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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
000810510000-100: DevicesSpecpublic2024-01-22 08:32
ReporterFrank Fengler Assigned ToKarl Deiretsbacher  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Summary0008105: IRDIs for OperationDuration, PowerOnDuration, OperationCycleCounter

We discussed parameter and definition for IRDIs within IEC CDD SC65E/WG2 to be added to spec

The definition are:

OperationDuration (operating time/Betriebsdauer):
summed duration of time interval for which an item was in an active (non idle) operating state

PowerOnDuration (power on time/Einschaltdauer):
summed duration of time interval for which an item was supplied with energy

OperationCycleCounter (operating cycle counter/Betriebszyklus-Zähler):
result of the addition of switching events from idle to active state of an object

Prepartion of IRDIs is in process.

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Frank Fengler

2023-12-20 09:36

reporter   ~0020538

Please update OPC 10000-100

OperationDuration 0112/2///61987#ABN639 operating time (Short name: Operation duration)
PowerOnDuration 0112/2///61987#ABP550 power on time (Short name: Power on duration)
OperationCycleCounter 0112/2///61987#ABP545 operating cycle counter (Short name: Operation cycle counter)

DeviceRevision 0112/2///61987#ABP643 device version (Short name: Device revision)

Frank Fengler

2023-12-20 11:46

reporter   ~0020539

Please update OPC 10000-100

OperationDuration 0112/2///61987#ABN639 operating time (Short name: Operation duration)

PowerOnDuration 0112/2///61987#ABP550 power on time (Short name: Power on duration)

OperationCycleCounter 0112/2///61987#ABP545 operating cycle counter (Short name: Operation cycle counter)

DeviceRevision 0112/2///61987#ABP643 device version (Short name: Device revision)

Karl Deiretsbacher

2024-01-21 11:00

administrator   ~0020671

Last edited: 2024-01-22 08:32

Fixed in "OPC 10000-100 - UA Specification Part 100 - Devices v1.05.0 Draft 3.docx"

Two of the IRDIs are not yet released by IEC

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-07-11 14:28 Frank Fengler New Issue
2022-07-11 14:28 Frank Fengler File Added: test.png
2023-12-20 09:36 Frank Fengler Note Added: 0020538
2023-12-20 11:46 Frank Fengler Note Added: 0020539
2024-01-21 11:00 Karl Deiretsbacher Assigned To => Karl Deiretsbacher
2024-01-21 11:00 Karl Deiretsbacher Status new => resolved
2024-01-21 11:00 Karl Deiretsbacher Resolution open => fixed
2024-01-21 11:00 Karl Deiretsbacher Note Added: 0020671
2024-01-22 08:32 Karl Deiretsbacher Note Edited: 0020671