Viewing Issues 1151 - 1200 / 1339

    PID Target VersionSeverityStatusUpdated Summary
  00052731   text
resolved (Sebastian Friedl)
2020-03-20method for setTare / setZero are missing in Nodeset and Document
  0005519    minor
2020-03-17Link to Mantis Bug Tracker on "Page not found" wrong
  0003669    minor
assigned (Matthias Damm)
2020-02-22Describe sharing of port between applications on a host
  00042041   minor
assigned (Matthias Damm)
2020-02-22Support for Audit message
  0005039    minor
assigned (Matthias Damm)
2020-02-22Handling of chunks for periodic data with fixed layout
  0003657    feature
assigned (Matthias Damm)
2020-02-22Mapping of message header fields to Subscribed DataSet Model
  0005466    minor
2020-02-17On webpage the link to the marketing department email is incorrect.
  0005429    minor
2020-02-05Navigation through the webpages for interop workshop should be improved.
  0005435    1.03.341.394minor2020-02-04Implement Attribute Client Write Base / Err-007
  000540611 minor
2020-01-28Table-description of Enumeration "not technical meaningful"
  00050262   major
assigned (Dennis Brandl)
2020-01-16OPENSCSLabelCollectionDataType - SID Definition unclear
  00049395   minor
assigned (Costantino Pipero)
2020-01-16No error UnsupportedOperation defined
  00049384   text
assigned (Dennis Brandl)
2020-01-16OPENSCSRequestMethodType: Parameter can be null
  00049545   text
assigned (Dennis Brandl)
2020-01-16OPENSCSLabelCollectionType does not transport usable data - OPENSCSLabelEventMethodType, OPENSCSAggregationMethodType
  00051102   major
2020-01-16OPENSCSAggregationMethodType - A call for each aggregation is not performant
  00052281   minor
resolved (Costantino Pipero)
2020-01-16OPENSCSEventManagerObjectType.MaxEvents type mismatch
  00052271   minor
resolved (Costantino Pipero)
2020-01-16OPENSCSAggregationManagerObjectType.MaxAggregationEvents type mismatch
  00053783   feature
2020-01-14Formalize the way to define multiple namespaces
  00052231   minor
resolved (Costantino Pipero)
2019-12-28Add Namespace Metadata Object to NodeSet.
  00049682   text
assigned (Costantino Pipero)
2019-12-23SNFormat String Array
  00051263   major
resolved (Randy Armstrong)
2019-12-03Image missing for figure 3 -
  00053221   minor
resolved (Randy Armstrong)
2019-12-03wierd rendering when a word is preceeded and followed by italicized spaces
  0005268    minor2019-11-23Report statistics (number of tests run/passed/failed/ignored)
  0005257    feature
  00052311   minor
resolved (Randy Armstrong)
2019-11-14Document disagreement -
  0005235    minor
2019-11-13Distinction between partial and total result not explicit
  0005229    minor
assigned (Costantino Pipero)
2019-11-07OPENSCSEventManagerObjectType.LabelsSamplingEvent method missing
  0005226    minor
assigned (Costantino Pipero)
2019-11-07AggregationPackingEvent/AggregationUnpackingEvent do not match the Spec
  0005221    minor
2019-11-07Add a "Security Considerations" section
  00051851   minor2019-10-23Clarification of the behaviour when specifying an invalid filter for CreateMonitoredItems (Chapter 5.12.2)
  0004989    minor
2019-10-21Editorial errors in Opc.Ua.AutoID.NodeSet2.xml
  00049563   major
assigned (Dennis Brandl)
2019-09-19Unclear association of events to packaging run
  00049141   text
confirmed (Dennis Brandl)
2019-09-18Ack message for SN Return and Events is obsolete
  0004961    1.03minor2019-09-13UaDataTypeVerification function needs to be enhanced
  0004683    1.03minor2019-09-13CTT needs to reuse existing sessions
  0004992    tweak
2019-09-05Editorial error in Opc.ISA95.NodeSet2.xml
  00047581   1.04major
assigned (Paul Hunkar)
2019-08-12Need to test a hypothetical CP protocol version change.
  00044122   1.03minor2019-08-09Error when supporting security policy that CTT does not support
  0004941    1.04major2019-08-09Access Profile selection in the CTT during run
  00048861   text
resolved (Costantino Pipero)
2019-08-01SNRequest: Issues with OPENSCSPoolManagerObjectType & OPENSCSRequestMethod
  00048812   text
resolved (Costantino Pipero)
2019-08-01SN Request Unassigned: 'Serial Number Collection ID' is not needed by the requester
  0004819    minor
assigned (William Sobel)
2019-07-12Markdown type information
  0004641    minor
assigned (William Sobel)
2019-07-12Add Part 4.0 and Part 4.1 of MTConnect standard to the companion specification
  0004793    minor2019-06-26CTT sends more chunks than allowed
  00047941   minor
assigned (Paul Hunkar)
2019-06-25Conformance Unit(s) needed for testing Secure Channel
  0004764    1.04minor2019-05-27Add support user connection using certificate for setup (browse dialog)
  0004744 1 major2019-05-01CTT appears to report a failed test as passing
  00029644   minor2019-04-26View Services\View Basic\006.js expects bidirectional hierarchical references
  0004721    minor2019-04-05need to strip down CTT Certificate store for embedded device
  00040082   1.04minor2019-04-05BSI: Develop UnitTests to check for vulnerabilties.