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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0010212CTT UA Scripts1 - Script Issuepublic2025-03-21 14:41
ReporterKevin Herron (Inductive Automation) Assigned ToYannik Klaass  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Summary0010212: Infinite Loop Building Node Cache

The CTT node cache building routine enters an infinite loop when it encounters a Node that has too many references, which causes encoding limits to be exceeded, which causes a reconnect where it tries again - and this repeats.

Alex debugged it, here's his email:

The problem are the inverse HasTypeDefinition references from the BaseDataVariableType. In your demo server with the mass folder there are over 100.000 references in the browse:

This is then resulting in a BadEncodingLimitsExceeded in the CTT:
Because of this problem the CTT throws away the connection and guess what, retries in the hope the problem is now gone. This is the endless loop that you are seeing. No question, this is an issue in the CTT when building the offline cache. If you could create a mantis for this, it would be appreciated otherwise I’ll create one. But usually, it is better if the issue is reported by a vendor not by the developer doing the work �

With the current version of the CTT you have 2 options to work around the issue:
Add the BaseDataVariableType to the UaNodesToIgnore. With this the CTT doesn’t try to get these references, and you should be good.
Set the MaxReferencesToReturn in your server settings, so the CTTs limits are not exceeded.

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image002.png (2,644 bytes)   
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related to 0010245 assignedYannik Klaass CTT UA Binary Object Model Map needs configurable operation limits 


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-08 17:23 Kevin Herron (Inductive Automation) New Issue
2025-03-08 17:23 Kevin Herron (Inductive Automation) File Added: image001.jpg
2025-03-08 17:23 Kevin Herron (Inductive Automation) File Added: image002.png
2025-03-19 15:26 Yannik Klaass Relationship added related to 0010245
2025-03-21 14:41 Paul Hunkar Assigned To => Yannik Klaass
2025-03-21 14:41 Paul Hunkar Status new => assigned