Viewing Issues 751 - 800 / 1339

    PID Target VersionSeverityStatusUpdated Summary
  0008372    minor2022-09-29missing test cases for new CU
  0008361    minor
assigned (Matthias Damm)
2022-09-27No way to know what DataTypes for PublisherId are supported by the Server.
  00019291   minor
2022-09-27Part 4 should support transactions
  0008348    1.05.03 RC1minor
assigned (Randy Armstrong)
2022-09-27Add Check for Optional Children in Well-Known Instances
  00073466   minor
assigned (Matthias Damm)
2022-09-22Need definition for unique PublisherId handling
  00083425   minor
assigned (Jeff Harding)
2022-09-21Extend table definitions for structures
  00073741   minor
assigned (Yannik Klaass)
2022-09-12Monitored Item Services/Monitor Triggering is skipped when Triggering is not implemented
  00040423   1.04feature
2022-09-09CTT requires writeable points
  0008308    minor2022-09-09ServerProjects files requiring update
  00082852   minor2022-09-09Subscription Basic / 051: Scripts return errors if no retransmission queue is supported.
  00055003   tweak
assigned (Jeff Harding)
2022-09-06Missing "EventDiagnostic"
  0008282    minor
2022-09-06PackMLStatusObjectType should be abstract
  00047032   minor2022-09-02inconsistency Security Certificate Validation/002.js vs. 042.js/043.js
  0005584    minor2022-08-29Silent installer option broken
  000633921 text
2022-08-29Provision of Facets in CTT similar structured as in the ReportingTool
  0008052    minor2022-08-29CTT client can not connect to device under test if server uses cert chain and sends complete chain.
  00079461   1.04major
feedback (Paul Hunkar)
2022-08-25InputNode: CTT-Tool complains that the InputNode-Field is NULL
  00077691   minor
confirmed (Archie Miller)
2022-08-25Aggregates (Any CU) Err-005.js script error at line number 1350
  000684221 minor
2022-08-25Subscription Services/Subscription Minimum 02/003.js + 005.js + 006.js + 007.js + 008.js thrown "Error"
  000684131 minor2022-08-25Test-Cases: Base Information / Base Info Server Capabilities / 005.js, 006.js and 007.js generates warnings
  000661141 major2022-08-25Subscription Services/Subscription Publish Min 02/003.js wrong behavior when WriteResponse returns GoodCompleteAsynchronously
  00064682   minor2022-08-25NodeManagementDeleteNode / Err-002.js add node failes because of wrong for loop
  00064502   minor2022-08-25NodeManagementAddNode / 002.js demand unallowed reference to Varialbe Type
  00061733   major2022-08-25Subscription Services/Subscription Minimum 02/003
  00060001 View Services /View Minimum Continuation Point 01
  00027393   1.02minor
assigned (Randy Armstrong)
2022-08-23Opc.Ua.CertificateGenerator needs documentation
  0008224    minor
assigned (Jeff Harding)
2022-08-23ISO/IEC/IEEE 60559:2011 has been superseded by 60559:2020
  0002941    1.03.337minor
assigned (Tim Fortin)
2022-08-18FileTransfer test-cases and test-script implementation
  0004976    1.03minor2022-08-18Use new C++ capabilities
  0004287    major2022-08-18HistoricalAccess Facets
  00059871   minor2022-08-18New test case for empty vs null ReferenceDescription[] in BrowseResult
  00061431   minor2022-08-18TimeoutHint is not tested. New test case needed
  00061442   minor
acknowledged (Paul Hunkar)
2022-08-18ModelChangeEvents when EnabledFlag=True
  00060353   minor
assigned (Paul Hunkar)
2022-08-18Add clarifications regarding certificate replacement to 6.7 Re-establishing connections
  00069404   minor
assigned (Paul Hunkar)
2022-08-18IdentityMappingType THUMBPRINT_2
  00082072   minor
2022-08-18Binary Encoding of Decimal Datatype is wrong
  0004618    feature
2022-08-11Ensure user token encryption with ECC is tested
  0004527    1.04minor
2022-08-11Test Generation of ECC Certificates
  0004620    minor
2022-08-11Servers should support different certificates for different Endpoints.
  0004529    1.04minor
2022-08-11Test server with Multiple ECC Certificates
  0004617    feature
2022-08-11Tool must generate ECC certificates for testing.
  0004528    1.04minor
2022-08-11Test User Token Encryption with ECC Algorithms
  00062187   minor2022-08-05Unable to create UaDateTime object from Long value
  00080305   crash
2022-08-05CTT is crashing during debug run of User Defined Tests
  00068433   minor2022-08-04View Services/View Basic/002.js shows warnings
  0005201    minor2022-08-04Discovery GetEndpoints test cases should not require running on same host as server
  00051511   minor2022-08-04Address Space Client Base has invalid scripts inside
  0004811    minor2022-08-04Expected status codes for Monitor Items Deadband Filter- Test Number Err-006
  0004767    minor
assigned (Paul Hunkar)
2022-08-04Test cases under MonitoredItemServices/MonitorTriggering do not take the RevisedSamplingInterval into consideration
  00042771   feature
acknowledged (Wolfgang Mahnke)
2022-08-03Extend StateMachine model with UML concepts