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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
000966910000-014: PubSubSpecpublic2025-01-21 18:42
ReporterAlexander Allmendinger Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
Summary0009669: Need a way to publish relevant address space information

End users would like to have a standardized mechanisms which allows them to identify the published information without implementing other OPC UA mechanisms than PubSub. The information needed is the meaning of the data being sent, so not only the meta information but the semantical meaning.

Assuming a machine is publishing the process value of a temperature. Then they would like to identify based on a published message the relation in the information, so basically the path in the address space e.g.
Machine -> Components -> Sensor1 -> SignalSet -> Temperature
Machine -> Monitoring -> Temperature

After an initial discussion with Randy we think utilizing the properties in the meta message may be a good approach. With a standardized property which describes the types of the individual elements in the chain e.g.
MyMachineType -> MyComponentType -> MySensorType -> AnalogSignalType -> ProcessValueType
Together with the name of the value

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Jim Luth

2025-01-21 17:41

administrator   ~0022325

Maybe include a NodeSet fragment in the metadata?

Jim Luth

2025-01-21 17:57

administrator   ~0022326

Add comments if you are interested in seeing this feature implemented and/or are willing to work on it.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-07-12 11:56 Alexander Allmendinger New Issue
2025-01-21 17:40 Jim Luth Severity minor => feature
2025-01-21 17:41 Jim Luth Note Added: 0022325
2025-01-21 17:56 Jim Luth Assigned To => Jim Luth
2025-01-21 17:56 Jim Luth Status new => acknowledged
2025-01-21 17:57 Jim Luth Note Added: 0022326
2025-01-21 18:42 Jim Luth Assigned To Jim Luth =>