NodeSets, XSDs and Generated Code - Change Log
Released 2024-06-18
- 0009555: [Implementation Bug] Base type of TrustListUpdatedAuditEventType ambigous (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008640: [Feature Request] Normative BrowseNames that are not used on Types or InstanceDeclarations need to be defined. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009685: [Documentation Errata] Typo in the Nodeset XML (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009442: [Implementation Bug] The optional method CreateCredential method of the KeyCredentialConfiguration object instance is missing (Randy Armstrong)
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Released 2023-07-18
- 0009515: [Implementation Bug] Typo in StatusCode.csv (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009428: [Implementation Bug] Permissions of the SecurityGroups instance (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007641: [Implementation Bug] Many identifiers in opcua_identifiers.h and Opc.Ua.Constants.cs not defined in nodeset (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009382: [Spec] NodeSet contains MinimumSamplingInterval for a couple of Variables (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008758: [Feature Request] RolePermissions and AccesRestrictions missing in Nodeset (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009375: [Spec] ApplicationsExclude and EndpointsExclude for WellKnown Roles have wrong AccessLevel (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009390: [IOP Problem] opcua_identifiers.h is missing OpcUaId_Server_ServerRedundancy_RedundantServerArray (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009316: [Implementation Bug] Server Object is missing permissions (Randy Armstrong)
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Released 2022-09-29
- 0009052: [Implementation Bug] NodeSet does not match specification (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009245: [Api Change] Handling of optional methods (variables) not implemented but imported from nodeset (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008437: [IOP Problem] Missing identifiers for new PublishSubscribe PubSubCapablities properties (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008430: [Implementation Bug] Undefined object in nodeset Server > DataSetClasses (of type PublishSubscribeType) (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008951: [Api Change] NonTransparent Hot+PM: Increase information about redundant servers (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008939: [Implementation Bug] Description text should not be padded with white space (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008721: [Documentation Errata] Bad_TimestampNotSupported - error description needs update (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008517: [Api Change] How can a tool find out which Namespace 0 NodeSet is newer / better? (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008933: [Implementation Bug] BadLocaleNotSupported status code has no number assigned (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008740: [Api Change] New status code for ActivateSession if user password change is required (Randy Armstrong)
- 0009244: [Api Change] AuditClientUpdateMethodResultEventType data types for arguments is broken (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008020: [Spec] FilterOperand should be abstract (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008363: [Implementation Bug] PubSubConfigurationType::ReserveIds Method arguments do not match specification (Randy Armstrong)
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Released 2022-06-30
- 0008518: [Api Change] Missing Statuscode for Index Range not compatible with data to write (Randy Armstrong)
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Released 2022-06-29
- 0007753: [Feature Request] Schema files should have a release date / version, too (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008385: [Spec] Different role names in Part 14 and nodeset for SecurityKeyServerAccess (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008349: [Spec] Various issues on OptionSet DataType (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008273: [Spec] GoodEntryReplace and GoodMoreData have same description in CSV file (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007475: [IOP Problem] Missing instance nodes for PublishSubscribe object (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008163: [Api Change] Error to return is not defined if someone tries to write a locked variable (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007752: [Implementation Bug] Opc.Ua.Types.xsd: nillable="true" only for nullable types (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008121: [Api Change] CloseAndUpdate, AddCertificate and RemoveCertificate were made Optional - a breaking change (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008098: [Spec] IdentityMappingRuleType should not be abstract (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007920: [Implementation Bug] DatagramDataSetReaderTransportType has wrong base type (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008068: [Spec] Support ConditionClassId and ConditionSubClassId feature for BaseEventType (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007759: [Api Change] PasswordOptionsMask missing support flags for features in UserConfigurationMask (Matthias Damm)
- 0007749: [Implementation Bug] Wrong signature of UserManagementType::ChangePassword, ModifyUser, RemoveUser methods (Randy Armstrong)
- 0008343: [Spec] Unspecified value for DayOfWeek (Randy Armstrong)
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Released 2022-02-23
- 0007441: [Api Change] UANodeSet needs to explain association with XSDs (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007335: [Api Change] Part 22 should define references showing the relationship between network layers and the usage of priority mapping tables. (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007332: [Api Change] Add base object types for network interfaces (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007439: [Implementation Bug] NodeIds.csv contains never used identifier in 1.05.0 release (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007436: [Implementation Bug] opcua_browsenames.h and Opc.Ua.Constants.cs contain undefined names in 1.05.0 release (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007437: [Implementation Bug] Undefined nodes in 1.05.0 nodeset (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007487: [IOP Problem] Missing instance node for standard Role objects (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007640: [Implementation Bug] Undefined nodes in 1.05.01 nodeset (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007612: [Implementation Bug] A lot of categories got removed from latest 1.05.01 nodeset (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007419: [Implementation Bug] PubSubConfiguration2DataType is a subtype of PubSubConfigurationDataType (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007464: [Implementation Bug] Opc.Ua.Types.bsd different in 1.04.10 and 1.05.0 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007610: [Documentation Errata] Version information should be 1.05.01 and not 1.05.1 (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007611: [Documentation Errata] Wrong ReleaseStatus for ConfigurationVersion property of NamespaceMetaDataType (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007334: [Api Change] VLAN-based networking must be supported (Randy Armstrong)
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Released 2021-11-30
- 0007273: [Api Change] UANodeSet needs to explain association with XSDs (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006979: [Api Change] SystemOffNormalAlarmType was inteded for direct use but IsAbstract is True (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006896: [Api Change] Provide Generic Non-Hierarchical Reference in OPC UA Core Specfiications (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006978: [Api Change] Add capability to provide a semantic version for SoftwareRevision (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007392: [Api Change] Additional standard roles (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007386: [Api Change] The severity of a limit Alarm (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007385: [Api Change] Alarm Deadband needs to be added to all limit and deviation alarms (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007384: [Api Change] Missing reliable way to reflect file changes on the client side (Randy Armstrong)
- 0004895: [Feature Request] Validator Needs to Check for AccessLevels (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007142: [Api Change] OPC UA Part 9. Alarm shelving methods should support "Comment" parameter (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007211: [Api Change] Clarify missing RolePermissions element (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007050: [Api Change] TypeDictionary in Opc.Ua.NodeSet2.xml (2021-01-21T00:00:00Z, 1.04.9) does not define DataTypeDefinition (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007117: [Implementation Bug] Inconsistency between specification and NodeSet schema regarding type of AccessRestrictions (Randy Armstrong)
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Released 2021-10-29
- 0006548: [Implementation Bug] Wrong BrowserName in standard NodeSet2.xml for Server_ServerRedundancy components (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006546: [Api Change] All conformance units a server supports should be listed in an array under the Server node (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007212: [Api Change] AccessRestrictions for UANode in XML Schema should not have a default value (Randy Armstrong)
- 0004967: [Feature Request] Relating NodeSetFile content to Profiles (Randy Armstrong)
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Released 2021-05-20
- 0007389: [Api Change] Add support for server user management (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006181: [Api Change] Validator: Source Path and Target Path (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006182: [Api Change] Validator: Additional Attributes table (Randy Armstrong)
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Not Yet Released
- 0007440: [Implementation Bug] Undefined nodes in 1.04.10 nodeset (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007429: [Implementation Bug] Various Part 9 Inconsistencies (Randy Armstrong)
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Released 2015-01-15
- 0007440: [Implementation Bug] Undefined nodes in 1.04.10 nodeset (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007429: [Implementation Bug] Various Part 9 Inconsistencies (Randy Armstrong)
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Released 2013-08-06
- 0003909: [Api Change] Wrong BrowseName for EventQueueOverflowCount (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006549: [Implementation Bug] Wrong BrowserName in standard NodeSet2.xml for Server_ServerRedundancy components (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007052: [Implementation Bug] Properties on DataTypes have ModelingRules (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006232: [Implementation Bug] Wrong structure of ServerRedundancy node in Opc.Ua.NodeSet2.xml (Randy Armstrong)
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Not Yet Released
- 0003909: [Api Change] Wrong BrowseName for EventQueueOverflowCount (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006549: [Implementation Bug] Wrong BrowserName in standard NodeSet2.xml for Server_ServerRedundancy components (Randy Armstrong)
- 0007052: [Implementation Bug] Properties on DataTypes have ModelingRules (Randy Armstrong)
- 0006232: [Implementation Bug] Wrong structure of ServerRedundancy node in Opc.Ua.NodeSet2.xml (Randy Armstrong)
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