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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
001015010000-014: PubSubSpecpublic2025-02-13 14:31
ReporterMatthias Damm Assigned ToMatthias Damm  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version1.05.04 
Target Version1.05.06 RC1 
Summary0010150: JSON Encoding of Enumeration in a DataSetMessage field

The DataSetMessage field is a Variant and Part 6 defines:
When an Enumeration is encoded in a Variant the Type field is Int32.

This is becaus a pure Variant does not have the Enumeration information since the value is Int32 in the Variant.

But in the DataSetMessage field we have the MetaData available. Therefore we would be able to use the string encoding form as we would do in a structure. Since we want to handle the fields of a DataSetMessage like a Structure, it would make sense to use the string encoding.

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related to 0010146 new Rules for DataSetMessage JSON encoding need more details 


Matthias Damm

2025-02-13 14:31

developer   ~0022392

Discussed in MQTT plug-fest wrap-up - we have the informaiton and therefore encode the name_number format for all value ranks.

TBD: Add to clarification table with examples

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-12 09:02 Matthias Damm New Issue
2025-02-12 09:02 Matthias Damm Relationship added related to 0010146
2025-02-13 14:29 Matthias Damm Assigned To => Matthias Damm
2025-02-13 14:29 Matthias Damm Status new => assigned
2025-02-13 14:31 Matthias Damm Note Added: 0022392