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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0010163CTT UA Scripts3 - Feature Requestpublic2025-02-24 19:00
ReporterArchie Miller Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0010163: Add Dialogs to CertificateExpiration tests

Dialogs to inform the tester to generate specific CertificateExpiration alarms would be beneficial to running the CertificateExpiration tests.

Test 001 has a requirement that it is possible to adjust the clock on the server, saying "Invoke an event of each instance of CertificateExpirationAlarmType alarm by advancing the system clock to a time that falls within the range of ExpirationLimit (or 2 weeks if ExpirationLimit is not provided)".

This is not currently possible with Qt. Platform dependent development is required. As a result, the test was designed around having an expiration after the test is started. A dialog telling the user to change the certificate, or generate the alarm would be very helpful in ensuring this test runs properly.

The same concept applies to Test 2 with a certificate already within the expiration limit.
The same concept applies to Test 3 with a certificate already expired limit.
The same concept applies to Test 4 advancing the time as in test one.

It would be advantageous to add dialogs telling the user to generate the associated alarms for these test cases to get it to run.
Utilizing the DialogHleper::ExecuteAutomation and UserScripts would be another way to improve automation by letting the user create a script that will generate the appropriate alarm.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-24 19:00 Archie Miller New Issue