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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009531CTT UA Scripts4 - Test Case Definitionpublic2024-11-24 07:20
ReporterStephanie Ackermann Assigned ToSebastian Allmendinger  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Fixed in Version1.03.509 
Summary0009531: Historical Access Read Raw / Err-014.js: Fehler bei korrekter Ausführung (ContinuationPoint for Browse)

Bei diesem Testfall wird für eine History-Variable ein Browse-Aufruf zur Abfrage der Referenzen gemacht. Dabei wird die Anzahl der zurückgegebenen Referenzen auf 1 beschränkt. Wird dieser Testfall für eine Variable ausgeführt, welche nur eine Referenz besitzt wird ein Fehler angezeigt, da hier ein ContinuationPoint erwartet wird, welcher nicht zurückkommt, da die Variable alle ihre Referenzen zurückgegeben hat.
Es ist bei diesem Testfall nicht ersichtlich, dass er nur mit einer Variablen, welche mehr als 1 Referenz hat ausgeführt werden soll.

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err-014.png (40,923 bytes)   
err-014.png (40,923 bytes)   
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Paul Hunkar

2024-06-03 12:14

administrator   ~0021255

Last edited: 2024-06-03 12:15

Translation - In this test case, a browse call is made for a history variable to query the references. The number of references returned is limited to 1. If this test case is executed for a variable that only has one reference, an error is displayed because a ContinuationPoint is expected here, which does not come back because the variable has returned all of its references.
It is not clear from this test case that it should only be executed with a variable that has more than 1 reference.

Sebastian Allmendinger

2024-07-18 09:30

developer   ~0021479

Two changes have been done to the test script to ensure that a ContinuationPoint is available:
1) The BrowseDirection has been changed from 'Forward' to 'Both'. This should trigger a ContinuationPoint in most of the servers, because of the hierarchical inverse reference and the forward HasTypeDefinition reference.
2) If still no ContinuationPoint is returned by the server, the CTT tries to use the node that is configured in the CTT-Setting for 'Has3ForwardReferences'.

Paul Hunkar

2024-11-24 07:20

administrator   ~0022108

Reviewed updates, agreed to change and closed issue

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-04-29 11:03 Stephanie Ackermann New Issue
2024-04-29 11:03 Stephanie Ackermann File Added: err-014.png
2024-06-03 12:14 Paul Hunkar Note Added: 0021255
2024-06-03 12:15 Paul Hunkar Note Edited: 0021255
2024-07-04 16:14 Paul Hunkar Assigned To => Sebastian Allmendinger
2024-07-04 16:14 Paul Hunkar Status new => assigned
2024-07-12 15:55 Paul Hunkar Project CTT UA Test Case => CTT UA Scripts
2024-07-18 09:30 Sebastian Allmendinger Note Added: 0021479
2024-07-18 09:30 Sebastian Allmendinger Status assigned => resolved
2024-07-18 09:30 Sebastian Allmendinger Resolution open => fixed
2024-11-24 07:20 Paul Hunkar Status resolved => closed
2024-11-24 07:20 Paul Hunkar Fixed in Version => 1.03.509
2024-11-24 07:20 Paul Hunkar Note Added: 0022108