View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
000968410000-004: ServicesSpecpublic2024-08-06 15:36
ReporterRandy Armstrong Assigned ToMatthias Damm  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version1.05.04 RC1 
Target Version1.05.04 
Summary0009684: Clarify Use of Nonce Signing

Change text in Table 15 – CreateSession Service Parameters

If the SecurityPolicyUri is None, the Server shall ignore the ApplicationInstanceCertificate.

If the SecurityMode is not None, a Client shall prove possession by using the private key to create a Signature using the Nonce provided by the Server in the response.
Server shall verify that this Certificate is the same as the Client Certificate used to create the SecureChannel.

A SecurityMode of None in the EndpointDescription does not mean that communication is insecure. TransportProfiles that use TLS provide security without requiring Nonce signing.

TagsNo tags attached.
Commit Version1.05.04
Fix Due Date2024-09-01


Randy Armstrong

2024-07-31 15:53

administrator   ~0021522

Last edited: 2024-07-31 16:11

The Application Instance Certificate issued to the Client.
The ApplicationInstanceCertificate type is defined in 7.3.
If the securityPolicyUri SecurityMode is None, the Server shall ignore the ApplicationInstance Certificate.
If the SecurityMode SecurityMode is not None, a Client shall prove possession by using the private key to create a Signature using the Nonce provided by the Server in the response.
For all SecureChannels, that the Client Certificate shall be anuse the Application Instance Certificate that is trusted by the Server and conforms to the requirements of the SecurityPolicy specified in the EndpointDescription.
Tthe Server shall verify that this Certificate is the same as the Client Certificate the one it used to create the SecureChannel.
Note that the SecurityMode of None in the EndpointDescription does not mean that communication is not secure. TransportProfiles that use TLS provide security without requiring Nonce signing.

Jim Luth

2024-08-06 15:33

administrator   ~0021538

Last edited: 2024-08-06 15:33

Needs 1.04 and 1.03 Errata.

Randy Armstrong

2024-08-06 15:34

administrator   ~0021539

The Application Instance Certificate issued to the Client.
The ApplicationInstanceCertificate type is defined in 7.3.
If the securityPolicyUri SecurityMode is None, the Server shall ignore the ApplicationInstance Certificate.
If the SecurityMode is not None, a Client shall prove possession by using the private key to create a Signature using the Nonce provided by the Server in the response.
For all SecureChannels, that the Client Certificate shall be anuse the Application Instance Certificate that is trusted by the Server and conforms to the requirements of the SecurityPolicy specified in the EndpointDescription.
Tthe Server shall verify that this Certificate is the same as the Client Certificate the one it used to create the SecureChannel.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-07-30 23:22 Randy Armstrong New Issue
2024-07-31 15:53 Randy Armstrong Note Added: 0021522
2024-07-31 16:11 Randy Armstrong Note Edited: 0021522
2024-08-06 15:33 Jim Luth Note Added: 0021538
2024-08-06 15:33 Jim Luth Note Edited: 0021538
2024-08-06 15:34 Randy Armstrong Note Added: 0021539
2024-08-06 15:35 Jim Luth Assigned To => Matthias Damm
2024-08-06 15:35 Jim Luth Status new => assigned
2024-08-06 15:36 Jim Luth Commit Version => 1.05.04
2024-08-06 15:36 Jim Luth Fix Due Date => 2024-09-01