Viewing Issues 1001 - 1050 / 1338

    PID Target VersionSeverityStatusUpdated Summary
  0006967    1.04minor
assigned (Paul Hunkar)
2021-06-03Add test cases for GDS Push (server side)
  00069761 does not check existence of the "results" path
  0006981    major
2021-06-02Copyright issue
  0006980    minor
2021-06-02OPC 40223
  0006975 1 tweak
2021-06-01OPC 30001 PDF is not formatted well
  0006951    trivial
2021-05-182:FunctionalGroupType description -> example of "adapted usage" of Machinery in CS
  000661311 minor
assigned (Karl Deiretsbacher)
2021-05-18Add description on dependencies between DeviceHealth Statuses
  0006947    minor
assigned (Randy Armstrong)
2021-05-17Not all specs are "Copyright OPC"
  00065341   major2021-05-16Want to expose maxStringLength for "text" when we use LocalizedText in a structure or instance
  00069243   minor
2021-05-13Empty array variable has default SCALAR Value defined
  0006931    minor
2021-05-10Object has invalid Parent Reference.
  00068981   minor
resolved (Goetz Goerisch)
2021-05-06Multiple Nodes with ValueRank>0 with Unspecified ArrayDimensions
  0006922    minor
2021-05-06ParentNode reference invalid.
  000498411 minor
2021-05-06Wrong Entry in the Model Table
  00041571   major
assigned (Jeff Harding)
2021-05-04Error handling for TempFileTransferType
  00061172   minor
resolved (Thomas Hadlich)
2021-05-04Issue in Opc.Ua.FDT.NodeSet2.xml
  0006851    minor
2021-04-26Devices must represent available information in an offline form
  0006849    minor
2021-04-26Access to Any Data in Devices (5.7)
  0006850    minor
2021-04-26Clients must be able to discover what information a CIP device has to offer
  0006820    minor
2021-04-15MachineVision UANodeSet problems
  0004991    minor
2021-04-14Editorial errors in Opc.Ua.Adi.NodeSet2.xml
  0005897    major
2021-04-14CSPPlusForMachine NodeSet uses undefined DataType
  0005057    minor
2021-04-14PR review#42 | UA-Nodeset | Fix: Difference in scope of documentation tag from the reference schema
  0006693 1 major
2021-04-14CSPPlusForMachine Nodeset missing aliases
  0006806    minor
2021-04-09Added AccessLevel for components that need it.
  0006805    text
2021-04-09Adding an operation mode that can only be accessed with Automatic transitions.
  0006606    minor
assigned (Matthias Damm)
2021-04-066.1.5 Creating a Session- No Refernce to ActivateSession and Client PoP
  0006602    minor
assigned (Matthias Damm)
2021-04-06Table 106 – Certificate Validation Steps - Validity Period
  0006660    minor
assigned (Matthias Damm)
2021-04-067.31 SessionAuthenticationToken needs discussion of Session-less Services
  0006665    minor
assigned (Matthias Damm)
2021-04-06securityLevel needs guideance on how to set.
  0006604    minor
assigned (Matthias Damm)
2021-04-066.1.4 Text raises questions that need clarification.
  0006771    minor
assigned (Matthias Damm)
2021-04-06Describe required settings and checks during creating a secure channel and session without security.
  00064951   minor
assigned (Jeff Harding)
2021-04-064.8.2 There should be a definition of what is considered a security relevant setting for SecurityAdmin role
  00044584   1.03.341.384minor2021-04-01Test case for untrusted certificate in CreateSessionRequest
  0006704    minor2021-03-25The CTT should report if certificate need to be regenerated
  0006699    minor
assigned (Matthias Damm)
2021-03-23We need a clear statement about the quality if keys provided by the SKS
  0006691 1 minor
2021-03-23Link to OPC 10000-200 points to non-existing site
  0006695 1 minor
2021-03-23Wrong link target: original document Part 17 leads to Part 14
  0006694    minor
2021-03-23BSD file declaration, TargetNamespace wrong URI
  000657312 text
resolved (Randy Armstrong)
2021-03-20Items for graphical notation not shown in Table C.1
  000630953 major
resolved (Randy Armstrong)
2021-03-19Chrome browser shows certificate error "NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID" when accessing
  0006483    minor
feedback (Greg Majcher)
2021-03-16Gateways must have the ability to prevent write capability from OPC
  0006484    minor
feedback (Greg Majcher)
2021-03-16Gateways must be able to limit traffic
  0006482    minor
feedback (Greg Majcher)
2021-03-16Gateways must expose the amount of OPC traffic that is added to a CIP network
  0006481    minor
feedback (Greg Majcher)
2021-03-16Ability to report process data
  0006222    minor
acknowledged (Karl Deiretsbacher)
2021-03-11Add a complex structure
  000427931 minor
assigned (Jeff Harding)
2021-03-05Clarification on complex typed InstanceDelcarations
  00022574   minor
acknowledged (Randy Armstrong)
2021-03-03Model compiler issue (for ISA-95 information model)
  00036122   minor
assigned (Archie Miller)
2021-03-02TimeAverage Aggregate is using stepped calculation for Historian3 and it shouldn't
  00036112   minor
assigned (Archie Miller)
2021-03-02The Aggregate Number of Transitions has some errors