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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009214Part 83: UAFX Offline EngineeringSpecpublic2023-10-23 21:02
ReporterMarco Hoch Assigned ToJim Luth  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.00.00 RC3 
Target Version1.00.00 
Summary0009214: Table "Mapping UA Base NodeClass attributes to SUC UaMethodNodeClass, BaseObjectType ... attributes" is not updated

The table "Mapping UA Base NodeClass attributes to SUC UaMethodNodeClass, BaseObjectType and BaseVariableType attributes" (Table A.4 of chapter A.4 NodeClass mapping) differs from the AML libraries and information is missing.

The table "Mapping UA Base NodeClass attributes to SUC UaMethodNodeClass, BaseObjectType and BaseVariableType attributes" differs from the libraries (refer to the attached picture). Attributes which are marked as "Included in SystemUnitClass" are not available in the delivered SUC of the library.

In additon the table could be extended, so that it includes information that even the Attribute which are not available at the SUC, can be added to the intantiated InternalElement, if required. The topic came up because prototypers like to add the NodeId to the instances.

Regarding the NodeId attribute it could be mentioned, that tools cannot always rely on the availability of the NodeId. (Information how a tool uses the descriptor for e.g. creating the CCS without NodeId could be helpful)

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Attached Files
MappingTable.PNG (397,222 bytes)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-10-20 10:41 Marco Hoch New Issue
2023-10-20 10:41 Marco Hoch Status new => assigned
2023-10-20 10:41 Marco Hoch Assigned To => Emanuel Kolb
2023-10-20 10:41 Marco Hoch File Added: MappingTable.PNG
2023-10-20 13:52 Jim Luth Assigned To Emanuel Kolb => Jim Luth
2023-10-23 21:02 Jim Luth Status assigned => resolved
2023-10-23 21:02 Jim Luth Resolution open => fixed
2023-10-23 21:02 Jim Luth Note Added: 0020221