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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0010059Part 84: UAFX ProfilesSpecpublic2025-03-05 15:30
ReporterPaul Hunkar Assigned ToBob Lattimer  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.00.02 
Target Version1.00.03 
Summary0010059: Create CUs for 9820: Extend the information model with additional Functional Group

For easier interoperability with O-PAS system and also to better support existing models or the new Device models - some of the standard FunctionalGroups (defined in part 100) should be added to the FunctionalEntity. from O-PAs the list includes:
Configuration, tuning, status, Operational, diagnostics

Additional functional group could also be added depending on the needs of instrumentation.

Additional Information

Cloned to part 84 - need CU's for new functionality

TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0009820 closedPaul Hunkar Part 81: UAFX Connecting Devices and Information Model Extend the information model with additional Functional Group 


Paul Hunkar

2024-12-06 08:55

manager   ~0022189

Added functional group and definitions

Paul Hunkar

2024-12-06 08:55

manager   ~0022190

Reviewed text additional content in call, accepted all additions and closed issue

Paul Hunkar

2025-02-05 01:55

manager   ~0022376

New conformanceUnits should be added for each of the additions. The new conformanceUnits could just be added as optional to existing Facets. These new folder (functionalGroups) are optional and probably should remain optional

Bob Lattimer

2025-03-04 22:41

manager   ~0022474

ConformanceUnits were created for optional FunctionalGroups to FxAssetType, FunctionalEntityType, ConnectionEndpointType, and ConnectionManagerType.

Greg Majcher

2025-03-05 15:30

manager   ~0022483

Discussed during AWG meeting

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-12-06 08:55 Paul Hunkar New Issue
2024-12-06 08:55 Paul Hunkar Status new => assigned
2024-12-06 08:55 Paul Hunkar Assigned To => Paul Hunkar
2024-12-06 08:55 Paul Hunkar Issue generated from: 0009820
2024-12-06 08:55 Paul Hunkar Note Added: 0022189
2024-12-06 08:55 Paul Hunkar Note Added: 0022190
2024-12-06 08:55 Paul Hunkar Relationship added related to 0009820
2024-12-06 08:55 Paul Hunkar Project Part 81: UAFX Connecting Devices and Information Model => Part 84: UAFX Profiles
2024-12-06 08:55 Paul Hunkar Assigned To Paul Hunkar =>
2024-12-06 08:55 Paul Hunkar Assigned To => Bob Lattimer
2024-12-18 14:49 Greg Majcher Target Version => 1.00.03
2025-02-05 01:55 Paul Hunkar Note Added: 0022376
2025-03-04 22:33 Bob Lattimer Summary Extend the information model with additional Functional Group => Create CUs for - Extend the information model with additional Functional Group
2025-03-04 22:41 Bob Lattimer Status assigned => resolved
2025-03-04 22:41 Bob Lattimer Resolution open => fixed
2025-03-04 22:41 Bob Lattimer Note Added: 0022474
2025-03-05 02:06 Bob Lattimer Summary Create CUs for - Extend the information model with additional Functional Group => Create CUs for 9820: Extend the information model with additional Functional Group
2025-03-05 15:30 Greg Majcher Status resolved => closed
2025-03-05 15:30 Greg Majcher Note Added: 0022483