Viewing Issues 451 - 500 / 1342

    PID Target VersionSeverityStatusUpdated Summary
  00094335   feature
2024-02-28ResultMetaDataType Extensions shall be grouped for future versions
  00094342   minor
assigned (Randy Armstrong)
2024-02-27Structure with maximum 32 optional fields
  00093631   1.05.04 RC1minor
assigned (Paul Hunkar)
2024-02-27Proposal to add advanced security validation to the first hello/reverse hello message
  0009385    1.05.04 RC1minor
assigned (Matthias Damm)
2024-02-27Explicitly state that Messages sent to <encoding>/<messsage-type> shall match the <encoding>/<messsage-type>
  00094061   1.05.04 RC1major
assigned (Jeff Harding)
2024-02-27Need a way to indicate if an array is fixed or variable length, and if fixed length what the size of each dimension must be.
  0009437    1.05.04 RC1minor
assigned (Randy Armstrong)
2024-02-26Add additional Information to the Ticket (“BaseTicketType”).
  000940331 minor2024-02-20Monitor MinQueueSize_02/009
  000922121 V1.01minor
resolved (Tobias Gürtler)
2024-02-16Handling of PDDescriptor from ProcessDataInput / ProcessDataOutput
  000858992 V1.01minor
assigned (Deepak Yadav)
2024-02-16New Method BackToBox for IOLinkDeviceType required
  000859742 V1.01minor
resolved (Deepak Yadav)
2024-02-16Add details to BrowseName/DisplayName for OPC UA DataType Structure used for IODD RecordT
  00085906   V1.01minor
resolved (Deepak Yadav)
2024-02-16Extend description for variable StoredInDevice
  000858742 V1.01minor
resolved (Deepak Yadav)
2024-02-16Remove Object „TemporaryFileTransfer” below IODDManagement in Spec and in Nodeset
  00086145   V1.01minor
resolved (Deepak Yadav)
2024-02-16Define mapping for ProcessDataLength
  00086072   V1.01minor
assigned (Deepak Yadav)
2024-02-16Editiorial changes
  00079675   V1.01minor
resolved (Deepak Yadav)
2024-02-16Inconsistent modelling rule for Statistics FunctionalGroupType in IOLinkMasterType and IOLinkPortType
  00086026   V1.01minor
resolved (Deepak Yadav)
2024-02-16“Device not instantiated” clarify description
  000858861 V1.01minor
resolved (Deepak Yadav)
2024-02-16ProcessData Quality Variable: Incorrect text
  000860142 minor
resolved (Deepak Yadav)
2024-02-16Sub-Variable for IODD Record Types
  000859952 V1.01minor
resolved (Deepak Yadav)
2024-02-16Datatype for Variable with gradient in IODD Menu
  000859842 V1.01minor
resolved (Deepak Yadav)
2024-02-16Create OPC UA DataType subtype Structure for IODD RecordT
  00086134   V1.01minor
assigned (Deepak Yadav)
2024-02-16Change modelling rule for ProcessDataInput, ProcessDataOutput to optional
  0008605111 V1.01minor
resolved (Deepak Yadav)
2024-02-16Clarification “ProcessData” are invalid
  000941511 minor
confirmed (Deepak Yadav)
2024-02-16Corrections to Wireless object types based on internal review (Martin)
  000861233 V1.01minor
confirmed (Deepak Yadav)
2024-02-16Update specification to IO-Link Interface and System (SMI) v1.1.3
  000938614 feature2024-02-15Missing Setting for Max Subscriptions per Session
  000940221 minor2024-02-15Attribute Write Values - 010, 011
  0009422    minor2024-02-15Base Info System Status / 004 is a duplicate of 002
  00084357   1.05.03 RC1minor
assigned (Randy Armstrong)
2024-02-13Datatype for CertificateErrorEventId within AuditOpenSecureChannelEventType should be ByteString instead of String
  00082161   minor
2024-02-13Small Issues with Namespaces in Spec and NodeSet-File
  00086421   minor
2024-02-13Issues with StateMachine in NodeSet-File
  00089661   minor
2024-02-13Invalid override of components in CuttingJobType
  0009410    1.00.03minor
2024-02-09Add reference to Part 100 definition of "device"
  00089451   minor2024-02-07Remove capabilities setting: Retransmission QueueSize per Session
  00093724   major
assigned (Matthias Damm)
2024-02-06Bad_LastKnown StatusCode needs clarification
  0009381 1 minor
2024-01-31Several issues e.g. broken links
  00079571   minor
assigned (Heiko Herden)
2024-01-30NodeSet of Tightening Companion Spec contains invalid URI
  0009242    minor
assigned (Wolfgang Mahnke)
2024-01-30StatusCodes on Method-Calls in Part 101 Result Transfer
  00089721   minor
confirmed (Heiko Herden)
2024-01-30Status definition regarding intentionally blocking (MachineryItemState and ActiveProgram)
  00086353   minor
acknowledged (Heiko Herden)
2024-01-30Machinery never actually defines the MachineryBuildingBlocks Object.
  00047914   minor2024-01-26Automatic server configuration for certificates using GDS features
  0006969    1.04minor2024-01-26GDS Testing
  00084061   1.00.00 Releaseminor
2024-01-26Default values for Variables in PubSubCommunicationFlowConfigurationType
  0008964    minor
acknowledged (Greg Majcher)
2024-01-25More explicit language needed to describe the required/optional nature of AccumulatedLatency
  00090281   minor
resolved (Karl Deiretsbacher)
2024-01-22IRDIs related text references old amendements
  00087811   minor
resolved (Karl Deiretsbacher)
2024-01-22Typo in Devices in 5.5.3 TagNameplate Interface
  000810531 minor
resolved (Karl Deiretsbacher)
2024-01-22IRDIs for OperationDuration, PowerOnDuration, OperationCycleCounter
  00088812   ?.??minor
resolved (Karl Deiretsbacher)
2024-01-21CUs for interface properties
  00086554   minor2024-01-20Base Info Core Structure/001.js is now too strict
  0009366    minor
resolved (Randy Armstrong)
2024-01-19Link to Mantis broken
  00091172   minor
acknowledged (Bob Lattimer)
2024-01-17Facets are needed to describe time sync options