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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0010135CTT UA Scripts1 - Script Issuepublic2025-02-04 10:05
ReporterSebastian Allmendinger Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0010135: Subscription Basic Err-029: Subscriptions are still not closed

In the related mantis, splitting the DeleteSubscriptionsRequest depending on the MaxArrayLength Capability was implemented.

In addition, the CTT should also check if the server returns BadTooManyOperations and then delete the subscriptions one after the other or reinitialize its session to ensure a clean state for the following test scripts.

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related to 0008398 closedYannik Klaass Subscription / Subscription Basic / Err-029.js does not close created subscriptions properly 


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-04 10:05 Sebastian Allmendinger New Issue
2025-02-04 10:05 Sebastian Allmendinger Relationship added related to 0008398