Created PubSub-related classes for Scriptengine (classes in scriptengine/PubSubBaseTypes and scriptengine/PubSubModuleTypes)
Adding Publisher view by duplicating what is available for the client trace and modifying the necessary elements
Adding new project types for Publisher and Subscriber
Adding PubSub specific filter dialogs
Adding PubSubManagerClass including functions to setup a basic PubSub server
Implementing classes to enable the CTT to serialize/deserialize ExtensionObjects with StructureDefinitions that can be learned at runtime
Modifying handling of unknown ExtensionObject.TypeId in the InputArguments of the CttSessionClass::call method to also handle ExtensionObjectArrays
Adding new elements to ProxyStubConfiguration to avoid crash
Updating the PubSubManager class to be compatible with the new PubSub functionalities
Updating OpenSSL version from 1.1.1 to 3.0
Adding UaPkiPrivateKey class as with the OpenSSL/UA SDK update, the ByteString of PrivateKeys cannot be accessed directly anymore.
Generating OpcUa types class pack including:
Generating according arrayclasses for the new compositetype classes
Extending CttExtensionObjectClass to handle the new compositetypes
Adding OpenSSL Dialog box for open source license |