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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0010233Compliance Test Tool (CTT) Unified Architecture1 - Script Issuepublic2025-03-25 15:07
ReporterV. Monfort Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version1.04.11-01.00.506 
Summary0010233: A&C Enable Test_008 is not functional for several issues

A&C Enable Test_008 is not functional for several issues:

  1. It uses the PostLoopAction to wait for a timeout to trigger next phase but since the first method call is disabling all alarms, if no further events are received this function is never called again and the test is stuck
  2. EndTest function uses localTestCase.ConditionId which does not exist, localTestCase.ConditionIdVariant does.
  3. PostLoopAction uses localTestCase.Finished which does not exists, localTestCase.Completed does.
  4. Some other typo

I attached the temporary patch used to pass the test by avoiding all alarms to be disabled at first method call and fixing other points.

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V. Monfort

2025-03-25 08:41

reporter   ~0022560

Found a new issue in the same script:
Line 176 in function MethodCall, localTestCase is referenced instead of testCase:

var testCase = this.TestCaseMap.Get( conditionIdString );
collector.Error( this.TestName,
conditionIdString, localTestCase, this.State.Failed,
"Unable to " + command + " specific condition on " + callType + " attempt [" +
testResult.statusCode.toString() + "]" );

V. Monfort

2025-03-25 15:07

reporter   ~0022565

In same collector.Error call: testResult.statusCode => testResult.StatusCode

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-13 18:40 V. Monfort New Issue
2025-03-13 18:40 V. Monfort File Added: 0001-UACTT-A-C-Test_008-temporary-fix-to-avoid-disabling-.patch
2025-03-25 08:41 V. Monfort Note Added: 0022560
2025-03-25 15:07 V. Monfort Note Added: 0022565