0002852: [Spec] C.4 Type Description Examples: 128-bit signed integer is a bad example? (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002064: [Spec] Suppoort for Date Datatype (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002063: [Spec] Support for a Time datatype (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002065: [Spec] Support for Durration (full not just millisecond) (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002075: [Spec] Support for DecimalString as a base data type (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002215: [Spec] Add support for NormalizedString Datatype (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002848: [Spec] 7.7 HasComponent: Confusing definition of Source/Target rules (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002842: [Spec] 5.2.4 BrowseName: Case Sensitivity of BrowseName is Required? (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002601: [Spec] 5.6.2 Variable NodeClass MaxArrayLength to apply to ByteString? (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002727: [Spec] Add Union data type as subtype of structure (Matthias Damm)
- 0002834: [Spec] Description of EnumValueType is confusing (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002427: [Spec] Use Enumerations for Flags (Matthias Damm)
- 0002600: [Spec] How to detect that status and timestamp is writable (Matthias Damm)
- 0002247: PropertyChangeEventType is in Figure 26 but it is not mentioned in the text anywhere. (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002514: Graphical notation too restrictive (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002485: ReferenceTypes Figure typos (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002451: Standard ModellingRules Example: Missing combination (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002433: Subtyping example: Wrong ReferenceType in tables (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002432: Subtyping example: node with wrong NodeClass (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002374: Invalid use of complex datatype or complex data type (Wolfgang Mahnke)
25 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-06
- 0007909: [Api Change] Clarification on NamingRule and usage of MandatoryPlaceholder / OptionalPlaceholder on Methods (Jim Luth)
- 0002998: [Spec] 8.33 Structure: inheritence rules inconsistent? (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0003015: [Spec] Inverse references from DataTypeDescriptions to DataTypeEncoding are optional (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0003016: [Spec] 5.8.4 DataTypeDictionary, DataTypeDescription, DataTypeEncoding and DataTypeSystem (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002982: [Spec] Add MaxByteStringLength property to Variable NodeClass properties (Matthias Damm)
- 0002852: [Spec] C.4 Type Description Examples: 128-bit signed integer is a bad example? (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002064: [Spec] Suppoort for Date Datatype (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002063: [Spec] Support for a Time datatype (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002065: [Spec] Support for Durration (full not just millisecond) (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002075: [Spec] Support for DecimalString as a base data type (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002215: [Spec] Add support for NormalizedString Datatype (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002848: [Spec] 7.7 HasComponent: Confusing definition of Source/Target rules (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002842: [Spec] 5.2.4 BrowseName: Case Sensitivity of BrowseName is Required? (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002601: [Spec] 5.6.2 Variable NodeClass MaxArrayLength to apply to ByteString? (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002727: [Spec] Add Union data type as subtype of structure (Matthias Damm)
- 0002834: [Spec] Description of EnumValueType is confusing (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002427: [Spec] Use Enumerations for Flags (Matthias Damm)
- 0002600: [Spec] How to detect that status and timestamp is writable (Matthias Damm)
- 0002247: PropertyChangeEventType is in Figure 26 but it is not mentioned in the text anywhere. (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002514: Graphical notation too restrictive (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002485: ReferenceTypes Figure typos (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002451: Standard ModellingRules Example: Missing combination (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002433: Subtyping example: Wrong ReferenceType in tables (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002432: Subtyping example: node with wrong NodeClass (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002374: Invalid use of complex datatype or complex data type (Wolfgang Mahnke)
25 issues View Issues
Released 2010-06-01
- 0001818: Suggestion for binary type schema (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002078: UTCTime dataType - (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000951: Additional enumeration requirements (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001406: Current specification(s) is silent on case sensitivity of address space (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001547: Add properties MaxArrayDimensions and MaxStringLength (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001714: Add wording to Describe the Intent that NodeIds survive reboot (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001804: Cardinality (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001749: Add optional EngineeringUnit property (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001699: false bit range (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000801: Clarifying figures 24 + 25 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001684: TimeZoneDataType does not allow negative offset (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001567: NodeId stability in an instance declarator for the TypeDefinition (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001643: Need to Fix References to Remove Version Numbers (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001563: UTC time and leap seconds (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001557: Define ServiceProgressEventType containing SessionId and SecquenceNumber of RequestHeader in Part 3/5 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001554: ModelParent should be Removed (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001255: Clarifications regarding connection problems to underlying system (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000606: Define subtyping rules for enumerations (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001493: Clarify meaning of scalar (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001253: Clarify ModelChange events (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000876: Definition of Enumeration DataType does not allow to assign values (Wolfgang Mahnke)
21 issues View Issues
Released 2010-06-01
- 0001818: Suggestion for binary type schema (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0002078: UTCTime dataType - (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000951: Additional enumeration requirements (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001406: Current specification(s) is silent on case sensitivity of address space (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001547: Add properties MaxArrayDimensions and MaxStringLength (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001714: Add wording to Describe the Intent that NodeIds survive reboot (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001804: Cardinality (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001749: Add optional EngineeringUnit property (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001699: false bit range (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000801: Clarifying figures 24 + 25 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001684: TimeZoneDataType does not allow negative offset (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001567: NodeId stability in an instance declarator for the TypeDefinition (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001643: Need to Fix References to Remove Version Numbers (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001563: UTC time and leap seconds (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001557: Define ServiceProgressEventType containing SessionId and SecquenceNumber of RequestHeader in Part 3/5 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001554: ModelParent should be Removed (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001255: Clarifications regarding connection problems to underlying system (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000606: Define subtyping rules for enumerations (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001493: Clarify meaning of scalar (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0001253: Clarify ModelChange events (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000876: Definition of Enumeration DataType does not allow to assign values (Wolfgang Mahnke)
21 issues View Issues
Released 2009-02-09
- 0000268: Potential Name Conflict with Optional Nodes (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000103: Variables cannot always support every DataType encoding. (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000195: Clarify the purpose of the executable attribute on methods (Randy Armstrong)
- 0000046: UA Modelling Language (the KWR Notation :-) (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000386: DataType should be added to Terms section (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000437: Typos in Chapter 6 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000436: Typo in Table 36 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000394: DataType of DictionaryFragment Property (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000388: Small error is sample in section (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000387: WriteMask for Value Attribute on VariableType (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000378: Clarification on Organizes ReferenceType (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000442: Need to clarify meaning of forward and inverse for symmetric references. (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000375: Event requirements for Server node may be too strict. (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000538: GeneratesEvent and MustGenerateEvent (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000540: Change TimeZone and DaylightSavingTime Properties to allign with Event handling (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000551: Cleanup NodeId Definition (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000552: UML diagram naming convention (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000568: TimeZoneInfo conflicts with a .NET 3.5 built-in type (Wolfgang Mahnke)
18 issues View Issues
Released 2009-02-09
- 0000268: Potential Name Conflict with Optional Nodes (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000103: Variables cannot always support every DataType encoding. (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000195: Clarify the purpose of the executable attribute on methods (Randy Armstrong)
- 0000046: UA Modelling Language (the KWR Notation :-) (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000386: DataType should be added to Terms section (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000437: Typos in Chapter 6 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000436: Typo in Table 36 (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000394: DataType of DictionaryFragment Property (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000388: Small error is sample in section (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000387: WriteMask for Value Attribute on VariableType (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000378: Clarification on Organizes ReferenceType (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000442: Need to clarify meaning of forward and inverse for symmetric references. (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000375: Event requirements for Server node may be too strict. (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000538: GeneratesEvent and MustGenerateEvent (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000540: Change TimeZone and DaylightSavingTime Properties to allign with Event handling (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000551: Cleanup NodeId Definition (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000552: UML diagram naming convention (Wolfgang Mahnke)
- 0000568: TimeZoneInfo conflicts with a .NET 3.5 built-in type (Wolfgang Mahnke)
18 issues View Issues