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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009371Part 84: UAFX ProfilesSpecpublic2025-02-05 01:50
ReporterMartin Dickopp Assigned ToBob Lattimer  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status assignedResolutionfixed 
Target Version1.00.03 
Summary0009371: Support RSASAA-PSS in offline engineering descriptor signatures

Digital signatures in offline engineering descriptors currently only support the old RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 signature scheme. The more modern RSASAA-PSS scheme should supported in addition to RSA PKCS#1 v1.5.

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related to 0009352 resolvedTodd Snide Part 83: UAFX Offline Engineering Allow RSASSA_PSS padding scheme for Descriptor signatures 


Bob Lattimer

2024-11-20 02:41

manager   ~0022082

Added RSASSA_PSS CUs per input from Martin Dickopp - see attached Word doc

Bob Lattimer

2024-11-20 02:42

manager   ~0022083

Added new CUs per Martin Dickopp's direction.

Greg Majcher

2024-12-18 14:47

manager   ~0022229

Needs further review from Martin (and OE). We want to enforce use of the new algorithm for encoding. To ensure interoperability, decoding needs to support both in case someone used the old algorithm.

Bob Lattimer

2025-02-05 01:45

manager   ~0022372

Message from Martin Dickopp:

While PSS is more modern than PKCS#1.5 and the recommended scheme, its usage should not be a strict requirement, in my opinion. Companies may have an existing corporate PKI infrastructure that implements PKCS#1.5, but not PSS, and may want to use it to sign their descriptors. Switching to PSS would be challenging for such companies.

Therefore, I think that both PKCS#1.5 and PSS must be accepted when verifying signatures, and both should be allowed for signing, with a preference for PSS if this is an option for the signer.

Note that while PKCS#1.5 is broken when used for encryption, it is still considered secure for digital signatures. From a security point of view, both are fine (and both have advantages and disadvantages).

Bob Lattimer

2025-02-05 01:50

manager   ~0022373

Considering Martin's comments, the current fix seems appropriate since both the new PSS and the old PKS are available for signing and verifying. It's just that we may need separate Profiles for these functions. Signing requires PSS or PKS and verifying requires both. The way it is, both need both.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-01-25 14:57 Martin Dickopp New Issue
2024-01-25 15:24 Emanuel Kolb Relationship added related to 0009352
2024-02-07 15:33 Greg Majcher Assigned To => Bob Lattimer
2024-02-07 15:33 Greg Majcher Status new => assigned
2024-11-20 02:41 Bob Lattimer Note Added: 0022082
2024-11-20 02:41 Bob Lattimer File Added: DRAFT OE RSASAA_PSS 2024-10-01.docx
2024-11-20 02:42 Bob Lattimer Status assigned => resolved
2024-11-20 02:42 Bob Lattimer Resolution open => fixed
2024-11-20 02:42 Bob Lattimer Note Added: 0022083
2024-12-18 14:23 Greg Majcher Target Version => 1.00.03
2024-12-18 14:47 Greg Majcher Status resolved => assigned
2024-12-18 14:47 Greg Majcher Note Added: 0022229
2025-02-05 01:45 Bob Lattimer Note Added: 0022372
2025-02-05 01:50 Bob Lattimer Note Added: 0022373