Viewing Issues 701 - 750 / 1339

    PID Target VersionSeverityStatusUpdated Summary
  00065042   minor
assigned (Randy Armstrong)
2022-12-08Gateway Server has numerous security issues that are not discussed
  00065122   minor
assigned (Randy Armstrong)
2022-12- needs to reference UserIdentityToken section
  00065131   minor
assigned (Randy Armstrong)
2022-12-08ChaCah20Poly1305 security policy for PubSub
  00036153   minor
assigned (Archie Miller)
2022-12-08Delta Aggregate should always have Calculated flag set
  00036141   minor
assigned (Archie Miller)
2022-12-08StandardDeviation and Variance aggregate examples for Historian1 using an uncertain value when it should not
  00036131   minor
assigned (Archie Miller)
2022-12-08Aggregate StandardDeviationPopulation Historian2 has wrong value for interval starting at 12:00:40.000
  000298632 minor
assigned (Archie Miller)
2022-12-08StandardDeviation: Cannot reproduce the same results shown in appendix
  00028263   minor
assigned (Archie Miller)
2022-12-08Delta Aggregate example for Historian1 has UncertainDataSubnormal value instead of BadNoData
  00036161   minor
assigned (Archie Miller)
2022-12-08Delta Aggregate example for Historian1 has UncertainDataSubnormal value instead of BadNoData
  00058573   minor
acknowledged (Randy Armstrong)
2022-12-08Additional Server Capability
  00084165   major
assigned (Paul Hunkar)
2022-12-05CTT expect write value NULL to ByteString shall be possible
  0008484 1 major
2022-12-02Payload Structure for alarm and events, when publishing to middleware in Pub sub.
  0008457    minor
assigned (Randy Armstrong)
2022-11-29Part 21 protect them against authorized access and disclosure
  000825611 minor
2022-11-24Organize IEC61987 Dictionary References in distinct DictionaryFolder instead of general Dictionaries object
  0004235    feature
assigned (Randy Armstrong)
2022-11-22Add Non-Repudiation Signature to NetworkMessages
  00051483   major
2022-11-22Add service set to AliasNames for CRUD operations
  00025382   minor
2022-11-22Annex: Needs mappings for OPC Classic HDA to OPC UA HA
  00040302   feature
assigned (Randy Armstrong)
2022-11-22Add "PublishInformationModel" method
  000503343 minor
2022-11-22TranslateBrowsePath does not work for components related to placeholder modelling rule
  0008426    major
assigned (Thomas)
2022-11-18No validation of OpenSecureChannel SecurityTokens implementation available
  00039481   minor
2022-11-15Consider a new UA query mechanism using a current graph query language
  00043152   text2022-11-09Modification Timestamp Ordering
  0007699    minor
assigned (Paul Hunkar)
2022-11-09A & C Instance Conformance Unit needs additional test cases
  00029182   major
assigned (Matthias Damm)
2022-11-08Provide an alternative to Browse and TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds
  00069374   minor
2022-11-08Standardized/parsable description for PubSub Header layouts?
  00026453   minor
2022-11-08historical configuration
  0008409    1.05.03 RC1minor
assigned (Paul Hunkar)
2022-11-08History need separate cu for index range processing
  00080102   feature
acknowledged (Paul Hunkar)
2022-11-04Control group open issue - future updates
  00078392   feature
2022-11-04High Availability
  00083272   minor
assigned (Randy Armstrong)
2022-10-26Wrong key derivation algorithm for SymmetricSignatureAlgorithm_Poly1305 in ProfileReportingTool
  0008413    minor
  00078902   major2022-10-14Subscription Services/Subscription Publish Min 02/003.js - PublishingInterval measured incorrectly
  00080922   minor
resolved (Reiner Bühler)
2022-10-13Mandatory nodes missing in PA-DIM nodeset 1.0.2.
  00084071   minor2022-10-12CTT crash on test Subscription Services / Subscription Publish Min 02 / 003.js
  00032353   minor
resolved (Wolfgang Mahnke)
2022-10-12Specify a Scheduler Object
  00028814   major
resolved (Wolfgang Mahnke)
2022-10-12We should define data types for recurring dates
  00039191   feature
assigned (Jeff Harding)
2022-10-11Clarification for durable subscription handling
  00029761   feature
2022-10-11New HistoryReadDetails Option for filtering data
  00038483   minor
acknowledged (Randy Armstrong)
2022-10-11Add cardinality to modeling rules
  0002843    minor
assigned (Jeff Harding)
2022-10-11Why is SemanticChange limited to Properties
  00083762   1.05.02minor
assigned (Randy Armstrong)
2022-10-11New CUs and CG for Onboarding
  00078201   minor
confirmed (miriamschleipen)
2022-10-05BrowseNames appear to be in the wrong namespace
  00056362   1.01.00minor
confirmed (miriamschleipen)
2022-10-05Definition of Namespace Metadata missing
  000498311 crash
confirmed (miriamschleipen)
2022-10-05Empty ParentNodeId Attribute in Opc.Ua.AMLBaseTypes.NodeSet2.xml
  00061613   minor
confirmed (miriamschleipen)
2022-10-05Wrong ParnetNodeId
  000839211 minor
confirmed (miriamschleipen)
2022-10-05Missing inverse references to the parent node
  000839111 minor
2022-10-05Missing inverse references to the parent node
  0008387    minor
assigned (Randy Armstrong)
2022-10-04Need to Scan for Method Signature and Check for Missing Node Table
  0008388    feature
2022-10-04Profile tool list of ConformanceUnits not in a facet/profile
  00082651   minor
assigned (Randy Armstrong)
2022-09-30Missing requirement to validate Certificate Revocation List (CRL)