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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0010136CTT UA Scripts1 - Script Issuepublic2025-02-04 10:26
ReporterSebastian Allmendinger Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0010136: Subscription Minimum 02/020: CTT may send an empty DeleteMonitoredItemsRequest

The test script creates the max supported number of MonitoredItems.
In order to revert the values to the orinial, it adds 2 TriggerItems to the array. The TriggerItems are not created as MonitoredItems in the server.

If the server provides the OperationLimit MaxMonitoredItemsPerCall and its number matches the max number of supported MonitoredItems, the CTT wants to split the DeleteMonitoredItemsRequest.
In the first request, all MonitoredItems are listed and he second request would only contain the TriggerItems. Before sending the request, the CTT automatically removes all nodes from the list, that are not created as MonitoredItems. As a result, the second request contains an empty list.

Additional Information

Sending an empty list is a valid error test case. Therefore either the test script should be updated and the other test scripts should be reviewed or the default behavior of the CTT must be updated and the Err-Testcases must be reviewed to ensure that an empty list is sent.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-04 10:26 Sebastian Allmendinger New Issue