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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009803Part 81: UAFX Connecting Devices and Information ModelSpecpublic2024-08-29 00:46
ReporterManuel Jacob Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version1.00.02 
Summary0009803: Hierarchical Assets

In contrast to the FunctionalEntityType Part 81 does not explicitly indicate that Sub-Assets are possible (compare Figure 24 – FunctionalEntityType overview (<SubFunctionalEntity>) to Figure 21 – FxAssetType overview.

However the References that are used to connect Assets (HasPhysicalComponent, HasAttachedComponent, HasContainedComponent, HasBuiltInAsset and HasPart) are all HierarchicalReferences as HasSubFunctionalEntity is.

In Motion we have use cases, e.g. modulare Drive systems, where we would get a 3-Level hierarchy of Assets (e.g. 1. Modular Drive - 2. Axis Module - 3. SafetyModuleAddon).

We would like to create example Asset topologies in the Motion Annex. Before we do this it needs to be discussed what is the right way to model these type of Devices using Assets (flat list vs. hierarchy).

Part 81 should be more descriptive if hierarchical Assets are allowed and what requirements apply for hierarchical Assets compared to Top-Level Assets.

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Paul Hunkar

2024-08-29 00:46

manager   ~0021634

I believe some example of hierarchical Asset would be appropriate, but all the requirements currently are only on the top-level Asset - I'm not sure the base specification should make any additional requirements, but it should also not exclude other specification from defining additional requirements for a hierarchical asset model.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-08-27 12:42 Manuel Jacob New Issue
2024-08-29 00:46 Paul Hunkar Note Added: 0021634