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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
000848810000-007: ProfilesSpecpublic2023-04-18 17:04
ReporterAlexander Allmendinger Assigned ToPaul Hunkar  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version1.04 
Summary0008488: Diagnostic support in Standard UA Server Profile is unclear

The Standard UA Server Profile and Standard 2017 UA Server Profile in 1.04 has in its description a requirement for diagnostics:
"It also requires support of diagnostic information."
But in the list of CUs the Base Info Diagnostics CU is inherited from the Nano Embedded Device 2017 Server Profile where the CU is optional.
It is similar in 1.03, though the profile description is different.

In 1.05 the description of the new Standard 2022 UA Server Profile does not talk about diagnostics any more and the CU is listed as optional.

Please clarify the requirement for 1.03, 1.04 and double check if the current definition in 1.05 is as desired.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-12-03 15:43 Alexander Allmendinger New Issue
2022-12-03 15:43 Alexander Allmendinger Product Version 1.05.02 => 1.04
2023-04-18 17:04 Jim Luth Assigned To => Paul Hunkar
2023-04-18 17:04 Jim Luth Status new => assigned