View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
000504830020: MDISDocumentation Erratapublic2025-01-16 15:23
ReporterJürgen Veidt Assigned ToPaul Hunkar  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Fixed in Version1.3 
Summary0005048: Nodeset2.xml link in specification points to outdated file

Companion Specification
Release 1.2
October 3, 2018

Page 89:

There is a newer version on github
In the github version the UaMethods (...Type) without parent seem to be removed.

TagsNo tags attached.


Jürgen Veidt

2019-09-16 13:03

reporter   ~0010989

PublicationDate Attribute is missing on the MDIS Model element (Thanks for indicating, Randy).

Paul Hunkar

2022-09-03 06:49

manager   ~0017508

The 1.03 version will be the master (the link is the correct version as published by the MDIS organization) for 1.03 the github version will be updated to ensure both match.

Paul Hunkar

2023-08-08 02:30

manager   ~0019847

Version 1.3 has been release and has the correct nodeset reference and correct nodeset

Paul Hunkar

2025-01-16 15:23

manager   ~0022294

Agreed to changes, closed issue

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-09-16 11:48 Jürgen Veidt New Issue
2019-09-16 13:03 Jürgen Veidt Note Added: 0010989
2020-03-18 13:04 Paul Hunkar Assigned To => Paul Hunkar
2020-03-18 13:04 Paul Hunkar Status new => assigned
2022-09-03 06:49 Paul Hunkar Note Added: 0017508
2023-08-08 02:30 Paul Hunkar Status assigned => resolved
2023-08-08 02:30 Paul Hunkar Resolution open => fixed
2023-08-08 02:30 Paul Hunkar Fixed in Version => 1.3
2023-08-08 02:30 Paul Hunkar Note Added: 0019847
2025-01-16 15:23 Paul Hunkar Status resolved => closed
2025-01-16 15:23 Paul Hunkar Note Added: 0022294