Viewing Issues 51 - 100 / 1342

    PID Target VersionSeverityStatusUpdated Summary
  00100711   minor
resolved (Yannik Klaass)
2025-01-27UAFX AutomationComponent Base (TC6, TC7, TC8, TC9, TC11 ): False positive
  00100721   minor
resolved (Yannik Klaass)
2025-01-27UAFX ConnectionEndpoint Base: CTT tries to create an endpoint without any IO variables
  00101131   minor
resolved (Yannik Klaass)
2025-01-24Wrong DataSetOffset calculation for strings
  00101071   crash
resolved (Yannik Klaass)
2025-01-24CTT crashes when trying to access converted NULL-Variant values
  0010103    minor
assigned (Michael Fehler)
2025-01-23Attribute Services/Attribute Write Index/011: Doesn't check WriteFullArrayOnly flag
  00096981   feature
assigned (Ulrich Haage)
2025-01-22New optional field for LogEntryDataType specified in OPC 30143
  00096692   feature
2025-01-21Need a way to publish relevant address space information
  0009869    trivial
assigned (Lukas Bechtel)
2025-01-21Figure 4 uses the wrong symbol for IIetfBaseNetworkInterfaceType
  0010110    1.05.06 RC1minor
assigned (Jeff Harding)
2025-01-21StructureType needs to add a Table indicating which Subtypes are allowed.
  0010098    minor
assigned (Randy Armstrong)
2025-01-21Wrong statement about the definiton of mandatory JWT fields
  0010101    minor
assigned (Randy Armstrong)
2025-01-21JWT security issue
  0009832    minor
assigned (Randy Armstrong)
2025-01-21ECDSA format is not clearly specified
  0009986    1.05.05 RC1minor
assigned (Matthias Damm)
2025-01-21Issue in Table 167 – Discovery announcement header structure
  00099871   1.05.05 RC1minor
assigned (Matthias Damm)
2025-01-21JSON field with multidimensional arrays with RawData-Flag
  0009867    minor
assigned (Matthias Damm)
2025-01-21Need clarification for handling of SecurityGroup configuration changes
  0009540    minor
assigned (Matthias Damm)
2025-01-21AuthenticationProfileUri for SecurityKeyServices' EndpointDescription
  00094461   minor
assigned (Matthias Damm)
2025-01-21Examples for ResourceUri and AuthenticationProfileUri for the Broker configuration
  00101122   minor
assigned (Randy Armstrong)
2025-01-21AuthenticationProfileUri for SecurityKeyServices' EndpointDescription
  0009495    feature
assigned (Randy Armstrong)
2025-01-21Need non-repudiation for PubSub action messages
  0010109    minor
2025-01-21CttDiscoveryClass is missing FindServersOnNetwork and RegisterServer2 services
  00101021   text
assigned (Uwe Thomas)
2025-01-20Better use constrained instead of contraint?
  00091773   1.00.03minor
resolved (Todd Snide)
2025-01-17Describe how to define configuration of individual variables are constants or stored in non-volatile memory
  00100113   1.00.03minor
resolved (Emanuel Kolb)
2025-01-17Review (or define) default values for AccessLevel and AccessLevelEx
  0010076    ?.??minor
assigned (Christian Eitner)
2025-01-17Editorial Issues
  0010105    major
2025-01-17Profile file just can contain data of exactely one Instrument
  0010104    tweak
2025-01-17Profile file name building unclear if TagId is not available.
  00095621   1.3.1minor
resolved (Paul Hunkar)
2025-01-17Motor object behavior when set to 'Off' but motor is currently running
  00100923   minor
assigned (Todd Snide)
2025-01-15ServerAddressType needs to added to the descriptor root node
  00099581   minor
assigned (Matthias Damm)
2025-01-15Clarify legal values for PublishingInterval
  0010005    minor
assigned (Jeff Harding)
2025-01-14Add clarification for copies of InstanceDeclaration in Types
  0010039    major
assigned (Randy Armstrong)
2025-01-14Part 6 chapter 6.8.1 Incompatible spec change for SignOnly ECC KeyDerivation
  00100071   minor
assigned (Matthias Damm)
2025-01-14Sentence is repeated
  00100161   minor
assigned (Jeff Harding)
2025-01-14Clarification - ClientUserId for X509IdentityToken
  0010040    minor
assigned (Jeff Harding)
2025-01-14TemporaryFileTransferType ClientProcessingTimeout Value Zero
  0010043    minor
assigned (Randy Armstrong)
2025-01-14Better describe the content of "info" field in ECC Key Derivation algorithm
  0010042    minor
assigned (Randy Armstrong)
2025-01-14Make the meaning of IKM more clear
  0010045    minor
assigned (Randy Armstrong)
2025-01-14Ecc description for IV handling misleading
  0010044    major
assigned (Matthias Damm)
2025-01-14Bad advice in protecting from BruteForce attacks in ActivateSession
  0010097    major
assigned (Paul Hunkar)
2025-01-14Bad advice in protecting from BruteForce attacks in ActivateSession
  0010062    minor
assigned (Lukas Bechtel)
2025-01-14Description consistency: Add full stop at end
  0010080    minor
assigned (Matthias Damm)
2025-01-14The Certificate Validation steps to make it clear that they apply to any CertificateType (6.1.3/Table 106)
  0010041    minor
assigned (Randy Armstrong)
2025-01-14Clearification of Algorithm URIs and SignatureData
  0010086    minor
assigned (Matthias Damm)
2025-01-14Need to state what happens with KeepAlives if DataSetMessage headers are disabled.
  0010081    major
assigned (Randy Armstrong)
2025-01-14wrong key length for nistP521
  0010088    1.05.05 RC1major
assigned (Randy Armstrong)
2025-01-14Handling of private key in CertificateUpdateRequestedAuditEventType
  0010094    text
assigned (Jeff Harding)
2025-01-14Latest release (1.05.04) of part 3 contains typos in Standard types
  00097841   minor
feedback (Paul Hunkar)
2025-01-14ConformanceUnits needed that state everything defined in the Descriptor is exposed in the Server
  00096364   minor
resolved (Randy Armstrong)
2025-01-07Historical Audit Events shall be abstract
  0010085    major
2024-12-20View TranslateBrowsePath/Err-021.js: No Limit is set by the script
  0010084    major
2024-12-19Increase interorepability by referring to IEC Common data dictionary (IEC CDD)