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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009626CTT UA Binary3 - Feature Requestpublic2025-01-30 16:38
ReporterArchie Miller Assigned ToArchie Miller  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Fixed in Version1.11.0.411 
Summary0009626: Improvements for launch aml test parameters - Binary

Add a timeout parameter for calling the AmlConsoleTestApplication process.

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Paul Hunkar

2025-01-30 16:38

administrator   ~0022354

was released as part of last released - missed closing issue

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-06-27 15:39 Archie Miller New Issue
2024-06-27 15:47 Archie Miller Summary Create a mechanism for validating an AutomationML Container - Binary => Improvements for launch aml test parameters - Binary
2024-06-27 15:47 Archie Miller Description Updated
2024-06-27 15:55 Archie Miller Assigned To => Archie Miller
2024-06-27 15:55 Archie Miller Status new => resolved
2024-06-27 15:55 Archie Miller Resolution open => fixed
2025-01-30 16:37 Paul Hunkar Project Compliance Test Tool (CTT) Unified Architecture => CTT UA Binary
2025-01-30 16:38 Paul Hunkar Status resolved => closed
2025-01-30 16:38 Paul Hunkar Fixed in Version =>
2025-01-30 16:38 Paul Hunkar Note Added: 0022354