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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
001000510000-003: Address SpaceSpecpublic2025-01-14 17:47
ReporterKai Schnellecke Assigned ToJeff Harding  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version1.05.03 
Summary0010005: Add clarification for copies of InstanceDeclaration in Types

An InstanceDeclaration is an instance (cf.

Since it is an instance, all mandatory nodes must be "attached" to it (cf.:

This description in Part 3 6.4.2 should be improved:
The Nodes within the newly created hierarchy may be copies of the InstanceDeclarations, the InstanceDeclaration itself or another Node in the AddressSpace that has the same TypeDefinitionNode and BrowseName.

Could you explain or enhance the statement please?

To me, it is fine (and encouraged) to do this:
Have a first VariableType
Add a node "A" (mandatory) to the VariableType

Create a second VariableType
Add a Node "B" to it, using the first VariableType
"B" has a copy (reference to) of node "A" to fully declare the InstanceDeclaration, because "A" is mandatory.

There has been some arguing around whether this is correct or not.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-11-11 09:29 Kai Schnellecke New Issue
2025-01-14 17:47 Jim Luth Assigned To => Jeff Harding
2025-01-14 17:47 Jim Luth Status new => assigned