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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009431Compliance Test Tool (CTT) Unified Architecture5 - General Problempublic2024-02-21 16:15
ReporterThomas Merk Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version1.04.11-01.00.506 
Summary0009431: Session Services - Session Base - Err-019.js fails

If the script is executed without any other selection, the test succeeds (0000009:0000005 of 5)

If the script is executed within a Run (many tests selected) if files quite often.
It seems that some other tests leave sessions open and those sessions are not timed out.
I ran each script within "Session Base" seperately, but it seems that non of those scrips are the reason...

This is not a new issue, it occurred also with CTT 504, but more seldom.

Server unable to open as many sessions as claimed. Please check Setting / Capabilities / Max Supported Sessions
Expected <50> but got <49>.
called from: D:/opc/OPCToolboxV5/trunk/Test/CTT_1.4.11.506/CPPTestServer/library/Base/assertions.js line: 144
called from: D:/opc/OPCToolboxV5/trunk/Test/CTT_1.4.11.506/CPPTestServer/maintree/Session Services/Session Base/Test Cases/Err-019.js line: 43
called from: D:/opc/OPCToolboxV5/trunk/Test/CTT_1.4.11.506/CPPTestServer/library/Base/safeInvoke.js line: 104
called from: D:/opc/OPCToolboxV5/trunk/Test/CTT_1.4.11.506/CPPTestServer/maintree/Session Services/Session Base/Test Cases/Err-019.js line: 77

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-02-21 16:15 Thomas Merk New Issue