Viewing Issues 1251 - 1300 / 1339

    PID Target VersionSeverityStatusUpdated Summary
  0003168    feature
2016-11-17Time synchronization methods or functionality
  00036001   minor
assigned (Paul Hunkar)
2016-11-10Model class issue
  000356511 major
assigned (Paul Hunkar)
2016-11-10Ambiguous Use of Highly Relevant Keywords
  0003596    trivial
2016-11-10.NET API 3.0.106 Installer Bug
  0003598    trivial
2016-11-10.NET API 3.0.106 Installer Bug
  0003597    trivial
2016-11-10.NET API 3.0.106 Installer Bug
  00034392   minor
feedback (Paul Hunkar)
2016-11-04ISA-95 Documentation Examples
  00035621   tweak
resolved (Paul Hunkar)
2016-11-04Annex A promises an XML NodeSet but only delivers partly.
  00035831   minor
acknowledged (Paul Hunkar)
2016-11-01Add an instance of NamespaceMetadataType for the ISA95 Namespace
  00035161   minor
2016-09-13Installation problem updating from OPC Core Components Redistributable
  00030982   crash
2016-08-03Error: (0x80010111), "OLE received a packet with an invalid header." when custom OPC server call OnDataChange
  0003479 1 block
2016-07-29After work a period time, AE Service automatic does not recevice data from OPC Server
  0003257    minor
assigned (Paul Hunkar)
2016-05-26ISA-95 Class Property Name Conflicts
  000307311 major
assigned (Paul Hunkar)
2016-05-26Missing or Wrong ReferenceTypes
  0003259    major
assigned (Paul Hunkar)
2016-05-26Incorrect References in Opc.ISA95.NodeSet2
  00034111   minor
resolved (user319)
2016-05-04[Ansi C Stack 1.02.337] OpcUa_Endpoint_GetPeerInfoBySecureChannelId is not supported
  00034101   minor
resolved (user319)
2016-05-04[Ansi C Stack 1.02.337] OPCUA_MULTITHREADED=0 has changed
  00034081   minor
resolved (user319)
2016-05-04[Ansi C Stack 1.02.337] The internal function OpcUa_P_OpenSSL_X509_SaveToFile has been removed
  00034071   minor
resolved (user319)
2016-05-04[Ansi C Stack 1.02.337] OpcUa_PKIProvider_SavePrivateKeyToFile is not supported
  00034061   minor
resolved (user319)
2016-05-04[Ansi C Stack 1.02.337] OpcUa_Crypto_GenerateAsymmetricKeypair allocates memory internally
  00034051   minor
resolved (user319)
2016-05-04[Ansi C Stack 1.02.337] OpcUa_Crypto_CreateCertificate function signature has changd
  00034041   minor
resolved (user319)
2016-05-04[Ansi C Stack 1.02.337] OpcUa_CertificateStoreConfiguration type definition has changed
  00034031   minor
resolved (user319)
2016-05-04[Ansi C Stack 1.02.337] OpcUa_Channel_Event has changed
  00034021   minor
resolved (user319)
2016-05-04[Ansi C Stack 1.02.337] OpcUa_Channel_ConnetionStateChanged callback signature has changed
  00034011   minor
resolved (user319)
2016-05-04[Ansi C Stack 1.02.337] OpcUa_Channel_Connect function signature has changd
  00034001   minor
resolved (user319)
2016-05-04[Ansi C Stack 1.02.337] Data type OpcUa_Channel_SecurityToken is not supported
  00033991   minor
resolved (user319)
2016-05-04[Ansi C Stack 1.02.337] OpcUa_Endpoint_Event has changed
  00033981   minor
resolved (user319)
2016-05-04[Ansi C Stack 1.02.337] OpcUa_Endpoint_Callback: callback signature has changd
  00033971   minor
resolved (user319)
2016-05-04[Ansi C Stack 1.02.337] OpcUa_Endpoint_Open function signature has changd
  00033961   minor
resolved (user319)
2016-05-04[Ansi C Stack 1.02.337] OpcUa_EncodeabeTypeTable_AddTypes function signature has changd
  00033951   minor
resolved (user319)
2016-05-04[Ansi C Stack 1.02.337] OpcUa_Guid_Copy is deprecated
  00033931   minor
resolved (user319)
2016-05-04[Ansi C Stack 1.02.337] OpcUa_ProxyStubConfiguration has changed
  00032681   minor
resolved (user319)
2016-05-04AnsiC stack uses SHA1 for explicit trust check
  00032562   minor
resolved (user319)
2016-05-04SequenceNumbers not checked by the Stack
  00033864   minor
assigned (Nathan Pocock)
2016-04-04Installation problem of CoreComponents 3.0.106 on chinese computer
  0003373    major
2016-03-15The installers are not signed for the OPC Clasic Core components, and the PE files insatlled are not signed either.
  0003264 1 minor
2016-01-11Changes on the reconnect method of WcfChannelBase<TChannel> class for a possible memory leak
  0003213    minor
2015-11-06Not all fields for profiles can be set
  0003212    minor
2015-11-06Title field too small
  0003207    minor
assigned (Nathan Pocock)
2015-11-05Edit User does not work
  0003179    major
2015-09-30Bad performance of RemoveItems
  00028781   major
resolved (Nathan Pocock)
2015-06-18.NET client stack - infinite hang in CreateSession
  00029291   minor
assigned (Nathan Pocock)
2015-03-03Hyperlinks to CSV files contains typo
  00016133   major
2015-02-18OPC Core Components installation issue on windows 2008 R2 x64
  0002722    block
2014-02-10Winows service is giving an error as server execution failed when deployed while making the connection with 3rd party OPC server
  0002721    major
2014-02-10Windows service unable to communicate with OPC server when it gets deployed.
  0002709    tweak
2014-01-31Remote connection to OPC Server
  00026382   crash
assigned (Nathan Pocock)
2013-11-11OPC Comliance Test 2.00 crashes when adding items from server to HDA test.
  00024831   feature
2013-10-28.NET Framework 4.5 support
  0002332    minor
2013-01-22DA 3.00 Sample Code (105.1) does not compile; missing Core Components dependencies