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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0010144Part 81: UAFX Connecting Devices and Information ModelSpecpublic2025-02-07 14:09
ReporterJan Murzyn Assigned ToPaul Hunkar  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version1.00.03 
Summary0010144: Need clarification for ReferenceTypes to be used in folders.

During the IOP we found inconsistency between various implementations which led to failure when trying to acquire diagnostics information from the server. CM organized CCSes using HasComponent ReferenceType, while the DiagnosticTool browsed for Organizes ReferenceType.

This is a general issue in Part 81, but also other parts e.g. Part 100. Wherever the generic FolderType is used to organize instances, if it's not explicitly stated in text, it's up to the implementation to choose a ReferenceType. Definition of the FolderType in Part 5 doesn't give a guidance either. We have several occurrences of FolderType in Part 81.

This affects not only Client-Server relationship. Folders also appear in OfflineDescriptors, and implementation of tools may make assumptions about used ReferenceTypes.

There are several solutions:
1) Remain silent. Then tools must be aware that any hierarchical reference may be used.
2) Specify dedicated subtypes of FolderType and dedicated References - we do it in several places, but we were not consistent. Part 14 is a good example, where all folders have dedicated subtypes.
3) Extend description text to mandate a certain ReferenceType.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-07 10:25 Jan Murzyn New Issue
2025-02-07 14:09 Paul Hunkar Assigned To => Paul Hunkar
2025-02-07 14:09 Paul Hunkar Status new => assigned