View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009646CTT UA Scripts3 - Feature Requestpublic2024-12-30 06:25
ReporterYannik Klaass Assigned ToYannik Klaass  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Fixed in Version1.03.509 
Summary0009646: PubSub updates needed to utilize new UADP message send/receieve mechanism

The scripts for UAFX, PubSub and CTT settings need to be updated to be compatible with the latest binary changes regarding a new UADP message send/receive mechanism, which allows PubSub security and the PubSub Trace window to be implemented.
Eventually, the PubSub scripts need to be updated including the follwing:

  • Implement the use of PubSub security mechanisms using the embedded server as SKS, along with security related test cases 007+008 in PubSub Publisher UADP Periodic Fixed Settings.
  • Reload PubSubConfig where the embedded server is currently restarted (for performance reasons)
  • As changes come with string field support, make use of string field support

Additionally the new global settings for the embedded server "/Advanced/Embedded Server Port", "/Advanced/Embedded Server Certificate" and "/Advanced/Embedded Server Private Key" shall be added to the CTT settings.

TagsNo tags attached.
Files Affected

/library/OPC UA FX/Base.js
/maintree/OPC UA FX/UAFX AutomationComponent Base/Test Cases/006.js
/maintree/OPC UA FX/UAFX AutomationComponent Base/Test Cases/007.js
/maintree/OPC UA FX/UAFX AutomationComponent Base/Test Cases/008.js
/maintree/OPC UA FX/UAFX AutomationComponent Base/Test Cases/009.js
/maintree/OPC UA FX/UAFX AutomationComponent Base/Test Cases/010.js
/maintree/OPC UA FX/UAFX AutomationComponent Base/Test Cases/011.js
/maintree/OPC UA FX/UAFX AutomationComponent Base/Test Cases/Err-001.js
/maintree/OPC UA FX/UAFX AutomationComponent Base/Test Cases/Err-003.js
/maintree/OPC UA FX/UAFX AutomationComponent MaxConnections/Test Cases/Err-001.js
/maintree/OPC UA FX/UAFX AutomationComponent MaxConnectionsPerCall/Test Cases/003.js
/maintree/OPC UA FX/UAFX AutomationComponent MaxConnectionsPerCall/Test Cases/Err-001.js
/maintree/OPC UA FX/UAFX ControlGroup Methods/Test Cases/007.js
/maintree/OPC UA FX/UAFX ControlGroup Methods/Test Cases/009.js
/maintree/OPC UA FX/UAFX Input Datatype Support/Test Cases/003.js
/maintree/OPC UA FX/UAFX Input Datatype Support/Test Cases/005.js
/maintree/OPC UA FX/UAFX Preconfigured PublishedDataSet/Test Cases/003.js
/maintree/OPC UA FX/UAFX Preconfigured SubscribedDataset/Test Cases/003.js
/maintree/PubSub General/PubSub Publisher UADP chunking/Test Cases/cleanup.js
/maintree/PubSub General/PubSub Publisher UADP chunking/Test Cases/initialize.js
/maintree/PubSub General/PubSub Publisher UADP Defined Ordering/Test Cases/cleanup.js
/maintree/PubSub General/PubSub Publisher UADP Defined Ordering/Test Cases/initialize.js
/maintree/PubSub General/PubSub Publisher UADP Periodic Fixed Settings/Test Cases/cleanup.js
/maintree/PubSub General/PubSub Publisher UADP Periodic Fixed Settings/Test Cases/initialize.js
/maintree/PubSub General/PubSub Publisher UADP Periodic Fixed Settings/Test Cases/Test_001.js
/maintree/PubSub General/PubSub Publisher UADP Periodic Fixed Settings/Test Cases/Test_002.js
/maintree/PubSub General/PubSub Publisher UADP Periodic Fixed Settings/Test Cases/Test_003.js
/maintree/PubSub General/PubSub Publisher UADP Periodic Fixed Settings/Test Cases/Test_004.js
/maintree/PubSub General/PubSub Publisher UADP Periodic Fixed Settings/Test Cases/Test_007.js
/maintree/PubSub General/PubSub Publisher UADP Periodic Fixed Settings/Test Cases/Test_008.js
/maintree/PubSub General/PubSub Publisher UADP Periodic Fixed Settings/Test Cases/Test_013.js
/maintree/PubSub General/PubSub Publisher UADP Periodic Fixed Settings/Test Cases/Test_014.js
/maintree/PubSub General/PubSub Publisher UADP Periodic Fixed Settings/Test Cases/Test_017.js
/maintree/PubSub General/PubSub Publisher UADP Periodic Fixed Settings/Test Cases/Test_019.js


Yannik Klaass

2024-11-26 10:51

developer   ~0022125

  • Applying PubSub Security changes using embedded server as SKS (including UAFX)
  • Rewriting UADPMessageDissector and other scripts to use CttPubSubTraceNetworkMessage objects instead of NetworkMessage objects, utilize security functions, and do field decoding by stack
  • Rewriting PubSubUtilities to use new message cache. Updating CollectNetworkMessageData() method to use PubSub Trace and adding improvements (Drop self received messages)
  • Adding method UaOpcServer.ReloadPubSubConfig()
  • Replacing occurrences of UaOpcServer.restartServer() with UaOpcServer.ReloadPubSubConfig() to refresh the PubSubConfig
  • Adding PubSub String support
  • Implementing TCs 007+008 of CU 'PubSub Publisher UADP Periodic Fixed Settings'
  • Adding embedded server settings:
    • "/Advanced/Embedded Server Port"
    • "/Advanced/Embedded Server Certificate"
    • "/Advanced/Embedded Server Private Key"
  • Adding SecurityMode, SecurityPolicyUri as argument in UaOpcServer.Connect(), and using configured server certificate and port

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-07-08 08:13 Yannik Klaass New Issue
2024-07-08 08:13 Yannik Klaass Status new => assigned
2024-07-08 08:13 Yannik Klaass Assigned To => Yannik Klaass
2024-11-25 14:59 Yannik Klaass Files Affected => /library/Base/settings.js
2024-11-26 10:24 Yannik Klaass Files Affected /library/Base/settings.js
=> /library/Base/settings.js
/library/OPC UA FX/Base.js
/maintree/OPC UA FX/UAFX AutomationComponent Base/Test Cases…
2024-11-26 10:51 Yannik Klaass Status assigned => resolved
2024-11-26 10:51 Yannik Klaass Resolution open => fixed
2024-11-26 10:51 Yannik Klaass Note Added: 0022125
2024-12-30 06:25 Paul Hunkar Status resolved => closed
2024-12-30 06:25 Paul Hunkar Fixed in Version => 1.03.509